How to avoid repairing roofs using a lining carpet


We tell me that it is a lining carpet for the roof and what you need it.

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The season of "crying" roofs

In the spring in construction hypermarkets, there is often an increase in demand for the materials for roofs. After all, at this time, many owners of private houses face the need for their emergency repair. Magnifying snow forms frightened, and in vulnerable places water penetrates the undercase. Problems arise not only on old, but also mounted several years ago, with the use of modern materials, roofing.

"Even if the roofing carpet has excellent waterproofing properties, it is still in the places of roofing joints, in the passage zones of ventilation mines and flue pipes, as well as places of installation of antennas and communication lines Water can leak, - tells the technical specialist of the direction" Roll materials for cottage and Low-rise construction »Tekhnonikol Alexey Vorobiev. - Most often it does not lead to obvious leaks, but to the wetting of the base (plywood or OSP) - always. As a result, the durability of roofing pie is reduced. When melting snow and in a torrential rain with a gusty wind, the pitched roofs become especially vulnerable - it is important to remember this in the design and installation phase. "

In the world, an effective solution that prevents unplanned roof repair and costs, lining carpets. Russia also mastered the production of these materials. Tekhnonikol Corporation publishes a line of lining carpets under Anderep brand. According to the conclusions of independent laboratories, they fully comply with international standards and are in demand not only in our country.

How to avoid repairing roofs using a lining carpet

Photo: Tehtonol

Double protection

Most often, lining carpets are contained in the assortment of flexible tile companies. And this is not an accident. The origin and use of two materials are closely interrelated. Invented them in America. The continent is rich in fields of high-quality bitumen resins that do not dissolve in water and work well with waterproofing functions. The first bitumen roofs did not have the upper protective coating and quickly wear out.

Later on the material began to put the sprinkling of mica, oyster shells, shale granules, etc. A flexible tile was separated into a separate segment. They say, I invented her migrant to the bright tiled roofs from Europe. They began to impregnate pieces of felt, cardboard or tissue bitumen and covering them in painted sprinkling. Due to the insufficiently durable and rigid base, such a material also worn very quickly. But in the complex with a bare bituminous roof, protection was already more reliable.

Today, technologies have left far ahead, and modern flexible tile is little reminded of its distant "ancestor". For some brands of multi-layer tiles, manufacturers give a guarantee of 60 years. But now, very often, the warranty period is highly dependent on the presence / absence of a lining carpet. After all, it is in a pair that these two material are capable of ensuring maximum reliability and durability of the roof.

"The main function of the lining carpet is the same as the main roofing material - the protection against moisture. It forms a solid layer, according to which the water that fell into the underproof space simply flows, "Alexey Vorobiev explains. - The lining carpet must have special properties - elasticity and flexibility, thanks to which it reliably protects even the surface of complex geometry. Another important property of lining carpets is the "self-defining" function. Thanks to the bituminous mixture of punctures, for example, around roofing nails are dragged, and moisture through them will not be leaving. "

How to avoid repairing roofs using a lining carpet

Photo: Tehtonol

What makes lining carpets

The lining carpet, as a rule, consists of three elements: the bases, bitumen mixture and the protective coating.

How to avoid repairing roofs using a lining carpet

Anderep Prof Plus lining carpet. Photo: Tehtonol

How to avoid repairing roofs using a lining carpet

Anderep GL Plus lining carpet. Photo: Tehtonol

A glass cholester, polyester or specialized polypropylene films can be used as the basis. The bitumen mixture may also differ in its composition. In its pure form, bitumen has low heat resistance and when heated to 45 ° C - 50 ° C simply flows into the sun. Therefore, bitumens are used for lining carpets with special modifiers, the selection of the material is largely dependent. From above, the bitumen mixture is covered with a protective layer. When using certain types of coating, the lining carpet may well perform the function of the temporary roof.

"A large selection of lining carpets is presented on the market. Often the main criterion for the choice for the consumer becomes the price, because it is not easy to figure out what they are not so simple - Alexey Vorobiev comments. - In fact, depending on the raw material components, the material of the base, the composition of the bitumen mixture and the method of its application, the type of protective coating properties can vary greatly. "

Is it possible to do without a lining carpet

In Russia, lining carpets appeared not so long ago, and often on construction forums, users are discussing the question: can we do without them. Moreover, quite a few professionals do not use lining carpets when installed. The main argument of those who prefer to save on this component of roofing pie, sounds like this: Lining carpet is just an additional substrate, without which you can do using high-quality material. In fact, far from vain manufacturers often reduce the warranty period on the roof without a lining carpet. On the roofs with a small angle of inclination and in places of complex adjoits, it is absolutely necessary. And it is not only about roofing from flexible tile - a competently selected lining carpet can extend the durability of almost any pitched roof.

How to avoid repairing roofs using a lining carpet

Photo: Tehtonol

"The optimal selection of a lining carpet makes the solution of a particular construction problem as economically appropriate as possible. Even on one object for the main part of the roof and for parapet, for example, you can use different types of carpets. It is also important to take into account whether it is planned to use a lining carpet as a temporary roof during interruptions in operation. In general, the cost of covering the roof of a lining carpet will be several tens of thousands of rubles. But at the same time, even if the contractors allow certain flaws when installing roofing carpet, the probability of unplanned repairs decreases many times, "Aleksey Vorobiev summarizes.

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