8 Main Bugs Novice, Introduced Repair


The first repair is rarely completely successful. But you can learn how to minimize possible losses. Examine all the risks and proceed to the alteration.

8 Main Bugs Novice, Introduced Repair 10612_1

1 Forget about the measurement plan

Without a measurement plan, it is impossible to calculate the desired amount of materials, think over the ergonomics of the interior, to properly place the furniture ... In a word, it should be repaired from the measurement plan. Better, if you make it up with a specialist or contact for help at least according to the topics: on the design of ventilation, air conditioning or warm floor.


Photo: instagram s.ig.tsoy

  • Do not repeat: 7 Newbies errors who will destroy your repair

2 Do not calculate the estimate

You should not only calculate the estimate, but also to sign it together with the foreman of the construction brigade. It will be your guarantee that prices for its services will not rise.

Estimated example

Example of estimates: REMPLANNER.RU. All calculations random

3 Do not make an electrician plan to start repair

Electrical wiring is better to leave hidden - for this, the walls make holes in the perforator and after they are applied to finishing. Therefore, it is important to consider where the sockets and switches will be located to make aesthetic hidden wiring and do not spoil the beautiful interior extension cords.

Electrician plan photo

Photo: Instagram Kopeikina_Com

  • 5 options for quickly update walls for those who do not want to plant dirty renovation

4 Do not think over the location of furniture and technology.

By the way, this item directly depends on the plan of electricians. In order not to look for the sockets behind the cabinets and chests and hang the TV where I want (and not where there is a socket), at the same time, the electrician needs to be thought out and the placement of furniture and technology. Even better if you use some simple simulation program and make a layout.

Furniture location Photo

Photo: Instagram Designer_yana_Volkova

5 Buy little materials

Few people think about it, but the materials should always be bought with a margin. Especially, tile, wallpaper, laminate - the collections you have chosen can be removed from sale, stop shipping (if it is foreign brands), and you will have to replace them with analogs. It will definitely not go to the benefit of the aesthetics of the interior, because identical materials find exactly will not work. Conclusion - always buy by 10-15% more of the desired volume. By the way, in some construction hypermarkets it is available to return the goods within a certain time - your budget will not suffer.

Little materials photo

Photo: Instagram Cartelledesign

6 Neglect design project

Of course, you can make quite a decent and pretty repair without a designer, but only if the interior topics are close to you, you really read a lot on this topic, see professional projects, find interesting chips for yourself and know how to repeat them. And at least approximately understand the electrician, plumbing, choosing furniture, building materials.

Design project photo

Photo: Instagram Scandinavian.Interior

If you are a complete amateur, but you want to live in a beautiful and convenient setting, it is better to highlight the budget on the designer. After all, the design project is made not only for the beauty of the interior, but also for the comfort of the customer, in accordance with its habits and lifestyle.

7 Choose an unreliable brigade

Perhaps the selection of the brigade is one of the most responsible solutions in repair. Choosing builders, ask them these questions - so it will be easier for you to make a final decision. Be sure to sign a cooperation agreement and never work on a complete prepayment.

Bathroom repair

Photo: Instagram Emi.Home

8 underestimate your budget

Repair is better to start if you already have the right amount. If not, you risk living in constant repairs and move to an unfounded apartment. Determine what work you can define exactly, based on your budget. Think what could be done with your own hands - it will help to save. And do not be afraid to repair. After all, the one who does nothing.

Bathroom design

Photo: Instagram Cartelledesign

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