7 ways to make the house better and cleaner with the help of conventional soda


Packaging soda is in every home. This cheap powder is usually used for baking, but it can be applied differently in different ways and during cleaning. We share your favorite ideas.

7 ways to make the house better and cleaner with the help of conventional soda 10652_1

1 Clean kitchen appliances

The soda copes well with those who have fallen pollution, so it can be used to clean the microwave furnaces, dishwashers and other techniques.


Photo: Unsplash.

For cleaning from dirt and fat, connect 1 part of soda with 1 part of vinegar and 3 parts of water. Mix the towel with a solution and walk through dirty surfaces. Leave for 15 minutes, and then wipe with a clean damp cloth.

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2 Remove unpleasant odors

Soda is known as one of the best absorbers of unpleasant odors. Most often, this problem is relevant for the refrigerator, so you can simply leave the tank with soda inside. Here is such a "woman" that does not tolerate bad smells, it will be fine for this. Inside it is necessary to pour powder, put in the refrigerator - and there will be no unpleasant flavors in it for about a month. The thing is for sale on Aliexpress and is quite inexpensive.

Deodorator for refrigerator

Photo: Aliexpress

With the help of soda, you can also deodorize the washing machine. To do this, pour into a powder separation aqueous solution of soda and launch washing at the highest temperature.

A similar operation can be checked with plastic containers that have become unpleasant to smell. Soak them in a hot solution with soda for 30 minutes, and then wash the usual means. There will be no trace from the vony.

Plastic container

Photo: Unsplash.

  • Than to wash the refrigerator from smell: instruction that will accurately help

3 Clean carpets and upholstery furniture

We love Vintage, but do not love how it smells, especially when it comes to old carpets or upholstery. Conduct the problem will help the same soda. First spend the surface, and then pour soda from above. Leave it for 15 minutes so that it absorbs an unpleasant smell, and then just remove the vacuum cleaner.


Photo: Unsplash.

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4 Polish Table Silver

Ship metal or glass tank (tray or pan) foil. Pour a glass of steep boiling water there, add a tablespoon of soda and a tablespoon of sea salt. Then slowly pour the chamber of the table vinegar (the reaction will begin, but it is not worth worrying). Lower the devices into this solution on half a minute, and then remove using forceps. They will look like new!


Photo: Unsplash.

5 Remove the blockage

If the pipe clogged, put it off inside 100 g of soda, and then pour 200 ml of 9 percent vinegar. After pouring the whole teapot boiling water into the draining. Such a slaughter mixture will accurately clean the blockage. But here to use the sink over the next 30 minutes after the operation is not worth it.


Photo: Unsplash.

6 Remove scale

So that in the washing machine did not form scale, with each wash it is better to add a tablespoon of soda to a powder.


Photo: Whirlpool.

If the problem has already arisen, the self-made means of soda and citric acid (in powder) will help. A small amount of soda needs to be mixed with 30 grams of acid, fall asleep in the powder compartment and run washing without lingerie at the highest temperature. Also, using soda, you can clean the scale on the surface of the iron.

For enameled drums, this method is not suitable.

7 Clean the plumbing


Photo: Depositphotos / Fotodom.ru

A mixture of coarse soap, a small amount of soda and warm water will help to cope with pollution on smooth surfaces - plumbing, plastic, furniture or tiles. Apply a solution on pollution and leave for 10-15 minutes, and then remove the hard sponge. The method is absolutely harmless and safe!

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