How to install wooden slopes: Instructions for 2 mounting methods


We tell in detail what wooden slopes are, how to properly prepare for their installation and describe two methods of installation.

How to install wooden slopes: Instructions for 2 mounting methods 11027_1

How to install wooden slopes: Instructions for 2 mounting methods

Installation of the window is always accompanied by a complete or partial finish of slopes. Regardless of the glazing material, the slope can be made by panels made of natural wood. We will analyze how to secure wooden slopes on the windows.

All about installing wooden slopes

Varieties of finishes

Preparation for installation work

Installation instructions

- on construction foam

- on the frame

Varieties of finishing elements

Sleeps call the side parts of the window opening, outdoor or internal. They cover non-distefting mounting seams that remain after installation of windows. In addition, they protect the design from the freezing, and the room is from wind and drafts. If the frames and window sills are wooden, usually choose a material similar to that from which are made. This is explained by the fact that the drawing and natural color of wood of different rocks may differ. Details from the tree of different species look ugly.

But if you choose the elements from one breed, it does not work, take one variety of varnish. The shade, of course, will be different, but not much. Separate the opening can be boards from a solid array. True, it is difficult to work with them, and such a cladding is quite expensive. A good alternative - a panel of glued board. Outwardly, it does not differ from the massif, but cheaper and easier to work. You can choose a set option. In this case, as a cladding put the lining. Suitable any of her model.

It is important not only to choose wood in color, but also to take into account its operational characteristics. Consider suitable options.

Suitable trees

  • Pine or spruce. It is easy to work with them. Under the condition of competent and regular processing, it is well opposed to the differences in temperature, humidity and UV radiation. Pine and fir put on the inner, and on the outdoor slope.
  • Larch. This is coniferous wood, it is distinguished by increased resistance to atmospheric phenomena and moisture, long service life. Mold and fungi appear on larch less often than on other rocks. Apply for finishing outside and inside.
  • Oak. Beautiful and durable material, poorly carrying ultraviolet and all atmospheric phenomena. In such conditions, it over time is covered by cracks. Therefore, it is installed only inside.

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How to install wooden slopes: Instructions for 2 mounting methods 11027_4

How to install wooden slopes: Instructions for 2 mounting methods 11027_5

How to install wooden slopes: Instructions for 2 mounting methods 11027_6

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How to prepare for installation work

It is impossible to separate the window design immediately after installation. You need to give time a foam, with which the installation was passed, completely polymerized. It takes about two weeks. This is the maximum term, the minimum one. It is not worth tightening with the finish, since the foam without protection is destroyed. For work, you will need the simplest tools: a screwdriver, drill with drills for the diameter of the fastening holes, a perforator, measuring devices and any suitable tool for dipping.

For fixing parts, the mounting foam is prepared or liquid nails, a galvanized profile or a tree rail and self-tapping screw. If the base is solid, you will also need a dowel. Before finishing, check the accuracy of mounting the window block. If there are inconsistencies with construction standards, it is not possible to put the slopes. It is recommended to check several important points.

Checking the installation of the window

  • Check the horizontal and vertical window block. Do it with the help of a level or a plumb. The last "will show" the vertical only. It is advisable to choose a high-quality measuring instrument. Cheap models can be defective, from which their accuracy suffers.
  • Measure the distance from the frame to the wall of the wall. Perform several measurements around the perimeter of the structure. Well, if the discrepancies in values ​​do not exceed 5 mm. Such drops are visually invisible. If they are more, the curvature will be clearly visible. Moreover, the item is already, the noticeable skew.
  • Measure the diagonals and all sides of the frame. The sides lying opposite each other should be strictly the same, the diagonal should also be equal among themselves.

It is advisable to carefully examine and frame, especially if it is recently installed. The profile of wood or PFC should be high quality. This indicates a flat surface with uniform painting. Erosion, inhomogeneous color, bloating - marriage records or non-compliance with production technology. Unwanted chips, dents, scratched or cracked areas of the profile. Their appearance is the result of non-accurate installation or transportation. In some cases, if there are a large number of defects, it is easier to replace or reinstall the system.

The newly installed unit must be prepared for finishing. Start with the removal of repellent fragments of the mounting foam. They are neatly cut off with a sharp tool flush. Elastic, not yet fully polymerized material can be gently in the seam, since it will not work with high quality. The plane of the opening is purified, align, small defects close up with a repair mixture. The protective film from the plastic profile is removed, although you can do it later.

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How to install wooden slopes: Instructions for 2 mounting methods 11027_9
How to install wooden slopes: Instructions for 2 mounting methods 11027_10

How to install wooden slopes: Instructions for 2 mounting methods 11027_11

How to install wooden slopes: Instructions for 2 mounting methods 11027_12

How to install wooden slopes: Instructions for 2 mounting methods 11027_13

A somewhat different is preparing for the installation of cladding during repair work. So, if there is a replacement of internal wooden slopes on the windows, start with dismantling old parts. They are completely removed and cleaned the liberated base. Inspect the seams between the opening and the frame. Gently close in them all detected holes or folding areas. The planes of the openings, if necessary, align, close defects in them.

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How to make slopes on wooden and plastic windows

There are several ways to install parts. We will analyze two of them in detail.

1. on construction foam

Technology is suitable for plastic and for wooden window systems. The material for filling out voids and at the same time the adhesive composition is a construction foam.

Instructions for work

  1. Panels need to be adjusted under the opening. To do this, they are trimmed precisely in the size of the base. It is especially careful to measure and cut corners.
  2. Cropped boards put in place, fix in corners with self-draws. Panels with one edge are placed in frame grooves. After that, free space is fought. Do it, taking into account the fact that the material in the process of polymerization will increase by three times.
  3. Leave until complete drying. If necessary, set the struts so that the panels do not shift.

If insulation is required, select special sandwich panels with insulation. But you can do otherwise. The heat insulator is fixed on the tree. Usually it is Minvat. It is accurately customized by the size of the elements. Top on the insulation laid polyethylene and fasten it with a scotch. Panels bond with each other. The system assembled in this way is installed in frame grooves, they are stupid.

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How to install wooden slopes: Instructions for 2 mounting methods 11027_16

How to install wooden slopes: Instructions for 2 mounting methods 11027_17

How to install wooden slopes: Instructions for 2 mounting methods 11027_18

2. On the frame

This method is used to finish uneven openings. Universal way of cladding, applied outside the building and inside it. The frame makes it possible for additional thermal insulation of the slope.

Frame mounting sequence

  1. Put a framework. For its assembly, metal products or brus are used. Elements are installed strictly in the same plane. It is easy to control using a construction level.
  2. The free space between the base and rail is laid by insulation. Choose penplex, expanded polystyrene or similar materials.
  3. Finishing panels are fixed on the frame. This can be done in different ways: to put them on liquid nails or secure self-drawers. In the latter case, the fasteners are combined into the part. The resulting excavations are covered with decorative plugs.
  4. The free space between the panel and the basis is fought. The compacted area is covered with painting scotch. The material is given to open. It takes about 12 hours.
  5. Remove the remains of surplus hard foam from an open mounting seam. Close it with a decorative corner.

If, when installing wooden slopes on wooden windows, the wall pane has been chosen as finishes, it is fixed to the frame. All work is carried out similarly to the second method. The difference is only in the method of fixing the elements. They are fixed on kleimers (these are special fasteners for the lining) or, in their absence, on the self-tapping screw.

How to install wooden slopes: Instructions for 2 mounting methods 11027_19

Before work, all unprocessed wooden elements should be soaked with antiseptic and water-pumping solutions. Otherwise, the material will quickly deteriorate. You can do it with your own hands, just the composition must be selected with the operating conditions.

After installing the slopes require regular care. When washing, glass or accessories cannot be allowed to be allowed to be severely wet. It is possible only a light wet cleaning with a mandatory removal of excess moisture. The protective panel coverage must be updated regularly. It is not less than once again in 2-3 years. Then the tree will not lose an attractive look and will last long.

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