Mom's room: 7 smart designer techniques that will simplify life with a child


Subtleties of repair, tips on the choice of comfortable and stylish furniture, as well as functional storage systems - we collected 7 working techniques that will come in handy for the design of the mother and baby.

Mom's room: 7 smart designer techniques that will simplify life with a child 11131_1

1 Repair features

Most often, the repair is not the first need if the update has been several years ago. But to create a pleasant interior and warm atmosphere, it is sometimes worth making a small cosmetic repair, at least for practicality considerations: paint the walls of washing paint on an environmentally friendly basis, refresh the ceiling coating (by the way, Chinese materials for stretch ceilings are hazardous to health, with the advent of the child will have to think about it). In addition, it is worth eliminating all sources of drafts.

Room with baby photo

Design: Daria Ylannikova

2 comfortable bed

The concept of the right bed for each mom individually. Of the mandatory characteristics - the quality of the material. We recommend to see the models from the wood array (they are environmentally friendly and safe).

For practical considerations, you can look at the transformer bed, popular today. There are even models 6 in 1 (the cradle for a newborn, a changing table, a bed, a playpen, a sofa and two chairs). The price of models range from 20 to 25 thousand rubles, which is generally acceptable for such a number of functional - the bed "grows" with the child.

Children's room

Design: Design Filosofia

Adjustable or removable side - useful for mothers who want to practice joint sleep and do not get up for night feedings. It is convenient to take a child from the attached bed and calm down, feed, and then shifting again in the crib when he falls asleep.

If the bed wall is lowered, check out noiselessness. Then, even the most quiet rustle seems to you cry, able to wake up your favorite child.

The wheels are also a useful bonus. The mobility of the bed will allow her to move it from place to place, even with a sleeping baby, and her mother - to be a little more freer in the movement around the apartment.

The pendulum is a mechanism that will allow rocking the bed. Most often, the importance of such a funny mother understands the advent of the child, but it will not be foreseen.

Storage systems built into the crib is a convenient option, but only if they are in fast access. If this boxes are below the floor, it will be inconvenient to bend every time to get a diaper or napkins. For such things it is worth providing other places - about them in the next paragraph.

Cot with storage boxes


  • 6 cute mobiles for children, which can be made with your own hands

3 Chest of Dresser and Table for Peeling

We intentionally united the chest of drawers and a table, as often a pinned place is a liner and put on the surface of the chest. If the space allows, you can put both, but the more, but it is better to quickly get a new clothes or a diaper from the chest.

Dresser and a table for swaddling in children's


To save space, you can consider the wall-mounted changing table, which will be folded, or buy a changing litter and put the child on any free surface.

Safety liner Photo


4 textiles

First of all, environmental friendliness of textiles is important in the Mom's room. These are lightweight curtains from natural materials, bed linen - by the way, this season in trend is just sets from the styled flax.

The quality of textiles matters for a child's bed. From a pleasant and useful decor - sides. In the first months of life, they perform a decorative role, but then they will be able to protect the kid from strikes about a solid tree. Soft spilling, which is so nice to cover the child, also does not hurt.

Bottles in Cycle Cycle Photo

Photo: Ellipse Furniture

5 Attached storage systems

Hinged organizers and shelves-shelves for storage are useful options for mom's room, especially in a crib and changing table. Stack of diapers, wet wipes, other useful trifles should be at hand.

Organizer in bed photo

Photo: Ellipse Furniture

Some manufacturers offer attached organizers directly on the baby's bed.

6 Lighting

The lighting also has to make its requirements. It is not necessary to change the entire electrician in the room where young parents with a child will sleep, but to buy a night light with a soft dim lighting is very important. His light will not wake up one parent, when the second will change the diaper at night.

Baby and Mom's nightlight


Today you can find lamps with lulling locked players - may be a useful bonus.

7 Baskets and Organizers

For storage of small things, toys, rattles, diapers or towels, baskets and organizers are a very convenient and stylish solution. Wicker and jute baskets are already several seasons at the peak of popularity, they still remain in the trends of spring 2018 and probably the demand for these accessories will not fall. Bursted baskets and bags - they will be accurately useful.

Baskets and Organizers in Mom's Room with Child

Design: PINT Size Interiors

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