14 unusual and stylish bird feeders


Designer feeders with treats will help not only improve the diet of the wintering feathers, but also become an original decoration of the exterior. Arrange the "bird's dining room" on your city balcony or summer cottage!

14 unusual and stylish bird feeders 11196_1

1 feeder VH-6

This feeder resembles an architectural structure.


VH-6 feeder (from 10 thousand rubles). Photo: Opossum Design

2 Suspension Glass Container

An unusual glass feeder is suitable for minimalistic modern design lovers.

Suspended container

Suspended glass container for felting small feathers (3255 rubles). Photo: Eva Solo

3 Wooden trough

Variation on the theme of a classic house for birds.


Wooden model (1200 rub.). Photo: Dawanda.

4 trough-house

Another house, this time in the style of Bauhauses.


Feeding-house in the style of Bauhauses (from 3700 rubles). Photo: Julia Jacob Designs

5 product Birdy

Such a trough of the streamlined form will appropriate to look at the balcony of the apartment in a modern style, Eco or in the style of minimalism.

Product Birdy.

Product Birdy (from 1400 rubles.). Photo: Designist.

6 VHT-4W model

This feeder offers birds food, drinks and water procedures.


Model VHT-4W (13 thousand rubles). Photo: Opossum Design

7 Suspended Bird Feeding

In design, you can see the hint of the modern social networks. Excellent solution for those who spend a lot of time on the Internet.

Suspension trough for birds

Suspension trough for birds (from 6500 rubles). Photo: Getting Personal

8 model PI: P

This feeder is made of food plastic. Eco-solution.


Model PI: P (2 thousand rubles). Photo: koziol

9 Cut Swing Time

The model in the form of swing immediately reminds of childhood.


"Swing" with feed Swing Time (from 700 rubles). Photo: Yellow Octopus

10 bird facials Bird table

This bright feeder holds on the steel hook.

Bird feeders

Bird Table bird feeder (from 6 thousand rubles). Photo: Magis.

11 glass feeder

This glass model is designed to fasten the window outside.


Glass feeder (3990 rubles.). Photo: Eva Solo

12 trough-table on pin

An option for those who want to arrange the birds real feast.


Cut-table on the pin (12 thousand rubles). Photo: Eva Solo

13 house VH-2

Another house for birds. The model is made of aluminum.


Lodge VH-2 (from 8500 rubles). Photo: Opossum Design

14 dish for feed

Finally, a simple and charming option.


Dish for feed (1250 rub.). Photo: "Urbanika"

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