How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an "air" effect


Massive testers and poles do not correspond to interior trends. Modern materials and engineering solutions allow you to make stair marches durable and at the same time visually light.

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an

1. Console steps

There are no "unnecessary" parts of this type of compact stairs - only steps, and attached to the support (wall, post, column) only one end, while the second seems to be based on the air. Such designs are complex in the manufacture, and in some cases the project implementation of the stairs should begin at the wall laying stage: steps from durable material, for example, reinforced concrete, partially mixed into the masonry, enhanced by reinforcement grid or rods. Other options are an anchoring of steel brackets or manufacture of welded frame; These ways are even more hardships, but are implemented in the already posted house.

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an
How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an
How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an
How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an

Photo: Ediko.

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an

Photo: Ediko.

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an


How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an


2. Steel Kosoury

Traditional material for cososov (beams of stairs) is a wide glue wood board. If we replace the tree with the metal, you can change the shape of this part (perform it in the form of a broken line) and significantly reduce the cross section. As a result, the staircase will turn out much more elegant without compromising strength.

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an
How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an
How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an

Photo: Alfa Design

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an

Photo: Alfa Design

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an

Photo: Alfa Design

3. Central Kosource

Today it is an extremely popular type of stair beam. Such Kosur consists of parts of the Z-shaped form and can be both welded and national. The prefabricated stairs of this type can arbitrarily change the direction of the march and adjust its height, connecting additional modules. Central Kosouris is required to stop the pillar and / or further enhance the design, for example, with tightest hospitals.

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an
How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an
How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an

Photo: MobiroLo.

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an

Photo: MobiroLo.

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an

Photo: MobiroLo.

4. Hosts

Thunderstand the fastening elements connecting the steps with each other into a single power construction. They allow you to give stairness to stairs on consoles, post and central supporting beam. The Boltz consists of a bolt, spacer sleeve and nuts. Often, in the form of voyages, the lower part of the fence racks are performed.

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an
How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an
How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an

Photo: Albini Fontank

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an

Photo: Albini Fontank

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an

Photo: Albini Fontank

5. Glass steps

They are manufactured from multi-layered tempered glass with a total thickness of at least 16 mm. Glass steps are extremely effectively, but anti-slip properties are deprived of anti-slip properties and extremely roads (almost an order of wooden). You can order such structures only in firms with many years of experience in their production and assembly.



6. Spiral and screw marches

Twisted stairs It occupy a lot less area than traditional direct, but that the movement on them was convenient, the height of the oppon is not to exceed 17 cm, and the width of the sticking in its wide part is obliged to be at least 24 cm.

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an
How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an
How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an

Photo: Our staircase

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an

Photo: Our staircase

How to make a staircase easy: 9 structural solutions to create an

Photo: Alta Design

7. Transparent fence

It is performed from flat or molded (radial) sheets of multilayer glass. Such screens, if they correctly mounted, are highly safe and perfectly suitable for the house where there are small children. In addition, they are capable of performing the function of the hospitals and give the stiffness of the march. Disadvantages of glass screens are a high price and the need for regular care.



8. String fencing

The railing from steel racks and strings is no less elegant than glass, but it is much cheaper. To respected safety standards, the lower horizontal cable should be located no more than 150 mm on the level level; The optimal distance between the racks is also 150 mm.


Photo: Albini Fontank

9. Openwork forged railing

Such a fence though it has a significant mass, it looks almost weighty and at the same time it is capable of visual ease even a monolithic concrete march. Patinated metal is perfectly combined with wood and natural stone, as well as stained glass.


Photo: CM Square

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