How to create a nursery that will grow with the child


The needs of children are changing rapidly, so ideally you need to update the design and repair of children every 3-4 years. If you want a children's room to be relevant throughout a longer period, follow these rules.

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Think up the zoning of the room - the most important thing when creating a nursery. At any age, the child will need a place to sleep, the game area and a place to study. Consider each zone separately.

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Zone for sleep

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Photo: Flatplan.

If you are making a nursery for a newborn baby, then choose a bed for many years it will not work - children's psychologists do not recommend parents to buy a sleeping place to grow out, besides, it is unsafe. In this case, you should stop your choice on the bed-cradle, and then change it, albeit on a small one, but already a full-fledged bed.

At the same time, many parents during the first months after the birth of a child put him to sleep in the detached beds. But if your child has already grown a little, the transformer bed will become an excellent functional solution. First, in addition to direct destination, it is also a changing table and a chest of storage, and secondly, in the future it can be disassembled into separate parts (bed, table and system of boxes).

Zone for games

strong>and creativity

For the child, the place where he can play is very important. Most often, the center of the room becomes such a place. On the floor it is recommended to put a soft carpet that can be playing: roads depicted on it, houses or cartoon characters will develop the child's imagination. Also useful will be the use of massage orthopedic mats.

If you do not want to place a zone for games in the center, it can be placed in any of the walls, having highlighting it with color or wooden partition.

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Photo: Flatplan.

Special tents or suspended cavities are greatly successful - a separate little world will be useful for both a small child and a teenager who appreciates a personal space.

Do not forget to leave a place under the basket or boxes for storing numerous toys - it is better to teach a child to order from early childhood. After the time, it will be possible to place puffs and chairs in the toy place in order to ensure that the teenager could collect friends in a cozy atmosphere.

If the size of the rooms allow, then the creation of a children's sports corner will be an excellent solution. In the future, at this place will be able to organize space for yoga or exercises with suspended pear. The most successful corner fits into the Scandinavian or in a minimalist interior. However, with a good budget, you can choose a corner to almost any style, otherwise you can repaint it yourself under your stylistic and color concept.

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Photo: Flatplan.

Work zone

In addition to sleep and games, there is an study in every child's life. And if for pre-school children you don't need much place for this (here you can remember the table that turned out of the bed transformer), then for schoolchildren of any age, a large table and a comfortable chair is a necessity. You can choose writing tables of classic forms or to give preference to desks, which change the tilt and height under the growth of the child. You can hang the training posters on the wall - it can be cards, informational plates or pictures with animals. Use magnetic or cork boards - a child at any age need a place for drawing, notes or demonstrating their own creativity.

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Photo: Flatplan.

The most successful location of the classroom is the space by the window - a sufficient amount of natural color will beneficially affect the child's eye health. It is important to think about both artificial scripts. Most often, parents stop on the same luminaire in the middle of the ceiling. But with age, the child will surely want to create an area for reading with a flyer or night light near the bed. The flooring should be chosen on the height-adjustable leg, and the night light in the form of a cheerful little animal, helping the child to fall asleep, with time to replace the modern lamp. At this stage, it is also necessary to provide for a sufficient number of outlets for a table lamp, a computer and other electrical appliances.

By the way about sockets - do not forget about safety rules and install special plugs on them.

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Photo: Flatplan.


When choosing furniture in the nursery, no matter what you buy, bed, table, or wardrobe, it is worth staying on furniture neutral and simple forms. Cartoon silhouettes Though look unusual and attractive, they can quickly bored the child, and even more so such furniture will be completely inappropriate in the teenager's room. Give preference to natural materials and more expensive series - such furniture will last you longer.

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Photo: Flatplan.

Color spectrum

An important is the choice of color scheme for children. With the age of sympathy of children, a certain color varies very quickly. So, if from 5 to 10 years, children prefer bright colors, then closer to adolescent age they like more neutral or dark shades. Therefore, choosing the colors of the finishes, it is worth stopping your choice on pastel colors, without limiting the cliché "Blue - for boys, pink - for girls." Such a decision will allow bright accents that will change the mood of the whole room.

You can hang bright curtains, put an unusual basket for storing toys, decorate the room with a spectacular decor - all this can be easily replaced with similar things, adjusting the setting for the mood of the child.

At the same time, avoid too cleaning finishes, which is difficult to replace - ornamental wallpapers, large panels and stickers in a few years may lose their attractive appearance and relevance. Therefore, if you want to give a variety of a nursery, you can create an accent wall with one contrasting color and maintain it with a decor of the same shade. The original solution will be the wall with the effect of a chalk board - this will satisfy the desire of the child to draw on the walls in the younger age, and the older children will be able to use it for homework.

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Photo: Flatplan.

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The editors thanks the FlatPlan service for help in preparing the material.

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