View from below: how to make the plinth with a spectacular decor object


Usually, when decorating an apartment, the plinth is paid not so much attention - and completely in vain. With a competent approach, it can become a bright accent and even visually adjust the space.

View from below: how to make the plinth with a spectacular decor object 11312_1

1 Accent plinth

If you chose calm colors as a background, then the bright plinth can become just that an emphasis that is so lacking the interior. Especially successfully, if it is echoing with the color of individual details: textiles or accessories.


Photo: Fatik Parketta

2 Contrast plinth

Look at the interior in the photo: almost the entire room is decorated in the muted blue-blue shades - it seems to be bright thanks to the yellow color of the plinth and the doorway. This is how the principle of contrast works, which you can safely apply to make an apartment memorable.


Photo: Little Greene

3 plinth in the tone of the walls

Reverse reception - paint the walls and plinth in one color, for example, the gray-lilac. Thanks to this reception, the room visually looks more.


Design: Sims Hilditch

4 Pastel Tint Plinth

In the trend - Nude and Pastel, is it not a reason to abandon the standard white plinth? Mixed different pastel colors on the walls and in the design of the plinth - and get a gentle, but not a shift interior.


Photo: Länna Möbler

5 plinth and walls of close shades

Choose the shades of the same color, and the illusion will create that the plinth is part of the wall. This technique can be used to visually correct the room: horizontal strips on the walls have the property to expand space. In this case, you need to paint the ceiling cornice in the color of the plinth and add strips on the wall.


Photo: Little Greene

6 Dark plinth

The blocking of the dark color is especially appropriate in a long narrow corridor: its clear line will automatically direct the eye to the far end of the space. For a visual increase in the room, it is better to make light.


Design: Sigmar London

7 Plinth in the color of frames and eaves

Paint the plinth, window frames and ceiling karnisy in one color - and you will achieve the effect of a well-structured space. The reception is so bright that it remains to add only a couple of decorative elements - and your interior is ready.


Design: Alexis Bednyak

  • What is the plinth of the hidden edge and how to use it in the interior design

8 Two-color plinth

The original move is to paint the plinth into two colors. It will especially be good in the case of wide panels.


Photo: Little Greene

9 Double plinth

You can go further - and set two plinths of different colors. This version of the decor will definitely not remain unnoticed.


Photo: Designerpaint

10 Plinth with drawings or ornament

One-color and even two-color solution is far from the limit of fantasy. You are free to decorate the plinth as you want: add separate drawings or ornament - geometric, floral, any other. Stickers will also quite fit!


Photo: Earthborn Paints

11 Decorations for Plinth

Selection of perfectionists - decorations for plinths, such as unusual corners. In the end, if the walls deserve decorations, then the plinth is worse?


Photo: Gainsborough Flooring

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