Care for sauna: 9 important rules


In many country houses, there are no baths and saunas for a long time. We share advice to care for these rooms so that they serve as much as possible.

Care for sauna: 9 important rules 11315_1

Sauna: Always like new

Glass doors are beautiful, and they are easy to wash, but they are polluted faster than wooden. Photo: 95 °

Most homeowners have long acquired baths and saunas and intensively exploit these premises. How to keep the finish in the extremely wet and hot climate of the steam room, avoid the appearance of unpleasant odors and mold, conduct a revision of fire hazardous knots and structures?

  • After each session, it is necessary to lift wooden lads, shoot the screens of the regiments and wipe the floor all over the room.
  • After each session, it is advisable to wash the shelves with a rigid brush (sponge, washboard on the handle), moistened in boiling water.
  • At the end of the cleaning, it follows at least three hours to air the room, and even better - to leave the door and ventilation valves overnight open. Floor ladders should be dried in a vertical position, leaning against shelves or walls.

Sauna: Always like new

One of the reasons for aging finishes is moisturizing as a result of steam condensation. Therefore, it is necessary to wait until the walls are warm (and not just air), and only then start steaming. Photo: Harvia.

  • After about every 10 sessions, it is necessary to wash the stones and remove the stone crumb from the Kamenka stove. Stones first purify with a rigid sponge with a detergent for plates, and then rinsed in clean water.
  • One, and better twice a year the walls need to be covered with a special varnish for the sauna, and the shelves are soaked with oil. Before this, the contaminated surfaces are cleaned with a well-ended cycle and grind the skin (P100 or P120). Deep fungal lesions can be moistened with a chlorine disinfector, but after that a sharp smell of chlorine will continue in the room.

Sauna: Always like new

To check the ventilation channel, you just need to remove (completely unscrew) the valve cover, photo: Ecosaun

  • It is necessary to periodically check the performance of the ventilation valves and channels: dust, dirt and a web may noticeably reduce the length of the exhaust.
  • If the woodkeeper is wood, then at least once a year it is necessary to clean the chimney, otherwise there is a risk of sage fire in the pipe. And of course, you can not forget every in 2-3 fireboxes to straight ash from the ash drawer, otherwise the firewood will simply not flare up. At the electrocamenkoy, according to the instructions, it is necessary to occasionally tighten the clamps of the terminals - manufacturers recommend inviting a specialist for this.

Sauna: Always like new

With regular overheating, the tree gradually changes the color and starts charring. At a certain stage, it can self-turn at a temperature of 200-250 ° C

  • Wooden parts located near a bath furnace and chimney, follow once or twice a year to change the color and structure. It is extremely desirable to disassemble the flue of the chimney, remove metal screens and other elements interfering with revisions. Brought tint, cracking and loose top layer of wood signals the danger of its self-burning.

Sauna: Always like new

The electric oven is safer than wood, but it also requires attention, since the temperature of the Tan reaches 400 ° C. Photo: Iki.

  • If the drain floor is made in the sauna, it is required to clean from leaves and other pollution trays and ladders. To avoid penetration of smells from sewerage during breaks in the use of sauna, it is advisable to install a ladder with a dry shutter.

Sauna: Always like new

Stones wash every 2-4 months, and after 3-4 years of use, it is better to replace them with new ones. Photo: "Bankov"

Sauna: Always like new

Colorless coatings are used in the sauna, since most of the toning compositions, when heated, it distinguishes harmful substances. Photo: Tikkurila.

Sauna: Always like new

Photo: Tikkurila.

Sauna: Always like new

If you like the wood of saturated colors, you should immediately purchase cedar lining. Photo: "Bankov"

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