Instead of cabinets: 7 stylish kitchens with open shelves


Open shelves - a great reception in the design of cuisines capable of making space easier and functional. We collected a photo of interiors, where he works immaculately.

Instead of cabinets: 7 stylish kitchens with open shelves 11471_1

7 stylish kitchens with open shelves instead of cabinets

Interior design: Studio "Cozy apartment"

1. Different depth

7 stylish kitchens with open shelves instead of cabinets

Interior Design: Studio "Snashchka"

Instead of classic closed hinged cabinets, you can use mounted shelves. A wonderful idea similar to how the houses were built in medieval cities: the lowest shelf is narrow, all subsequent ones are at the level of human growth, - wider. Thus, the storage space upstairs increases almost twice.

  • 5 reasons to use open shelves in the kitchen

2. Equal depth

7 stylish kitchens with open shelves instead of cabinets

Interior Design: Studio Design Square

You can make only one shelf (or pair) above the working surface. Watching such shelves are better if they are located from one vertical surface to another: it does not matter - walls or walls of the cabinet.

  • How to decorate open shelves in the kitchen: 6 beautiful ideas

3. Shelves in the corner

7 stylish kitchens with open shelves instead of cabinets


Look at the reception with the photo - all massive cabinets are shifted into the angle: storage space is enough, but the room does not seem close. Thick shelves, like thick countertops, look, as a rule, is spectacular and expensive, even if it is just a well-thought-out illusion.

four. Opported on the working surface

7 stylish kitchens with open shelves instead of cabinets

Interior Design: Ennis Nehez

A very pleasant and economical option is to create a shallow (approximately 18 cm deep) a storage system from rectangular cells. Optionally, by the way, make the cell in the entire perimeter of the same size. It is possible to provide sections of greater height and less width.

five. Hinged systems with an open facade

7 stylish kitchens with open shelves instead of cabinets

Interior Design: Yana Ukhova

Rectangular cells with various filling - open or combined with doors - generally replace cabinets well. Their depth, and it is usually less than the standard depth of the mounted cabinet, allows high people who do not sit face into the cabinet door during cooking or washing dishes.

6. Mirror rear wall

7 stylish kitchens with open shelves instead of cabinets

Interior Design: Nikita Tooth

Development of the previous idea: Open modules with a rear mirror wall - a wonderful solution for small kitchens and studio apartments.

7. Long with metal fasteners

7 stylish kitchens with open shelves instead of cabinets

Interior Design: Etre

Such shelves are good in two cases: when the ceilings indoors are low and there is no long wall in the kitchen, along which you can embed a "ruler". That is, under standard cabinets just missing.

In the kitchens with an open brick masonry, the hinged shelf with metal fasteners will even be more appropriate than the closed cabinet.

  • Kitchen Design without top cabinets: pros, cons and 45 photos for inspiration

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