Surprise neighbors: 6 non-standard plants for the balcony


In our selection - Kickl, strawberries, plantain and other plants.

Surprise neighbors: 6 non-standard plants for the balcony 11517_1

List the plants in the video

1 mint.

Mint is an unpretentious herb that even a novice gardener can grow. And she beautifully flowers and flakes fragrant, especially in rainy days.

Mint grows well in the half, so suitable for the balcony, which goes on the northern side of the house. Choose the "Pearls" varieties, Pennirovyal, "Fun", also come with strawberry, lemon and Kuban mint.

Before boarding more seeds in a kitchen towel, remove it into the container and close the food film for three days. During this time, the paper towel needs to be periodically moistened. Three days later, they can be planted in a porridge, filled with drainage and any nutritional soil, and take to the balcony. Seeds should not be deeply bought, it is enough to put on the soil and slightly press with your fingers. Before the appearance of Roshkov, it is necessary to spray the soil from the sprayer every day and keep under the film. And when they appear, the film can be removed.

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Surprise neighbors: 6 non-standard plants for the balcony 11517_3

Surprise neighbors: 6 non-standard plants for the balcony 11517_4

Surprise neighbors: 6 non-standard plants for the balcony 11517_5

2 plantain

Plantain is another unpretentious shadowed plant that is beautiful and gently flows. It can be used when cooking salads, make masks for the face. For home, the grade traveler or lonelytoliste will be suitable.

The process of growing is simple. First you need to prepare seeds. They are cleaned into the refrigerator for a couple of weeks, and then soak overnight in a glass with filtered water. You need to use those seeds that downtired on the bottom. They are getting and kept in a napkin 5-7 days, constantly moisturizing it until the processes appear. After that, the seeds can be planted into the nutritional soil in the porridge in a depth of about 10 cm. In order for the soil slower to swam in the sun, choose light porridge and pots.

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Surprise neighbors: 6 non-standard plants for the balcony 11517_7

Surprise neighbors: 6 non-standard plants for the balcony 11517_8

Surprise neighbors: 6 non-standard plants for the balcony 11517_9

  • 7 year-round plants for open balconies

3 thyme

Thyme - Spicy Grass, which will grow well in pots on the southern sunny balcony. You can collect it and add to food and pickles.

For cultivation, you need to pour seeds to wet soil and cover with a film. Small sprouts are watered from a teaspoon so as not to damage them. The depth of the pot must be up to 10 cm, and the width is at least 20 cm. The adult plant can be fertilized once a month with liquid organic fertilizer, diluted with water according to the instructions.

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Surprise neighbors: 6 non-standard plants for the balcony 11517_12

Surprise neighbors: 6 non-standard plants for the balcony 11517_13

Surprise neighbors: 6 non-standard plants for the balcony 11517_14

4 strawberries

For cultivation on the balcony, several varieties of strawberries are suitable: "Albion", "Queen Elizabeth", "Capri", "Profumen" and "Miracle of Peace". They will be fine with a smaller amount of the sun than on the open area in the garden.

For planting seeds, there will be a depth of at least 15 cm. Soil must be loose, neutral or weakly acid. You can purchase a soil for strawberries in a garden store, and in order for it better to delay water, add coconut fiber to it.

Seeds lay on the ground and slightly deepen into the soil. After that, the tank is removed into the fridge to the department for vegetables for three weeks. This procedure is called stratification, it helps the seeds to prepare. Then the porridge is carried to a well-lit balcony in warm weather. Water strawberries need so that the Earth does not drive. Sprouts will appear in 2-3 weeks, and in the future the plant will need to water from the base of the stem, not on the leaves.

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Surprise neighbors: 6 non-standard plants for the balcony 11517_16

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Surprise neighbors: 6 non-standard plants for the balcony 11517_18

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5 Kiznicker brilliant

The Kiznicker is brilliant - a long-term shrub that can be grown on an open balcony. He will be able to survive the winter, if you fill it with a film. And the fall will decorate a balcony with bright red leaves. Growing a caticker slowly slowly - about 30 cm per year. Therefore, you can not worry that it will fill the entire balcony, you will have time to fill the branches.

It is best to buy a young seedling and put it in the spring in the outdoor container in a depth and width of no less than half a meter. At the bottom, lay a layer of claymzite with a thickness of at least 10 cm. Watering you need every two weeks.

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Surprise neighbors: 6 non-standard plants for the balcony 11517_21

Surprise neighbors: 6 non-standard plants for the balcony 11517_22

Surprise neighbors: 6 non-standard plants for the balcony 11517_23

6 Kovyl subtlest

This cereal is good at open balconies and helps to spectacle to ride the space. In this case, the plant is quite compact and does not grow more than 30-40 cm in height.

It is planted by seeds directly into the ground, it is closed on the second or third week. Fertilizers and additional manipulations during germination is not necessary, I will have enough watering 1-2 times a week.

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Surprise neighbors: 6 non-standard plants for the balcony 11517_25

Surprise neighbors: 6 non-standard plants for the balcony 11517_26

Surprise neighbors: 6 non-standard plants for the balcony 11517_27

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Photo on the cover: unsplash

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