How to build a shed do it yourself


Let's talk about the rules of construction, as well as how it is better to build a barn, what sizes and from what. And, of course, do not forget about the design.

How to build a shed do it yourself 11583_1

Often, the development of a country area starts from the construction of a shed or a hozblock. On the contrary, it happens: as the dacha farming develops, there is a need for a utility room, since during the construction of the house they forgot to provide a place to store garden equipment, inventory, firewood.


How to build a shed do it yourself

Nozpostroy can and should be not only functional, but also elegant. Photo: Harrie Leenders

To begin with - about the rules and rules. According to SP 30-102-99, the shed should be placed not closer than 1 m from the border of the site, however, the Federal Law 123-FZ requires compliance with the fire retreats from other buildings, which range from 6 to 15 m, depending on the fire resistance of these structures. Many regions have their own norms that can be found in local authorities.

Now - about convenience. If you plan to use a housekeeping mainly for storing inventory, that is, it makes sense to arrange it as close as possible to the garden. If the shed of "part-time" will perform the functions of the woodcutter, it should be taken closer to the house and entry into the site. Think in advance that the gates and wickets, roads and tracks are not covered with the root of snow from the roof of the structure.

  • Put in order a garage or barn: 9 budget and efficient ways


How to build a shed do it yourself

Shed can be signed with a canopy for a car. Photo: Studio architecture and design

To store manual gardening inventory, tools and electric lawn mower enough room with an area of ​​3-5 m2. If the plot is large and for care for it is required motorcycles (cultivator, minitractor), the construction must have dimensions of at least 2 × 3 m. However, it must be remembered that without the right organization of space, even a very spacious room soon becomes close and uncomfortable.


How to build a shed do it yourself

On this site, all buildings are made in the spirit of cubism. Photo: Studio architecture and design

According to modern canons of architecture and landscape design, all buildings on the site must be performed in the same style and / or from similar to the appearance of materials.

Therefore, for example, the owner of the house from the rounded log is desirable to sew the barn of the blockhaus. Roofing materials should be the same or at least combined in color.

Foundation and floor

How to build a shed do it yourself

Screw and scoring supports are used for mounting carrier pillars

Know that often the sheds are raised by framework technology with carrier pillars. Installing such posts will help the steel corners of 50 × 50 × 3 mm and 1.5 m long, special slaughter supports with mounting "glass", screw or burbilling piles with welded or deposited in concrete n-shaped anchors.

Under the walls made of small blocks, it is necessary to arrange a floating ribbon foundation from 30 cm wide and a height of 40 cm. The ribbon is necessarily reinforced by a frame of a steel bar with a diameter of 12 mm.

How to build a shed do it yourself

On top of the concrete slab you can arrange a wear-resistant liquid floor on a polymer basis

When a columnar and tape foundations, the floor can be performed as a monolithic screed with a thickness of 50-80 mm, filled with fragments of 1 × 1m or less with compensation seams (in order to avoid cracking). Nothing prevents the floor from the usual paving slabs. The boardwalk to arrange harder: it will take a system of lags raised above the soil on concrete supports.

On the sandy soils, a good foundation (and at the same way) for the future construction will be the monolithic plate with a thickness of 120-150 mm, reinforced with a bar of the rod.

Describe the shed on the unlucky concrete blocks should not: He will almost certainly glance.


How to build a shed do it yourself

Fireproof material for shed walls - metal siding and block mobile. Photo: MetalProfil

It is no need to insulate the walls of the shed, but it is necessary to ensure at least minimal vandal resistance. For this, the frame racks are located with a pitch of no more than 1 m and used to cover the board with a thickness of 38 mm. Modern materials are perfect for the walls of the shed, metal panels under the tree, steel sandwich panels (the main advantage of the metal is high fire resistance), as well as panels of wood-polymer composite. Do not forget about the window (windows): light penetrating through the doorway may not be enough.


How to build a shed do it yourself

Wide eaves with drain is beautiful and functional. Photo: Dr. Slate

Here the choice is practically not limited and is dictated only by the considerations of design. It is important not to forget to equip the roof of the drain, and with an altitude to the eaves, more than 3 m and the slope of the slopes from 20 ° and snowstands.

Engineering equipment

In the barn, do not do without light. The electrical wiring to build should be conducted according to PUE by air or under the ground in a protective box or a seal sleeve.

Water disposal point does not hurt - it can be useful, for example, to connect a high pressure washing.

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