Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules


Until recently, natural gas had one disadvantage: no delivery and storage mechanisms. This disadvantage can be overcome using household tank plants for liquefied hydrocarbon gases.

Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules 11594_1

Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules

Photo: shutterstock /

What is a Gazagolder?

The general principle of the household gas storage system is the same as the balloon gas system: somewhere outside the house there is a metal container with liquefied gas, from which the gas pipeline in the gaseous state is supplied to the house. The difference in size: if the capacity of household gas cylinders is usually measured in liters or tens of liters, then the volume of household storage - several cubic meters (thousand liters), liquefied gas under pressure 6 atm. The most popular volume of the household Gazgolder (so call the capacity is not entirely correct, but the name has taken place) five-chub (4.85 m³).

Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules

Gas from Gazagolder is summarized to the house according to the same rules as from the gas highway, - under Earth. Photo: "Terka"

Such a volume allows for year-round heating (as well as hot water supply and cooking) at home area of ​​about 150 m². For small houses (less than 100 m²), gas producers are used with a volume of 2-3 m³, and for large mansions -, respectively, the larger volume models, up to 20 m³, several gas holders or evaporating installations of SUG (liquefied hydrocarbon gas).

Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules

The underground accommodation for gas reservoirs is represented by many not only more secure, but also aesthetically attractive: the Gazagolder will not clutch your site. Photo: "Russian gas"

Capacity / Tanks (GasGolder) are made of a steel sheet with a thickness of at least 5.5 mm (according to the requirements of the GOST) and the gearboxes are covered and from the inside with protective coatings. All this ensures the service life of devices for at least 20 years, and all models of Gazgolders allowed for sale in Russia must comply with this requirement. Quality (brand) steel, special protective coating are the main differences between Russian and European tanks. In domestic factories, due to the high cost of equipment and sometimes the impossibility of acquiring imported special cooperation rarely, who uses the latest compositions and technologies for their application, which reduces the life of the tank, if not to install additional elements.

Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules

Gasgolders with a horizontal arrangement of the reservoir, an option with a high throat. Photo: "Gas region Invest"

How to install a gas tellner?

Gasgolders are instilled in the ground at a certain distance from the house (SNiP requires 10 m, but in some cases a distance is allowed to 5 m). In Europe, terrestrial gas grounders are more often used. This design is more cheap (it is not necessary to pay for earthworks), but I did not receive distribution in Russia.

First, due to the more stringent standards. So, in Europe, ground-based gas tanks place almost close to homes and cottages, and in Russia it is prohibited. We have a distance to the ground Gazgolder, according to SNiP, should be 20 m, the minimum distances to the trees are 10 m, and not 5 m, etc. As a result of such restrictions on a small area for ground capacity, there is simply no place.

Secondly, in Europe, a pure propane is used as a fuel, and we have a propane-bearing mixture of Sug (70/30, 50/50), which at low temperatures (and under pressure) will not evaporate and move into a gaseous phase. Therefore, for work in winter, such a gas producer will have to equip a special evaporative installation. A suitable place for GOST is not always possible to find, but it does not stop the hottest supporters of the autonomous gasification, and sometimes the gasgold is established with violations. So far, such violators manage to avoid responsibility, currently there is no such strict supervision for the state of the autonomous gas economy, which, for example, is carried out behind the trunk gas pipelines. But the situation may be one day

change dramatically, and then the violators will have serious problems.

The cost of equipment and its turnkey installation depends on the size of the reservoir, the volume of earthworks, additional options and, as usual in a market economy, from the implementation of your additional wishes. As for the differences in the brand of equipment, there is no such price difference between the domestic and imported products, as, say, between gas boilers. On average, the autonomous gasification with a reservoir of 4.8 m³ owners will have to pay 200-250 thousand rubles.

Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules

Photo: shutterstock /; "Russian Gas"

Gas Agolders are safe?

Many of our citizens, the neighborhood with the gas reservoir seems dangerous. But in fact, the danger exaggerates. In the reservoir, the gas is stored without access air under pressure of 5-6 atm, and the air can not get there. And if the depressurization occurs, the explosion will not happen anyway, since the gas will be reset to the atmosphere, where it dispels to a safe concentration. That is why it is impossible to place the Gazagolder in the premises - so that the gas does not accumulate during leakage. In addition, a safety valve is installed in the Gazagolder, discarding overpressure, if for one reason or another reservoir heated.

Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules

Visualization: Igor Smirhagin / Burda Media

What gas grocers choose: horizontal or vertical?

Structurally, all household gas producers can be divided into models of horizontal or vertical arrangement of the container. Horizontal is easier in the installation (from the point of view of excavation works), but they take more space in the area, which can be critical for small sections. Vertical in this regard is more convenient. In addition, they are larger, therefore liquefied gas is less cooled, which is necessary for its normal feed (the temperature should be above zero). Otherwise, the intensity of evaporation of liquid gas inside the container is sharply reduced, and the fuel begins to enter the heating system in insufficient quantity.

Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules

Option of the Gazgolder with a horizontal reservoir and reinforcement placed on high tubes (covered with a protective casing). Photo: "P-GAZ"

Household gas rods are tanks, in the upper part of which there is a platform (flange) with reinforcement (refueling valve, the selection valves of the liquid and steam phases, gearbox, safety valve). The playground from all sides is closed by a protective cap, but it is not closed hermetically closed. At the bottom there is a clearance for ventilation, and it is impossible to close it. The platform and the cap can be raised over the tank on the neck - parts of the tank made in the form of a cylinder located vertically.

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Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules 11594_10
Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules 11594_11

Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules 11594_12

Stages of mounting vertical Gazgolder. The tank is connected by a gas pipeline with a heated house. Photo: "Terka"

Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules 11594_13

After that, the Gazagolder and the gas pipeline fall asleep with sand. Photo: "Terka"

Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules 11594_14

The Gazgolder falls asleep with sand so that access to the site with valves and other Aramsentura remains. Photo: "Terka"

Horizontal Gazgolder Installation Option

Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules

Visualization: Mavel Melnikova / Burda Media

There are a high throat gasgolders (the so-called Russian standard) and without her (Eurostandard). The refusal of the neck reduces the construction of approximately 30-50 thousand rubles. But it is not always necessary to save on it. The fact is that the presence of such a neck allows you to place a platform with reinforcement higher than when it is not. This makes it possible to better protect the reinforcement from the hit of soil moisture, especially at a high level of groundwater or during the rigor. The preparation of water into the gearbox will lead to stopping of gas supply. From the latest technical innovations, there can be noted Gazgolders, in which there is no expensive node - the neck, instead of it the entire reinforcement is placed on high tubes. Outside the "forest" of them is closed with a metal cap. It turns out cheaper, but security measures are observed, since the height of the tubes allows you to place all the valves above the flooding zone.

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Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules 11594_17
Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules 11594_18

Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules 11594_19

Installation of a horizontal tank with a shut-off reinforcement rendered up on high tubes. Photo: "Russian gas"

Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules 11594_20

The underground gas pipeline to the building is made of polyethylene gas pipes. Photo: "Russian gas"

Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules 11594_21

The protective cap is burst so that the air access is provided to the location of the reinforcement, but at the same time did not get water from the surface of the earth and from the groundwater surface close to the surface. Photo: "Russian gas"

How to prevent gas freezing?

Installation of the reservoir is made in the pit prepared for it. A sandy-gravel pillow with a thickness of 30-50 cm with a thickness of 30-50 cm is constructed, and lines. The concrete slab is placed on it, to which the gas grolder is fixed with metal cables so that at a high groundwater level, the capacity does not surface. The top point of the reservoir should be below the ground level at least 60 cm. The gas pipeline is connected via a gearbox, which, as well as a filling valve, the selection valves of the liquid and steam phases, a safety valve, is a necessary device for the operation of the GaGolder. From the gas reservoir to the house, the gas pipeline is paced under the ground, the pipe is located at a depth below the level of the freezing of the Earth. To devices that have to have, but not necessarily, the separator for gas condensate belongs. This device is placed on the gas pipeline before connecting it to the gas boiler at its lower point in the ground.

Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules

Winter is the best time for the installation of Gazgolder: the loading of the builders is reduced, and they will not have to wait for the team of specialists. Photo: shutterstock /

Another optional device is a telemetry system that allows you to conduct remote online control over the state of the Gazagolder and the degree of filling the tank. Telemetry, of course, increases the level of comfort, and it is not a pity for it to pay 10-15 thousand rubles, and in some cases it can be obtained in general for free. This service is provided by some installers of gas holders. They do not remain the Vnaklad - the systems offered by them duplicate the information, but if the installer of the Gazholders provides services for refueling the tanks, it turns out, it can always offer the owner of the fuel. And if you consider that the price of liquefied gas is 14-17 rubles. Behind the liter, just just a few cycles of refueling to completely discontinue the cost of electronics.

Autonomous Supply Scheme House

Gasgolders for a private house: all about the installation rules

Visualization: Igor Smirhagin / Burda Media

Why do you need a gas separator?

Gas separator, or condensate collector, serves to collect liquid gas condensate, which, with a certain coincidence, can get into your home gas pipeline (the probability of this is small, but still not zero). If such a condensate falls into the burner or on the plate of the plate, it destructs. At best there will be a loud cotton, and in the worst possible damage to the technique.

How to avoid scandals with neighbors?

If the Gazagolder does not manage to enter into a plot without violations, specialists are advised primarily to monitor compliance with the interests of neighbors. It is easier to avoid scandals. You, in the end, will not apply for yourself in court if the Gazagolder turns out to be too close to your home or fence? But the neighbors is another matter.

For all many years of activity, I have not met new (factory execution) GasGolders certified according to GOST and at the same time uncomplicated. Therefore, first of all choose who will install your Gazgolder. In most cases, only real experience helps to correctly recommend the volume, type and manufacturer of Gazagolder for your situation, and the engineer will not conceal the features of different manufacturers, because it will be guaranteed by their products. As for the reservoirs themselves, I never recommend that used and so-called restored gasgolders (often they are issued for new ones, and this market has been developed just a couple of years ago). Such tanks often get the dealers almost for nothing. But the condition of these containers is unknown, no one seriously examines. And in this case, not even a lottery, but a constant potential danger for yourself and others, then it is better to choose a completely different solution.

Alexander Denisov

Commercial Director of the GAZ Region Invest Holding

Minimum distances from underground gas storage facilities to business objects *

Type of economic object Distance to light, m
Tank volume up to 10 m3 Tank volume 10-20 m3
Residential buildings 10 fifteen
Srates eight 10
Playgrounds 10 10
Underground sewage 3.5 3.5
Highways categories 4 and 5 five five
Wells five five
Trees. 10 10

* When designing in cramping conditions, it is allowed to reduce these distances by 50%.

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