Paving slabs and garden decoration of artificial stone


Tracks and sites make comfortable entrances and approaches to a country house, household buildings, rest areas. At the same time, they must be combined with the style of a country house and the surrounding landscape.

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Paving slabs and garden decoration of artificial stone

Photo: White Hills

The owners of the recently purchased country area have to be fascinating work on its zoning. For example, in the middle lane of Russia, the house and other buildings are usually placed so that they do not shake the territory, and ideally they defended it from dominant winds. Sunny areas with a predominance of morning and daylights are removed under the garden and a vegetable garden. When planning recreation places, it is certainly taken into account the relationship of the favorite activities and the nature of the family members of the family: a joint or secluded.

Thinking communication routes between different zones, it is important to remember that tracks and platforms besides their utilitarian function can become an element of the visual transformation of the landscape. If the straight track from the wicket to the economic buildings at the end of the site visually makes it less, then a small bend of the way, say around the decorative shrub, flapsing the direct perspective, slightly lengthens it, creates intrigue and desire to find out what is there in the distance. Free landscape style, with winding paths, arbitrary growing trees and shrubs, a variety of picturesque corners, masks the true geometry and the size of the site, making it more interesting and "spacious."

A creative approach to the arrangement of tracks and sites will be required to dacnis with experience. In this case, it is important to create a feeling of unity of individual zones, to subjugate to them with a common plan. Here, as anywhere, the choice of concrete material for the road surface is important, its shape and color.

Paving slabs and garden decoration of artificial stone

Most often, the same material is chosen for street steps and adjacent to them, it is important that it is not slippery. Photo: White Hills / KR-Professional (Kamrock)

Tiles made by vibrolying method

Complex, diverse formats, textured surfaces, a bright palette with a large number of shades are distinguished by concrete pavement tiles made by vibrolying method. Plastic concrete mass with high water content and molding vibrotole are involved in the process. Under the action of vibration, the mass is compacted. Concrete hardens for 24-48 hours, often without thermal processing. Specially selected composition of the initial mixture (from portland cement, various fillers, modifying additives and pigments) allows you to get products with the necessary indicators: frost resistance (at least 200 cycles), water absorption (no more than 5%), abrasion (not more than 0.7 g / cm² ), compressive strength (at least 30 MPa).

Paving slabs and garden decoration of artificial stone

During seasonal cleaning of tracks and sites from snow and ice, you should not use a metal shovel and scrap, so as not to damage the attractive surface of the tile. Abrasive mixtures containing salt can cause tiles erosion. Photo: White Hills

Due to different modifying additives and special technological techniques, products can be obtained with higher characteristics and, of course, cost. Vibrolite paving stones are actively used in the private sector to decorate the adjacent territories of country houses and cottages. Among the famous manufacturers of this type of products of Foreland, KR-Professional (Kamrock), White Hills, Art-Stone, Camelot, "Facade Material Workshop". The range of each of them, except for several tile collections, includes border stones, fed, steps.

Paving tile of artificial stone

The sidewalk tile from an artificial stone reproduces the appearance of an old stone paving or is the original design. For example, the sidewalk of the "Tivoli" paving stone (White Hills) is a crosshead from travertine, which was mined in the fields of the Italian city of Tivoli, which is in the vicinity of Rome. Over the centuries, this stone has been a building material for the construction of buildings, facilities of urban streets and squares.

Modern tracks and platforms laid out with an artificial stone "Tivoli", as stable impose of weights, atmospheric precipitation and aggressive chemicals, and their corrugated surface prevents gliding. Extremely unusual decor from paving slabs collection "Bruce Spiered" (KR-Professional (Kamrock). Square elements mimic the end spins of trees. But if their natural fells are becoming slippery after the rain and quickly begin to rot, the concrete tiles are comfortable for walking in any weather, more durable and as organically fit into the landscape, without losing decorativeness over time. The "English Park" paving ("perfect stone") in appearance and consumer properties are indistinguishable from the natural stone stones. Each element has an individual drawing, so the tracks look alive and natural. High strength characteristics of elements that allow them to use them on the vessels for passenger cars are due to the introduction of different fractions into the granite rubble. Pavement tiles of the "Hemp" collection ("Camelot") will reliably reproduce the spins of trees. Not everyone can understand that light Beige in the middle of the "wood" with a more dark "bark" at the edges of everything Loose concrete enclosed in natural shape.

Those who decided to shut down the tracks or entry platforms with paving tiles of artificial stone, we recommend to get borders and drainage gutters with it. Despite the fact that the elements are laid with small gaps that prevent the accumulation of rain or melting water during the period of intensive melting of snow and after the first summer shower it becomes obvious that the equipment of these areas by drainage is not fully excessive measure. Pavement tile parking. Parquet. Visually resembles a wooden lattice with square cells. The coefficient of solidness, wear resistance, strength, and moisture absorption and frost resistance of each element correspond to the standards of road surfaces. At the same time, tiles help minimize the losses of the green area on the country site. After laying the holes, they are filled with gravel, earth or ground with grass.

Larisa Sparrow

KR-Professional Marketing and Advertising Department (Kamrock)

The tracks from round tiles are harmoniously fit into green lawns of the garden, enhance fruit trees and alive hedges. Tiles of several sizes simplify the laying of tracks with bizarre bends. Lovers dream under the starry sky, make wishes at the sight of falling stars or consider the lunar "seas", it is worth paying attention to the collection of sidewalks "Moon" ("Art-stone"). Their pronounced texture with small irregularities darkened areas of different sizes offers us a more detailed picture of the lunar surface, as if through the telescope prism.

How to prepare the base for tile

The key to the long service of paving slabs or a pavement from an artificial stone is a proper foundation. Manufacturers, as a rule, do not share their products according to the requirements for paving zones with a small, medium or intensive movement. However, small garden paths and an entry platform in front of the house are completely different loads. Therefore, several methods of laying tiles have been developed, and the selection is determined by the purpose of the site and the properties of the soil. The most problematic are clay and driving soils. In winter, the clay saturated with water is freezing, increasing in the amount, and gives the effect of heating. Without a carefully furnished base, individual tiles will be from the season for the season or, on the contrary, squeezed out.

The durability of tracks and sites paved by a blocking of an artificial stone, it depends on the proper preparation of the foundation. Despite the fact that the standard laying of elements in the sand or dry mixture seems profitable, such savings can adversely affect the quality of paving slabs, and after 2-3 years it will have to shift it. The solution to the problem may be an appeal to qualified mackerel. I recommend using proven laying schemes that are repeatedly worked out by White Hills experts and guarantee the durability of masonry. I advise you not to neglect the arrangement of deformation seams in a concrete basis in the design of the extended, elongated areas. Separate the pavement tile places to the foundation at home or fence. This will prevent the appearance of cracks on the tile. If the plot is complex punching soil, it is better to order an individual paving project. If possible, take into account the experience of neighbors.

Vitaly Pavlyuchenko

Head of Technical Laboratory of WHITE HILLS

How to start laying tiles?

Before laying paving slabs, draw a layout of the pavement site. Based on its size, calculate the required number of tiles. Then the land plot. Trench under the tile is made by 40-50 cm wider, which is necessary for the installation of curbstones. Over all areas, remove the fertile layer to dense soil and level the base. On the bikes of the trenches, the grooves under the border are digging, aligned and trambet. The bottom of the trench is littered with geotextiles. It will prevent the root germination, plants, and therefore the deformation of the paving path. Border grooves fall asleep with sand. After that, the formwork is installed and the concrete is poured (10-15 cm). On the fresh concrete base, curb stones are installed and with their external and inside, they are equipped with a concrete clip. The base for gardening paths consists of a rammed layer of rubble and the upper layer of a moistened cement-sand mixture. For traffic sites of passenger transport, it is done more durable. At the bottom of the rammed crushed stone, on top of it concrete, reinforced over the entire area of ​​the road grid. To lay the tile on the garden tracks, not earlier than a day after the installation of borders, on the venues - three days after the concoction is filling.

Before starting work, it is separately laid out 1-2 m. Paving slabs, check the color matching and the ratio of elements. It is undesirable to appear color spots and long seams. Then on the back of the tile is glued and applied to the base. The seams are embarking in 2-3 days. During this time, exclude the load on the tile. In conclusion, we note that the planning of communication routes, the choice of original stones - the tasks of creative. No less creative can be the process of their implementation. For example, if the paths or platforms bounded by the curb are slightly lifted (by 4-5 cm) relative to the ground level, they will be beautifully highlighted against the background of even green lushes.

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Tiles palette close to natural shades. Photo: KR-Professional (Kamrock)

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Tiles collection "Hemp" ("Camelot"), diameter of elements 170-180, 230-300, 360-430 cm (from 110 rubles / pc.). Photo: "Camelot"

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Most of the collections of paving slabs consist of elements of the right shape, multiple sizes or fit on simple laying schemes. Photo: "Perfect stone"

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Tiles collection "Plate" (KR-Professional (Kamrock), element size 44 × 44 × 5 cm (400 rubles / pc. Photo: KR-Professional (Kamrock)

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Tile parking "Parquet" (KR-Professional (Kamrock), size of 60 × 40 × 6 cm element (600 rubles / pc. Photo: KR-Professional (Kamrock)

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Paving tiles and paving buy with a small reserve: approximately 5-10% of the total pavement area. The width of the tracks and platforms must be adjusted so as to minimize the possible trimming of the elements. Photo: shutterstock /

Do you need grouts for sidewalks?

When laying tiles on a hard base (concrete), experts recommend filling the seams between them with a special cloud. Otherwise, water will penetrate the tile, when freezing, turn into ice, expand and tear the elements from the base. The grout should be applied with a polyethylene chop, and not fall asleep in the seams and moisturize how it is customary. In the latter case, it will definitely get out. Another nuance: seams should not be covered with a floss with a tile surface. On the tempered areas with a light transport load, the grout mass is located 2-4 mm below the tile surface so that when driving, especially on the studded rubber, the grout did not get out of mechanical exposure. In areas with a pedestrian load - by 5-7 mm below. By the way, the smaller the height of the seamstate, the better the decorative qualities of power tracks and platforms appear.

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Tile "Stone-Voon" (MFM) consists of elements of several sizes, 3 cm thick (from 903 rubles / m²). Photo: "Fat Material Workshop"

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Laming (MFM), the size of the elements 24/12 × 12 cm, the thickness is 2.5 cm (from 903 rubles / m²). Photo: "Fat Material Workshop"

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Laming "Noble Manor" ("Perfect Stone") 30 × 30 cm, Thickness 3.1-3.4 cm (from 1340 rubles / m²). Photo: "Perfect stone"

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Parishing "English Park" ("perfect stone"), elements 14.5-15 × 14.5-15 cm (1690 rubles / m²). Photo: "Perfect stone"

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Laming "Petrovskaya" ("perfect stone"), the length of elements is 17.9-8.4 cm, width 15.4-15.9 cm, thickness 4-4.5 cm, weight of 96.7 kg / m² (1590 rubles ./m²). Photo: "Perfect stone"

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Paving stone "Tivoli" (White Hills), the size of elements 15/30/45 × 15/30 cm, thickness 4-4.2 cm, weight of 88 kg / m² (1390 rubles / m²). Photo: White Hills

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