Build a fence: 7 basic rules


In Russia, the development of the countryside begins with the construction of the fence. What principles are guided by the construction of the fence?

Build a fence: 7 basic rules 11726_1

1. The fence must be sustainable, that is, it needs reliable foundation. For a platform, metal poles are suitable, a brick wall requires a ribbon or pile with painter. In this case, on the bunched soils, the base must be laid below the drainage depth.

Build a fence: 7 basic rules

Manual drilling of wells under the poles - a rather time consuming

Build a fence: 7 basic rules

For drilling wells, it is better to stock motto (or an electric train)

  • 3 budget options for fence

2. If the border of the site is a breakthrough duvet, the depth of the foundation should be counted from its bottom.

Build a fence: 7 basic rules

With a high level of groundwater under the brick fence, a pile foundation is built.

3. You can not apply for the construction of an ordinary clay, slit, silicate, as well as the porous brick - these materials do not have the desired moisture resistance. For a massive fence, facing brick is suitable.

Build a fence: 7 basic rules

Moisture is able to destroy the fence from poor-quality bricks in 5-7 years.

4. A solid fence is contraindicated, if the territory of your village is protected by patrol. In this case, set the fence from the stakenik, several horizontal boards or openwork forged. For temporary protection against prying views, you can use cantsham mats attached to the details of the fence.

Build a fence: 7 basic rules

Forged fence handsome, but will cost 2-3 times more expensive than wooden fence of the type "ranch".

5. When building a fence from sheet materials on a mowless plain, wind load should be taken into account and increase the number of points for fastening the material to the procidals (horizontal bars).

Build a fence: 7 basic rules

The wind and atmospheric moisture are well opposed by the fences of the wood-polymer composite (DPK) - solid and lattice.

6. If you need to protect against the noise of the road located nearby, build a solid fence with a height of at least 2.5 m (at a large section - 3-4 m). For such a design, massive materials or a sandwich panel with polyurethane fill are suitable.

Build a fence: 7 basic rules

It is desirable that the top of the noise fence bend in straight road. This superstructure can be made from cellular polycarbonate so as not to shade the site.

7. The top of any fence should be protected from precipitation by plaster, special profiles or a double paint layer. Brick poles are covered with polymer coating glitches.

Build a fence: 7 basic rules

It is advisable to cover the fence of a miniature roof from antiseptic and painted rails or galvanized steel with a polymer coating

  • 8 proven ways to hide the ugly fence

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