Shrinkage home from a log: Nuances for preparation and servicing


Those who dream of a house of a log, but are far from construction technologies, often do not know that a new one, with a needle, the log house should be put up to the year-one and a half before the start of finishing works. And not just stand up, but under reliable control.

Shrinkage home from a log: Nuances for preparation and servicing 11814_1

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Photo: Legion-Media

Problems of shrinkage

As everything is simple with a block or brick house: the box was built, under the roof, let down and immediately started finishing work. With a log cabin, everything else. Wood natural humidity - material alive, because the house built from the usual or rounded log is needed to dry gradually. In the first year - natural drying under the temporary roof. In the second year, you can start an internal finish and include heating, but the temperature in the premises should be no more than 10 ° C (that is, in the cold season, it will be impossible to live in the house). With this mode, wood heating dries slowly, and the deformation processes will be minimal. In general, the wooden house will inevitably sit down for 7-8 years (up to 1.5 cm for every crown). The total shrinkage within the flood can be 10-15 cm.

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Visualization: Igor Smirhagin / Burda Media

Sirb deformation due to natural shrinkage and under the action of external forces (roof weights and snow)

Shrush shrinkage is mainly a consequence of two processes - dry drying, that is, the changes in the size of the logs are reduced as their humidity decline and the sealing of the packle (or other material) between the crowns.

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Wire screed hugs a rafter foot and reliably attracts it to the top log of the wall. The flexibility of the wire allows the rafyroid to move for a short distance at the shrinkage of the house (a) a special node consisting of a bracket and hook. The bracket is fixed along the rapid leg. The hook is passed between the bracket and rafting. It covers a bracket from above, attracting a wall to a log. Knot fasten with self-draws (b)

However, we will return to the first year of the life of a church. During this period, shrinkage at home is most significant. Shrinking processes lead not only to cracking login, but also to their deformation. Especially suffering chopped frontons. They, in contrast to the walls, do not bear a significant load (on the walls are pressured by the overlying crowns and the design of the roof). Therefore, they often appear gaps. In addition, in the rapid roof system, if it is toughly connected with the walls, voltages occur, which can cause its sagging and deformation.

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The spring "valves" clamps are installed in the final and internal transverse walls, eliminate the gap between them.

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Wall deformations during shrinkage: the magnitude of the shrinkage of a cut at the height of the second floor (s); the magnitude of the shrinkage at the height of the first floor (b); Places of fastening of the rafter design (B)

Frame frontones in the design of wooden houses allow you to construct the roofs of any forms, without thinking about the shrink shrink

In the Russian skeins with shrinkage and deformation, they coped at the expense of the soft roofing device: the roofs were laid on horizontal beams embedded directly into the frontones. Thus, the duplex roof and the house box became one. Over time, construction technologies have changed, and now they use a fundamentally different rafter system, which gave rise to the problem known as the hanging of the frontones.

We'll talk later about how it is solved, let's talk later, but still come back to the main mistake allowed by many owners of future houses from the wood of natural humidity.

Fronttones on chains

There is another option to solve the problem of fronon hangs. In the upper part of the front, the auditory window is cut through a size of 15 × 15 or 20 × 20 cm. Through it and through the jumper of the window (door), the carriage is made by ring chain. Its ends are fasten with a special screw connection - tensioner. The chain is pulled very strongly, thus creating a load on the frontoth. Chains hang on all the frontones, screw ties are located outside the structure. Periodically, the chains need to tighten. Experts do not recommend independently carrying out these works, since the chain can be torn when the tensioning element can be touched. Because the log house seats unevenly, in the process of lining the chains, it is necessary to correlate the degree of shrinkage of the walls to avoid curvature. Chains must be galvanized, otherwise rust flots will appear on the facade. If the auditory window is not provided, the hole is drilled under the wanking and the chain do through it. After the primary shrinkage at home, the hole is clogged with a wooden liner.

Both we build and dry

In the context of the Moscow region, a typical picture of the country construction is as follows. The first thing the developer thinks about how to save on the construction of his "terme". Having found in the N-Skaya region "wild" brigade of workers, which is firing, and will bring, and then collect on the site of the house (and relatively cheap), the future home owner believes that the task is solved. Meanwhile, problems just begin. If such a brigade is kept with stacking such a brigade, it does not correctly make a rafter system, as a rule, cannot. Of course, if there was a project, drawings ... But the developer and they often saved. And the log house is composed, it is concluded for the temporary roof, and the builders leave home, in the N-Scying region, and the owner before the spring is not shown. In the spring he sees: a brica on the front at the shrinkage was hung on the bellows, the slots - thick in the finger. What to do? Call the former brigade? Invite to complete construction a local company? Correct answer: The construction of a wooden house should be entrusted only to a serious company

And with it, to conclude a contract for servicing a cut in the process of shrinkage.

Maintenance Sruba

"What else service?" - Ecompass economical developer. Of course, a log house is not a car that needs regular technical inspection.

and replacing "consumables". But do not forget that if you do not take control of the shrinkage process at home, then no less serious problems will arise than when there is a breakdown of complex technique. And therefore leading construction companies, many years engaged in the construction of wooden houses, offer customers service. What is this service and what activities in it are included?

The essence of the service is to provide the right shrinkage of the structure and prevent the possible negative consequences associated with this process. This is what is included in the list of service events of one of the Russian developers.

  1. Adjusting the fastenings of the rafter feet to Mauerlat brings (no less often 1 time in 2 months).
  2. Adjustment of shrinkage compensators on vertical column supports (no less than 1 time in 2 months).
  3. Inspection of the wall material for biological lesions.
  4. Check the integrity of the temporary roofing (runneroid). If the damage caused by the wind (separating the runneroid) is detected, repair is performed.
  5. Control measurement shrink shrink at check points.
  6. Control measurement of moisture of wall material.
  7. Analysis of the fire readiness to subsequent work.

At the end of the term of the contract, the Customer is issued a conclusion containing a list of necessary work on the preparation of a church to further build

The stages and their cost, the indicator of the current moisture content of the wood, the album of facades with the applied of high-rise marks, etc. The cost of the "maintenance" of the log house - 28 thousand rubles. For the entire period of primary shrinkage at home. For the year, the company's experts with which the service contract concluded should at least 4 times come to the object and fulfill the work provided.

Let's go through the list of work and clarify some points. What is the first point in this list? It is not allowed to raftee rafted to Mauerlat (the top crown of the cut), the exception is only the structure with the framework of the frontoths. Hard rafters fix only to the ski beam. Then, for attachment to Mauerlat, special supports are used, allowing a rafter foot to slide as a church shrink. This is a competent technical solution, which "wild" brigades, as a rule, do not know. The company's masters, with which the service agreement was concluded, will be periodically inspecting the rafters and adjust the attachments of the rafter feet to Mauerlate (they should not be lightly loaded or unloaded).

The frequency of lining the jacks depends largely on the location of the house. In the forest, the log house will sit down slowly, in the open area - faster

There are several ways to prevent fronon hangs. When ordering a chub, this moment must be clarified. For example, some firms are installed on the frontones of wooden houses, a system similar to the design to the valve system of the internal combustion engine. Through the crowns of the front, the screws pass, and at their ends there are springs resting in the washers. It is these springs that create an additional compression load, which is not enough frontoth.

And now let's turn to the second point of the contract. Shrink compensator (it is also called a jack or adjusting anchor) to prevent the wall shift in the horizontal plane relative to the vertical elements. It consists of metal plates connected by a heap with nuts. Only galvanized products are used: the rusted jack is working poorly, and there may be ugly flips on the tree. If there are pillars (inside or outside the structure) in the cutting of the cut, then the shrinkage compensator is fixed on them. It can be installed both from above and below (by the way, this issue should be discussed at the project stages). On the bottom to tweak the jack is much more convenient, but in this case the moisture (droplets of water) is higher, if the pillar is located outside. The process of adjustment is as follows: The screw turns to the desired number of turns, the post is lowered in such a way that it is in the free suspension state (when it is shredded by a blue or hand, it is slightly shifted), then screw the nut that fixes the pole.

All other obligations of the developer do not need comments, except for a few words should be said about the fifth point. The log house sits unevenly, and this process must be tracking, measuring the height of each wall at the corners. There are in mind the same checkpoints (high-rise marks), which are entered into the album of the facades. These information will be required when finishing at home.

We hope we managed to convince the reader who dreams of a house of natural humidity in the need for "maintenance".

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Photo: "Independent expertise quality of construction"

Atmospheric moisture got inside the cut, which led to the waterproofing of the wood.

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Photo: "Independent expertise quality of construction"

Portable needle moisture meter helps to follow the decrease in wood moisture

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Photo: "Independent expertise quality of construction"

Attempt to clean the cut with the help of a bleach, only partly

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Photo: "Independent expertise quality of construction"

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Photo: "Independent expertise quality of construction"

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Photo: "Independent expertise quality of construction"

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Photo: "Independent expertise quality of construction"

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Photo: "Independent expertise quality of construction"

Instead of embedded in the draft samstaya roof, created a frame. For this purpose, the brief walls were embedded with racks that do not bother to move in shrinkage, they are based on the ends of the goggled wood. On the perimeter of the walls fixed the bars so that the top was in the same plane with the supporting platforms of the frame racks

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Photo: "Independent expertise quality of construction"

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Photo: "Independent expertise quality of construction"

To determine whether to tweak the jack, you should measure the height of the proof at the place of its installation and at the edges. I revealed the difference - try on a wrench

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Photo: "Independent expertise quality of construction"

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Photo: "Independent expertise quality of construction"

The appearance of wide gaps between the crowns in the upper zone of the transverse walls of the second floor and the frontones indicates that the bricna is not loaded enough

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