Grotto instead of a gazebo in the country: a story about the advantages of first person


In the country or near the country house, it is customary to construct a gazebo. This is a place where in warm weather is arranged to the meal, tea drinking or just gathering outdoors. Natalia Zhuravleva decided in his own way. Next to the house, she arranged a grotto in which there is a table, benches and even a stove barbecue.

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Grotto rear adjoins the garage, hiding an unsightly wall. On the one hand, the slopes from clay were poured and made it in it onto the roof. On the other hand, translucent blue glass blocks inserted into the brick wall - they passes a little light, reviving the dark space of the grotto.

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Pebbles were poured onto the concrete overlap. First, it turned out solarium, here you can comfortably soak in the sun. Secondly, it became convenient to collect apples with a growing apple tree. I even sat on the roof of the strawberry, but it somehow did not fit. Inside the grotto is rudely plastered and whitewashed, there are several niches for dishes and all sorts of little things. In the corner - two benches made along the halves of a logo and a table with a tabletop made of thick boards on a pedestal of the crochesed stump. The benches are decorated with bright pillows serving the back, they soften the coarse processing of the walls.

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The open furnace-brand is used to prepare all sorts of dishes on coals and open fire. Over the furnace - a socket with a pipe overlooking the roof. The pipe somewhat portilate the appearance, and we decorated it with small flat spikes of stones. The entrance to the grotto was also separated by stones, decorated with concrete mask and porridge for plants.

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Purchased electricity in the grotto for lighting the table in dark time and illumination on holidays, as well as for connecting the lawn mower.

Now we are happy to spend time in our "cave". In the hot summer days there is cool, and in the fall, even in the rain, it's nice to admire the garden!

The floor in the grotto first was from the laddock laid on the sand, but our dog in the heat loved to climb into the coolest corner under the bench, shed the pit and dumped stones. Paul had to cease.

The chairs we made from the dried fir, having surpassed the seat and backs of the ax.

  • The veranda do it yourself: a step-by-step construction plan

The article was published in the magazine "House" No. 12 (2017). You can subscribe to the printed version of the publication.

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