Why in the bedroom uncomfortable: 9 reasons that are called designers


Catherine Bostanidi and Catherine of Pedvos, especially for readers of IVD.ru, disassembled popular errors in the design of the bedrooms, which make an uncomfortable room (but this characteristic is very important for a comfortable sleep).

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Why in the bedroom uncomfortable: 9 reasons that are called designers

With the help of the pros, we tell not only about decorative errors that do not contribute to the comfort, but also about such global things as layout and microclimate in a sleep room.

1 Incorrect layout

Designer Ekaterina Sea is confident that comfort in the bedroom begins with the planning. So, when choosing a place for the bed, you need to consider the position of the window (so that the sun does not beat into the eyes in the morning or vice versa helped waking up depends on preferences) and the location of the door.

Designer Ekaterina Posvos:

Designer Ekaterina Posvos:

Someone feels comfortable when the doors are open to the lash, and you can view all the other rooms from the bed, and someone does not want to see the door at all. Then the bed must be placed so that the door was on the same wall as the headboard.

2 incorrectly selected style

Catherine Posvskie advises to repel when choosing a bedroom style from its own preferences - then it turns out a cozy space.

"If you are to classics, symmetric compositions, greater forms, smooth lines, then approach the decor of the room, respectively. In such a style, you should always be recognizable things familiar to our mind and eye: dresser, bedside tables, a couch in the bed, a small armchair to sit down or put a bathrobe, a beautiful detached closet, a lamp, a table, a pair of lamps.

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If you prefer minimalism, sterility, an abundance of air, then in the bedroom you should not annoy you. The minimum set of furniture is what you need. The cabinet must be built in, from the chest you can refuse at all, the bedside tables can be replaced with narrow shelves or even a slightly advanced headboard, where there is a storage place. Lingerie and other can be stored in a box inside the bed. The approach to the bed must be free. Lamps are fixed on walls without excess wires. The emphasis or allowor decor can be a big floor lamp or just a headboard bed. Remove such a room easily and not spent time. No need to sprawl folds on the bedspread and curtains, it is advantageous to highlight the chair or correct the carpet. In minimalism, the main thing is air, color and light, "designer shares tips.

  • How to choose an interior style and not make a mistake: 8 designers tips

3 ill-dimensional lighting

"The comfort creates muffled and warm shades of light," the designer Ekaterina Bostandi believes. - The presence of a flooring or bedside lamps can also create comfort. "

Catherine Chapels also advises to remove a lot of attention to light and its temperature: "Lamps in the bedroom break into groups of inclusion. Make the passing switches and make up several illumination scenarios. It is better to use warm lamps with a temperature in the range of 2 500-3 700 K. If possible, dimming. "

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Why in the bedroom uncomfortable: 9 reasons that are called designers 1198_7

Why in the bedroom uncomfortable: 9 reasons that are called designers 1198_8

Why in the bedroom uncomfortable: 9 reasons that are called designers 1198_9

  • Designers' view: Does the TV in the bedroom

4 Uncomfortable microclimate

"Always advise customers - do not save on air and temperatures. This is often more important than the decor, "says Catherine Posskov.

The designer recommends thinking about ventilation (to put a brizer, to provide slotted ventilation from the windows), think about it in advance where the humidifier can be placed (today there are beautiful models that can become decor). In addition, the microclimate in the bedroom affects the size of the windows and the selection of heating radiators (if they are without sensors and heat regulators may be uncomfortable).

"If you have channel ventilation and air conditioning, ask the council from the equipment supplier. It is important to know the stream power, its distribution. Someone comfortably sleep with a slight air movement, and someone will die with the slightest draft, "adds a designer.

  • 5 Situations for those who want to make a bedroom to the place of relaxation in the house

5 Wall color

Feelings that cause different colors in humans cannot be underestimated. There is even such a concept as color therapy based on the psychological effect of color.

Ekaterina Posvos, for example, advises flatly refuse blue: "Blue color is very cunning. He calms down. But he slows down. It does not give to develop, recover, gain strength. The bedroom is good honey shades, red, beige, chocolate or white. "

And Ekaterina Bostandi advises to stop at the neutral palette: "Choose neutral shades for comfort and tranquility. They visually make the room spacious and easier. "

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Why in the bedroom uncomfortable: 9 reasons that are called designers 1198_13

Why in the bedroom uncomfortable: 9 reasons that are called designers 1198_14

Why in the bedroom uncomfortable: 9 reasons that are called designers 1198_15

6 lack of decorative textiles

Ekaterina Bostanidi believes that it is textiles (curtains, decorative pillows, blankets) - the very element that "answers" for the comfort in the bedroom.

Designer Ekaterina Bostanidi:

Designer Ekaterina Bostanidi:

Choose not only beautiful, but also soft ornamental pillows, for which when you just look only, you want to lie down.

7 Invalid selection of curtains

In the bedroom it is important to create darkness, this is a necessary condition for high-quality sleep.

"Use curtains Blackout," Catherine is advised. - Rolled member I especially like! They can always be added to the already formed curtain compositions on the window. Or use as an independent decorative element. "

  • We choose the curtains in the bedroom: current models and trends of next year

8 extra light sources

Not only bad curtains interfere with falling asleep in complete darkness. Catherine Posvosvsky advises to analyze whether there is a backlight in the switches, the LEDs on the TV panel, flashing sensors. "This light garbage penetrates through the closed eyelids," the designer says.

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Why in the bedroom uncomfortable: 9 reasons that are called designers 1198_19

Why in the bedroom uncomfortable: 9 reasons that are called designers 1198_20

Why in the bedroom uncomfortable: 9 reasons that are called designers 1198_21

9 confusion

It is clear that the banal disorder negates any efforts to create comfort and attractiveness in the interior. But Ekaterina Bostandi advises to warn the mess at the interior design stage: "Much attention is paid to the organization of storage systems. There must be less open niches and shelves. "

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