How to organize roof security elements


Finally, the roofing coating is laid, the eaves are laid and the drainage gutter is installed. It would seem that high-rise works are over. However, it is not necessary to hurry, because it is still necessary to ensure safe operation of the roof.

How to organize roof security elements 12087_1

The integrated industry did not have the concept of "roofing system". This is called tooling, helping without much difficulty and risk to go to the roof, move on it when maintaining and repairing, as well as preventing snow ribs. What elements are such an element, where to purchase them and how to install?

Walking on the roofs

Photo: Dr. Schiefer.

Way up

Most of the owners of country houses regularly have to be closed on the roof and make more or less long walks. First of all, you need to clean the chimney at least once a year. If the house is surrounded by large trees, it is desirable to remove the foliage from the drainage chutes and the funnels - otherwise, the trays will be overwhelmed with water. Finally, sometimes there is a need for small repair of roofing or its treatment with antifungal agent.

Alas, to climb the roof, the hosts usually use loose-wide stairs, cables, brackets and other "self-mounted" climbing equipment. At the same time, they go to nothing justified risk and in addition they damage the roofing coating, which is easily damaged under the influence of local mechanical loads (let's say, the professional flooring should not be sold, just leaning on him with his knee). But it's not so difficult to establish stationary structures that will make a movement on the roof quite comfortable, especially since the price of the issue is relatively small - no more than 20% of the cost of the main roofing works and materials.

Walking on the roofs

Photo: Borge. The main elements of the roofing safety system are made of galvanized steel and stain in the weatherproof powder paint in three or four standard colors.

Walking on the roofs

Photo: Fakro. During the construction of alpine-style houses, traditional snowstores are used - brica, strengthened by means of special hooks

Roofing hatch provides an exit to the roof from the attic. In the Russian market, Vilpe are presented mainly by Vilpe, made of an atmospheric plastic painted in the mass - polypropylene (six standard colors are available). The tightness of the hatch adjoining node to the carrier roof structures is ensured by salary having a wide flange with a rubber gasket (sometimes an additional seal of mastic is required). The direction of opening the lid and the type of salary (it depends on the roofing) is chosen when ordering. The cost of the hatch - from 12 thousand rubles.

Walking on the roofs

Photo: Fakro. Technical or evacuation hatch is better equipped with a pneumolift that facilitates the opening of the lid and locking it in the open position.

The hatch window serves to enter the roof of an attic or attic room. As well as the usual attic window, such a hatch waterproof is equipped with a safe "warm" double-glazed window (with tempered glass) and is equipped with an aluminum salary (the frames are usually made from wood). However, the hatch's sash leans on the side, upper or lower loops (the window it turns around the middle axis), and the lower profile of the box is reinforced and is equipped with an anti-slip pad so that it can be used as a step. WGI (FAKRO) Luke Window Size 460 ×

× 750 mm - from 9800 rubles; Velux and Roto models are somewhat more expensive.

Luke needs to be located as close as possible to the skate and chimney, and directly near the title of the pipe makes sense to install a platform with light railings

The facade staircase is an alternative to the hatch. This reliable metal construction is stationary with the help of special brackets to monolithic or masonry walls or power parts of the frame (at the panel houses) at the construction stage of the building. With the height of the structure, more than 6 m may require a cylindrical protective screen from steel profiles surrounding the staircase and providing additional insurance. Roofing staircase helps move on the skate from the cornice to the skate.

Walking on the roofs

Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burdamedia. The rifled barriers rarely cause the appearance on the roof of the snowdrifts: the pipes cut a snowy layer, and it comes off in small fragments. This design, in contrast to the corner, is suitable for roofs with any coating.

Walking on the roofs

Photo: Borge. The staircase installed next to the window can serve for emergency evacuation

In Borge and Roofsystems systems, it is easily poked with the facade through U-shaped elements. The stairs (facade and roofing) are collected from the sections of a fixed length, but they can be cut and spliced ​​with each other to achieve the desired length of the design. The useful width of the stairs is about 400 mm. In order to increase security, anti-slip platforms are fixed.

Snowstands should not be installed directly under the attic windows, otherwise the past all winter will be under the snow

Mostki serve for movement parallel to the skate and cornices. This element is an elongated lattice (in order not to delay the precipitate) platform. Mostki have flights and transverse ribs of rigidity, simultaneously performing the function of the anti-slip shell. To install them on the skate horizontally, use special adjustable brackets, and L-shaped attachments provide a reliable connection with the roofing staircase.

Walking on the roofs

Photo: Dr. Schiefer. Color Metal Buglels are selected so that they are invisible on the roof

Roofing fencing is sometimes mounted along the edge of the pavements and along the eaves. In essence, it is a durable railing with racks and handrail. If equipping such a fencing with oval pipes, fixed at a short distance from the roof, they will serve as snowstores.

Safety rail (it is mounted near the skate parallel to the latter) serves for moving fastening of the safety cable, which helps to get, for example, to angular waterborne funnels. The rail is not as convenient as the railing and mobble, but but less affects the appearance of the building. ZTO solution is suitable for gentle roofs with a non-slip coating.

The main elements of the roofing system are made from galvanized steel and covered with weatherproof powder paint. Manufacturers offer a standard set of colors that are optimally combined with the most popular roofing and facade materials; To order details paint in any color RAL palette.

Walking on the roofs

Photo: Ruukki. If the staircase is mounted on the "rear" facade, then the smoke tubes are packed

Access is denied!

Will facade and roofing stairs increase the attractiveness of the house for hackers? Not necessary. It is important that the elements of the security system do not become a springboard for penetration into the building, that is, they did not allow to get to the windows and balconies. In the presence of attic windows and anti-aircraft lamps from the facade staircase, it is better to give up the hatch. If it is necessary to ensure the possibility of evacuation through the roof, it makes sense to order a hatch of stainless steel or aluminum. Well, of course, do not forget about the most reliable means of protection against foreign access - alarm, video surveillance and production of the house for protection.

Walking on the roofs

Photo: Borge. The docking of the facade staircase with roofing will provide access to the chimney. Cleaning the chimney will make it easier for a removable umbrella

Means from avalanche

From the pitched roof, especially metallic, the snow usually comes off with large formations capable of injury, damage the drain system, decorative fences, pergolas, canopies and other courtyards. With a significant (more than 45 °), snow colts are possible, even with rough coatings on a bitumen basis. To prevent the gathering of avalanche, it is necessary to equip the roof of snow-footers, which are divided into four types.

Corner linear is low triangular sectors, bent from sheet steel and pinned near the eaves in parallel. They are effective only enough gentle (angle of inclination up to 30 °) and small in length (no more than 5 m) rods. Such products do not adorn the roof and contribute to the accumulation of snow on it.

Walking on the roofs

Photo: Vilpe.

Corner point (so-called bohegeli), unlike linear, do not form extended barriers, and are teeth that are crashed into a snowy layer and do not allow it to move down. True, they must be installed in several rows, and not only near the eaves, but also in the middle of the skates or even somewhat higher. The scheme of attachment of point snow-saw holders is optimally suitable for the roof of the flexible tile.

The lattice snowstores are stripes of a solid steel mesh or perforated sheet steel, mounted using special brackets. They cope with their task, but with heavy snowfalls with alternating frosts and thaws contribute to the formation of the roof of the icing snowy snowdrifts.

Walking on the roofs

Photo: Fakro.

Tubular barriers today are recognized as the best symboratener design. Establish them in one or two continuous series or fragments in a checker order; The distance between the brackets should not exceed 1100 mm, and the production of pipes around the edges is 300 mm.

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How to organize roof security elements 12087_15

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Photo: Borge. Anti-slip steps (a) more convenient

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Photo: "Red roofs". There are snowstaving accessories for clay tiles on sale.

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Photo: "Stroy-Roofing". The lattice barrels require a particularly durable attachment

Electricity against icicles

A modern way to combat icicles - installation of an anti-change system based on heating cables.

It is better to give preference to the most reliable products - self-regulating and fluoroplastic isolation. Ordinary resistive cables often fail due to overheating, for example, if they are covered with a layer of dirt or foliage.

Properly configured non-flare system for the roof of a small (150-200 m2) cottage for the heating season consumes 400-800 kW • h

For guaranteed success, it is necessary to heat the lower parts of the skate (width of 30-50 cm), as well as drainage gutters, funnels and pipes. Cables unfold linearly (in drainters) and snake (on the edge of the roof), fixing the mounting ribbon, clips or brackets. It is necessary that 1 m2 of the heated area of ​​the roof accounted for 200-250 W released thermal energy, and for each phenomenon meter of the horod or pipes - 30-50 W. This is quite enough to ensure melting of ice and snow at air temperature around 0 ° C.

So that the surrounding snow does not tear off and damaged the heating cables, they are necessarily combined with snowdowers

The simplest heating control of the roof consists of an air temperature sensor and an electronic regulator that allows you to adjust the system so that it works, for example, in the range from -5 to +3 ° C. A similar kit is inexpensive (from 1500 rubles), but the scheme is far from perfect, since heating can be included and in the absence of real conditions for the formation of icicles, and this leads to excess energy costs. Weather station with remote sensors will save. Its control unit is installed in the house, the air temperature sensor is outside on the wall, in the sun-protected place; The presence of melt water - in the drainfast, and the surface temperatures on the roof. The price of a set of devices - from 14 thousand rubles.

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Photo: "CST". In the roof electrical systems, cables are used by a specific linear power of 17-30 W / p. m in isolation, resistant to UV radiation. Methods for their installation on metal tile and soft roof (almost the same

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Photo: "CST". Elements of the anti-icing system: water sensor

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Photo: "CST". Switch with a relay regulator

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Photo: "CST". Switch

Comparative characteristics of heating cables

Type of cable


Recommended locations

Price, rub. / Pog. M.


Requires connecting power cables from both ends, does not tolerate overheating, it creates intensive electromagnetic radiation

Edge of the roof (30-60 cm), drainage gutter


Two zeal

It connects from one end, does not tolerate overheating, it is possible to depressurize the couplings in the places of the compound of heating and the feed

Drainage pipes


Single-core in fluoroplastic isolation

It is not afraid of overheating, more reliable (no connecting couplings), creates intensive electromagnetic radiation

All the above and drip



Changes the heat dissipation depending on the temperature of the matrix; never overheats and does not burn out

All of the above and zone of endands


Shield from lightning

To protect the building from lightning strikes to the roof, the lightning conductor serves. There are several options for its execution. For example, to the wall of the house, with the help of currently plated brackets, the welded mast from metal rolled with a spire cross-section area (it should rise above the roof at least 2 m) at least 100 mm2. This zipper is connected by means of a single-core cable (conduction section - from 8 mm2) to the ground contour, the type of which is chosen based on the properties of the soil. Metal roof is sometimes ground separately, paving under it an uninsulated ice-cold steel or aluminum core in such a way as to ensure contact with sheets of coating and charge charge in the ground.

3 Rules for mounting roofing elements

  1. It is not allowed to fasten the details to the facade facing, roofing, plywood, osp and other sheet materials with a thickness of less than 16 mm.
  2. Under the roofing brackets it is necessary to install gaskets (for example, from ethylene-propylene rubber). Sealing mastic is significantly less reliable.
  3. When fitting in size, parts should be cut with a hacksaw, and not a grinder to save the protective and decorative coating.

Installation of snow concaves on the roofs with different coating

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How to organize roof security elements 12087_31

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Photo: Borge.

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How to organize roof security elements 12087_36

If the roof is covered with profiled steel sheets (a), a bitumen (b) gamps (b) or metal tile (B), the brackets screw to the boards or bruises of the root through the roofing material, sealing the holes with rubber beds. In the case of clay or cement tiles, carrying parts are installed before laying a row (g). On the folding roof, snowstores are fixed with bolts through the locks of the sheets (E).

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