Storeroom sun


Installation of the dacha pool - especially with a stationary bowl - quite complicated. Meanwhile, it is actively using such a reservoir in our latitudes only 2-3 months per year, and even if the weather does not bring. We will tell about a light-wide design that will help significantly extend the swimming season.

Storeroom sun 12104_1

Installation of the dacha pool - especially with a stationary bowl - quite complicated. Meanwhile, it is actively using such a reservoir in our latitudes only 2-3 months per year, and even if the weather does not bring. We will tell about a light-wide design that will help significantly extend the swimming season.

If you collect a translucent pavilion over the pool, the water will warm up to the day (due to the greenhouse effect) and less cool at night (due to the decrease in the convective heat transfer). Such a construction will protect the water from pollution by plant seeds, leaves and other flying garbage, and if you increase its dimensions, it will turn into an all-weather bathing room.

The pavilion can be erected independently, but only according to the scheme of the perigel glazing, having received a stationary house with a scope roof as a result. Well, we will tell about the finished constructions transformers produced by Alukov, Aluten, Voroka, Ideal Cover, IPC Team Idre.

Storeroom sun

Photo: "Astrapuls"

Storeroom sun

Photo: Voroka.

Storeroom sun

Photo: Alukov.

Storeroom sun

Photo: Ideal Cover

2. The price of the pavilion of 3x6x1m of three sections on an aluminum frame is at least 200 thousand rubles. excluding installation.

3, 4. Low arch (3) hurts swimming. So that in cool or windy weather you could float under the protection of a transparent fence, it is necessary to raise the ceiling at least 1.2m above the water level (4).

Storeroom sun

Photo: "Pavilions for pools"

Storeroom sun

Photo: Voroka.

Storeroom sun

Photo: "Astrapuls"

Storeroom sun

Photo: Alukov.

5. The smaller the bending radius of carrier profiles, the better the roof is opposed to snow loads.

6-8. The thoughtful mechanism of movement allows without much difficulty to manipulate sections of very impressive sizes (6). Attempts are being made to equip it with electric drive. The dome pavilion (7) will cost 30-50% more expensive than the tunnel of the same area. Wide-harmonic doors in the end wall (8) will help turn the shelter in the bathing room.

Storeroom sun

Photo: Decing Hall

Storeroom sun

Photo: "Pavilions for pools"

9, 10. The base for the pavilion can be wooden flooring, resting on pillars or piles (9), monolithic reinforced concrete tape, laid down to a depth of at least 30 cm, or a reinforced concrete site (10). As a rule, driving tracks are fixed to the support using anchor bolts.

Small forms

The factory production pavilions with a frame of bent profiles are distinguished not only by the original design, but also the ability to move or develop, so that on a hot summer day you can enjoy all the advantages of the open reservoir. These designs have different sizes, forms and purposes.

Tunnel shelter , for example Flair and Teledom (Voroka), is low (usually not higher than 0.8m) structure, in fact, performing the function "advanced" bedspread for the pool. It consists of two or more (in practice - up to ten) arched sections equipped with two pairs of rollers and installed on rail paths that are laid along long sideboard bowls. The design is shifted by the telescopic principle, freeing the most of the water stroit; If you extend the rails outside the pool, then it can leave for a "spare way", with the reservoir will be fully open.

The extreme sections have end walls, often removable or with sliding doors, which serve mainly to ventilate the pavilion (to prevent water overheating in summer heat).

Dome shelter , Let's say ORLANDO (IPC Team) and Rund (Voroka), is a semicherele consisting of two or more sectoral sections that are movably fastened at the top point and move around the vertical axis along the circular rails. Some models, such as Klasik SPA (Ideal Cover), open about the principle of garage-shells, which is less convenient, because for the entrance to the pavilion will have to fold half the dome. Shelters of the hemispherical shape are designed for round pools or compact street jacuzzi.

Hall for bathing , For example, Casablanka (Ideal Cover), Royal, Excelent (Voroka), - a tunnel or hemispherical pavilion, the size and slope of the walls of which allow you to stand in full growth and freely move at least along one side of the pool, and also placed under the roof of the rest area with Table and couple of chairs or chairs. In addition, the "tunnels" change the cross section of the construction, for example, "engage" by the side sector. The dome structures usually simply increase the dimensions. But at the same time its sailboat increases, which means that all the design nodes are required, which leads to a significant increase in its cost.

Pavilion-annex Suppose Corso (IPC Team) is installed close to the house so that the similarity of a glazed veranda is formed, which can be turned into an open patio by simple manipulations. Here you use retractable semi-arms sections, and one of the guides are fixed to the floor of the veranda, and the other - to the wall of the building at a height from 2.2m.

Pavilion for the pool


+ Allows you to extend the swimming season to 5 months without additional energy consumption.

+ Protects the pool from contamination with falling leaves, pollen plants and other garbage.

+ Reduces evaporation: to top up the pool to the pool is less likely.

+ Facilitates the fight against aquatic flora and microorganisms, thereby reducing the consumption of algicides and disinfectants.

+ Protects from sunburn, provides a comfortable bathing in bad weather (refers to the halls).


- High construction price: from 12 thousand rubles. For 1m2.

- Comparatively small (6-10 years) service life of seals and translucent frame filling, the high cost of replacing both.

- It needs time consuming: the design is required to wash regularly, and from the inside to process the disinfectant to prevent the fungus.

Lightweight and durable

The design of the pavilion should be withstanding snow and wind loads, to withstand the effects of aggressive chemistry used for disinfection of water, as well as sunlight. At the same time, the manufacturer needs to make it easier to make it easier to reduce shipping costs and assembly. The listed requirements limit the choice of materials.

Carcasses Pavilions are assembled mainly from aluminum profiles designed specifically for this purpose. Only the company "Pavilions for pools" uses more durable (but more massive) arcs from polished stainless steel.

Aluminum profiles are anodized or painted with powder enamel (brown, blue, green and red are available). AIDEAL COVER and IPC Team, in addition, decorated them under a tree by transferring a drawing with special films at high temperature. Thus, it is possible to ensure an increased wear resistance of the surface.

Connections of frame parts are performed using mortgage or overhead (the first option is preferred), and clamping headquarters and grooves in profiles are used to fasten the translucent filling.

To ensure that the construction does not burn under the weight of snow, the side of the frame profiles should not exceed 60cm. Alas, in practice, it is usually about 1M, so pavilions, especially wide and low tunnel shelters, have to be cleaned of snow.

Filling the carcass Serve bent in cold condition sheets of cellular and monolithic polycarbonate. The material is very easy, weatherposts, snow is well rolled with it. Unworn polycarbonate passes up to 80% of the light (at the same time filtering UV radiation); If tinting sheets (adding a dye into a liquid compound) in brown, bronze, gray, green and other colors, then the lighting properties will drop to 40-60%.

In the manufacture of pavilions, cellular (empty) sheets are 8-10mm thick, as well as monolithic 4-6mm thickness. The second is more expensive, besides, they almost twice the coefficient of heat transfer, but they are stronger and more durable. The fact is that the thin layers of the cellular material are faster in the influence of sunlight, and the water steam is able to penetrate into the internal cells and condensed there, causing the appearance of fungus.

Storeroom sun

Storeroom sun

Storeroom sun

Storeroom sun

Equipped with hidden rollers section move along aluminum multi-power paths (11). Thanks to special hysteries and retainers (12), the design is well opposed to wind gusts. The gaps between the sections and in the guide zone are covered with petal seals (13, 14). Photo: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

Briefly about dimensions

Each manufacturer offers five - ten model pavilion models, and, for example, Voroka is ready to vary the dimensions of each of them within 1-7 m (with 1M increments), Aluten - in the range of 1-2 m, and Ideal Cover and IPC Team Release products only standard sizes. Thus, it is better to immediately focus on the construction of a pool with a pavilion - then the choice of models will be much wider.

Winter Neszon

Mobile pavilion is not able to create conditions for the operation of the pool in the cold season. The reasons for this are the low heat insulating properties of the fence and poorly compacted joints. In the presence of a water heating system, you can maintain a plus temperature in a bowl, but in the spring you still have to merge water, clean and disinfect the bowl and pipes, rinse or change filters.

The editors thanks the company "Astrapuls", "Pavilions for swimming pools", "Pool Galaxy" for help in the preparation of material.

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