Seminars in TWK


Entrance doors must have burglary resistance, be reliable, well isolate sounds, smells and warmth. The questions of our readers relating to the choice of doors from steel and locking devices will be replied by specialists - participants of the next seminar in TVC "Expostroy on Nakhimovsky", organized by the ID "Salon Press" and the XSMedia Mediagement

Seminars in TWK 12278_1

Entrance doors must have burglary resistance, be reliable, well isolate sounds, smells and warmth. The questions of our readers relating to the choice of doors from steel and locking devices will be replied by specialists - participants of the next seminar in TVC "Expostroy on Nakhimovsky", organized by the ID "Salon Press" and the XSMedia Mediagement

Our experts

Seminars in TDC Exposure on Nakhimovsky






Seminars in TDC Exposure on Nakhimovsky



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What should be the thickness of the steel, from which the details of the door block are made?

Vitaly Karaman. The thickness of the sheet should be reasonable from the point of view of providing the strength characteristics of the canvas. The thicker leaf, the more expensive it is and the more difficult to process it efficiently. Today, special varieties of steel are increasingly used, allowing to give sufficient structure strength with a smaller thickness of the parts walls. As a result, the doors are becoming easier and more convenient in operation and at the same time no less reliable. It must be borne in mind that there are quite a few tools that can be able to cut or cut the sheet with a thickness of up to 6mm without much trouble. Thus, the overall structural solution of the door block is much more important to ensure resistance to hacking and opening, the thickness of the steel.

What is the optimal number and location of locking points?

Vitaly Karaman. The optimal one can be considered a uniform distribution of such points around the perimeter of the door, and their number depends largely on the thickness and departure of the deposits. Do not overload the lock mechanism with an excessive amount of movable riggers and thrust. It makes sense to provide locking points in the middle and the corners of the canvas. Spell side to evenly place three - five anti-removal pins - they, too, in a sense are locking points.

Seminars in TDC Exposure on Nakhimovsky


Seminars in TDC Exposure on Nakhimovsky


Seminars in TDC Exposure on Nakhimovsky


3. One of the important characteristics of the castle is the number and departure of the riglels.

Seminars in TDC Exposure on Nakhimovsky


Seminars in TDC Exposure on Nakhimovsky


Seminars in TDC Exposure on Nakhimovsky


Seminars in TDC Exposure on Nakhimovsky


4-6. Decorative inserts (4, 5) are a three-chamber package of hardened glasses. The high secrecy cylinder (6) is required to close the armor.

7. The entrance door of the country house should be protected from precipitation and ultraviolet

Does the type of aggregate affect the heat and sound insulation of the door characteristics?

Oleg Kuznetsov. To fill metal doors, various materials are used: mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam. Fibrous fillers can give shrinkage and accumulate moisture. They are better not to apply for entrance doors installed on the street. Polyurethane foam is not hygroscopic and formostable and at the same time is a good heat and soundproofer.

How many contours of the seal should be at the entrance door?

Oleg Kuznetsov. The more accurately the door block is made, the less you need seals and the thinner they can be. In any case, the appropriate need is one sealer on the canvas and the second on the box. By the rise of the number of contours of the sealing and thickness of seals, the load on the latch of the lock and the locking system as a whole is increasing.

What are the advantages of doors with a concrete box?

Oleg Kuznetsov. Doors of this type are also produced by some European companies, in particular Gerda. The box profile in such doors is unclosed - concrete is held inside it and at the same time climbs with the wall. This solution increases the burglary resistance of the design, and in addition, it makes it possible to additionally enhance the opening and prevent deformations, often emerging in country houses due to shrinkage of walls or bases of the foundation.

How many and what locks should be on the entrance door?

Vitaly Karaman. Unfortunately, universal recommendations do not exist on this. The main thing - the locks must be high quality. It is better to establish one lock with a reliable high-secrecy cylinder and protect it from the power influence using the bron alphabet, than to use a combination of two simple and inexpensive locks.

Oleg Kuznetsov. You can not save on the lock, because, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which, by the way, coincides with our estimates, the methods of unauthorized penetration into the dwelling are distributed as follows: about 60% - opening of the castle, 30% - the selection of keys, 10% - through the door itself by the door by His damage.

Are there castles that cannot be opened with a "quiet" tool?

Vitaly Karaman. In this regard, castles with an electronic encoding system are the greatest interest - biometric, with IDR proxy cards. Cockup locks do not have a key and a keyhole, so open them more difficult than ordinary mechanical models. Such products are not yet massive: they are quite expensive, and their reliability is not yet tested by time. But even these systems can not be said that they provide one hundred percent protection against unauthorized access to the dwelling. Castles are constantly being improved, but, alas, develop their criminal autopsy technologies.

What are the causes of the hotels and breakdowns of locks?

Oleg Kuznetsov. Our service professionals are most often faced with malfunctions caused by dust in the lock mechanism during repair. The smaller the tolerances on the size of the parts of the mechanism, the higher the secrecy of the latter. Foreign particles enter tiny clearances causes the castle. Therefore, we recommend installing a temporary cylinder for a period of repair. Another cause of breakage can be the use of unsuitable lubricants. If the castle began to act badly, it is necessary to immediately invite the service master, and not wait until the critical situation arises and the door will be blocked.

Vitaly Karaman. If, with an open door, the lock works immaculately, and with a closed - with difficulty, it means that the door or lock is simply installed incorrectly.

Where to seek help if the lock does not open?

Oleg Kuznetsov. Many firms selling entrance doors have their own services. For example, our company has a 24-hour emergency service. After installing the door, we issue a warranty card with its phone. Write it down - then you do not have to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations or someone who will break the door. Specialists of the service know how to carefully open the jamming castle. In addition, they have details that can be replaced in place so that the door does not remain uneasy. It should be remembered: In order for the door to open our specialists, documents are needed to accommodate in this apartment or the presence of neighbors and precincts.

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