We build according to the rules


Knowledge of construction standards and rules will help those who are going to build a house of their dreams. After all, you need to plan a plot so that everything is not only convenient and beautiful, but also safely. And for this you should study all the necessary documentation and bring your plans for proper compliance with its requirements.

We build according to the rules 12439_1

We build according to the rules

Knowledge of construction standards and rules will help those who are going to build a house of their dreams. After all, you need to plan a plot so that everything is not only convenient and beautiful, but also safely. And for this you should study all the necessary documentation and bring your plans for proper compliance with its requirements.

Before building the cargo in the country area, it is necessary to thoroughly think over the location of everything that in accordance with your plans should fit on this territory. However, we suggest you to start even not from drawing a plan plan, but with a solid documentary preparation for construction.

Check on the road

First of all, you will see that the documents that secure property on the land is decorated properly. Remember that the membership book of the garden partnership is not a guide document: you must have a purchase and sale agreement (if the site is fully belonging to you), lease agreement, continuous use or inherited ownership (if you only use land, but do not own it Fully). Immediately make a reservation - it will be solely about the houses in SNT (gardening non-commercial partnerships), so we will not talk about the registration of the erected structure. However, we recall: if you are going to build a full-fledged country house, in the certificate of ownership (or lease agreement) it should be written that this land plot is assigned to a personal subsidiary farm or individual housing construction.

Then it is necessary to clarify whether there are any special rules relating to the development in your area. It is necessary to know that for the SNT, which occupies the area of ​​more than 50 hectares, the concept of the master plan is created preceding the development of projects for planning and building their territories. This means that for each site there is an exemplary construction plan (location of the house and household buildings, the height of the fence, preferred building materials). In case, you will have to follow the rules that the Genplan prescribed. There is another version of the development of events. If your site is not located on the territory of a large SNT or does not apply to SNT at all, other restrictions related to the choice of construction project are possible. For example, it may well be that the height of your not yet erected dwelling will not be determined by you, but passing a number of LPP, or the location of the house on the site "prejuate" soil waters.

To minimize possible difficulties and unjustified costs, you can conduct topographic surveys on a scale of 1: 500 and geodesic studies (drilling in two or four points on the place of the future at home) that will help you choose the foundation optimal for your soil. The cost of topographic survey is about 1 thousand rubles. Overweight, drilling - from 15 thousand rubles. in one point. What else can you do? Clarify whether it is possible to bring electricity, water and gas to your site (if they are not supplied in advance), how much will it cost and whether it will take a lot of time. It is not bad to ask the neighbors who have already built at home, did they have septic, how often the assessing agents come and how the export of household waste is organized.

Neither the Chairman, nor the Board of SNTs can independently oblige you to rebuild the plot as "as accepted in the partnership", since the construction standards and rules are the same for all and do not depend on the traditions of the Horticultural Association (unless, these requirements are not dictated by a single general plan.

Finally, you can purchase a house project. The vigrants of the Russian Federation said that during the construction of a house up to three floors, the project is not required, however, if you want to subsequently translate your country house into the category of houses for permanent residence, the project will be needed. Its value begins from 10 thousand rubles. (typical or design project). The working draft (with acrobated nodes and engineering communications) will cost much more expensive - from 100 thousand rubles. The project will help you when drafting a course of construction. In addition, the charter of some SNT made a requirement for the presence of a construction project and even some mandatory conditions from the joint venture can even be inscribed (a set of rules for design and construction) 11-106-97 or SNiP 30-02-97.

Perfect partnership

Snip 30-02-97 provides for the requirements not only for each site, but also to the territory of the partnership as a whole. This is how the "right" SNT should be equipped:

  • On the border of the partnership, it is necessary to organize a fence;
  • The distance from the development to forests on the territory of the horticultural association should be at least 15m;
  • Entry into SNT, consisting of 50 sites, should be one. If the sections are greater, you need to provide another or more entry. In this case, the width of the gate cannot be less than 4.5 m, and the wickets are less than 1M;
  • At the entrance to the overall use of the partnership should be a guide, the composition of the premises of which and their square are set by the charter;
  • The width of the streets and travel (red lines on the plan) should be at least 9 and 7m, respectively, and the minimum rotation radius is 6.5 m. On drives should be organized traveling platforms with a length of at least 15m and width of at least 7m, including the width of the carriageway. The distance between traveling platforms, as well as between them and crossroads should be not more than 200m;
  • Firefire (or reservoirs) is required with a capacity of at least 25m3 (if there are no more than 300 sections). At the same time, a platform should be arranged for installing fire equipment with the possibility of taking water with pumps and an entrance of at least two fire cars was organized;
  • Gas cylinders should be stored on a special platform;
  • Place public buildings (for example, a gazebo for collecting SNT board) can be at a distance of at least 4m from the borders of the garden sites;
  • For non-researchable household waste (glass, metal, polyethylene) on public areas, sites for garbage containers should be provided, located no closer than 20m from the borders of the garden sites.

    Purpose plans

    Now that all documents are verified, you can start planning. General rules for which the site should be planned is fixed in SNiP 30-02-97. Valid dreams from the provisions of the joint venture 11-106-97 (it concerns the design rules and is rather a letter of recommendation, especially if its individual provisions are not included in the Charter of SNT), the SNiP requirements are required for all landlords of 6 hectares and more.

    The first thing to pay attention to the preparation of the plan of the site is a fence. As a rule, the plots are wallpapers: Mesh or lattice fences with a height of 1.5 m are erected between adjacent grounds. From the street or travel, it is possible to establish a deaf fence, if the general meeting of SNT members agree with such a decision. However, you can burn down a higher and less "transparent" fence and from a neighbor - the main thing so that it does not mind. After the fence is set, decide on the location of other necessary objects. To properly place them, you need to choose landmarks. They will be the buildings in the areas of neighbors and the fence itself. If the neighbors are still at the planning stage, the situation is simplified - to agree on all issues at the preliminary stage much easier than to look for options for transferring ready-made, already constructed buildings and structures.

    If you build a country house with an area of ​​more than 500m2, you need to get an architectural and planning task in managing the architecture of your region. AESLI Square of housing is less, you have to coordinate its project plan and placement of household buildings with the chief architect of the district

    So, about "binding" at home. From the border of the site from the street (the Red Line on the SNT Plan) to the house should be at least 5m, from the boundaries of the passage and the neighboring site - at least 3m. Distance from household buildings to red lines of streets and travel - at least 5m. Now "tie" your objects to the fence with the neighboring area. From the border of the adjacent area before the construction for the content of small livestock and the birds should be at least 4m, to other buildings - 1M (at the same time, the roofs of such a building should be focused on its site), to the trunks of tall trees should be left 4m, the average - 2m, to Shrub - 1m.

    "Tied" buildings on their plot to neighboring is necessary in accordance with the requirements of fire safety standards. It is for this reason that there are minimal distances between the buildings in the adjacent areas depending on the material of these structures. Using the table given here, you can calculate the minimum fire prevention distances between adjacent residential buildings and groups of other buildings in the sections.

    For example, the distance between your stone house and a wooden dwelling should be at least 10m, and between wooden baths (your and neighbor) - at least 15m.

    The next stage of planning is associated with the placement on the site of structures relative to each other. The minimum distances between buildings dictated by sanitary and household requirements are such: from a residential building and a cellar to the restroom should be at least 12m; from home to shower, baths (saunas) - 8m; From the well to the restroom and the compost device - 8m. Note that these distances must be observed within one site, and between buildings in neighboring territories. A separate requirement of SNIPs concerns the tracks: for a plot of 0.06-0.12 hectares, their area should not exceed 25-30% of its area.

    We build according to the rules
    Minimal fire fighting distances between adjacent residential houses choosing a project, you need to know that under the house you can arrange a basement or cellar (it is impossible to do under construction for small cattle and birds). The height of the residential premises from the floor to the ceiling is not less than 2.2m. Eventure premises, including in the basement, the height of the ceilings may be lower, but not less than 2M; The height of the cellar is at least 1.6 m to the bottom of the protruding structures (beams, runs). It is also necessary to pay attention to the requirements for engineering equipment. Here are some of the most common:

  • Finally, we note the requirement of SNIPs to the degree of insolation of residential buildings. This complex term means that in the period from March 22 to September 22, the Sun should cover the rooms of your home at least 2.5 hours every day or 3h with interruptions.

    If the rules are violated

    We will tell you what to do those who have faced the situation when the building rules violated the neighbor (for example, built a fence above the norm, there was a compost device too close to a fever separating your sites, IT.D.).

    First of all, it is necessary to fix the violation - the chairman or the Board of the SNT will help this, which will compile the corresponding act. Vakte must be recorded exactly which slips are not respected. It is desirable to add this document to the appropriate image (for example, a photo of a fence with a roulet attached to it or a plan plan, which shows that the neighbor does not comply with the required distance from the fence separating the sections). Even more cases on disorders of SNIPs do not even be reported - they can be detected with the obligatory inspection of the sections by the Commission consisting of SNT officials and verifying, for example, as they remove the testimony from electrical counters. In love case, the violation should be recorded documented, and the perpetrator must be proposed to correct the adequacy and determine the period for resolving potentially conflict situations.

    If the violation during the set time is not eliminated, the chairman of the SNT makes a warning. Formally, it does not threaten the owner who guessed the owner, unless the position was made in the Charter of the SNT, according to which there may be a cash fine in violation of SNiPs.

    When representatives of the firefighter or architectural supervision will check (such events are held in all SNTs regularly), the builder's grief is not only fined, but also obliges to bring their site in line with the SNIFAM. It will have to spend time and money.

    If there were no checks yet, and the neighboring fence (hozblock, bath) complicate your summer life, you need to go to court. Composing a lawsuit, remember that you will challenge a violation by your neighbors of ownership of the site (Art. 304 of the Civil Code), and not SNiPs. Only an authorized person can fix the fact of impairment of SNiPs (for example, a representative of architectural supervision). Thus, if you decide to go to court, it is necessary to prepare a lawsuit on the fiction of obstacles (in civil law it is called "Negator lawsuit"). The statute of limitations for such a claim is not. Therefore, you can challenge the legality of the construction of the buildings prefering to you even if you bought your site after a long time after it was constructed.

    The general rule of measurement is: the distance between the house and the boundary of the neighboring section is determined from its base or, if there is no last, - from the wall. But if the elements of the building (Erker, Porch, Veranda, Svet Roof) perform 50cm and more, the distance is measured from these protrusions or their projections to land

    In determining the amount of damage to the damage, it is necessary to take into account that compensation about the violated property rights and the damage caused by this violation may be considered in different claims.

    That your claim has been reviewed, you need:

  • If you think that the decisions of the Board or the Chairman of the SNT infringe upon your rights, you can seek the police, the prosecutor's office or the court.

    So, we will summarize: construction in the country area should be planned in advance taking into account the SNIPs. Compliance with the latter is largely not only the key to trouble-free coexistence with neighbors, but also the guarantee of your safe and comfortable life in the country.

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