Green supergrown


In the arsenal of the landscape designer, many plants, and each of them plays his role in the garden. The special group traditionally distinguished the lianas, which are also called garden climbers for their ability to climb on the walls. We will tell about what decorative effect can be achieved, soot Liana

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In the arsenal of the landscape designer, many plants, and each of them plays his role in the garden. The special group traditionally distinguished the lianas, which are also called garden climbers for their ability to climb on the walls. We will tell about what decorative effect can be achieved, soot Liana

Green supergrown

Liana-surprisingly plastic plants. Most often, they are used for the so-called vertical gardening. It is one of the most compact in planting cultures: occupy a minimum area on the plot and at the same time very decorative. They are decorated with pergolas, arbors, retaining walls, fences, walls of houses and household buildings. Of these, green shirms are also created, allowing zoning garden space or mask "technical" sites (compost bunch, septicities IT.D.). The garden in which there are Liana is visually more rich, because it appears vertical green (and autumn-bright yellow-red) surfaces. They are also useful because they help create shadow zones (if there is a need for this) and regulate humidity regime on the site, serve to protect against wind.
Green supergrown
Green supergrown
Green supergrown
Green supergrown
Green supergrown
Green supergrown
Green supergrown
Green supergrown

Of all the perennial crops used in vertical landscaping, the most colorful Clematis (1, 7, 8) and roses (2). The period of their maximum decorative is at the time of flowering. Both of these plants are classic garden crops that are in landscape gardens are small. However, there are small Clematis grades (grape-olive, manchurian IDR.) - Thanks to its nonsense, "modesty" they are able to fit into the natural garden. Most of Lian are attractive primarily by the decorativeness of the sheet, not with flowers (3-6). Horde, lemongrass, hops, grapes - everyone has their own form and its sheet cut. In the summer and autumn, the thick mass of the leaves is similar to skillfully woven tapestries

Palette mountaineers

The most popular from Lian, grown throughout, is the maiden grapes. Gardeners love him for unpretentiousness. In addition to him, other cultures are planted: in the conditions of the middle strip of Russia, these are grapes Amur, Aktinidia Kolomykta, honeysuckle hip, lemongrass Chinese, Cyrkazon, Blackberry, Allegian, Hydrangea Cherry, Hardwrites, Clematis Idr. Some of them simply fall on supports with their long branches, others cling to the supports of the mustache or wrap their tops. Plants differ and the need for sunlight: there are light-minded, and some are capable of growing in a half or even in the shade. It is the need for the light that is determined when choosing a particular culture. On decorativeness only pay attention to the second place. Each plant is beautiful in its own way. Anectors are also useful - for example, a Chinese lemongrass, which is even used in medicine. The fruits of the grapes of Amur and actinide kolomikt are edible. Avota fruit honeysuckle hurting and kirkazone tubular poisonous, so they are categorically not recommended to plant near the playgrounds. Quick and bright effect can be achieved with the help of annual lio-soul peas, stamping, decorative beans, lagenarium.

Opinion of a specialist

Green supergrown

Pleet roses are one of the crops used in vertical landscaping. Here's the cast from Lian need to be taped (the spines here only contribute to additional sustainability). To do this, use wire in a soft braid or a non-rope. We are tied up "eight" - so that in one ring there was a support, and in the other stem: so the bark stalks will not be damaged. Before the occurrence of winter in the conditions of the middle strip of Russia, roses should be thrown into the ground and covered.

Green supergrown

One of the unpretentiousness of damagered varieties for the Moscow region is New Dawn, with white flowers a little noticeable pinkish-porcelain shade. Especially Aromate Sort COMPASSION - it is sipped by coral-pink flowers highlighting against the background of foliage.

Evgeny Pisarev, landscape designer

Atlanta of wood and metal

Supports can be purely functional, for example in the case when Lianami decorate the wall of the house. In order not to use directly the surface of the building and not damage it, at a short distance from the wall (10-15 cm), the metal grid is installed. Lianins will be mastered on it and over time will completely hide it. However, more often supports are made more intricate and interesting, since their form largely determines the attractiveness of the living object. On the lawn sites, several decorative lattice pyramids for "superpowers" can be placed - after some time here will appear vertical green planes.

Green supergrown
Green supergrown
Green supergrown
Green supergrown

Each support dictates those or other ways of "work" with plants, affects the selection of the assortment. To poured the pergola in front of the front entrance to the house, you can use the plenty roses (9), but it should be remembered that in the conditions of the middle strip of Russia, it is quite troublesome- for the winter of their whip will need to be removed from the supports and drop on the ground. Wooden lattices themselves are quite beautiful (10), so they are not necessarily close completely, the plants so that the feeling of spontaneity of their growth remains. The same can be said about the wicker fence - ideal "order" here it is better to prefer easy negligence (11), it will appropriate to plant, for example, hop golden or grapes

Green supergrown
Green supergrown
Green supergrown
Green supergrown

Exotic looks like structures that were used by vegetable crops - a wooden pyramid with decorative beans (12) or "cucumber" either "pumpkin" arch (13). Moreover, the "vegetable" theme will be not only in the place where you decide to split the garden, but in almost any gardens zone on the lawn, in a flower bed. Plant Liana is not only in open soil, but also in containers (14)

Vertical planes seized by plants bring the feeling of comfort in the landscape. And usually the thick of the "cap" of plants, the more hidden it seems that one or another corner of the garden. In the recreation area, psychological comfort contributes to Shirma, standing behind the benches (15). Green Arch, Masking Gait, adds an atmosphere of input zone with a charming mysteriousness (16)

Having decided to poured Arches by Lianami, give them as an interesting form as possible: say, the upper crossbar is made not only horizontal or semicircular, but also wavy. Thanks to this, maritime motives bring to the garden. The arch can be left in progress, consisting of only one support and the upper semicircle of overlapping, from which the Liana will be filled, as if trying to complete the second missing backup. Puting several arches with a 1m width on an open sunny area over the road, you transform a boring highway and set a certain rhythm of movement on it. In addition, a black and white drawing is formed, which will be read in sunny weather, changing during the day. The arches in such a "gallery" should not necessarily be symmetrical: the design width on one side can be only 50cm, and on the other - 1-1,5m. At the same time, the "mirror" alternation of the arches of different widths is possible. Punching supports are used and ready-made pergolas and arches in the garden, which decided to look. Inspected pergolas often arrange niches for recreation - similar cozy shaded corners are especially desirable at open solar sites.

Opinion of a specialist

Green supergrown

Clematis - Liana length about 2-3m. It blooms so abundantly, which is capable of creating the effect of a colorful live carpet. However, this culture is capricking. Before you start a collection, spend an experiment: fall out a few copies and watch them 1-2 years.

Clematis are divided into three groups. The clerva includes plants that are cut off for the winter, leaving only two or three nodes above the ground (varieties of jacma groups and a whitelle). They bloom on shoots that appeared in the current year. The second is mostly graded from the Lanugenza group - these are blooming on the overwhelming shoots and shoots of the current year.

Green supergrown

The most difficult thing to grow clematis of the third group, blooming only on overwhelming shoots (most varieties of groups of Pattoones, Florida, Cecil and Yurt). Clematis are seized with lattice trellis and arches, "spread" them on top of living trees (for example, Tui).

Maria Bakhmutova, Landscape Architect

When they landslide flat designs (say, fence), Liana serve as a kind of live green paint, and the fence itself plays the role of the canvas. On the fence you can inhabit the silhouette of the future "paintings" (for example, to carry out a wavy line on top or schedule a stepwise descent), and then gently form a green coating within the drawing boundaries.

As a rule, supports are made by wooden (ideally of larch, but less durable rocks, such as pine, can be used) or metal. It is important to remember that when the lianas grow up, it will be impossible to care for supports. However, the natural agreement is usually "to face."

If the Lianov do not find the supports, they just steal on the ground, and there is its own beauty. For example, on top of the Cossack juniper planted on the slope can be "spreading" grapes.

Harmonious unions

The monoposodts of curly plants are beautiful themselves, however, the lianas can be combined with each other with other plants, each time achieving a new decorative effect. So, against the background of the girl's virgin grapes of the fence, the coniferous group will look good: Spruce Spruce, Cossack and rocky juniper, chamber throat. We can add a dend of Flaviramea dend. Flaviramea and Barbaris Tunberg Atropurpureum so that the cloves do not look hard. In the fall of the color of his foliage, Barbaris will turn into grapes. Asima, when grapes, like all the lianas, will reset the leaves, the conifers will solulate. Vintchi grapes can be combined with Clematisami, such a "union" well, for example, to poured pergola. The grapes will play the background for the background for large Clematis flowers and besides protecting the base of the stalk of the latter from drying out. After all, Clematis, like many other lianas, are best feeling when they have a head in the sun, and the legs in the shade. "

Opinion of a specialist

Green supergrown

Phytosena is a relatively new invention. The basis of the structure is made of PVC; It is fixed with a geotextile, well holding moisture. Pocket pockets (squares of 10 or 20-20 sq.) Plants are placed, a drip irrigation system feeding water and fertilizer is supplied to them. Such a method of cultivation of crops is called hydroponics, and the function of the substrate here performs geotextiles.

Green supergrown

List of plants for phytosen, which can winter in the European climate, are quite large: ferns, geers, geihans, bells, glasses, sage, Badani IDR. Only phytosnes from Sedumes are still tested by the silles of the middle strip of Russia. Increases in this case, the soil is added. More interior phytostine appears. They are filled with tropical and subtropical plants: aspleniums, heders, chlorophyteums, aglanemia, anthurizum IDR.

Irina Kirukhina, Rastenia specialist

Interestingly, a combination of powerful Liana Aktindia Kolomykti (the length of its stems reaches 8m) and the hydrangea of ​​the cherry (the length of the stem - up to 2m): white "smears" at the tips of actinidia leaves are consonant with white hydrangea inflorescence. Such a duet can decorate a teleling or wall of the house, which goes out on the sunny side. Fit good to plant another duet- grapes Amur and Ipomeya: both of these plants are sufficiently shadowed. Similar to funnels Flowers of sipomy bloom at dawn.

Combining two such bright cultures as plenty rose and clematis, you need to think first of all about the color of flowers - plants must complement each other, but not compete on decorativeness. For example, a soft combination is a white rose with pink clematis. Contrast, exciting, but also a harmonious yellow rose with purple clematis.

Curizers of moods

Lianas are able to strengthen this or that mood inherent in each particular garden. The romantic atmosphere will help to create roses, clematis, honeysuckle honeycomb hanging grapes hanging. Mystery and some mystics will bring Cyrus tubular with large (up to 30cm long) with heart-shaped leaves. Alimonnik Chinese and the sodoguers - a reprehension having a "optimistic" plant shape with light foliage, on the contrary, will bring optimism and even greasic to the atmosphere of the garden.

Green supergrown
Green supergrown
Green supergrown
Green supergrown

Since all strain-leaf fall plants, starting from late autumn and before spring, they live with bare stems, and this picture is rarely truly attractive. But the beauty of the support structure is the pergola (17), lattices (18) or fence (19). For more than the time they solicate precisely, and the liana resemble the carpets do not fall on top, but from delirious graphic strokes in addition to the drawing of the support. Ipergola, drowning in the summer, say, in the leaves of the aristologies, in the winter suddenly loses its mystical aura, becomes transparent. If summer in the garden is the time of paints and color spots (20), then winter- time of scarce color palette, but expressive graphically. Higher skill- Designed the garden so that in all seasons he remains expressive

The editorial office thanks the landscape architect Maria Bakhmutov and landscape designer Evgenia Pisareva, the Gertruda Garden Art Center and Rastenia for help in the preparation of the material.

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