In secret...


Rubric "Design" answers questions from readers about locks for entrance doors

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Criminalists in one voice declare that for the resistance of the steel door to hacking and opening more than 50%, the lock group is responsible. It means that it is from the reliability of the castles that the safety of our property depend on and, more importantly, our calm.

The magazine "IVD" repeatedly printed the surveys market of locks for the entrance doors and described in detail about their design. But since the last publication in the editorial post and on the forum of the website, there are many issues related to this burning topic. Some of them we decided to acquaint all our readers.

Are there absolutely unborn locks?

Any lock, even if it is not a lean or another "quiet" tool, can be broken or completely destroyed, and then remove the riglels from the response. However, it will be possible to make only if there is time and appropriate equipment. In addition, extremely favorable "work" are required. Commmary and powerful devices are used by specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations that have nothing to fear. Azuliki such "cool funds" avoid: any of the neighbors, concerned about the noise and thunder behind the door, most likely call the police. Criminal statistics records a lot of cases when the attacker tried to get into the apartment, affecting the castle, and failed. Thus, high-quality locking mechanisms developed taking into account the latest ways of autopsy, fully cope with the task assigned to them.


Cylinder-removable secret mechanism of the lock, which includes a rotating larvae and a housing. Cylinders are divided into disk and pins. The latter are more common. The reading of the code from the key is carried out using spring-loaded metal rods, or pins consisting of two parts (reference and code).

Suwald-metal plates with a thickness of 1-2mm with figured slits equipped with springs. United Suwalds (as a rule, 4-8 pieces) are a secrecy mechanism of the Suwald Castle.

Riegel-nominated detail of the castle (the same as the CASS). Behind the branches weld the shank with a "comb", providing translational movement when turning the key. Usvalid castles of the shank is equipped with a stalk (short transverse rod), which combines the goals and the mechanism of secrecy.

The deviator is a mechanism with begles without elements of secrecy. Connects to vertical locking locks to get additional locking points.

Clean the simplest locking device, controlled from the inside of the room.

How many locks need to be installed on the steel door?

For a long time it was believed that the door should be equipped with two castles of different types. (You can, of course, establish the third castle, however, the design as a whole will not become more resistant to cracking, such a solution will rather weaken the strapping of the canvas. In addition, the door with three locks at-lifestyle is incident.)

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Photo 3.

Photo V. Grigoriev

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Photo 4.

Photo V. Grigoriev

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Photo 5.

Photo V. Grigoriev

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Photo 6.

3, 4. The cylinder price of Mottura (3) 6 thousand rubles, Francco (4) - 3 thousand rubles.

5, 6. The odd doors are equipped with two cylinder locks (5), however, a combination of cylinder and suvalid mechanisms more burglar resistant (6)

With the advent of combined locks (models 56786-28 and 57786, CISA; 54797, MOTTURA, obhestaly; 15.12, "Gardian", Russia, IDR.) Disputes broke out about their merits and disadvantages. Uncombined Castle Two grains and two secrecy mechanisms (the last most often different types). Such locks are independent (secrecy mechanisms are not associated with each other), half-dependent (one of the mechanisms for locking blocks the second, but each of them can be used separately) and dependent (blocking auxiliary lock cannot be closed while the main one cannot be opened).

The advantage of installing two locks is a large number of locking points. Two locks are at least eight riglels. AU of the combined castle is usually a maximum of five to six riggers, and the auxiliary mechanism (as a rule, the cylinder) manages only one. However, the presence of vertical thrust in most combined locks allows you to install deviators and, if you want to get more than ten point of locking (another question, whether there is a need). The design of semi-dependent and dependent locks is designed to provide increased resistance to opening and hacking. For example, at the model 57.965 / 985 Rt (CISA) when locking the cylinder, the key well of the desalde mechanism closes the steel flap. Due to this, the power portion of the castle receives additional protection against any latter, including from the formidable novelty-self-offspending key (its beards are made of elastic steel plates raising Suwald to the desired height). Keep in mind: A semi-dependent or dependent combination lock provides an increased level of security only, provided that it is always locked up with two keys.

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Photo 7.

Photo V. Grigoriev

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Photo 8.

Photo V. Grigoriev

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Photo 9.

Photo V. Grigoriev

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Photo 10.

Photo V. Grigoriev

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Photo 11.

Photo V. Grigoriev

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Photo 12.


7-9. Protective pads on the cylinder are enhanced by details of tempered steel.

10, 11. Cylinders of MUL-T-LOCK locks (made commissioned by Abloy) Cannot be replaced by products of other brands, because instead of a standard swivel lever, they are equipped with a gear that provides smooth extension of the riglels.

12. Model 57.985 RT (CISA): At the time of locking the cylinder, the suvalden part is securely blocked by a curtain.

How many locking points should have the door?

From quantity, type, and most importantly, the resistance of the door depends on the location of the beelels to the coarse hacking with the help of a grinder, scrap, jack. It is believed that each lock is obliged to have at least four riglels with a diameter of 16mm, with departure at least 40mm. It is best if they are made of hardened steel (unfortunately, these make mainly to order, which significantly increases the cost of the castle). It is advisable to provide six to eight locking points and be sure to combustive pins or the comb from the loop side. If a hook-shaped rigle is used (like many Suwald castles ABLOY, Finland), which prevents the door from the box, the number of locking points can be reduced to three to four. It is also desirable to have vertical riglels that do not allow to flex the corners of the canvas. Rigels with a rotating core are able to withstand the cutting disk.

What measures help prevent unauthorized production of a duplicate key?

To perform a duplicate, the original is needed, so do not lose keys and leave them unattended. You can purchase a lock with the so-called interactive key (for example, with a magnetic element), which is not amenable to copying with removal of writing. We are in a hurry to calm you: the method of pressing the plastic mass into the keyhole is hopelessly outdated. So you can only make the model of the simplest furniture key. Duplicates of keys to modern Suwald locks are in other ways. Among them is the reading of the code (the special tool is measured by the free course of each suvalda, and then reproduce the secret on the so-called dialing key), the manufacture of deformation prints (time-consuming method for which the workpieces of special soft plastic are required for each turn turnover). The greater the number of Suwald and the more accurately they are made (that is, the smaller the gap between the shank of the shank and the edges of the groove in Suwald), the harder it is to read the code.

What is bumping?

This is called the method of opening the cylinder pin locks using a special key (for each type of cylinders, its key is required) and the shock tool or the combination of both in one fixture - bumbling pistol. The essence of bumbing is that when you hit the key of the key, all the pins are "jumped" at the same time, and there is a clearance between the code and supporting part of them, which allows you to rotate the key and open the goals. This is allowed to withstand several effective countermeasures developed by manufacturers, primarily an increase in the number of pins and their multiple arrangement. Through bumping, the cylinders with support pins of dumbbell shape cannot be opened: when trying to rotate the key, they are stuck in the lock case (CISA patent). Bumping also impede magnetic and movable elements on the key, telescopic pins (invention of MUL-T-Lock, Israel), special code plates (EVVA, Austria), four-rowed positions of pins in two perpendicular planes (Gerda, Poland). By the way, the same measures are effective against the launders and the most common way to open the key.

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Photo 13.


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Photo 14.


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Photo 15.


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Photo 16.


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Photo 17.


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Photo 18.


13, 14. CISA cylinders are protected from power exposure to solid steel plates.

15-17. SL905MP (ABLOY) SL905MP (15) is equipped with hardened steel rigle. Variable key cutting step (16, 17) interferes with the secret.

18. It is precisely that the door frame is reinforced with a steel plate with a thickness of at least 2mm in the location of the response holes.

Is it possible to increase the resistance of the Suwald Castle to the opening?

The most reliable is the system of blocking the mechanism by a special pin or shut-off suvald when trying to pick up the launder or read the code. This solution is implemented in the castles of the AntiPicking series (CISA) and Kerberos products ("Plant of the Decal and Hardware Products", Russia).

Another way is to install a special "gateway" lining (for example, models 02.715 and 02.716, CISA). It is a pin-cylinder mechanism of high secrecy: while it is in the "locked" position, the suvalden part remains inaccessible. And open the lock with a single key of a special configuration. Of course, such a lining can be knocked down a sledgehammer, but it is not easy to do so, since it is mortise. The same is an unlikely scenario, in which the thief, rebuilding the whole entrance to the blows of the hammer, will calmly go to the "intellectual work".

Why do you need bronastelas and armorposses?

The bron alphabet in the form of a cup is protected with a cylinder larva from drilling, overhearsing or knocking. Burglar resistance of the lock increases only mortise overlays, which are fixed through the castle body. They have a circular protrusion, drowning under the sheaving sheet of the canvas.

Flat armoflastines 4-6mm thick are able to effectively protect the Suwald Castle from the most common types of cracking of the shank shank and using the cozzle (keypad). In the early case, the attacker needs to expand the keyhole, and the plate will not give him it.

However, the castle is obliged to have its own protection against instrumental hacking. It is difficult to reverse the cylinder reinforced by the longitudinal plates of hardened and stainless steel (as in the Astral Sigillo, Cisa model). Pins made of thermoproprotsed steel will most likely break the drill. Gerda lock springs are fixed in the housing and interfere with turning the cylinder even after removing the pins. The Suwald Castle should have a carbide rack of the shank shank or a ball pressed into the end of the rack, like some products of the Methem factory (Russia). Having resisted the coatshirt will help the weakening of the shank shank (castles Mottura Idr.).

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Photo 19.


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Photo 20.


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Photo 21.


19.Nontracted armorpostin.

20. "Grebelka", weakened to protect against the coat.

21. Elements of the combined lock 25.14 t ("Gardian"):

A- three-dimensional zadas under the cylinder;


The main Suwald mechanism;

Guided handle latch

Is it true that the locks with the transcoding are inferior to the usual resistance to opening and hacking?

No, this is a delusion. There are no special methods for hacking recoded locks. "Experts" apply to them the same techniques and tools as the usual suvalid and cylinder castles. Constructive changes in the mechanism necessary to implement the transcoding function do not affect its strength or to the level of secrecy.

At the same time, almost every of us was to lose the keys, after which I had to install a new castle. A device with transcoding allows you to avoid excess spending and hassle. For the Suwalden Castle of the New Cambio Facile series (CISA), it is enough to purchase a new set of keys (1 thousand rubles) and adjust the Suwald package using the switch located in the end part of the housing. There are on sale and recoded cylinders- for example, 3 in 1 (MUL-T-LOCK). They are automatically reconfigured under the new key (several different sets are sold with the lock) when it is inserted into the keyhole. After that, open the door to the old key is impossible.

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Photo 22.


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Photo 23.


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Photo 24.

Photo V. Grigoriev

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Photo 25.

"Gardian" 22-24. The design of the DISEC will not protect against hacking, but your castle from the actions of the vandals will reliably protect. Open it with a magnetic key. Price price - from 6 thousand rubles.

25. Prosthet-decorative lining, handles and "turntables" often have to buy separately, regardless of the castle, picking them up to each other in color and style.

Is there a risk to acquire a fake castle of a well-known company?

Alas, there is. Such fakes have long been fabricated in China and Turkey. "Clones" are outwardly similar to the original locks, but do not have secrecy, no reliability. Many leading manufacturers provide recommendations to identify fake. For example, the "Plant-hardware plant" and the Mettem factory urge to check the presence of stickers indicating the change of the shift and the manufacturer's date. It should be closed by a hat of one of the assembly screws on the housing of the locks released at these enterprises. At the end of one of the bolts of genuine Cisa locks, Cisa and CE stamps are standing (the latter means the compliance of the product with European safety requirements). Acrust to the recoded locks of this company are supplied in cardboard boxes sealed with four rivets with a signature sign. Most companies apply their logo on the keys and the facial layer of the castle case. If the shampoo is shallow and is performed inactively (obviously on handicraft equipment), it should cause suspicions.

In secret...
Anviz. What are electromechanical locks?

Rigels of electromechanical locks leads an electric motor operating from the network. Punching mechanism of secrecy is used by an electronic device capable of reading biometric data (as a rule, fingerprint), magnetic code, radio or IR signal. In the West, such locks often serve as the only locking device on the door. Unas are taken to install them in combination with a good Suwald Castle. The undoubted advantage of electromechanical locks - convenience in operation. In addition, most of them have no key well (sometimes they are in the literal sense of the word "invisible": the location of the lock, and accordingly, the basement, it is impossible to determine outside). Thanks to this, they are anti-vandal and cannot be opened by the usual brand. In case of disconnection of electricity, it is pre-watched backup power from batteries or batteries. The main disadvantages are the complexity of the installation and the high price of the product (from 12 thousand rubles).

Does it be necessary to put internal hardening?

Clean can serve a bad service if older people or lovers live with you to turn on the full volume of the TV or the music center. In case, you risks instead of dinner and long-awaited rest after working day to spend several hours at the entrance door. However, if you have to leave the houses of the child, he should close the door to the head, and even better, on the castle with the inner "turntable" (swivel handle). Then he could easily leave the apartment in a fire or in a different emergency.

The editors thanks Cisa, Italon, Master-Lock Service, Morelli, Union for help preparing material.

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