Impressions of childhood


Four options for children's room created for girls of different ages and characters

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Impressions of childhood

Impressions of childhood
Photo E.Kulibaba

Impressions of childhood

Impressions of childhood

What should be a room for a girl: gentle and romantic or bright and energetic? Answer this question will help the interiors presented in this article. Four children, not similar to each other, created for young people of different ages and characters. Draw interesting ideas from our piggy bank!

In the atmosphere of beauty

Impressions of childhood

Almost all parents seek to develop an imagination from their children, enrich them with excellent impressions: go with them in museums, concerts and exhibitions. However, what awakens a sense of excellent can be completely close to the house, in the nursery. The source of unforgettable experiences is sometimes a very small little thing or a wonderful old book with pictures, and sometimes a whole room, for example, such that can be seen on these pages. Here, everything is from small to the large, from the walls to the stool - created and decorated with admiration and love for the world. Aiscus, delicate work with textures and finishes creates a feeling of authenticity.

one . The room in which the room is located on the project of the Great Arch Republic, I.V. Zholtovsky, so during the repair took care of each architectural detail. So, the gypsum eaves after clearing did not even become painted, but simply covered the layer of fixing primer.

2. . It may seem that walls are covered by wallpaper. In fact, the striped pattern is manually applied and resembles a faded old surface.

3. "Imagine a nursery with bright yellow or blue furniture - you already want to change it after 1-2 years," says the author of the project. Based on this, the artist itself prefers difficult, mixed, muted colors. In her opinion, they do not suppress, do not tire. The interior, solved in such a fine, delicate color, for a long time (and maybe always) retains its relevance. The child does not develop it, rather, on the contrary, "grows" into this space.

four. All furniture in children's handmade. I demanded a complex and long-term work wardrobes, a table, a bed, a mirror, a chest of drawers, a chest, a small chairs are decorated with elegant paintings in the spirit of primitive painting or using the motifs of classic styles. Each item is a kind of artwork. Painting plots are not repeated, which avoids the boring "headset". It is very important that, despite the diversity, the integrity of the interior remains. This is achieved due to the total colors with the dominant blue, the effect of the composition and selence, as well as the single letter manner.

five. The mirror is concluded in an incredible beauty of a carved frame. Her top is decorated with a peculiar Sandrick.

Tell the author of the project

From time to time I say: the furniture, painted by hand, it is quite expensive (it is such things that we create in the workshop that we created together with my husband a Veniamin's header), but the child is able to spoil her ... But by and large, children feel very accurate What can be done and what is impossible. Yauvene that on the painted cabinet they will not stick a chewing or pictures of the characters of a popular cartoon.

Artist Anastasia Nevolyaeva

Impressions of childhood
Photo A. Bulilina

Impressions of childhood

Impressions of childhood

Impressions of childhood

Impressions of childhood

Impressions of childhood

Cheerful rainbow

Impressions of childhood

In this room, it was necessary to provide for the storage area of ​​clothing, numerous toys and books, the desktop for creative experiments, as well as sleeping places for the girl and her grandmother, often staying here. Designers managed to maximize the small area of ​​the room (9m2). All furniture was placed along two walls - it turned out to be the only opportunity to fulfill the wishes of adult customers. The result is a kind of corridor formed in the middle of the nursery. Designers found an excellent way to get out of a difficult situation by creating the prospects effect. They are stuck to the floor carpet IKEA (Sweden). His bright colorful strips "delay" on all attention

one . The girl who lives in this room is probably starring bright funny dreams. Juicy paint pink, lettuce, raspberry, blue, yellow - brightly stand out on a neutral cool background of gray walls and white furniture. Only one is worsened by paper wallpaper from the York collection (BrothersSisters, USA) with a calm flower pattern.

2. A spare place for grandmother, which is often visiting, serves as a folding pouf IKEA. Admune the small mistress of the room sitting on it, can watch cartoons ..

The authors of the project are told

Designers always have to decide what to spend money, but to save money. We have preference to finishing materials: expensive high-quality English paint, American paper wallpaper, high quality parquet board. Avot almost all furniture and striped carpet bought in IKEA store. The only exception is the design chairs of Werner Pantone.

Designers Inna Finstein, Zalina Kalaeva

Impressions of childhood
Photo E.Kulibaba

Impressions of childhood

Impressions of childhood

Impressions of childhood

"Murkin Gorka"

Impressions of childhood

Room in the attic of the cherished dream of any teenager. Mom, dad and especially grandparents will not get up so high once again. For the autonomous life, everything is necessary here: workplace, comfortable bed, low rack for books. Lookout and many maiden "pins" are hidden in an adjacent room - a small green dressing room (5m2). The compositional center of the room (its area is 16.5 m2) is a huge mirror in the elegant frame, leaning against the wall. It gives the wholeness of the interior in which there are many small details. However, it is these diverse details that create a relaxed, relaxed atmosphere.

one . The surface of one of the walls is a collage of favorite photos and pictures. Considering them, you can learn a lot about the mistress of this room.

2. Waving "Lace" lamp "Trophy", brought from the MaisonObjet exhibition.

3. . Easy white carpet resembling an openwork napkin, tied the master of Olga Pershev.

four . "Flowers", collected from different pillars, resemble teenage baubles. They are risen on a wire, which is attached to the ceiling on hooks and forms a transparent "curtain" before the podium. It turned out very cozy.

five . The door is arranged a podium replacing the bed. Spacious bed made of foam blocks, plywood and foam rubber.

Tell the author of the project

In one of the novels of Tatiana Tolstoy, the expression "Murkin Gorka" is found. It seems to me that it can not be better transmitted the image of this room. Here, as in the mink, "difts" many cozy genuine things: on the floor, the Vologda rugs lie on the work desk, "dressed" in Baguette Iranian tablecloth XVIIV, brought from Istanbul. Avickens hangs the mirror, the frame for which is made of wooden window platbands, intended for the village house.

Designer Julia Tsvetkov

Impressions of childhood
Photo E.Kulibaba

Impressions of childhood

Impressions of childhood

Impressions of childhood

Impressions of childhood

Mint and blackberry

Impressions of childhood

The windows of this bright and warm children's area of ​​18m2 are facing south and west. In order to "cool" it somewhat, a cool fresh flavor was chosen for the walls. "Mentholic gum" is the name of the tone, probably very pleased with the small hostess of the charming room. Punching supplements to it was used by several shades of the lilac and the color of the Black-related yogurt (Roman curtains, gender, chandelier).

The premises of the room feels the influence of the French Provence, creating an atmosphere of tenderness, lightness and femininity. White painted furniture brought by a designer from the Parisian exhibition Maisonobjet looks solemnly and at the same time simply. It defines the stylistic tonality of the whole interior.

one The center of the room hangs the "adult" chandelier with suspensions. Label of lampshades echoes the color with the Roman curtain.

2. . One windows are two-layer outfit: transparent tulle and silk Roman curtains, impenetrable for sunlight.

3. .The room in the room is covered with a cotton carpet of a very beautiful pinkish-lilac shade. Thanks to this strong color accent, there is no doubt that the children belongs to the girl.

four . Good tone, when changing the cold season, warmly change not only a fur coat on a raincoat, but also "clothes" of your home. Curtains, bedspreads, Baldahin for spring and summer produce from lighter and "cool" tissues.

five . Makel with open shelves looks good wardrobes with deaf doors primarily because it does not seem so cumbersome. Woven baskets, colored boxes, such as the residues of beautiful wallpapers and decorated with decorators in the decoupage, will help the shelves.

Tell the author of the project

It is very important that in the interior intended for the child, things made manually were present. Unic special energy. The walls in this room are decorated with painting, which was conceived and made by the young artist Katya Zaväkina (she is now studying at the multiplier). The girl portrayed a fabulous forest: beautiful elves flute among the trees, small houses hang on the branches ... The first time, until the furniture was brought, mom and daughter came to the room and looked at the next artist's fragment, looking for more and more new "secrets." It's nice that the plot motifs never happened.

Designer Julia Tsvetkov

The material is prepared according to the results of the survey of readers on the website of the action "Create new ideas."

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