Competition (read the full version of the article)


The editors of the magazine summarizes the results of the contest "The embodiment of the idea" -2009 and announces the names of finalists I and II stages

Competition (read the full version of the article) 12683_1

Dear readers!

Completed another contest "Embody the idea" -2009. We thank all the participation of participation. Judging by the number of assigned works (more than 200), it can be concluded that no crisis prevents our readers to make your home cozy and beautiful. It is gratifying to note that the dwellings that have become really designer becomes more and more. I would like to hope that the magazine "IVD" made its contribution to it. Examples of creative rethinking of our ideas and their competent implementation are pleased. Hospitality, not all work, which became laureates, managed to publish due to the inappropriate quality of the segregated photos. Friends, since you have so many strengths, fantasies, love and funds invested in the repair of housing, it is worth making the final barcode pictures. After all, the magazine "IVD" with printed on his pages material about your apartment can become a highlight of a family archive and transmitted from one generation to another. B2009 We decided to hold a contest in a new format. To increase the number of winners and at the same time, give readers a landmark, where you can buy really high-quality goods, we invited two wonderful company and X-Deco companies as partners, who established their nominations: "Kitchen-heart of the house!" (IKEA) and "color in the interior" (X-Deco). The nomination "IVD" is the "object as a whole or a separate room".

Suwa, editors of the magazine "Ideas of your home"

Finalists I stage of the competition

Nomination "Object as a whole or a separate room"

Ideas author: Vyacheslav Makarov

Project name: "Illusion Illusion"

Ideas author: Viktor Petrovsky

Project Name: "Harmony of Air and Light"

Ideas author: Larisa Area

Project Name: "Commonwealth of Light and Colors"

Ideas author: Olga Ananyva

Project name: "Infinite vacation"

Ideas author: Nina Klimovskaya

Project name: "Bricolage. Old walls - new sound"

Nomination "Kitchen-heart of the house!"

Ideas author: Dmitry Kotov

Project name: "Greens"

Ideas author: Alexey Antipov

Project name: "yellow-orange constructivism"

Ideas author: Ekaterina Alekseeva

Project Name: "Kitchen Paradise"

Ideas author: Anna Kornilova

Project name: "Place where everything for centuries"

Nomination "Color in the interior"

The author of the idea: Inna Subsecold

Project Name: "Vanilla Sky"

Idea author: Igor Merenkov

Project name: "Odnushka in the style of iPod"

Finalists II Stage Competition

Nomination "Object as a whole or a separate room"

Ideas author: Vera Ignatova

Project name: "Dream in retro style"

Idea author: Irina Lazutina

Project Name: "Mix, but not shabby"

Ideas author: Anna Bogdanova

Project name: "Our first family nest"

Ideas author: Sergey Kulkin

Project Name: "Gloss"

Ideas author: Oksana Panteleeva

Project name: "Irony of Fate"

Ideas author: Larisa Mershiyeva

Project name: "Apartment in a merchant house"

Ideas author: Galina Aleksandrov

Project Name: "Black and White Revolution with Orange Tint"

Ideas author: Nina Ganova

Project Name: "Dreams of England"

Ideas author: Catherine Small

Project name: "Orange Mom"

Idea author: Anna Remeyko

Project name: "Dream power"

Nomination "Kitchen-heart of the house!"

Ideas author: Irina Bogdanova

Project name: "Kitchen-Dream"

Idea author: Hope Solovyov

Project name: "Sheridans, or black and white minimalism"

Nomination "Color in the interior"

Ideas author: Elena Gorbunova

Project name: "Our little world in gilding"

Ideas author: Olga Smirnova

Project name: "Macro Tool"

Idea author: Ekaterina Messenova

Project name: "Red accent"

Project gallery- on the website

The author of the idea of ​​Nina Ganova

Mr. Vologda

Project name: "Dreams of England"

"Object as a whole / separate room"

Nomination of the magazine "Ideas of your home"

Finalist II stage

Competition (read the full version of the article)

The favorite magazine is dedicated! I am a fan of the newspaper "IVD": I buy every number and find many interesting ideas of home improvement in it. Very impressed the design of the apartment in the article "Charm of the Old Traditions" ("IVD", 2007, №2). My husband and I are unanimous in the addiction to the classics, especially to the English style. Having bought two adjacent two-bedroom apartments, combined them into one total area of ​​130m2. Due to this, we managed to create two zones: public and private. A thousandth of the corridor connecting both half of the apartment, arranged three end-to-end niches with backlit and placed the collection of cat figures with fish. Symmetry and rectial planning, in our opinion, correspond to English style. The huge plus is the possibility of organizing two bathrooms. Apartment two loggias; The one is adjacent to the bedroom, turned into a boudoir. There was a place for the Cabinet of her husband, and for spacious children. The highlight of the decorative decoration of the walls was an artistic coating with a drawing applied manually. The overall interior stylist is set to massive doors with white oak portals, made, like furniture in the office and bathrooms, to order on our sketches. Of course, the interior is required to fill in trifles that we plan to bring from trips.

Competition (read the full version of the article)

Competition (read the full version of the article)

Competition (read the full version of the article)

Competition (read the full version of the article)

Comment Editorial

Art historians and architects say that today the focus is ruled. It is to this style that most modern interiors can be attributed. As for this project, he is probably designed in one way (except for the nursery, the transformation of which in the room of a young gentleman or lady will only have to be). All the main attributes of island English life are: a fireplace, charming chairs with "ears", elusive comfort, where there is a place for a good library, and for drapes on the windows. Ineaispplish on the fact that I could not consider the real Morrice wallpaper anywhere, which are not changing the third century, the editors say the authors of the project "Yes." The apartment liked: from the design of the door portals before, it would seem, the most minor stroke (for example, an open rack in the kitchen, where jars with spices and different goodies are stored). Although, frankly, the red-terracotta tone of the walls is not more to taste the British, but their neighbors living on the other side of La Mansha - the French. So racks can be decorated with souvenirs and from our beloved England, and from France.

Project gallery- on the website

Anna Remeyko idea author


Project name: "Dream power"

"Object as a whole / separate room"

Nomination of the magazine "Ideas of your home"

Finalist II stage

Competition (read the full version of the article)

The magazine "IVD" has become a real guru in the field of alterations, an indispensable assistant, a friend and the interlocutor. We purchased a "treshka" with a total area of ​​126m2 in the house under construction. Finding out that there are no bearing walls in the apartment, the cost of dismantling unnecessary partitions was calculated (by estimates in the "IVD") and abandoned them. Vitoga is one column for all space and two bathrooms, in the walls of which Ventkanals are laid. We dreamed of a modern home with a spacious living-dining-kitchen, a bedroom, a nursery, a bathroom, a room, a dressing room and a warehouse. Many ideas from your magazine are embodied: the clouds on a two-level ceiling ("Bay of Joy", "IVD", 2007, №3), glowing rainbow ("Iraduga, and the bottom of the Maritime", 2007, №6) IDR. The central place in the apartment took the radius partition in the form of a tree with splashing branches. Her idea is taken from the project "Reflection of desires" (2006, No. 9). The semicircular podium, lined with dark porrite, personifies the chernozem on which the tree grows. The base of the wall is decorated with embossed stucco, imitating oak boring. The article "New Rotation" (2007, No. 2) helped us implement in the dining area "Cafe Effect". We applied the idea of ​​a "mirror perspective" and visually doubled the living room space.

Competition (read the full version of the article)

Competition (read the full version of the article)

Competition (read the full version of the article)

Competition (read the full version of the article)
Plan after reorganization

Comment Editorial

This large-scale project testifies to the grandeur of the dream that prompted the authors to create it. The naked eye shows that Anna and her husband are fans of the magazine "ideas of your home" and also by talented students. Many decisions, on the one hand, are very recognizable, and on the other, quite peculiar ... After all, it is important not just to transfer some idea to the interior, but to interpret it, competently embodying the variation on the specified topic. Remeco's spouses managed to masterfully manage the extensive area of ​​his apartment, turning it into full-fledged modern housing. Even the radius partition here looks quite appropriate, although in our days such structures in the interiors are increasingly inferior to a simpler, straightforward. The mirror of significant dimensions in the dining area visually doubles the space, and the futuristic kitchen, although it does not boast of large sizes, miraculously accommodates all the owners needed for the culinary exploits. Our applause!

Project gallery- on the website

The author of the idea of ​​Nadezhda Solovyov

Krasnodar city

Project name: "Sheridans, or black and white minimalism"

"Kitchen - the heart of the house!"

Partner Nominations - IKEA

Finalist II stage

After many times, we decided to present our kitchen to the jury, other project participants and simply spectators. Immediately we want to say "Thank you" Editorial Board of the Journal of Your Home. Before repairing and in the course of the works themselves, many of its numbers shed. "IVD", 2009, No. 4 helped: there was mainly "spied" their future cuisine. Deciding with the style, switched to the choice of furniture. We thank the company IKEA for opened a representative office near Krasnodar 1.5 years ago. We just purchased a two-room apartment and were going to furnish it. As a result, furniture and accessories IKEA settled in the children's daughter, and we never regretted it. After some time, planning the kitchen, first of all, downloaded the program from IKEA website, and the created project was refined with a firm employee. The next day the kitchen was already with us, and my husband gathered all the furniture and connected the technique. He also did repair himself (I only helped). The kitchen was very functional: it is convenient to cook here, there is, sit with friends and just watch TV. She turned out exactly what we represented her in dreams. It seems to me that the interior is made in the style of minimalism (albeit experts decide). Well, Sheridans, probably, simply because this drink is black and white. He is so similar to our kitchen!

Competition (read the full version of the article)

Competition (read the full version of the article)

Competition (read the full version of the article)

Competition (read the full version of the article)

Company comment IKEA

The kitchen is made in a modern style, which is now very popular in Russia. The combination of white gloss and matte black makes this interior in the unique and original, and the "apron" from the ceramic tiles of the same tone-bold and contrast. I would also like to note high functionality: it provides numerous spacious retractable drawers and the working surface between the washing and the cooking panel. Anklagodaror embedded at the level of the belt oven and the microwave furnace hostess will be much easier to cook. The dining area is quite spacious, and all guests invited to the housewarming will be freely spread freely.

Ivan Vikkov, Interior Designer

Project gallery- on the website

The author of the idea of ​​Olga Smirnova

Novosibirsk city

Project name: "Macro Tool"

"Color in the interior"

Partner Nominations - Network Salons X-Deco

Finalist II stage

Competition (read the full version of the article)

I am with two children (son- 9 years old, daughter - 14) I live in the panel "treshka" of the Brezhnev era (58m2). Two identical rooms gave the children. The remaining spacious premises use for family communication, muscy and reception. Previously, in the depths of the apartment there was a kitchen, and in the corridor, the library, which is not very successful. We decided the question is radically: the kitchen turned into my room, and the function of the latter performs part of the corridor. Repair for me is more than a hobby. We love the color in the interior, and he gives me reciprocity. Avot in the architecture of our city is not enough. It is quite logical that I wanted to fill the color hunger in my private territory. The walls of the rooms were covered with paints of Cebovel Perla, Cebo Rustik and Cebosi Fondo Plus (Cebos, Italy), Door- Favrile, Tuscania Fondo Strutturato, Tuscania Cera, Novamulto ceilings (Novacolor, Italy).

Competition (read the full version of the article)

Competition (read the full version of the article)

Competition (read the full version of the article)

Competition (read the full version of the article)

X-DECO Comment

Bold, bright and deep tones fill the space, creating a really unique atmosphere. There is a room and a special color rhythm. The color of both individually and in combination with original textures immediately "clings". This can not be denyed, even if you judge only on the reviews of visitors to the website. The interior in the literal sense dominates paints, they show the nature of the owners. If you wish, only on the palette used, you can learn about the characteristic features of the family that fulfilled the project submitted to the competition. Avot considering the apartment where the standard approach to the color indoors is manifested, it will be difficult to do it.

Project gallery- on the website

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