Machine in the big city


Car accommodation options in the big city: temporary parking, parking lots, garages. Establishment and security issues

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Each car owner faces a lot of problems: you need to find where to put the car and where to maintain, provide it with high-quality gasoline, buy the necessary parts, to pay the state the tax for the content of the "iron horse" ... We decided to devote this article to how to find in the city The place of temporary or permanent stay of its four-wheeled "movable property".

Owners of cars of any brand, power, passability, weight and prices are something common. First of all, they are united by difficulties with temporary parking and searching for a constant habitat of the car. Particularly difficult to in this sense residents of large cities.

Garage or parking?

Machine in the big city
Photo N. Leschinchinethetreholest means of movement, too, need your home. Urban residents can choose one of his kinds. The first-spontaneous parking is the most unsafe (moreover, the road rules are provided for a parking penalty in places that are not allocated for this). The second place on the open parking lot (the most "advanced" variety is open parking with a canopy that protects rather not the car, but its owner from rain and snow). The third place in the overall garage, a separate garage boxing or a capital garage.

The most democratic option is a terrestrial open parking. The cost of renting a place on an equipped guarded platform starts from 1T. rubles. instez (about 50 rubles per day) and depends on the degree of protection, remoteness from residential buildings and highways. Minus such a parking is obvious: the level of security here is slightly higher than on a non-swivel area near the house. If you use a similar parking, be sure to keep the check (receipt) on the payment of its services (in fact, you make a prepayment of services, because we make a fee in advance). This document will confirm that your car is stored, and will serve as evidence in court proceedings if the owner of the parking does not want to reimburse the damage caused by the car and the claim will come to the court. The chances of achieving compensation for inflicted damaged to fifty. APRRY Absence of a check or receipt to obtain compensation will be impossible.

The most comfortable accommodation option is a car garage. This is a structure or structure intended for storing vehicles.

For technical and organizational features, you can classify the garages as follows:

Capital (heated brick or block structures with connected electricity);

metal boxes;

Fast-based prefabricated metallic awnings (they are called seashells);


The first type of garages is capital- gradually goes into the past. This is happening for various reasons: the deadline for the rental of land, the buildings themselves erects or on the territory that garages occupy, it is supposed to build something new-road junction, a residential building or a shopping complex. But the capital garages still exist, and you can buy them. True, they are most often very expensive, especially if the garage is conveniently located, equipped with storage systems and electrified.

To the attention of all car owners: the authorities are planning to increase tax on vehicles, and it is especially important for residents of the capital. The tax will hurt the most strongest on the owners of large cars, because it is calculated, based on the engine power. In the case, the owners of small cars will be in winning.

Second type of garages - metal boxes. Like capital garages, they too often occupy a place in which the city authorities plan to build new buildings. These garages can also be electrified and equipped for storing things and tools.

Garages-shells refer to temporary designs. This type can be called the extinct time when the garages of the shells appeared spontaneously, long ago passed. Now permission to install such a garage can only get veterans of war, people with disabilities and socially protected citizens. Note that shells are not immovable property, therefore, the land on which they are located, you have the right only to rent. Accordingly, the metallic awning itself can be inherited, but not a plot of land on which it is worth it.

However, car owners are not worthwhile, there is a fourth type of garages, and they are increasingly being built in Russia, and abroad. These are multi-level garages. Of course, they are not so equipped as capital (in the latter in the laundering owners and the cellar is dug, and there is an observation pit), but provide quite comfortable conditions for the maintenance of the car. Often with multi-level garages, car wash, service services are organized. The place in the garage is more often rented, although in some cases it can be bought.

One of the innovations-mechanized garages up to eight floors. In fact, they are a kind of carousel, each cell of which accommodates the car. But their construction, maintenance and maintenance of nonsense: Regular inspection needed, and the technician-caretaker does not prevent such a garage. In addition, a lot of time will have to spend the "fogging" of the car, because the owner must wait when the car goes down from its floor.

Another minus mechanized garages are rather noisy, so build them near residential buildings undesirable. But, given the difficulty with the placement of cars in big cities, the Moscow authorities changed the sanitary rules operating in the capital: now parking can be arranged 15-20m from the house (earlier the minimum distance from the building up to the parking lot was 50m). The number of machine-places has increased: 100-150 machine-places are now allowed at the local area, and underground parkings (or underground-elevated, when the main part of the garage may appear in urban courtyards when the main part of the garage is under Earth).

A large number of cars near residential buildings do not contribute to air purity, so it is planned to equip the garages of exhaust gases and apply vertical landscaping. This may recrimine residents with the construction of parking - and the place for cars will appear, and the ecology of the yard will not suffer.

Buy or not?

A place in the garage or parking can be bought or renting. For rental of machine-space in an underground or underground-above-night garage will have to pay 150-200 rubles. per day. With long-term lease there are discounts, but you can only know about them only in the garage itself. If you want to purchase a place, get ready to post from 500 thousand. up to 1,5 mlrup.

The mansion is such an organizational and legal form of garages such as garage-building cooperatives (GSK). This is the most long-time garage, they are listed in the real estate register as capital structures. Each such a garage, as a rule, has a separate technical distribution and certificate of ownership; In GSK, there is their own rules for payment, guard, repair. The owners of a similar "house for cars" entered the cooperative and paid their payroll in the garage. Garages in this case may be capital or pose metal boxes. The cost of the place in the garage cooperative is from 350 thousand rubles. and higher.

Widelles of such well-maintained garages often arise a problem with rental of the Earth, on which these buildings cost. Due to the lack of free territories of these garage complexes, it becomes less and less. At first, the place in the garage is more often rented, which corresponds to the rhythm of the life of a big city.

Opinion of a specialist

Machine in the big city
GarageteKV Our days the garage more often serves as a place not only for "rest" car, but also for storing useful trifles, as well as those subjects that are not placed in the apartment, bicycles, skis, fishing rods, suitcases, balls. To make a garage comfortable and cozy, it is necessary to properly organize its inner space. Of course, the storage system for various configurations and complexity is preferable to equip in a spacious garage near the country house or in the capital garage, but you can equip them and boxing in a multi-level parking. The main purpose of such a system is to use the entire available area as efficiently as possible. Storage systems are permissible not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling. This will allow placing there much more things and will provide free access to them. Find anything is much simpler, because in such a garage the space is zoned: there is a sports corner, a place for gardening equipment, a workshop area with tools and automobile facilities.

Denis Butenko, head of the Russian representative office of Garagetek

The Moscow Government stated that the owners of garages, which for various reasons demolish (for example, many members of the HSC became involuntary victims of road construction) will receive place in the underground garages as compensation. Although today there are several cases when the hosts of the demolished garages are forced to seek promising compensation in court.

By purchasing a garage, do not forget to pay attention to the following legal aspects. The sorry of the garage in GSK must be a certificate of ownership of the sold real estate, documents confirming its membership in the GSK and the full payment of their shares for the garage. If all these papers are, you can issue a contract of sale. It is written in writing and certify by his own signatures of the participants of the transaction. After the transaction is completed, the new owner needs to obtain a certificate of ownership of the garage in the Territorial Registration Chamber.

Rent a garage safer from his owner or authorized by the owner of the face. The garage lease agreement is also better to create in writing (although if you rent a garage at an individual for up to 12 months, the contract can be concluded in oral form). However, when concluding an agreement, in writing it will be possible to make all items that require special attention to its text. For example, in this document, it can be indicated that the landlord must notify the tenant about increasing the rent for 2 weeks, or describe in detail the situation in which the landlord has the right to demand early termination of the contract (the usual wording is "the use of property with violations of the contract conditions" is too vague , but it is sometimes difficult to specify all the conditions).

The "People's Garage" project, in accordance with which it was proposed to attract the construction of garages and parking agents themselves to finance the construction of garages and parking lots, actually suffered Fiasco: the machine-places were too expensive even in typical garage complexes. Now the project is upgraded, and most likely, new conditions will be significantly more profitable for owners of machines.

Rules of stay

Leaving your car in the parking lot or in the garage, we assume that they provided it. But is it?

You need to know that the temporary parking organizers are not responsible for the safety of motor vehicles (if this is not included in the list of additionally provided, and therefore paid additionally services). Parking operators provide their equipment with special equipment, followed by its health, maintain cleanliness in the parking area (including the cleaning and removal of snow), and also notify the traffic police officers that their customers violated the rules of the road (when this happens). If your car, while he was in the parking lot, harm was caused, it is necessary to call the traffic police officers (they will record the incident in the protocol) and contact the insurance company. Consider: Paying Parking, you actually agreed with the conditions on which you have services. Thus, your statements that there was too little space in the parking lot or that the location of other cars created inconvenience to entry / departure, will not be taken into account.

Of course, the rules for placing the car in the parking lot or in the garage are several others. The first and main difference is that, before using the services of a garage or parking, you enter into an agreement. By its content, this is a standard service provision. It will be indicated that the car parking (or garage) undertakes to keep the car in a separate box or on a particular machine-place for a certain period, and to pay for the services provided and comply with the rules of behavior in the parking lot (in the garage).

Separately in the contract will be the responsibility of the parking owner (garage). For the general form, these issues are enshrined in the rules for the provision of parking services from December 17, 2001, approved by the decision of the Government of April No. 795. Please note: under the contract, the person who took the car storage is responsible for the safety of the vehicle, as well as for its damage, and even the embezzlement of components recorded in the car account.

Leaving your car for storage, you must submit:

a document confirming the right to dispose of this vehicle;

technical passport and other documents for the car;

Passport of a person who concludes a service agreement (perhaps this is not the owner of the car, but a member of his family or an employer).

When concluding an agreement, data from the submitted documents will be entered into its text, and copies of the documents are applied to a copy of the contract, which is stored at the parking owner. Another important point - the text of the contract must necessarily indicate the estimated cost of the car. It makes no sense to undertake this amount: when damaged the owner of the parking lot will bear material responsibility proportic to the value of the estimated value in the contract.

When taking a parking lot on the car, the receipt will write down, and when setting up to the garage, the credentials will be headed (although you may be offered to issue an account and in the parking lot of the rules here does not exist here). A description of the storage is made (brand, body type, year of production, color), configuration. If your car is equipped with additional technical means, you need to make a note in the card (receipt).

In one case, if your car was harmful to any damage, you must compile an act of this, assuring his signature and signature of the authorized representative of the parking owner (garage). Document the incident necessarily - otherwise the owner of the parking lot will not incur material responsibility. So a single thing: make an act necessary before your car leaves the parking or garage territory (otherwise it will be extremely difficult to achieve damage to damage). The car owner, leaving his vehicle in the parking lot, will also be responsible if the parking lot is causing material damage (garage) or damage cars there. The violation of the rules for the use of the parking lot may lead to the fact that its owner will refuse to reimburse the damage caused by the car. For example, you did not closed the car or did not lock the garage box, with the result that your vehicle or property that was in it suffered.

The damage caused to your vehicle is compensated only if you have entered into an agreement on providing temporary storage services with the owner of the garage or parking. However, if things left in the car's cabin disappeared, and the description of them is not included in the account or receipt, the cost of these objects is not subject to compensation. Be careful!

Well: acquiring a place in Hsk, check out the charter of the cooperative. Often it contains additional requirements developed by members of the GSK: for example, sometimes prohibited in the garage of gasoline in canisters in the garage or perform repair work there. The Chairman of the GSK may urge you to sell your garage if you don't leave your own car for a long time. Such a requirement is illegal, because to oblige you to use (or, on the contrary, no one has the right to use) garage. Thus, the chairman of the cooperative will exceed his powers.

Garage boxing or multi-level garage is perhaps one of the most convenient storage options for the car. Finding a permanent refuge for its "iron horse", carefully examine the terms of the contract and follow the rules for using the parking lot (garage).

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