How to issue an interior to make cleaning less often: 9 practical advice


Built-in lamps, a stretch smooth ceiling and practical textiles - we tell you that you need to consider when making an interior, if you want to spend less time cleaning.

How to issue an interior to make cleaning less often: 9 practical advice 1282_1

How to issue an interior to make cleaning less often: 9 practical advice

For weekly cleaning does not become a hell for you, it is necessary to competently approach the interior decoration at the stage of repair. To do this, it is worth determining the right style, pick up practical materials and think over the number of furniture and accessories.

1 Choose a simple style

Pick up a style that does not imply a large amount of decor and small elements. For example, in the classic style you are waiting for plinths and eaves, on which dust, complex decorative details, moldings, stucco and other decorations will be regularly assembled. High-tech implies complex backlight systems, sometimes two-level ceilings, dark materials in the finish.

If you do not want to spend a lot of time cleaning, it is better to choose the style easier, for example, Scandinavian or minimalism.

How to issue an interior to make cleaning less often: 9 practical advice 1282_3

2 Put light furniture

The choice of furniture color is often underestimated. While the dust is very visible on dark surfaces, almost no. And on a light brown tree there will be no dust nor dirt.

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  • 6 decorative solutions in the interior who will make cleaning at home by nightmare

3 Do not choose shiny surfaces.

Glossy facades, glass inserts and a large number of mirrors - all this is very cool expanding space, but horrified on haters cleaning. On such surfaces, fingerprints always remain, and any dirt is noticeable from afar.

How to issue an interior to make cleaning less often: 9 practical advice 1282_6

4 Use practical materials

This applies literally every corner in your home: it is better to immediately pick up materials that are easily cleaned or almost not dirty than to regret your choice after repair.

It is worth putting a smooth material that can be easily washed, for example, tile or linoleum. For walls to choose washable wallpaper or moisture-resistant paint. From such remove the dirt will not be difficult. Also suitable tile. It is better not to use relief materials: the dust accumulates faster, and the pollution is harder than smoothly. If you really want to choose black or white colors for walls or floor, find the material with the ornament - on the surface with pollution patterns less noticeable.

The furniture is worth looking for a non-smoke material or with removable covers that can be wrapped independently or attributed to dry cleaning.

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5 Build lighting

Wash plaffers chandeliers from dust - not the most pleasant lesson, especially if the lamp has a lot of decorative elements. It is better to use the lighting system built into the ceiling where it is possible. And for local illumination near the bed or sofa, pick up the lamps that are easy to clean.

How to issue an interior to make cleaning less often: 9 practical advice 1282_9

6 Make a stretch ceiling

Smooth stretch ceilings can be washed, so if the dirt falls on them, it will be easy to clean them. But the surface covered with a whitewash or water-level paint is so easy to wash will not work - they are easy to spoil.

How to issue an interior to make cleaning less often: 9 practical advice 1282_10

7 Pick high furniture

Furniture at high legs and the one that is attached to the wall, simplifies washing floors and clean the vacuum cleaner. You do not have to move it once again and raise.

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8 Choose Practical Textiles

Pick up the materials that are easy to clean and collect a large amount of dust. It is precisely worth avoiding fur accessories, multilayer curtains, high-pile carpets. Such materials are rather demanding and complex in care.

Take care of practical options, for example, choose small polyester and nylon mats. They do not attract dirt and easily erased in the typewriter. Curtains hang from hypoallergenic fabrics or completely replace them with rolled.

How to issue an interior to make cleaning less often: 9 practical advice 1282_13

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9 Organize convenient storage

When everything lies in their places and storage is thought out for the smallest things, it will be possible to avoid disorder that requires constant cleaning. Therefore, pay in advance where you will fold clothes, underwear, various accessories, cleaning facilities and other things.

How to issue an interior to make cleaning less often: 9 practical advice 1282_15
How to issue an interior to make cleaning less often: 9 practical advice 1282_16

How to issue an interior to make cleaning less often: 9 practical advice 1282_17

How to issue an interior to make cleaning less often: 9 practical advice 1282_18

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