Pleasure from contemplation


Venetian plaster: Features and decorative features of the material, preparation of the foundation and methods of coating, finishing finish

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Pleasure from contemplation
Designer P. Fedorov

Photo P. Lebedeva

Pleasure from contemplation
Pleasure from contemplation
Pleasure from contemplation
"Golden Trading"
Pleasure from contemplation
"Golden Trading"
Pleasure from contemplation
"Golden Trading"
Pleasure from contemplation

Walls decorated Raffaello Decor Stucco Madreperlato (Oikos), acquire a spectacular look of marble trim with pearl gloss. Natural components guarantee high vapor permeability

Pleasure from contemplation

In the creation of the coating involved primer or primer, base, colorant or toner, protective wax

Pleasure from contemplation
Designer A.Vlasov

Photo by D.Minkina

The decoration of the walls of Venetian plaster in a large living room gives the space depth, fills it with a flickering haze. The texture of the walls resembles a semi-precious stone, referring to aesthetics of 40-hgg. CHW., When the imitation of marble and jasper was actively used in the design of the premises. This technique introduces special artistry

Pleasure from contemplation
Designers P. Dzydushinsky, T.Gorova-Orleodinova

Photo V.Nepledov

Pink, lilac and greenish shades of Venetian plaster with pearlescent effect smoothly flow into each other, changing painting, like chameleon. This game gives the interior dynamics and diversity

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Pleasure from contemplation
Pleasure from contemplation
"Golden Trading"
Pleasure from contemplation
"Golden Trading"
Pleasure from contemplation
"Golden Trading"

In the cost of the finished coverage, the costs of work (applying plaster and wax) exceed the cost of materials (primer, base, colorate, wax) approximately 3 times

Pleasure from contemplation

After 3nd after applying, Venetian plaster can be wiped with a soft napkin moistened in a soap solution. Abrasive drugs do not apply!

Pleasure from contemplation

T. Speshinsky


A. Rydalov

The decoration of the walls of the bathroom is made according to the technology of applying venetian plaster with the subsequent painting, which mimics the semi-bright vintage frescoes, victims of time

Pleasure from contemplation

Optimal conditions for applying Venetian plaster: Temperature - 10-30C, air humidity is not more than 60%. After drying, the coating becomes resistant to pollution, the effects of UV radiation and moisture, it is easy to wash it

An exquisite pattern of marble walls and ceilings, barely catchy transitions of halftone, the game of light on the complex surfaces of columns and bas-reliefs virtuoso transfers Venetian plaster. This beautiful and technological material is a real find for adherents of centuries-old traditions that can estimate the very skillful embodiment of classical techniques with modern masters.

Do you know that the word "marble" translates from Greek as a "brilliant stone"? His color manifold covers almost the entire artistic palette - from snow-white to iscin-black and brown tones, the most clearly manifested in the distrect varieties. In this case, unique patterns on polished marble cuts are created by the engagement of other minerals.

However, this fascinatingly beautiful material is not so often decorated with residential interiors. Such finishing is expensive. Therefore, those who wish to create an atmosphere of the holiday in the house, fill it with the radiance of beauty and heat, it is worth paying attention to the Venetian plaster. It successfully imitates fantastic color gamuts and drawing not only natural marble, but also onyx, granite, malachite.

Beauty in Italian

Most Venetian plasters presented in the Russian market have Italian origin, each stand out by unique, inherent in the visual effect only to it. Among the most famous products of Candis, Cebos, Create, Materis Paints Italia (trademark Viero), Oikos, Tilas, Viero, Oikos, Tilas, Viero (all ITALY). No less interesting similar coverage Senideco (France), Terraco (Sweden), Optimist (Russia).

Depending on the angle of falling sunlight, Venetian plaster changes shades.

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"Golden Trading"
Pleasure from contemplation
"Golden Trading"
Pleasure from contemplation
"Golden Trading"

Classical Venetian plaster is a plastic mass based on resins and marble flour fillers, lime and many other components. However, the lime has the property to "extinguish" color. Because of its presence, such coatings are difficult to climb into dark tones. They are distinguished by gentle pastel shades. Recommendation with the traditions of Venetian masters made a limestrous plaster Raffaello Decor Stucco (OikOS). There is more help create a wide variety of finishes - from half-one to shiny. Price covering pastel tones- 500 rubles. For 1m2, bright colors - up to 1100 rubles. For 1m2. Fans of mysterious shine is intended for its type, Raffaello Decor Stucco Madreperlato. After applying the plaster surface, the type of ancient marble with a pearl sampling is acquired. The cost of coating gentle tones is 600 rubles. For 1m2, bright to 750 rubles. For 1m2.

Venetian plaster thank in a wide variety of colors. The greatest similarity with a polished marble surface is obtained by mixing two or three shades of the same color. The seeming depth and transparency of the coating is the result of a particular technique for applying several layers. Their number begins with three and can reach ten.

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"Golden Trading"
Pleasure from contemplation
Pleasure from contemplation
"Golden Trading"
Pleasure from contemplation
Pleasure from contemplation
"Golden Trading"
Pleasure from contemplation
"Golden Trading"

The plaster on a lime-based basis with the effect of IKOS spot marble (Materis Paints Italia) is used not only in the interiors, but also on the facades of the houses. It is applied to the shasphawn new walls or renovated when it is important to keep the ability of the surface to breathe. The price of the coating is 115-500 rubles. For 1m2, depending on the intensity of the color and the number of layers.

Many manufacturers seek the visual effect of natural stone and without lime. For example, plaster for marble Antico Stucco Italico (Candis) is created on the basis of an emulsion from environmentally friendly resins with the addition of crushed carrarian marble. It is actuated in the darkest colors. Price - 300 rub. For 1m2 coatings. A special charm architectural elements gives the Lingotto Gold plaster, manufactured by Create under the Fractalis brand. Metal particles included in its composition enliven the "stone" surface with overflows of gold or platinum. The cost is about 600 rubles. For 1m2.

On the way to perfection

In the environment of professionals, there are not so rare talk about what covers are real Venetian plasters, and which only looks like them. However, the consumer is not easy to understand this. After all, all manufacturers keep the recipes of their compositions in the strictest mystery. Acrome is not so important to know which components are coverage, the main thing is that it allows you to create a unique design and has the necessary operational properties.

Venetian plaster universal. The basis for it is a wide variety of materials: concrete and brick, cement-limestone plaster, asbestos-cement and drywall plates, as well as old coatings based on water-dispersion, alkyd and oily colors, of course, after appropriate preparation. Any surface should be thoroughly aligned, cleaned and sucked. Then a layer of special soil is applied to it, which provides the best clutch of plaster composition with the base. The material itself (base) is a thick mass. It can be colored (applied by the manufacturer), but most often it is corriving in the tone chosen by the customer.

The essence of the technology is to apply several layers of plaster; Each is created by chaotic structure-forming strokes. The result of their overlay appears the illusion of the depth of the coating. The material is distributed by a metal spatula, smoothing carefully. Moreover, the subsequent layer is put on the finally dried surface. The time interval required for this purpose depends on the specific composition and varies within 2-8 hours. Multicolor textures are obtained by combining the plastering massif in different colors. Recreation of the pattern of natural marble, randomly located streaks and inclusions requires truly jewelry work.

Necessary defense

After decorative plaster strikes onto the wall and give it to dry (and more correctly, it is usually covered with wax or special impregnations as cement). Thus, the colorful decor is protected from moisture. This stage is especially important for classic lime-based plasters, since in the absence of a protective layer, the material actively absorbs water. At the same time, plaster acquires the characteristic "marble" shine.

What materials are used for finishing finish? The most eco-friendly protective coating is natural beeswax, although it is somewhat inferior by strength and durability of synthetic waxes. They are preferable to the walls of Halls, corridors. The same surface with the applied synthetic wax has a brilliance. To achieve such a visual effect from natural wax, the coating must be specifically polished.

More modern protective compositions are wax impregnations. They do not have traces from the hands and mechanical impacts, which is typical for waxes. They are more resistant to moisture and dirt. And they do not apply them with a spatula, but moistened in the special composition with a napkin. Avot Venetian plaster based on polymeric materials and paints imitating a marble surface at all do not need protective waxes and impregnations.

Pleasure from contemplation
Pleasure from contemplation
TerracoMaster, which owns the technique of trimming by Venetian plaster, create a variety of drawings - from imitation of marble, malachite, onyx to abstract images.

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Pleasure from contemplation
Pleasure from contemplation

So, as a result, a waterproof coating is obtained, which, after 3 weeks after applying, you can wash with water and process with detergent solvents. Keep in mind that the lifetime of Venetian plaster is almost unlimited, but only when performing several conditions. First, incorrect preparation of the foundation or shrinkage of a new house may cause cracks on the coating. Secondly, it should be protected from strong mechanical impacts. The fact is that Venetianka is almost no restoration: to get into an already existing tone and the drawing is very difficult.

I just work ... a wizard

Pleasure from contemplation
The oikosicity of Venetian plaster is that with the help of the same composition, you can get a magnificent "stone" decor-voluminous, playing in the light, with chaotic engines and streaks, and coating, externally resembling a picture on plastic. The key to the success is the creative approach and professionalism of the master. Do not trust the beautiful words and promises that everything will be fine. It is more reasonable to first familiarize yourself with the works made in this technique. Another way is to contact specialized companies that are engaged in decorative finish. They will recommend qualified specialists who have skills to work with Venetian plaster. By the way, the amount of material necessary to solve the task is to correctly calculate only a professional. The expense of such: 1Packing (24kg) per 50m2.

Venetian plaster provides unlimited opportunities for artistic paintings. The drawing is created by a plaster base, mounted in different colors; After drying, it is not erased, does not fade under UV rays. The surface layer of wax reliably protects the colorful layer from high humidity in the pool.

Pleasure from contemplation
Artist V. Bobtsov

Photo by J.Potekhina

Pleasure from contemplation
Artist V. Bobtsov

Photo by J.Potekhina

Pleasure from contemplation
Artist V. Bobtsov

Photo by J.Potekhina

Obviously, the higher the qualification of the master, the more expensive his work is valued. The cost of applying decorative plaster begins from 600 rubles. For 1m2. Double one person is able to process about 5m2. Increase the price complex surfaces: columns, eaves, ceilings above 3m IT.P. It is more expensive than the artistic painting on Venetian plaster, imitation of ancient fresco on the stone texture. Nevertheless, it is precisely this kind of copyright finish is particularly popular today. After all, the true beauty is out of fashion trends.

The editors thanks the company "Goldschel Treding", "Design Intercrass", "Crete", "Terraco-Sweden", Oikos Decor Center and a personally honored artist of Russia Vladimir Boytsov for help in the preparation of material.

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