Sieve for air


Overview of the air cleaner market: technical capabilities of mesh, coal, ionization photocatalytic and non-filters. Manufacturers, Cost

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Sieve for air
LG electronics.
Sieve for air
Multistage air cleaner AP RIH 1515 SI (Bork) with a photocatalytic filter
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PPA 0503i air purifier (POLARIS) is equipped with sensors, thanks to which it turns on when dust, tobacco smoke appears in the air
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Multistage air cleaner Z 8030 (Electrolux) with the function of protection against children Applicate for rooms area up to 30m2
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MC704AVM (Daikin) automatically selects operation mode depending on air pollution
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Sieve for air
Multistage air cleaner PPA 0401 (POLARIS) is equipped with a unipolar ionizer and flavoring
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XJ-901 ionization cleaner (AirComfort) is used in closets for storing clothes and dressing rooms to eliminate odors and refreshments
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Sieve for air

For better moisturizing and accelerating cleaning, the surface of the air disks are made by corrugated

Sieve for air
Boneco 1355 N Air Sink
Sieve for air
Means for improving water absorption
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Air Sink LW 24 (White) made by Venta

Sieve for air

Air-O-Swiss 2055D Air Sink from Plaston

Sieve for air
Anti-informal, sedative and orange flavors Venta
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Sieve for air
Highly efficient and beautiful GRACE Electrostatic air purifier (Euromate)
Sieve for air

Modern air cleaners are often installed on the floor

Sieve for air
XJ-2200 (AirComfort) with coal and HEPA filters
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In the multistage CN-71/5 cleaning system (Cyclone) includes a filter from activated carbon
Sieve for air
Multistage programmable air cleaner XJ-3000C (AirComfort) cleans air from particles up to 0.03 μm
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In air purifier Bionaire used coal cassette to remove odors
Sieve for air
In modern Multistage air purifiers, the Sharp is implemented a unique technology of ionization and purification of air Plasmacluster. Design devices - above all praise
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MC 707 VM (Daikin) with built-in unipolar ionizer
Sieve for air

Ionizers sometimes supply air humidifiers

Sieve for air
Salt lamp- source of denial ions
Sieve for air

AIR-O-SWISS 2071 (Plaston) cleans, moisturizes and flavors air

Sieve for air
XJ-3500 Ionizer Cleaner (AirComfort)
Sieve for air
Cleaner ionizer "Super Plus Turbo"
Sieve for air
XJ-2100 ionizer (AirComfort) cleaner with built-in UV lamp
Sieve for air
Two-stage photocatalytic air purifier "ray-22" ("Ra-TNP")
Sieve for air

Modern multistage air purifier MC707VM-W (Daikin) with photocatalytic filter

Sieve for air
Sieve for air
A pre-filter (1), electrostatic (2), coal (3), and photocatalytic (4) filters, UV lamps (5), and a unipolar air ionizer (5), and a unipolar air ionizer (6)

Air purifier in a modern apartment every year becomes a thing more and more necessary. It saves the atmosphere from many pollution, comes to help allergies during the spring blossom of plants and herbs and, of course, significantly improves the quality of life in a big city.

You can buy an air cleaner in any modern home appliances store, in the construction market or order via the Internet. The models come to the value from several hundred rubles to 50 thousand. and more. As the price of the device increases, its functionality is expanded, efficiency increases, the quality of the design elements increases.

Is the air cleaner?

Some buyers are skeptical in relation to the entire climate machinery sold in stores in general and air purifiers in particular, it is often argued that the latter are unnecessary or not related to subject matter. The air in the dwelling will be clean, quite regularly open the window at least 15-20min.

Alas, to maintain the purity of the air in the premises only with the help of salvo ventilation is not always possible. Even the air of national parks in the urban trait, launched into the house, is clean far from "on the top five" - ​​poplar fluff, pollen and plants microsport, as well as insects can cause serious allergic and asthma diseases. Well, if there is an autotrass near your apartment or puffed up the antediluvian "candle breeding" around the clock, it is possible that the air in the rooms after conducting will contain almost the entire table of Mendeleev. The Dedum penetrate the sulfur arhydride, carbon monoxide, lead and its compounds, as well as dust in quantities, often exceeding maximum permissible concentrations (MPC).

Of course, sewing the dwelling (modern building technologies and materials allow you to do this without problems), you can burn out from the street Ugon. But it will not be cleaner from this in the apartment, rather, on the contrary. After some time, the atmosphere in the dwelling will be absolutely unsuitable for life due to internal pollutants. This is primarily a man, as a result of the vital activity of which more than 400 wines are in the air. Intensively litters the atmosphere and household chemicals.

But the release of various kinds of chemicals used in cosmetics and shampoos, various cleaning products, are still flowers (the consequences of contact with them are most painful for allergies). There are things more involved. Take at least a formaldehyde, which is released into air from synthetic carpets, polyurethane foam isolation, finishing materials indoors, from furniture, curtain IT.D. It is included in the list of carcinogenic substances, has chronic toxicity, negatively affects hereditary genetic and chromosomal mutation, respiratory tract, eyes, skin, reproductive organs. Another dangerous character-radioactive gas Radon, released from the soil or rocks, on which the building is built, and almost freely penetrating the lower floors. Sometimes in this gas there are traces of uranium or radium. Inhalation of radona is one of the causes of lung cancer. Delivered in the air (even in minor quantities) dimethylamine, hydrogen sulfide, ethylene oxide, benzene. Acetic acid, phenol, methylstyrene, methanol, vinyl acetate, acetone IDR are very dangerous. All of them are the result of human activity and may be present in the air of the housing.

The smaller, the worse!

The most harmful for a person is a fine dust that is constantly present in the air of the room. First, its particles, in contrast to the larger (0.1 mm or more) pollutants, are much slower deposited from fixed air under the action of gravity. Speakers of less than 1MKM are able to float in the room almost unlimited time, while the particles with a diameter of 30-100 mkm "fall out into the sediment" in a few minutes (we are about fixed air and particles of a spherical shape; otherwise, the deposition time can repeatedly increase). Secondly, fine dust worse captured mechanical filters, which are equipped with many air cleaners. Finally, thirdly, microscopic dusting is easier by contacting the natural protection of our organism - a decolored epithelium in bronchi- and settle in the lungs (such as particles of tobacco smoke).

Improve the situation with air purity in homes located in environmentally unfavorable places, if the apartment is tightly shuddering the windows and establish a mechanical ventilation system with highly efficient filters. Another contributing to the house with the help of the vessels, after which it is cleaned the inner atmosphere using air cleaners. This approach is although not the most efficient, but cheaper. Therefore, it is most common.

Buyer, departing for the air cleaner to the store, must immediately warn against one common error, selecting this device only depending on its cost or design. It is more correct to focus on the functionality of the device and its maximum maintenance area is indicated in the passport or in the instruction manual). It is not bad if it is 20-30% more than the humming of the cleaning room.

To clean the air in a children's or bedroom, an apartment located in an eco-friendly region is quite a single-stage air cleaner (such, for example, air washing). The universal air purifier for premises whose owners do smells, should include coal and photocatalytic filters. If a person suffers from allergies, it is necessary that the air cleaner is equipped with filters effectively struggling with specific dangerous allergens. Therefore, before buying, you should first consult with your doctor. Sometimes in air cleaners used up to 17 and more cleaning steps. In case, if it is not possible to find the appropriate device and price the device, you have to acquire two or even three devices ...

There are dozens of air cleaner models on the Russian market. We will not describe all, but let's talk only about the basic types of filters available in most models; Consider their capabilities, upcoming troubles for service IT.P. Knowledge of these basics will allow to analyze the technical capabilities of air cleaners available in your region and choose among them the most suitable (preferably certified) apparatus.

big washing

To remove home dust from air, pollen of flowering plants, animal wool particles and other similar contaminants, air indoor can be flushed as during rain. Such technology is used in special single-stage air purifiers of air. The rotor is installed, on which plastic discs (20pcs) are riveted with small gaps. The latter are partially immersed in the water capacity below the rotor. The rotor is driven by an electric motor. The air out of the room is sucking with a fan into the sink housing and passes between constantly moisturized discs. Dirt, dust, harmful substances and allergens are settled on their surface and immediately wash off in the filling tank water. The prize is returned to clean and moderately moisturized air.

Air washing needs to be regularly and thoroughly cleaned, otherwise the instruments themselves begin to eliminate unpleasant odors (for example, blooming water) and may even become the difference in infection. Discovers should be flushed (even in a dishwasher) at temperatures up to 55 s. When operating, scented and adsorbing additives are dripped into water. Disk sinks supply Venta (Germany) market (LW14, LW24, LW44), Plaston (AOS1355, BoneCo2055). In the last model there are two "silver" rods for antiseptic water treatment so that it does not bloom. Cost of mile - 6.5-18.5 thousand rubles. Venta offers for its miles anti-informal, sedative and orange flavors, as well as an additive that improves the absorption of water industrial and automotive exhaust gases and tobacco smoke.

Separating the grains from the whore

The overwhelming majority of air cleaners are equipped with mesh filters for mechanical air purification. They delay large particles of dust, animal wool and all air-weighted pollution larger than 0.5-1mm. These filters are needed and in order to protect the inner parts of the air purifiers themselves from large dust. For the manufacture of mesh filters, a grid with sufficiently small cells are woven from a polymer thread. A mesh filter operates throughout the service life of the air cleaner, but as it is contaminated, it should be vacuuming or washed under the water stream (it is necessary for strong pollution by the use of ph-neutral detergents), after which it is thoroughly drying.

At the top of the evolution of filters for mechanical air purification are HEPA filters (abbreviation English words High Efficiency Particulate Air). Such filters are well coped with pollen, cement and asbestos dust, bacteria, worse with smaller particles, including smell carriers, tobacco smoke. Isel "not for the teeth" of them of various kinds of gaseous pollutants. There are several HEPA-filter classes: H10, H11, H12, H13 and H14, and the higher the class, the better the quality of air filtration. Thus, HEPA13 filters are able to capture particles of up to 0.3 μm with efficiency up to 199.975%.

Made HEPA filters, for example, from thin paper, which effectively delays a large number of microscopic particles and does not strongly limit the air flow, as well as from the fiberglass IDR. The filter material is folded as a harmonic. Incasable non-factors, the corrugation is usually solid, this ensures the same filtering efficiency; Folds adjacent to each other is not too tight. Replacing the HEPA filters (unless they are reusable, which, however, is a rarity for air cleaners) once in 3-4 months, since the efficiency of their work as pollution is much reduced. In addition, between fibers of filters (especially if they are not impregnated with the composition that oppress the life of bacteria) can settle the pathogenic microorganisms. The cost of the new HEPA filter is 500-2000 rubles.

Among the air purifiers in which the HEPA filters are used, such as XJ-3000C models (AirComfort, Italy) can be noted; AP RIH 1960 and very unusual in form - in the form of a vase with an elongated throat- AP NNN 2525 BK (Bork, Germany); BAP 223, BAP 242, BAP 615, HAP-260 (Bionaire, Canada); FU-21SES (Sharp, Japan); HAP-323BE (Hyundai, Korea); AOS 2061, AOS 2071, Boneco 7162 (Plaston, Switzerland); MAP-300 (Coway, Korea). Extremely effective air cleaners equipped with HEPA filters are also produced by Polaris (United Kingdom), Daikin (Japan), LG (Korea). The cost of devices - from2.5 thousand rubles.

The main steps of air purification in XIME air purifiers

Sieve for air

1-stranded filter with antibacterial impregnation

2-HEPA filter

3 carbon filter

4-ionization filter

5-ultraviolet lamp

6-phototalic filter based on TiO2

7-unipolar air ionizer

Adsorption force

For cleaning air from unpleasant odors, tobacco smoke, small dust of 0.01-0.03mkm in air cleaners, coal filters based on activated carbon, obtained from coconut shell, birch woods. The material is porous, and its pores have an extraordinarily large surface area (B1G coal surface area of ​​pore-500-1500m2!). It is the pores that are physically absorbed from the air listed pollution. Classic coal filter "Not for teeth" carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde. For more or less effective struggle with these harmful substances, coal filters must contain aluminum hemosorbent, aluminum silicate, potassium permanganate.

Install coal filters in multistage air cleaners, and always, after mechanical coarse filters, which protect them from premature contamination. The greater the coal in the filter and the surface area of ​​the filter (it is increased by corrugation), the higher the absorption efficiency of the particles from the air.

Recovery coal filters are usually not subject to restoration. They must be regularly replaced, as a rule, once in 2-6 months (with relative humidity in the room, more than 60-80%, the use of coal filters is often reduced by 30% or more). "Overflowing" toxins and dust coal filter himself can be a source of pollution. The cost of filters is from 200-300 rubles. up to1.5 thousand rubles. for 1pc. Coal filters are used, in particular, in AP200-XS04 air cleaners (Ballu, TNK); HAP-260, HAP-1060, HAP-1460, as well as in the BAP series devices (Bionaire); HAC-400 (McQuay, United States); FU-21SE (Sharp); EF 103 (ELECTROLUX, Sweden); Boneco 2061/2071 (Plaston); AP RIH 1818 BK (Bork) and many others. PM RIH 1960 BK (Bork) was installed combined filter + HEPA. The cheapest coal filters can be purchased for 2.5-4 thousand rubles.

Ionizers are ordinary and unusual

Sieve for air
The Ionizer XJ-888 lamp (AirComfort) struggles with tobacco smoking the roles of air cleaners may well perform unipolar ionizers who have been with a light hand by A.L. Chizhevsky is a great distribution worldwide, especially in Russia. Powerful high-voltage models of these devices are released into the air of the prevention of the sims of negative ions, which quickly charge dust and microbes, precipitating them to the floor, ceiling and walls. Already 15-20min after switching on the concentration of microparticles in the air decreases to dozens of times (the air cleaner will need several hours of operation to achieve the same result). Alas, when using ionizers, you will have to more often carry out wet cleaning of the premises, bleach ceiling IT.P. (Reduce the degree of pollution of the walls and the ceiling is possible by installing the ionizer on the floor).

If the sake of cleaning the atmosphere you are ready to put up with pollution of walls and ceilings, look at the domestic high-voltage unipolar ionizers of an open type: "Aeroion-25", "Effluorvion", "Corsian" IDR. (The price is usually 300-2000 rubles.). Often a unipolar ionizer is built into a multistage air cleaner. With such a symbiosis of pollution settled on the floor and the walls are not so intense, the power of the built-in ionizers is small; In addition, air purifier filters delay dirt from the air rather intensively. Vitoga for the share of the ionizer accounts for quite a bit "dirty work". The built-in unipolar ionizer is equipped, for example, model MC704 (Daikin).

Bipolar ionizers, ideal for creating and maintaining the optimal concentration of light positive and negative aeroimes, as well as to compensate for ion insufficiency in the human respiration zone, are affordable for air purification. However, for the sake of justice it should be noted that it is precisely such devices that are currently recommended by currently SanPiN2.2.4.1294-03 for operation in residential premises.

Separately, we note the plasmaclaster ionization and air purification system used in the Sharp air cleaners, for example in the FU40SE model. If you believe the manufacturers, the "ion generator Sharp" splits the H2O water molecules contained in the air passing through it, on a positive H + ion (hydrogen) and a negative O2- (oxygen) ion. The obtained ions are distributed in space near the generator and are immediately surrounded by water molecules, forming cluster ions. They are transformed into exceptionally active hydroxyl groups. The latter are able to turn into water if the hydrogen ion is added to them. When the hydroxyl groups face molded molecules fungus or other pollutant with a hydrocarbon base, this ion is captured from its shell. Thus, the hydroxyl groups destroy the cell membranes of hazardous bacteria, damping their mobility, transform molecules that cause odors, in harmless substances.

Electrostatics, sir!

The manufacturers of air purifiers actively use ionization filters for air purification from fine contaminated particles (tobacco smoke, pollen plants, disputes, viruses, IT bacteria) 0.01-10mkm. The electric field of these devices can die in the purified air of microbes and pathogenic fungi. In addition, ionization and ozonation of the purified air are carried out. Ionization filters are used by both single, two-stage air cleaners, which are referred to as ionizing cleaners and in multistage devices (ionization filters in the composition of such devices are commonly referred to as electric).

Ionizer lintels are no fan or other moving parts. The work of these devices is based on the principle of directional corona discharge (potential difference - 15-20kV), as a result of which the so-called ion wind-effect, providing air breakage through the device. Dust particles and other air pollutants are absorbed with it into the ionization chamber, where they charge, after which, under the action of the electrostatic field, adhere to the oppositely charged precipitating plates of the air cleaner. To clean the plate, it is enough to rinse in soapy water and thoroughly dry.

Among the cleaners-ionizers, you can note the model FANLINE FRESHVE-1 ("Energy"), as well as well-known in our country "Super Plus Turbo" and "Super Eco Plus C" ("Ecology", both- Russia) IDR. For example, "Super Plus Turbo" pumps through itself and cleanses 47-56m3 air from contamination depending on the selected mode of operation. The ionizer cleaners are 1.5-2.5 thousand rubles.

Support of multistage air cleaners ionization (electrostatic) filters are installed immediately after filters for mechanical cleaning; For them, in the course of the purified air, coal, photocatalytic IDR can be located. As a rule, through filters of such cleaners, the air is pumped with a fan, and "ion wind" if applied, except for the thrust to amplify. Elektrostatic filters are used, for example, in models such as Z 7010 (Electrolux), Grace Electrostatic (Euromate, Netherlands), Luz-60 ("Luz-TNP", Russia) IDR. The price of multi-stage devices with electrostatic filters rarely is less than 7 thousand rubles.

Down with carbon dioxide!

Sieve for air
AB Alfaintek.

Uniqfresh carbon dioxide adsorber resembles a piece of furniture-high tumbling of small concentrations of carbon dioxide is absolutely harmless, more precisely, vital for a person. But the increased content of carbon dioxide, which is often observed in residential premises, does not promise anything good: weakness appear, headache, difficulty with concentration of attention, drowsiness, increased fatigue. Therefore, it is desirable to rid air from excess carbon dioxide. The easiest way to clean the room from it with the help of old good volley ventilation. However, this method is effective only in environmentally prosperous places. Avot, for example, in the center of Moscow, with an average traffic intensity of transport, the level of carbon dioxide on the street sometimes approached 900rrm (million dollars per unit volume). This figure is already close to the maximum permissible concentration indoors recommended in the US and the EU, that is, to such a concentration of CO2, in which many people have a feeling of fresh air. The ventilation does not help here.

Until recently, there were no air cleaners on the market capable of struggling with carbon dioxide. But since October 2007 AB ALFAINTEK (Finland) began delivery to the UniQFresh carbon dioxide adsorber adsorber in Russia. The principle of operation of this device is based on adsorption (absorption) excess CO2 from air-like technologies used in life support systems on submarines. WTO Time when people are in the room (12h per day), the device absorbs carbon dioxide from the air. When the room is not used (according to the manufacturer, for the next 12h), the regeneration of the adsorbing cartridge occurs. Carbon dioxide returns back to the room (if the ventilation in the house does not work, the device is better placed on the regeneration to the open balcony). Woodsorber also has mechanical filters, thanks to which it cleans the air from dust, animal wool, pollen, mold argument IDR. It is worth the device is quite expensive, about 140 thousand rubles.

Dirt degradation

Photocatalytic filters purify room air from particles comparable in size with large molecules (up to 0.001 μm), are stray with toxins, viruses and bacteria, complex organic compounds, smell carriers. Multiple-efficient photocatalytic filters when cleaning air from large dust. Harmful impurities are delayed on the surfaces of filters containing TiO2 titanium oxide catalyst. Under the action of ultraviolet radiation, the filter lamp organic pollutants begin to decompose, as a result of which only the components of the "dirt" - carbon dioxide and water remain in the air of the room.

Prosusia was currently obtained the greatest distribution of quite expensive (10-50 thousand rubles) multistage photocatalytic air cleaners, such as MC707VM (Daikin), "beam-60" ("Ram-TNP"). You can also note the models of AP-2703FC ("Barrier Air Systems", Russia), CN-75 (Cyclone, Austria) IDR. Such devices are equipped with several filters: mechanical - for cleaning from large dust; electrostatic - to capture fine dust; Coal- to eliminate odors (usually complex organic compounds) and photocatalytic - for decomposition and oxidation of the fact that the previous filters do not capture: in particular, carbon monoxide (CO), formaldehyde (NSNO), phenol (C6H5OH) and other similar contaminants . Problems with the work of the highest quality of these devices and complaints to their manufacturers usually do not occur.

Also and two-stage photocatalytic air purifiers are also available. The absence of sufficiently effective pre-filtration in them (in particular, with the help of coal and electrostatic filters) causes doubt in some specialists in the safety of their use.

The fact is that in multistage cleaners room air, before getting into a photocatalytic filter, is quite well cleaned. AV single, two-stage photocatalytic filters of such a thorough pre-cleaning occurs, therefore, chemical compounds and various particles are penetrated into the photocatalysis area, which, being there, do not have time during this time decomposed to harmless components. Along with carbon dioxide and water, intermediate products are formed, and they can be more toxic than the initial chemical substances, air pollutants. After exiting the filter, these components (often bad smelling) will turn into a room until another absorption in the air cleaner and "afterburning" on the catalyst. Of course, in the end, it repeatedly passing through the cleaner, they will decompose on harmless components (however, if it does not fall into the light inhabitants of the apartment). Such this when buying an air cleaner with a photocatalytic filter, it is better to give preference to multistage models.

Do not overdo it!

If you have gathered to buy any device in the air, in which the ionization phenomenon is used, it is advisable to make sure that the device is not overpowered, "that is, the number of negative and positively charged ions will not go outside the current norms. At a distance of 1 m from the device in certified models of ionizers, according to the acting Sainpin, may contain 400-50000 ion / cm3.

Another important parameterization of ozone. The volume of ozone, which is formed in the zone of the corona discharge of ionizer cleaners, as well as in photocatalytic filters, as a rule, is noticeably less than the maximum permissible concentration (MPC on ozone-30 μg / m3). It is enough for it enough to in place in the room where the device works, unpleasant odors are destroyed, the vital activity of pathogens, bacteria, a spore of fungi, mold was suppressed. However, ozone in large quantities are no better than any combat poisoning gas. Ozone in the room becomes too much if the cleaner works "on the full coil" day, the day or defective. You can track the excess of the Ozone PDC using the concentration meter, which, however, is quite expensive.

Experts argue that the sensitivity of the average person to the ozone is almost at the PDC level. Therefore, if the room where the cleaner works, and besides the smell of "freshness after a thunderstorm", the ozone content rate is most likely exceeded and long stay (10 minutes or more) in such an atmosphere is unacceptable. Turn off the cleaner, remove from the room of people and animals, open the windows (or wait until the smell will fall out by itself).

The editors thanks Rusklimat, Ab Alfaintek, Daikin, Lgeelectronics, Polaris, Venta for the provided photo materials.

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