Beyond the possible


Redevelopment of one-room apartment (53 m2) for spouses and daughters. The result was a bedroom and a children's bedroom and isolated

Beyond the possible 12985_1

Beyond the possible

Beyond the possible
The center of the apartment takes the Bar Stand - here the owners drink coffee, watch TV. It is part of a sophisticated partition, sealing the sleeping area from the living room.
Beyond the possible
Under the sofa pillows hides a spacious storage for things
Beyond the possible
Cement-based glue is needed for fastening an artificial stone to concrete wall
Beyond the possible
The cables stretched over the ceiling to the bar is not only a spectacular designer technique, but also a sports simulator. The child under the control of adults "walks under the ceiling." Elastic cables and fasteners purchased in a climbing equipment store. For the attachment used wooden bars (section - 5050mm). On the ceiling bars recorded anchors. The system was trimmed by plasterboard
Beyond the possible
Since the TV panel can be hung over the bed only on the carrier wall, it was assumed that the owners would sleep heads to the bar. But subconsciously man chooses the most comfortable position for sleep. Therefore, the spouses prefer to go to bed to the wall - the place of a more secluded remote from the passing zones

Beyond the possible

Beyond the possible
So that the cabinet in the nursery does not interfere with open the door, its depth was calculated with an accuracy of a millimeter, and the sash opposite the sofa did not make a mirror
Beyond the possible
Bearing structures that remained after dismantling the windows block, serve as a partition between the workfire and the bedroom

Beyond the possible

Beyond the possible
The owners wanted to have two washbasins - the idea of ​​dividing the bathroom into two zones. The partition was built out of the brick, without bringing it to the ceiling so that the room was perceived as a whole
Beyond the possible
On the opposite of the sink, the partition side was installed electric heated towel rail
Beyond the possible
Plan before repair
Beyond the possible
Plan after repair

Is it possible to place eight zones in one-room apartment: living room, bedroom, children's, dressing room, bar, kitchen, hallway and bathroom? Remembering the parable of nine hats from the skins of a single ram, everyone will think that this idea will be flawed. But no rules without exception ...

The main task set in front of the architects was to reorganize a one-room apartment (53m2) under full housing for spouses and a small daughter of the host arriving around the weekend. In addition to a separate children's on a small "territory", it was necessary to organize a full-fledged bed, living room, workaws and auxiliary storage facilities. It is difficult to believe, but all the wishes managed to implement due to the competent distinction of the zones, taking into account the necessary light. Architects and the owner reasonably decided that the bedroom was not too much in direct sunlight, but in the room the girls without natural lighting could not do. Therefore, the sleep zone gave the space away from the windows, but next door to the dressing room. The center of the apartment has become a living room. For a nursery, the room was filtered, attaching the loggia and adding part of the kitchen area. Thus, two residential premises were obtained: a multifunctional bedroom living room and a children's isolated.

Color excites appetite

The kitchen remained at the same place, although her part of the loggia moved to the nursery. The result of the premises lost natural lighting. To keep the kitchen to be dark, it was supposed to make a window with stained glass windows in the wall. However, in this case, the problem of sound insulation arose. Alternative solutions of steel glass blocks Vitrablock (Czech Republic): The light penetrates through them, and they do not let the sound. Lighting provide lamps on the ceiling. They are embedded in a laminated design of plasterboard on a metal frame. Such a reception in combination with active red allowed to adjust the disproportionately elongated shape of the room.

Despite the rather modest sizes, the zone allocated in the apartment are comfortable and cozy. Achieve the desired result to the authors of the project managed, in particular, at the expense of furniture made on an individual project. A very peculiar "construction object" is, for example, a sofa in the living room. Its base serves as a brick "base", on top of which "covers" from plywood thick 10mm are strengthened on the furniture loops. The cavity of the design is designed for storage of things.

How far step by floor insulation

Paul loggia due to insulation significantly rose. In order not to make a step on the verge of the room, the floor level has increased in the kitchen and in the bar counter rack. The podium was arranged according to standard technology. By installing the formwork and performing waterproofing, the volume was filled with a mixture of cement mortar and clay, after which an aligning screed was applied to the reinforcing grid and the Aparici ceramic tiles were tiled (Spain).

When replacing windows, the windowsill raised 100mm. Now the top border of sofa pillows coincides with the windowsill line. This not only improves aesthetics, but also allows you to increase comfort: the backs of the sitting on the sofa do not rest in the rib of the window sill. One of the heating radiators is located behind the sofa. To ensure normal circulation of heated air, the ventilation products had to be done at the base of the sofa and in the windowsill.

Partitions: Metal-based Gypsum

Beyond the possible

Beyond the possible

Beyond the possible

Beyond the possible

Beyond the possible

Beyond the possible

Partitions in the apartment builders were performed from plasterboard on a metal frame. For the manufacture of the frame, the rack profiles of the required length were installed in the guide profiles with a step of 60 cm and secured the rod fixing the parts by the spin method with a bend. On the drywall made markup for the details. The edge raced the edge roughness. Details attached to the frame of self-draws using an electric screwdriver. Seams sawplissed. Such surfaces are suitable for almost any finishing finish.

Bedroom on the podium

From the finished bed, refused to favor the individual model erected by the "Construction Method". Made a light metal frame structure, which was then trimmed with high-quality MDF sheet metal plates. The base of an unusual bed was enjoyed pleasant to the touch carpet. The comfortable orthopedic mattress was put on it. The inner space of the podium remained hollow. From there, two boxes for bed linen are put forward. From the side of the living room, the enhanced partition made of drywall on a metal frame with niches protects. Its inner cavity is filled with cement mortar. Plasterboard design in this case serves as a non-removable formwork. The measure was forced, as a pretty heavy rack was installed on the partition.

Bright impression

Wall apartments are separated by different coatings. On the bar rack and the wall in the bedroom were decorative plaster ATF Vintage (Goldech Trading, Russia). Its persistent pigments are not flexible with time, and a water-soluble acrylic binder is environmentally friendly. For walls used aligning putty on an acrylic basis. Other types of putty lead to the appearance of cracks on the decorative layer. Aluminous walls were treated with color primer included in the kit. The finishing layer is a paste-shaped mass with color splashes - applied with a rigid brush with short strokes.

Technology joining

To get another residential premises managed due to the attachment of the loggia (after prior approval). Delivered the bottomroom block, then its walls, the floor and the ceiling were insulated with "Polyopleks" (Russia). First, on a concrete wall with plastic "mushrooms", the plates of the insulation thickness of 30mm fastened, all seams and adjoints were treated with mounting foam. On top of "PENEROPLEX" laid "Penofol" (Russia). It performs the function of vapor barrier and serves as an additional insulation. Suts "Penofol" were sinking aluminum scotch. After that, moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets were attached to the wooden frame, which served as the basis for the finishing of vinyl wallpaper.

Time to the wind

Beyond the possible

An electric fan installed on the vent hole. This place is located just more than 0.6 m from the water source, so for safety reasons, the fan turns on a separate key with the timer. After 5 minutes of work, it turns off automatically. The wiring was hidden behind the stretch ceiling.

The cost of electrical work

Type of work Scope of work Rate, rub. Cost, rub.
Wiring Laying, Cable 950 pound M. - 56 300.
Installation of power and low-current set - 9800.
Installation of switches, sockets 45 pcs. 280. 12 600.
Installation, suspension of lamps set - 28 500.
Total 107200.

The cost of electrical materials

Name number price, rub. Cost, rub.
Cables and components 960 M. - 30 400.
Boxing, Uzo, Automatic set - 14 300.
Wiring accessories 45 pcs. - 15 200.
Total 59900.

Cost of preparatory and installation work

Type of work Scope of work Rate, rub. Cost, rub.
Dismantling and preparatory work set - 11 900.
Device partitions from blocks 48m2. - 23 500.
Device of designs of plasterboard sheets set - 64 700.
Loading and removal of construction trash 2 containers 5100 10 200.
Total 110300.

Cost of materials for installation work

Name number price, rub. Cost, rub.
Block partition, glue mixture, fittings set - 23 800.
Plasterboard sheet, profile, screw, ox ribbon, sound insulation plate set - 39 600.
Total 63400.

The cost of finishing work

Type of work Area, m2 Rate, rub. Cost, rub.
Watching surfaces 190. - 102 600.
Surface painting, decorative plastering 226. - 122 100.
Facing the walls with ceramic tiles, stone 57. - 53 900.
Carpentry and other work - - 37 900.
Total 316500.

The cost of materials for the production of finishing works

Name number price, rub. Cost, rub.
Mixture plastering, soil, putty set - 56 900.
D / d paint, decorative plaster set - 27 200.
Ceramic tile, decorative stone 57m2 - 76 900.
Stretch ceiling (France) 10,5m2 - 10 400.
Sliding door "ALP" set 86 500. 86 500.
Total 257900.

Cost of work on the device of floors

Type of work Area, m2 Rate, rub. Cost, rub.
Applying coating waterproofing 31. 230. 7130.
Cement-sand tie 93. 480. 44 640.
Laying plates from polyester fiber 62. 270. 16 740.
Dressing Parquet Coating Device 62. 860. 53 320.
Laying ceramic coatings 31. 840. 26 040.
Total 147870.

Cost of materials for flooring device

Name number price, rub. Cost, rub.
Waterproofing (Russia) 160kg fifty 8000.
Soil, Peskobeton, Reinforcing Mesh, Plasticizer set - 25 200.
Plate Multimoll Top 4 62m2 580. 35 960.
Set of parquet, plinth 62m2 - 23 200.
Ceramic tile, glue 31m2. - 37 200.
Total 129560.

Cost of sanitary work

Type of work Scope of work Rate, rub. Cost, rub.
Laying water supply pipelines 34 pog. M. - 10 880.
Laying of sewage pipelines 15 pog. M. - 4830.
Collector installation, filter set - 22 900.
Installation of Santechniborov set - 27,600
Installation of floor heating system set - 24 500.
Total 90710.

Cost of plumbing materials and installation devices

Name number price, rub. Cost, rub.
Metal Pipes (Germany) 34 pog. M. - 2720.
Sewer PVC pipes, angles, taps 15 pog. M. - 4500.
Distributors, Filters, Fittings set - 33,000
Heating system (pipes, fittings) set - 33 700.
Santechpribor set - 109 000
Total 182920.
The editors thanks the architectural and construction company "Carre" for help in preparing the material. The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

Beyond the possible 12985_23

Architect: Olga Lusenkova

Architect: Andrei Vlasov

Construction: Igor Shuvalov

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