How to install video surveillance: detailed instructions


We are talking about the design of the video surveillance system and the stages of its independent installation.

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How to install video surveillance: detailed instructions

The safety of housing, car and other property is always in priority. Not always the owner has the opportunity to be near, so the demand for tracking systems is only grows. Contrary to the established stereotype, not always needed a professional to collect and connect equipment. We will figure it out how to install video surveillance yourself.

All about independent video surveillance

How to make a project

Selection of observation technology

Wired system mounting stages

- Laying cable

- Installation of cameras

- Connecting the DVR

- Setup equipment

Features of installing wireless systems

Design system

You need to start with a project in which protected areas will be indicated, the number of video equipment. First you need to determine the number of observation zones. This is a territory that falls under the review. Do not chase the amount to "see everything". It is expensive and inexpedient. Only places where illegal penetration may be damaged or may cause damage to the number of video surveillance zones.

For an apartment, it will be an entrance door, windows, places where values ​​are stored. For private houses and cottages - gates or gate, door to the house, entrance to the garage or household buildings. In any case, it is necessary to provide an overview of the most "dangerous" places and think where to put the cameras. They must be located so that the review is maximum. It should not close large objects such as trees, high fences, pillars.

For each of the zones, the type and number of video cameras are selected. So, to observe the perimeter of the site, equipment with a small overview angle will suit, at the entrance it is better to install frontal devices with good resolution. You also need to determine where the cameras will be fixed. It can be pillars, specially installed supports, a wall of the house. It is important that the devices are reliably protected from atmospheric phenomena and damage by man.

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Technology Choice: Analog or IP

The video surveillance organization is possible using one of two technologies: analog or IP. We will analyze each option


It is assumed to use analog video cameras. It is the opinion that their resolution is too low. However, modern models are quite comparable in the quality of the image with what gives digital equipment. The advantages of the analogue are in a low price, simple installation and commissioning. But there are disadvantages. Analog signal requires digitization before it is redirected to a computer or hard disk. To do this, use the DVR.

The functionality of the analogue is lower than that of the digit, but most often it is quite enough to observe. The analog circuit is chosen if the video analytics is not required and the cloud does not need. It is good for uninterrupted operation of the chambers by simple schemes from a distance of 150-500 m without the use of additional amplifiers.

What will be needed to build analog scheme

  • Video cameras for collecting and transmitting information.
  • The recorder is either the capture card by which the signal is digitized.
  • Cable: A coaxial type wire or twisted steam is used.
  • Power supply, it is autonomous or disabled.
  • Hard disk, used to store collected information.
  • Connectors for connections. With twisted pairs, passive type transmitters are used, BNC connectors are installed with coaxial wires.

In some cases, the router will also need. It is needed to work with local networks and for remote observation.

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IP System

The scheme is built on using IP video cameras. These are self-sufficient devices receiving, processing and recording video signals. For their work, the registrar does not need. They broadcast a quality picture on the monitor. There is an ability to wireless connection, then the image is available anywhere in the world. Information is recorded in the cloud service. These are the unconditional advantages of the digital circuit. Its main drawbacks is a high price and incompatibility of devices from different brands.

The digit is chosen if a high-quality scalable image is required and the need to store collected information in the cloud.

Basic IP Schemes

  • Digital video camera.
  • Cable: only twisted steam.
  • Switch or router to connect an IP video camera to a local network.
  • Connecting connectors. RJ 45 Class Connector. If the second-hand technology is used, a four-panel twisted pair is installed and a switter.
  • The power supply is 12 V, disconnected or autonomous. You can apply power through a swirling swish.

Additionally, a hard disk and a video recorder can be installed. They are put to record the collected information.

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How to install video surveillance: detailed instructions 12987_9

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Wired system mounting stages

Directly to the installation proceed after the diagram was drawn up and all elements were selected and purchased in accordance with it. We gradually analyze how to install video surveillance yourself.

1. Laying cable

System elements are connected by cable highways. For analogue, a special coaxial cable is used. It is protected from interference by shielding coating. For numbers laid twisted pairs. These are woven wiring pairs of conductors. Weave reduces electromagnetic interference. In both cases, the laying starts from the most remote points. The latter route is laid to the objects located near objects.

Cables connect cameras with a video recorder. Depending on the conditions, two route options use.

  • Hidden. The wires are stacked inside the walls or under the ground. This is the best way to protect them from intentional or random damage. For installation, special corrugated pipes are used in which cables are placed. You can save and put them in metal-plastic water pipes. So often do those who collect video surveillance with their own hands.
  • Open. Wires are placed on the installed supports, you can put them along the walls, fences. In this case, additional protection against atmospheric impacts is required, high-quality isolation. If the "air" plot is mounted, its length cannot be more than 50 m.

General rule for open and hidden tracks: distance accommodation is not less than 0.4 m from power cables. Otherwise, strong interference will interfere with the broadcast from the camcorder. If still have to be placed on a smaller distance, use a grounded metal sleeve or a dielectric cable channel.

2. How to independently install video surveillance chamber

Camcorders are fixed in each point scheduled. For this purpose, reliable fasteners are used so that the equipment does not vibrate into windy weather. It is advisable to cover the street instruments with special protective covers, it will extend their service life. It is not recommended to install devices for metal holders. In a thunderstorm, they can work as a grossival, which is very undesirable.

Connecting analog equipment simple. This uses a tulip connector. Yellow and white wires are connected to a signal source, red - power. Digital devices are connected to two RJ 45 connector, the voltage is supplied by the power wire.

3. Installing and connecting the DVR

The registrar must constantly work, so it is necessary to create normal conditions for it. Place it in a dry well-ventilated room. It is impossible to overheat the equipment, it can lead to its breakdown. Connect it easy. It is important not to confuse the connectors intended for different devices. The video recorder with the technology is more expensive, but easier to install. It is not necessary to connect the power cable.

If such a function is not provided, the wire supply voltage is selected separately. It connects through a special connector. In this case, the polarity of the connection is important. All joints and connectors are securely isolated. After all the devices are connected, power is supplied. First on the registrar, then on the cameras.

4. Equipment setting

Start with setting the right date and exact time on each of the working devices. The time zone of the router and the rest of the instruments must coincide. Then the hard disk is formatted, which is planned to record information. After that, the settings of each chamber are performed. It is necessary to adjust the angle of rotation and tilt so that the area area is as large as possible. After that, the video is configured from each device, and, if necessary, configure remote access. Video surveillance system is ready for operation.

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Installing a wireless system, and how to connect to a video surveillance camera via phone

Wireless IP cameras are easier. For their installation, the cable laying is not required. A set of such equipment includes a video camera, one or more, power supply and a receiving device with a monitor. The latter can also record the collected information. The chambers are equipped with a miniature transmitter operating in the microwave range. It transmits a signal. The devices are mounted on the selected places, provided by power and connected by the receiving unit.

More advanced devices are equipped with a GPM module. It allows remote access, including watch video surveillance cameras through the phone. The owner at any time through the smartphone can be connected to the equipment and observe what is happening. Fixing unauthorized actions, the camera will send him an SMS message. Such devices are even easier to install. They do not need a registrar, recording is conducted on a memory card. They are put on the selected place, feed power, start and adjust.

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There are camcorders working using Wi-Fi technology. They have their IP address, it makes it possible to connect to them through the access point or via the Internet. The collected information is sent to the cloud, which involves the availability of the server. At home, it can be a computer with special software. In this case, the camcorders are installed, connected to the power supply and computer, configured.

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