Boards on the castle


Parquet Board Market Overview: Material Advantages, Constructive Features, Playing Methods, Floor Durability Factors, Floor Care

Boards on the castle 13014_1

The indisputable advantages of the parquet board is a democratic price, as well as fast and simple styling, which provides the lock connection of individual elements. In this case, the finished coating can virtuosively imitate both the classic piece parquet, and a massive board.

Boards on the castle
KHRS Many of us are familiar with the parquet board not at the break. Soviet times the floors of apartments in the mass building houses were covered with narrow and thin straps of oak wood, beech or birch, blended on the basis. Parquet production was covered, and the cost of it was small. The same it allowed to significantly save time on the laying. However, I remembered that after a while, a new floor began to creak, and the planks were often bouncing from the base.

By design, reliability and appearance, the modern parquet board is noticeably different from its "progenitor", but the basic principle is preserved: not to pay extra for valuable wood. In the domestic market, this products represent many manufacturers, among which Barlinek (Poland), Haro (Germany), Junglewood (Indonesia), Khrs (Sweden), Karelia, Upofloor (Obranland), Trade Forest (Russia), Vito, Weitzer Parkett (Oblastria), international concerns Forbo and Tarkett. The cost of 1m2 parquet board on average is 800-1300 rubles. Agree, this is not so expensive for the floor from a natural tree that never comes out of fashion.

Boards on the castle
Boards on the castle
Boards on the castle
Boards on the castle

Pledge of success - multi-layeredness

The most common parquet board is a three-layer bar with a length of 2100-2250mm, 180-200mm width and a thickness of 14-15mm. The top (facial) layer is made of valuable wood. Its thickness is an average of 3.5-4mm. The following two makes out of cheaper wood of coniferous or spruce rocks. Each layer is focused perpendicular to the previous one. Such a structure minimizes the design of the design when the temperature and humidity differences and humidity. They call a parquet board on the wood of the upper layer: for example, if it is a oak oak board, ash, from ash, IT.D.

A little less often there are parquet boards with a thickness of 20 and 22mm. An increase in this parameter due to the upper layer (6mm) prolongs the durability of the coating, allowing you to carry out a larger number of grinding. The board with an extended middle layer increases the sound and thermal insulation properties of the floor and its rigidity. Put thick boards both for a solid base and lags.

Thin boards (7 or 10mm) is the most economical option. But because of the low thickness of the upper layer (0.7-2.5 mm) they can not be grinding. They are suitable for rapid repair. However, their offer in our market is very limited.

Boards on the castle
Photo 1.


Boards on the castle
Photo 2.


Boards on the castle
Photo 3.


Boards on the castle
Photo 4.


1. Stable and durable oak floor creates the atmosphere of heat and comfort. Its thin shades and bright wood texture depend on the age of the tree

2. Parquet boards with lock connections are instantly snapped and firmly adjacent to each other even during seasonal fluctuations in temperature and humidity, as well as with heavy loads

3. Randomly spilled on the floor of the liquid should quickly wipe the napkin well absorbing moisture

4. To protect the floor from a natural tree from negative impacts, at the entrance to the apartment it is desirable to put rugs, and on the legs of furniture paste felt lining, but in no case to nail it nails

Principle of designer

On the perimeter of the board, spikes and grooves of a tongue compound are made, like a piece parquet. A few years ago, during the docking of individual items in this compound, glue was added, shot down the boards with each other, tightened with special belts or wedge mechanisms. Then it was necessary to wait until the glue dries, and only then you could take the first steps on the new floor.

For now, parquet boards are equipped with a locking system of compound, tongs and the grooves of which are made in the form of curly mating elements. The spike of one board is inserted into the groove of the other at a certain angle, snap the lock and all. Therefore, the glue during laying is not needed. In many articles about the parquet board, it is written that such a coating can be disassembled, transported to another place and collect anew. Manufacturers really admit a sufficiently large number of assemblies and disassembly (20-30). The main thing is to act gently and not damage the castle. However, in domestic practice, such cases are extremely rare. Apol most often disassembled to replace the spoiled parquet board.

Boards on the castle
Photo 5.


Boards on the castle
Photo 6.

Trade Forest

Boards on the castle
Photo 7.


Boards on the castle
Photo 8.


5. The shade of the floor from the natural tree is changing under the influence of sunlight. Beech, oak and maple yellow, Merbau and Cherry blush, Yarra gets darker

6. Total thickness of the TRADE Forest Parquet Board 20mm. Upper layer- 6mm. It is withstanding up to five grinding

7. Collection "Saima" (Karelia) consists of elements of different sizes that combine each other

8. Parquet board design: 1- several layers of varnish or oil; 2 - upper layer (valuable wood); 3 average layer (slaughter breed racks); 4- bottom layer (veneer)

Achto from above?

On the vast majority of parquet boards, the finish coating is applied at the factory. Usually it is six - nine layers of UV curing varnish or oil-wax impregnations also with UV curing. Note that at home it is impossible to achieve this quality of the protective and decorative coating. No matter how carefully the room was prepared, dust constantly settles the surface of the floor during curing. UV curing is produced in special conditions, and it takes several seconds. Defects of the factory varnish coating are excluded. The surface is perfectly smooth, without extraneous inclusions. Vitoga parquet board is fully ready for use. After laying it does not need to be placed, grind and apply finish coatings.

Boards on the castle
Photo 9.


Boards on the castle
Photo 10.


Boards on the castle
Photo 11.


Boards on the castle
Photo 12.


9. Floor arrangement scheme: 1-parquet board; 2- substrate; 3 - waterproofing; 4- heating system

10. The ideal climate in the room for both human well-being and the condition of natural wood floors: a temperature of about 20 s and relative air humidity 50%

11. To avoid the differences in the shades of wooden floors in the same room, you should not attend carpets on the floor to the Benemets after the flooring

12. Three-band parquet board of ash "Natur". Color oscillations make gender originally and more interesting

Similarly, many manufacturers protect the ends of the planks so that accidentally spilled liquid or the consequences of excessively wet cleaning could not adversely affect the floor, so to speak, from the inside. Those who want to additionally protect the ends of the parquet board from moisture, specialists of Parquet Hall recommended Joint Protection (Pallmann, Germany). Package price (0.75l) - 845 rub. This is the composition based on wax, which is applied to the floor surface immediately after laying. It fills the joints and microscopic cavities, preventing moisture penetration into wood and extending the service life of the coating.

Opinion of a specialist

It is the opinion that the currently popular warm floors and the flooring made of natural wood are incompatible. The heating system causes an additional drying of wood and leads to the formation of slots between individual straps, as well as to their freezing.

In fact, a high-quality parquet board, made of a carefully selected and dried by special wood technologies, has high stability and is quite suitable for the arrangement of warm floors. Naturally, subject to certain recommendations. We give some of them. First, heat distribution should be uniform all over the floor. It is unacceptable to increase the temperature on its surface more than 27 C. This also applies to areas under furniture or carpets (they should not be too thick). Secondly, the waterproofing layer is required in the design of the floor, and it is desirable to arrange it as close as possible to the finish coating. Between the parquet board and the substrate are unacceptable aerial interlayers, otherwise the movement of air in the gaps will contribute to a strong drying of the tree.

Another nuance: a beech or maple wood is most sensitive to a change in temperature and humidity and is not suitable for a warm floor. For him, stable wood species are chosen: oak or tick. At the same way, they will be better transferred possible cataclysms (leaks and flooding).

Olga Kosheleva, representative of KHRS in Russia

Enviable resistance

In the past few years, the popularity of the parquet board increases. Causes are very obvious. First of all, it is the fastest and most affordable version of the flooring of a natural tree. We are talking about a "floating" method when the boards are connected to each other, but do not attach hard to base. The coverage in the 20m2 room is styled in this way for only 1 day. Laying 1m2 parquet board costs 200-400 rub., And immediately after the end of work on the floor, you can walk and install furniture.

Boards on the castle
Photo 13.


Boards on the castle
Photo 14.


Boards on the castle
Photo 15.


Boards on the castle
Photo 16.


13. The coating of a single-band parquet board looks like a massive board. The most winning it looks at the floors in large rooms.

14. The bright floor visually makes the room more spacious, the dark does not give such an effect. It is important that the color of the floor is harmony with the overall range of the interior.

15. The total area of ​​the purchased parquet board must be 5% more than the area covered by it

16. The impressive size of the board is simultaneously closed with a large area under the laying time.

Another advantage of the parquet board is a large size stability compared to a piece parquet and a massive board. In winter in central heating apartments, the owners of which do not enjoy any devices that support climate comfort, the relative humidity of the air drops to 20-30%. Plush conditions The tree begins to dry, rolling, and gaps appear between the planks of the parquet. Thus, more dimensions of the wood massif, the more noticeable these processes. Azymements of the geometric size of the parquet board in such conditions are minimal. If the upper layer tries to decrease in one direction, the next does not give it to do this, that is, thanks to the three-layer design, the board is more resistant to changes in temperature and humidity.

However, Trade Forest experts were able to improve the traditional design. They produce the middle and lower layers of the boards not from the wood of conifers (like most manufacturers), and from the same tree tree as the top. It is due to the same density and the same coefficient of temperature expansion of all three layers, it is possible to achieve maximum stability of the size, which is important in the conditions of the changeable climate of our country. Sizes of such a three-layer board (oak, ash): length - 600-1800mm, width - 120, 150, 180 mm, thickness - 20mm. Price 1m2- 3150-3600 rub.

Longevity questions

Most of us traditionally perceive repairs as a natural disaster, and therefore strive to extend the pauses between the next transformations. Therefore, the question is: "How much will a parquet board last?" - Very relevant. But it is quite difficult to answer it clearly. The duration of this period of time is affected by many factors. First, the quality of the preparation of the base and laying. Secondly, the number of people living in the apartment and the appointment of the room in which the board is laid. Obviously, the floor in the kitchen is incomparable to large loads than in the bedroom. Thirdly, the right and regular cleaning is extremely important.

Opinion of a specialist

Many, acquiring an expensive parquet board, believe that this is quite enough to obtain high-quality flooring. Agotum is surprised by the fact that it is originally a beautiful and smooth surface suddenly covered by hills and strursions resembling "lying policemen." This is due to the fact that the coating was laid at the insufficiently dry base. Excessive moisture continues to evaporate from it and penetrates a tree, which, naturally, begins to expand, which results in very sad consequences.

Under construction standards, the humidity of the base should not exceed 2-4%. Especially carefully followed by the owners of apartments in new buildings, as well as those who made a new cement-sand tie. With a thickness of 4 cm, its drying to the necessary values ​​of the values ​​is not less than 2 months. Each additional centimeter adds another 2 week to this period. To reliably check the ground humidity, it is best to take advantage of a special device moisture meter.

Nikolai Sharapov, Head of the Test Laboratory of Parquet Hall

The very concept of "coverage" is also not easy enough. For some signal to replace the floorboard, the full abrasion of the valuable wood layer or a large number of damaged areas is used. Others negatively perceive the appearance of even small scratches, scratches, and sometimes just loss of brilliance. Especially since the floor covering is very uneven. Faster it happens in the hallways, corridors, doorway, under tables and standing with them chairs (especially under computer seats on wheels). Apoto the perimeter of the walls and in the corners, where no one walks, the primary type of sex is preserved for a long time.

Boards on the castle
Photo 17.


Boards on the castle
Photo 18.


Boards on the castle
Photo 19.


Boards on the castle
Photo 20.

"Parquet Hall"

17. It is necessary to clean the sand regularly and with special care and wipe moisture in the entrance zones of apartments

18. Varnish, applied to the surface of the parquet board in the factory, is durable, does not deprive the tree of its natural beauty and requires minimal care

19. Floor covering of the new Collection of Tempo (Upofloor) from oak Toned into warm yellow-brown

20. The oil gives the floor of a special naturalness, noise-nods the structure of the tree and makes its color to deeper

For the durability of the parquet board corresponds to the top layer of the valuable tree of the tree. If it is 3.5-4mm, the average coating service life is about 20 years, or rather, 10-30 years. Some manufacturers believe that such a floor can withstand two grinding, which is carried out every 7-8 years. Others argue that the maternity owners are trying to prevent wear of wood and heat the floor as the lacquer coating is abrasing with its subsequent update. Modern grinding machines are capable of removing a layer from 1mm and even less! Then the boards will transfer at least five such operations.

In the early, the time of the outdoor coating is often connected with the change in the fashion trends of the interior finish, when the appearance of the parquet board is simply annoying or ceases to harmonize with the new setting. Therefore, the search for the coating with the longest period of life is absolutely deprived of meaning.

Floor designer

On the sites of many parquet manufacturers and parquet board there are programs that allow you to see what the same living room with coatings from different parquet facilities looks like. This, for example, the program "Floor Designer" on and Developers offer many interior options in various styles, a wide range of wood breeds, all types of parquet and parquet boards (three-, two and single-band), finishing coatings. A visual demonstration of how the shade of wood and the styling angle of the planks change the view and perception of the room, will help make the right choice.

Visual effects

The dream of an exotic flooring in the apartment thanks to a parquet board can be a reality quickly and without significant material costs. The thickness of the upper decorative layer of valuable wood is small. Consequently, the costs of the floor from Bamboo, Merbau or Kampas will be less compared with a similar piece parquet or massive board.

Boards on the castle
Boards on the castle
Boards on the castle
Boards on the castle
Weitzer Parkett.

Avota Face drawing, obtained from a parquet board, does not differ in special diversity. If its top layer consists of two or three rows of lamellae (planks, stripes), the finished coating mimics the traditional deck laying of a piece parquet. The top layer from one lamella creates the illusion of a massive board. Made at the edges of the chamfer after laying form a V-shaped groove, increasing the visual effect of the solidity of individual elements. However, it is worth such a board more, because for its production we need wide strip of valuable wood. For example, 1M2 three-band oak floorboard Upofloor (covered with varnish) in size 208518814mm costs 1300 rub., Similar two-band-1700rub., Single-band (226618214mm) - 2400 rub.

Boards on the castle
Photo 21.


Boards on the castle
Photo 22.

Weitzer Parkett.

Boards on the castle
Photo 23.


Boards on the castle
Photo 24.


21, 22. Boards of collection "Saima" (Karelia) and a two-layer Parkett WIP 55 (Weitzer Parkett) can be laid "Christmas tree"

23. Daily care of the floor of the natural tree is dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner or brush. If necessary, it is wiped with a well pressed rag

24. The design scheme of the panel with a castle system for the "floating" floor: 1- varnish; 2-decorative tube veneer; 3-layer of agglomerated cork; 4- HDF-stove with lock; 5-layer of agglomerated traffic jam

Floor decoration using a parquet board is still impossible. However, manufacturers work in this direction. For example, in the range of Weitzer Parkett there is a two-layer single-band parquet (the thickness of the upper layer - 3.6-5.5 mm). Its dimensions (5006511mm) repeat the dimensions of the plank of the piece parquet. So, individual elements can be posted using different laying schemes ("Christmas tree", wicker IT.D.). The price is 1M2 (the top layer of oak-5,5mm, coating) is 1800-2700 rubles.

A noticeable effect on the price also sorting the lamellas of the upper layer. Boards with selected plackets of one shade, without bitch and pronounced figures called "select" (selected, "elite"). They cost 20% more expensive than the "Nators" boards ("Standard") with small distinctions of tone, rare knots. Even less price of Rustic boards. It is characterized by the largest color variations, the swollen (sections of light wood), swirls. Although it is the inhomogeneity of the color and texture - evidence of the unique nature of natural wood. The same damage, scratches, dents are less noticeable on a parquet board with a lively, expressive drawing of residences and bitch than on a carefully "selected", almost one-photo floor.

Boards on the castle
Boards on the castle
Boards on the castle

Opinion of a specialist

Most often, the stackers use the "floating" way of flooring flooring as the fastest and affordable. However, at the same time, the location does not exceed 150m2. Each room in the apartment must be viewed as a separate room and is mandatory to leave expansion (compensatory) gaps between them at the rate of 1mm for 1 p. m size of the room measured by perpendicular to the compensation seam. If the gaps are less than necessary for this area of ​​the floor, with an increase in the humidity of the board can periodically "get up slid".

When placed on a parquet board, laid by the "floating" method, heavy furniture (for example, bookcases in domestic libraries) deteriorates the ability of this material to respond to moisture and temperature differences and slightly change their dimensions. Heavy furniture adds floor. In winter, when air humidity is sufficiently low and wood is a little sneezing, slots may appear between individual boards. In the summer they sometimes be boxed. In this case, we recommend gluing a parquet board to the base. Then the floor will keep the weight of the furniture without problems.

Alexander Akilov, category manager "Outdoor coverage" of the company "Old Man Hottabych"

Basis for swimming

An important component of obtaining a beautiful and durable "floating" is based on the basis of the basis. It should answer a number of standard requirements: to be smooth, durable, and most importantly, dry. Surface deviations horizontally on Square 2M2 are permissible no more than 2mm. The magnitude of "lumen" under the lying on the basis of a two-meter level should also not exceed 2mm. There are many self-sewing mixtures for alignment. They are easy to use and dry quickly. This is important, because by building standards, the required humidity of the base is not more than 2-4%.

Boards on the castle


Boards on the castle


Boards on the castle


Boards on the castle


Boards on the castle

e) The order of pipe strokes:

A, they make the necessary measurements;

The holes are drilled (they must be 20mm larger than the diameter of the pipes) and scold the edge of the boards;

G-placed the board and paste the carved segment into place;

D- closes the edge of the hole with a suitable ring

Initially, the laying on a flat and dry base is spread the polyethylene film, so that the adjacent canvas overlap each other with the overlap 20-30cm. It serves as a vapor insulation of the floor. After that, perpendicular to the canvases of the film lay the substrate (for example, from foamed polyethylene or cork). The substrate levels the slightest irregularities of the base, and the plug plays the role of an additional heat and sound insulator. Slices of substrate have an online jack, and the joints of the compounds are sicked with scotch and only then begin to flooring parquet boards.

Those who want to simplify the process of preparing the foundation should be aware that movement on the boards lying on the unwarting basis is accompanied by a creak or crunch, because under the loading board will be lowered and rising. Without the substrate, the steps on the floor seem to pieces and well heard. Lovers walk barefoot will have to abandon this pleasure, at least in winter. Boards lying right on a cold concrete tie will be cool, and this is uncomfortable.

Do not forget that the wood is hygroscopic. Ikak would not have a parquet board resistant to changes in humidity and temperature, when laying a "floating" method along the perimeter of the room, as well as in places of adjustment to fixed structures (columns, stairs), there should be small compensation gaps (10-15mm).

Boards on the castle
Photo 25.


Boards on the castle
Photo 26.

Weitzer Parkett.

Boards on the castle
Photo 27.


Boards on the castle
Photo S. Morgunova

25. Do not forget that the dirt is more noticeable on dark floors

26, 27. For decoration of stairs, manufacturers offer special plates or profiles that are easy to join the boards.

There is another parking lot technology. Fanora glued on the aligned base and additionally attract it with self-draws. Align the surface with grinding, and then glue parquet boards. Such a coating for technical specifications is not inferior to the floor from the piece parquet and does not have restrictions on the placement of the room. However, due to the need to acquire plywood and glue, increasing the time of the flooring, as well as payment of additional work is lost one of the main advantages of parquet boards, fast and inexpensive laying.

Instead of wood-bark?

As an outdoor coating, not only a tree, but also a cortex of cork oak. Interestingly, one of the designs of cork panels resembles a traditional parquet board, and put it with a quick and simple "floating" method. The cork floor is pleasant to the touch and always warm due to the natural thermal insulation properties of this material. It reduces the shock and air noise, is not afraid of water, does not rot and does not support burning. In our market, such cork covers are represented by Corkart products (Texcork), IPocork, Wicanders (AMORIM Concern), MJO (All Portugal), Arscork, Ibercork (Voefain), Haro, Witex (Oba Germany). Panel dimensions - 90030010-12mm. Price 1M2- 900-1800rub.

The methods listed above can be laid any parquet boards regardless of their size. Adlya of this method as laying on lags, suitable boards with a thickness of 20mm and more. Lugi is installed in rooms with a very uneven base, where unacceptable load on overlapping is invalid. After all, several centimeters of the cement screed (say, in a three-bedroom apartment) sometimes weigh not one ton. Although in this case options are possible. If there is a parquet board of any thickness on top of the lags. WHATS The same professional finishing brigades must recommend that the laying method that is optimal in each particular case should be recommended.

The editorial board thanks the company "Parquet Hall", "Old Man Hottabych", Barlinek, Khrs, Trade Forest, Upofloor, Weitzer Parkett Rus, International Concern Tarkett for help in the preparation of material.

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