Garden Atlanta


Decorative features of the retaining walls in the country areas: Device of the base, construction materials, decoration by plants

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Garden Atlanta

Garden Atlanta
Photo O. Voronina

Revinct the monolithic concrete wall helps the "exhibition" of potted plants

Garden Atlanta
Photo O. Voronina

The wall, folded by the "dry" method, decorate the belly

Garden Atlanta
Photo O. Voronina

Return walls form a single ensemble with an angular staircase and massive fence

Garden Atlanta
Photo O. Voronina

The wave-like line of logs located close to each other gives the landscape of the grace

Garden Atlanta
Photo O. Voronina

Low wall mask flowering plants

Garden Atlanta
Landscape architect O. Makarenko

Photo M.Stepanov

Two parallel stairs make out the transition between terraces

Garden Atlanta
Photo O. Voronina

The effect of "natural" wall occurs if the concrete base is to bore with a brusche tumor

Garden Atlanta
Photo O. Voronina

The wall of massive stone blocks soften the green "pillows"

Garden Atlanta
Photo O. Voronina

The border around the flower garden is laid out by dry masonry

Garden Atlanta
Photo O. Voronina

The retaining walls are made to decorate with small-bedroom plants, which in the summer resemble lush clouds

Garden Atlanta
Photo O. Voronina

Tracks Sometimes they are laid below the main level of the site, and then instead of a classic curb building low retaining walls

Garden Atlanta
Photo O. Voronina

Growing succulent plants in the garden is becoming increasingly popular. They are poorly tolerated wet frosty weather, so succulents need to be planted in loose ground, for example, in a mixture of garden soil with coarse sand

Garden Atlanta
Photo O. Voronina
Garden Atlanta
Photo P. Nikolaev

Stay a perfectly smooth brick wall for only an experienced bricklayer. For an amateur, the task is complicated: in the process of masonry, the design constantly strives to devaway, then in one way

Garden Atlanta
Photo O. Voronina

To burn the platform for relaxation from vegetation in the garden is one of the functions of the retaining walls. In the case, the design is unlikely to do high so that it does not cover the surrounding greenery

Garden Atlanta
Photo O. Voronina
Garden Atlanta
Landscape architect A.Ruudulis

Photo K. Manko

The bottom (comuted) part of the logs before installation is usually treated with bitumen to protect against rotting. Between the soil, adjacent to the wall from the inside, and the pillars are layered by a layer of waterproofing, such as rubberoid. Too high walls do not make, they will not stand the head of the earth

The retaining walls are a kind of armor protecting the soil along the edges of the terraces from the foaming. However, they are not only functional, but also decorative: can become a podium for vases with flowers or a picturesque border around the pond or a platform for recreation.

The image of the garden largely depends on the terrain relief, where it is broken. Thus, terraced gardens have long been cultivated in Italy - a mountainous relief contributed to this. However, the terraced garden can be created in the conditions of our country, because many areas are located on the slopes of ravines, on Kosoyrats or on the banks of the rivers, and therefore have a significant slope. Do not hurry to raise a grand reoround, import tons of land and level the territory - use a natural bias and divide the area into several horizontal sites, terraces. The transition from one terrace to the other is made in retaining wall-vertical structures that prevent soil fiance. In addition, the retaining walls also participate in the design of a garden landscape: they serve as a framing for flower beds or a pond, "showcase" for sculptures. If you build a retaining wall on the initially level plot, you can get the effect of vertical development of the landscape.

The height of the retaining wall depends on the height difference between the terraces is usually equal to this value or slightly exceeds it. The difference of heights can be different: from 15-20 to 80-90cm and even more. The width of the lower part of the wall is calculated depending on the height: they usually have a ratio of 1: 4, on loose sandy and wet-1: 2. Up the width of the retaining wall, as a rule, decreases.

The retaining walls are asked by placing the slope across. Their form depends on the line of the terrace boundary and the partly dictates it: it happens almost perfectly straight, with smooth bends, zigzag. Materials for retaining walls are natural and artificial stone, brick, concrete blocks and plates, wooden logs.

Garden Atlanta
Brick wall:


2- brickwork;

3-drain hole in the masonry;

4- concrete foundation

Garden Atlanta
Stone wall:

1- compacted soil;

2- stone masonry;

3- concrete foundation

Garden Atlanta
Concrete wall:


2- concrete;

3- graduation trumpet

Point of Support

The device of the base is a crushed pillow or a pillow with the foundation is the most responsible stage in the process of the structure of the retaining wall. This is a guarantee of strength and longevity design. Snapshot, deprived of base, sooner or later there are cracks, other deformations occur, or it completely "floats" down the slope together with her waters.

Garden Atlanta
Photo O. Voronina
Garden Atlanta
Photo O. Voroninoner than the impression produced by the design depends on the shape of the selected stones. The wall from the "wild" stones is very natural, from almost perfectly smooth and majestic

From any of the materials either built the wall and whatever height is neither, for it, they always "underwent" a pillow of rubble and sand, which not only ensures uniform transmission of the load on the ground, but also performs the drainage function. The width dugged under the pillow of the trench should slightly exceed the width of the lower part of the retaining wall. Depth - on average 30cm. The bottom and side sides of the trenches are littered with geotextiles. Then they fall asleep the crushed stone of the middle fraction - 20-40mm (layer with a thickness of 20cm) - and sand (10cm).

"Old" romance

Garden Atlanta
Photo O. Voronina-shaped dilapidated, launched wall of Oweyan romance. You look at her- and unwittingly imagine that there was once a medieval castle, discouraged by high walls, and then time threw them from the ground, and these "ruins" - everything that remained from the oldest greatness. In fact, landscape architects immediately create walls - "ruins" exactly as "aged". The best building material is a natural stone. Separate stones are connected to each other with the tile glue, the seams are thoroughly wiping. High and complex in the form of structures, for example, an angular stepped wall with a height of 1.5m - gives strength internal reinforcement. How to do it? Some of the stones are drilled and then ride them like beads, on the iron rod. Without such a dressing, the wall will be not solid enough. Of course, the angular "ladder" is just one of the possible forms. Another option suitable for the extended construction is the wall with a uneven upper line, with periodic "failures", thanks to which the structure will look old. A variety of plants will be completed to complete the image: decorated and covered with them the design will look more mysterious and romantic. Just like old ruins!

Oleg Volkov, director of the company "Harmony with Nature"

It may additionally need high and heavy walls. In some cases, tape (from concrete or boob stone), in other pile. For sandy soils (especially sand-sleeve), the pile foundation is more suitable. For clay soils (primarily heavy clay), the foundation should be a surface embedding: a ribbon, and the best-solid cooker.

Walls are different ...

The material selected for the construction of retaining walls must correspond to those used for paving, as well as for the construction and finishing of buildings and structures on the plot: residential buildings, gazebos, pergolas, fence.

The most popular today walls made of natural stone. They are durable and possess natural charm because they look natural. More often than others use limestone slabs, sandstone, boulders, less frequently, granite, dolomite. Stay stones with rows, with dressing, both in brickwork. "Neighbors" pick up carefully: they must approach each other in shape and sizes. The stones are fastened with a solution or put "dry" by the method: placed one over the other, and the gaps between them are left empty or right during the styling process fill the ground. If the land is mixed in advance with the seeds of lawn herbs, after some time the wall sees. Try not to cut adult herbs, they will hang out, as if curls, and give the wall a picturesque look. If you want the wall "blooming", after the construction work is completed, put in the cavity of the Alpine plants.

Blooming tapestry

Garden Atlanta
Photo P. Nikolaevav Stems littered with blooming plants The retaining wall resembles an exquisite tapestry: the nature itself of a clan it, like a skillful master. Stone walls are like rocks in the miniature, so the flowers are picking up the corresponding "landscape" - those that in vivo grow in the crevices of the mountains or resemble them. Such a lot: Carnish or gray-blue carnation, bell, a bell, phlox, a chamber ... Improving the slope with a retaining wall: the most gorgeous "carpets" can be raised when the slope is turned to the Sun (east, south or south-east) And the retaining wall is not shaded. Here Sedum Sedum, Moldova, Stamyan, Timyan, Alissa, Stakhis, Cammin, Song, Yaskolk, Floxo Schilovoid, as well as more rare species: Edelweiss, Levzey, St. Olympic. Rubberizes between stones, where more wet and cool, you can land the bell Karpathian, Sunflower, Privacy, DRIADA. For the retaining wall at the northern slope, they choose the teothelubile species: ferns, Rogersius, Vassilnik, Akvilia, Verbain, Barwin, Shadow Camery. If the plants are sealing in the cavities between the stones, these cavities fill the earth still at the construction stage.

Alena Volin, landscape designer

Other durable materials - brick and concrete. White silicate brick for the construction of such structures is not suitable, it is too hygroscopic and quickly starts to collapse. Use red bricks. Moreover, the retaining walls of the stone are constructed with a slight inclination (up to 10) towards the upper terrace, thereby increasing their stability, and the bricks do strictly vertical, this requires material. A skillful bricklayer can "draw" brick, laying out on the main background of panel or decorative stripes-borders from samples of another color, decorate the wall inserts from tiles or river pebbles. Concrete structures are collected from blocks or made monolithic (to build the latter it will be necessary to arrange a wooden formwork). The monotonous surface of such walls can be revived if, for example, "drown" in the stones, pebbles, shells, tile fragments.

Low walls can be constructed from wood - for this, logs or bars are usually used. However, a low woven, supporting garden beds, also performs the function of the retaining wall.

Garden Atlanta
Photo O. Voronina
Garden Atlanta
Photo P. Nikolaev
Garden Atlanta
Photo O. Voronina

Log structures are not too long and durable, but many love them for the feeling of comfort and warmth, which gives a tree. The most vulnerable part design is the place of contact of the tree with the soil

Avant-garde solution is the retaining walls from undergraduate building materials: wooden or wireboxes, metal sheets or pipes. They will resemble art facilities from the museum outdoors.

Garden Atlanta

Garden Atlanta

Non-standard walls can be made of subtle trimming stems, and bamboo stems

Water balance

Any retaining wall may suffer from constant contact with raindrops and underground waters, so it is necessary to correctly plan drainage. As we have already noted, the drainage function performs a rubbed cushion, laid at the base. Put the purpose of providing a quick water removal - along the inside of the wall it is recommended to pour rubble (or gravel, broken brick). Stuffed to this, if necessary along the retaining wall (also on the inside), you can organize drainage.

Garden Atlanta

Drainage of retaining walls:

1- Body wall of concrete;

2-concrete foundation;


4- crushed;

5 - geotican;

6 - sand;


Another type of drainage is the so-called cross, provides water drain from one terrace to another. With a sufficiently high saturation of the soil with groundwater over the entire length of the structure every 1.5-2m at the level of the sole, the holes are left or the pipes for draining water from the upper terrace to the bottom. These holes must be planned in advance, at the landscape design stage.

The first two types of drainage (pillow and filtration pipes) are needed by almost every retaining wall, and they can be planned and erected on their own. AREATING ON THE NECESSARY Putting a closed drainage is accepted by specialists. They investigate the hydrology of the terrain where the site is located: observe the level of groundwater level, study the skipping capacity of soils. For example, heavy clay soils often need drainage system. An additional reason for the device of such a system may be the presence of a ribbon foundation in the design of the retaining wall, it violates the natural movement of water underground. The depth of the perforated drainage tube, its slope, the optimal location is determined individually. Water cases, the pipe should be put in the base of the wall, in other along the inside, below the slope of the slope.

The editors thanks the company "Harmony with Nature", "grew up" and landscape designer Alena Volin for help in preparing the material.

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