Store things on the system


Enchantment of a dressing room: Features of internal filling, used materials for storage systems, modular options, decorative elements

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Store things on the system
Store things on the system
Store things on the system

Storage area, frightened in the bedroom, allows you to place a lot of things and provides easy access to them.

Store things on the system
Wardrobe Visconti with a chipboard from a chipboard built into a niche is not just a set of shelves, boxes and rods for clothes, and an individual designer solution, which is unlikely to want to hide behind the deaf doors
Store things on the system

Lifting and folding rod - pantograph (elevator hip)

Store things on the system

When organizing the internal space, the wrist is an emphasis on a narrow specialization of each branch for storing things. This composition is an organic combination of open sections with mandrels, shelves, narrow and wide drawers arranged by the type of chest of drawers

Store things on the system
For those who appreciate the comfort and heat of natural wood, the Elfa Dekor program (Elfa International) is proposed. More included, in particular, boxes - organizers for storing jewelry from navy under the walnut birch
Store things on the system
Corner wardrobe LUMI with radius sliding flaps (profiles and filling-painted MDF, insert - transparent glass with copyright drawing)
Store things on the system
Mr. Doors.
Store things on the system

Shoes better keep on special inclined shelves (folding or retractable)

Store things on the system
Jesse wardrobe in minimalist style
Store things on the system
Mr. Doors.

"Floors" storage included in an equifiable triangle

Store things on the system

The modular dressing room is made on the basis of the frame aluminum UNO system. Racks are made of chipboard. Sizes - 2.52,31,9m

Store things on the system

Bright decorative panel with racks and hanger - part of the open interior of the studio apartment

Store things on the system

Each storage system is individual

Store things on the system
Elfa International
Store things on the system
Elfa International

In retractable mesh baskets of different depths and height of linen and knitted products are clearly visible.

Store things on the system

Modular dressing room on metal racks is easy to collect and dismantle

Store things on the system

Wardrobe harmoniously fits into the bedroom interior

Store things on the system

Placing clothes and shoes for all storage rules

Store things on the system
Giorgio Piotto.
Store things on the system
Giorgio Piotto.

Extending to the entire depth of trays made of wood array for storage ties and shoes

Store things on the system
Racks and shelves - the main components of storage systems (LEMA)
Store things on the system
Mr. Doors.
Store things on the system
Accessories that are used to fill storage systems meet all the requirements of the organization of the internal space. Folding hung for trousers or skirts allows you to accommodate up to four pairs of things
Store things on the system

In the design of the facades of the sliding system, a wide variety of decorative materials, such as high gloss and metal

The house where the order reigns, is expensive. However, it is often difficult to escape from the captivity of the things we are over. Wardrobe helps us to organize life, eliminates everyday search for clothing, makes a dwelling aesthetic and in modern spacious.

Usually journalists try not to disclose intrigue to the end of the article, as in a good detective. I will venture to retreat from the general rule and make a secret explicit at the very beginning of this material. That is, the foundations. The work of work on the text it turned out that both manufacturers and users are not clearly presented, which is included in the concept of "wardrobe", calling the storage furniture, and a functionally dedicated zone. Is it possible to be a more correct term "wardrobe room"? Space light on the riddle of the dressing room and put all the points over "I".

Sacrament words

Store things on the system

The wardrobe can be equipped anywhere, including in the Mansard XIX-XX centuries. Restaurants for storing clothing - the so-called wardrobe - compiled an integral affiliation of even the most modest (at that time) apartments. Tolkovoy dictionary edited by D.N. Shushakov (1934-1940) The word "wardrobe" (the dress for storing the dress) is already accompanied by the mark "outdated" - after all, in Soviet times it came out of everybody, as well as the wardrobe. The ametic storage rooms, which were overwhelmed by our grandparents, were just economic counters. However, everything returns to the circles its own. Returns to the life of our compatriots and the old tradition to keep things in a specially equipped room for this room, but now in the new XXIV format, when the architecture of residential space has changed, and the possibilities of furniture expanded.

How many centimeters?

Hang up jackets, shirts, dresses, coats, coats close to each other are not recommended. Between the objects of the outerwear, it is necessary to leave the space with a width of 10 cm, between dresses - 9cm, blades and shirts - 7-8cm. It is important to calculate the height of storage compartments: for long dresses and upper clothes, not less than 120 cm, for jackets and shirts, about 85 cm.

Modern dressing room is a specially organized space for storing clothing, shoes and linen (replaces dressers, couches, wardrobes). It can be a separate room, a sunk in some room or part of the studio apartment, that is, a functional zone. But in any case, it includes a fencing design and filling consisting of bearing parts and equipment (storage elements, accessories, lighting). Separate furniture items are used for the wardrobe.

Store things on the system

Store things on the system

Store things on the system

Store things on the system

There is no trifle in storage. It is from the content that depends on how convenient you will use the dressing room (HLSTA)

Looking for- and clothe

Store things on the system

The corner system of the storagepotable room must have a width of approximately 3m and depth 1.5-1.7m (taking into account the fact that the standard depth of the shelves and the boxes is about 60 cm, otherwise they will be inconvenient to use, plus at least 90cm for our "maneuvers" near them). You can count on a decent result if you have 6-8m2. More compact storage will be located on the square 3-4m2. Making a wardrobe meter less than 3m2 does not make sense - it is better to limit ourselves to the built-in wardrobe.

Of course, in an ordinary apartment it is easier to carve a place for the dressing room at the redevelopment stage, which in any case you need to pre-agree on local governments (for example, in Moscow-in Moszhilospect). Some segregate part of the room using lightweight sliding partitions or a fixed partition from drywall, while leaving the opening open (in which case, they get a dressing area).

Store things on the system
Store things on the system
Elfa International
Store things on the system

For ties, belts, belts and other small items there are retractable shelves

One of the most common options are the creation of a dressing room in the bedroom. Knowing the total area of ​​the room and determining the lowest size of the bedside zone on the table, you will understand whether to equip the dressing room here (it is advisable to do if the bedroom is significantly higher than the bedroom area).

There are sometimes organic part of the studio flowing space of the Veserver dwellings, weathered in a minimalist style. In the case, the case of a kind of interior decor is all that hangs and lies here. But such an extravagant way of storing clothes, we have not received distribution.

Doors in the dressing room in principle can be any: sliding (including radius), swing, harmonica. It all depends on the features of the room. If it is isolated, more relevant swing or sliding door. Well, if the dressing room wants to separate from the main room, put sliding partitions. A small angular dressing room is often chosen from the whole room with a screen or door-accordion.

There are different schemes for organizing a dressing room. For their implementation, three main structural systems are most often used: the system of cabinet elements; panel system; Frame system, mobile modules on metal racks or rails.

May the light be!

Store things on the system
HettichHeate general light in the room is desirable lamps on brackets that will brighten the contents of boxes and baskets. Additional convenience will create an automatic lighting and lighting system that is triggered when you open or close the dressing room.

Classics of the genre

Store things on the system

The "wardrobe-cabinet", integrated into the angle of the spacious hall is the most common storage systems collected from the case elements that are built along the wall or walls, like cabinets, close to each other and fasten with the screeds into a single design. Storage systems are made of traditional material - chipboard with laminated or melamine coating. They make them to order on the individual project all firms producing cabinets - "ALP", "Ronicon", Ecalum, Kardinal, Lumi, Mr. Doors, Stanley, Versal, Visconti (all- Russia) IDR. The price depends on the size, the quality of the chipboard, processing sections, the number and price level of the gained accessories.

You can order a corpus system and on one of the numerous European factories, such as La Falegnami, Lema, Mobileffe, Move, Roncoroni, Verardo, Luciano Zonta (All Italy), HLSTA (Germany), NOVart Oy, Villa (Obennia), Gautier (France). Elements have standard dimensions that do not change. Especially since this is not necessary, since the programs are associated with a wide selection of accessories, this is a real designer providing rich opportunities for creativity.

The cabinet storage system from the European manufacturer will cost at least 130-150 thousand rubles. However, the amount may be 2-3 times more. The cost of the storage system from the domestic producer (often on the basis of imported components) for room 6-8m2 varies. You can assemble the option for 40 and 250 thousand rubles. - It all depends on your scope. The storage system with a size of 3.61.8m from the modules of LDSP with sliding partitions (Stanley) costs 37 thousand rubles. Such a complex of the same manufacturer with a size of 2.71.8m M-figurative configuration with glass partitions will cost about 50 thousand rubles.

On floors

Plan the location of the levels where you store clothes, underwear and shoes. As a rule, their three: lower (space from floor level to height 60-85 cm); Average - from 60 to 170-190cm; Upper - above 190cm. The most convenient zone is located approximately at an altitude of 60-130 cm. It is recommended to place things used most often.

Vsilla Loft.

The modern user is attracted by planning flexibility, simplicity of assembly, as well as visual ease of open modular structures, when shelves, boxes, staves for shoes and hangers literally hug in the air. Fasten modules on metal racks or rails. Both options allow you to do without vertical partitions and the rear panel, without floors and roofs in the dressing room. It is also important and such a nuance. No matter how hard you try to think about and calculate the layout of the modules and their number, life will certainly make its own adjustments. Frame systems allow you to increase the components, as well as change their height. All this can be easily embedded in the room of any planning, dismantle and transport, say, to a new apartment.

Modules on racks. The design of the wardrobe modular system on the racks is fastened by the rotor according to the "floor" scheme, "half-ceiling" or "wall wall". Next, pick up shelves, lockers and other storage tanks, rods for hangers. Based on this, determine the amount and type of holders that are installed at the desired height and fix in the grooves of the guides using the hexagon key, no additional screws, no drilling work. Irosy, and European manufacturers work with UNO aluminum systems (Raumplus, Germany), Samsung Irex (Korea) or Joker system (Italy), consisting of round chrome rods connected by adapters, combined with racks.

The profile has a solid adjustable mounting to the ceiling and walls, as well as the inner ribs of stiffness, which allows the design to withstand a large load (this is very important for the dressing room). The height of the vertical racks can reach 3m.

Based on frame systems on metal racks, the wardrobe companies "Art-Line" (System Alterna), "Vertical Plus", "Design Gallery", "Wardridge Master", "Ronicon", "Hey-Ji Furniture", Aldo (Open Interior Systems), Cupedoors, Indigo, Mr. DOORS (LOFT), Stanley, Sun Cupe (all- Russia). An option based on a system of UNO with a size of a 3.22.8m g-shaped (Stanley) costs about 35 thousand rubles. ALCOPOSITION from Aldo (2.51.8m) - about 60 thousand rubles. Finally, 1M2 Folding for Wardrobe based on Samsung IREX costs from 1.5 thousand rubles.

From foreign manufacturers collecting metal struts based on metal struts, let's call former, Mazzitelli (Zemma series), Poliform (Cabina Varia model), RES (allialy), Thielemeyer (Aluwood, Germany).

Modules on rails. The most versatile and the most democratic steel raised epoxy coating systems appeared on the market with the filing of ELFA International (Sweden). The design begins with an easily mounted carrier rail, it is screwed horizontally directly on the wall at the required height. Then they are fixed at a right angle (vertically) guides. There are installed brackets on which racks, hangers, baskets are fixed. Length and form of guides depend on the selected items. Maximum load on single mounted guide - 300 kgf. Shelves are stable and have a carrier capacity of 90 kgf.

The system is supplemented with all sorts of shoes, hangers for ties and belts, special hooks, side baskets. Racks can be put on the wheels, which allows you to move them. The composition of ELFA in size is 2.72.5m costs about 30 thousand rubles.

Store things on the system

Store things on the system

Store things on the system

The functionality of clothing storage complexes is affected by imagination. Here, each thing is from the smallest to the largest - its own place. Often modules with drawers for convenience put on wheels (HLSTA)

Very demanding type

Store things on the system
Move stains the surfaces of the filling elements in any color according to the RAL design catalog on decorative panels are not called demanding. If you hang too much clothes on the hangers, you will not be able to admire the beauty of the wall panel, lined with a veneer or made of natural wood. Aesley Post a dozen two boxes over each other - the whole image collapses. Therefore, that the storage system turns out quite spacious and at the same time retained aesthetic appeal, it should be very large. Equipment of decorative panels are not particularly diverse: upstairs, down-modules on wheels. Grids and baskets are unlikely to look good on the background of a panel of an exotic tree.

All such structures are quite expensive. Among domestic manufacturers producing them, - Krasnoyarskaya company Mekran: So, the Virginia complex for a dressing room from the Angarsk pine is about 200 thousand rubles. The manufacture of wall panels takes a lot of material. Save especially nothing to save on, except to choose a veneer cheaper.

Approximate cost of some wardrobe filling items

Element price, rub.
Mesh shelf 395 goes 1 M.
Mesh Basket (VSHG: 8,54344 cm) 755.
Mesh basket (VSHG: 18,55354cm) 970.
Hanger for ties 250.
Iron and ironing boards 250.
Retractable holder for tie and belts 935.
Trouser holder 1150.
Side stand for two pairs of shoes 250.
Corner regiment 755.
Module from Mesh Baskets (VSH G: 744544cm) 2770.
Module made of net baskets (VSHG: 1045534cm) 3780.
Retractable hung out 290 From1 Bim.m.
Standard (rod) hung, chrome 360 questionnaire
Pantograph 2880.
A set of halogen lamps (4pcs) with a transformer and cable, chrome, matte glass 1080.
Drawer (up to 0.13m3), chipboard 1080.

The ratio of the size of the bed and the bedside zone in the bedroom

Standard bed size, m Minimum Space Space Zone, M2
1.80.8. 5.6 (2.82)
1.90.9 6.1 (2,92,1)
21. 6.6 (32.2)
21.5 8.1 (32.7)

The editors thanks the company Aldo, Kardinal, Komandor, Lumi, Mr. Doors, Vellamo, Visconti, Abris, IBTM, Ronicon, Elfakomplekt, Elfapremium for help in preparing the material.

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