Holiday as art


Decorators hold a master class of unusual design of a festive table for different situations, from a romantic dinner to a feast of a noisy company

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In the air already smells in the summer, the kidneys are blooming, the world comes to life after a long winter hibernation. Submaintables of spring traditionally begins on holidays, which means numerous feasts in a family or friends. Achto is the symbolic center of any holiday when you invite guests? Of course, covered table!

Beautiful, spectacularly served table performs many tasks. For example, he is able to remind those present about your talents and unique qualities or pleasantly surprise guests with an extravagant solution. At the same time, service objects do not have to be expensive: enough if they are spectacular and combined with each other. When serving, it is better to select the items of different styles. If you are going to put one, even if you are expensive and beautiful service, it will look at least boring. If you venture to combine things, completely different in style, color and form, the result may turn out very interesting. The main thing is to subordinate the table solution with one idea, and then even the grandmother's embroidered napkin will naturally look next to the design forks. Remember, table setting is art available to everyone. Let us learn is not only tasty, but also beautiful!

Our heading presents several options festively, and importantly unusually decorated tables. The ideas that were offered decorators can be taken as a basis, and then taking into account the number of friends or family members, as well as dishes and accessories, come up with your option and celebrate the holiday for a wonderfully decorated table.

In the center of the holiday

Oksana Rogachinovs The Gallery of Furniture and Design Soft Loft has passed an interesting exhibition, the initiator of which was the owner of the gallery Oksana Rogachechov. Here, the invited graduates of the studio "Details" held a master class on serving holiday tables. In front of the public, decorators embodied their ideas that were truly impressive. Each table looked a completely unique artwork. Examples of reasons for serving served a wide variety of situations, from a romantic evening to a feast for a noisy company.

Little time but a lot of fantasy

This table is for a young company or couple of lovers. Stylistics is determined by the word "punk". Decorators were inspired by the ideas of the English designer-fashion designer Vivient Westwood, which is called the queen punk.

Vehi compositions are connected, it would seem that there is no contemporable things for the shape of the tables and objects of serving and modernity- bright aniline paints and ironic accessories. Even a bouquet on the table - in the form of a pyramid: bright lemon carnations fixed on the frame. A decent addition of this table-pair of candles in the form of frogs. Well, you complete the serving unusual food and drinks. For example, green lollipops on black plates and lemons in silver vases ... Mirror plus candles in high candlesticks add magic and create a special mood.

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

"Noble Manor"

New reading of classic traditions.

Holiday as art

Table setting is abundant and sophisticated at the same time. Here are elements of classic design: crystal, porcelain, flowers, candles, a beautiful embroidered tablecloth. To give the table sophistication, the decorators deliberately limited themselves in the color decision. Flowers, food, fruit, decor and setting elements are designed in several major colors: wine, emerald and ivory. The impression created by this composition can be described as a feast of sensuality. The main emphasis here is flowers and a large amount of greenery, which falls along the edges of the high VAZ placed on the table. People who enhanced behind him are created that they are in the Paradise Garden. Time stopped. No one hurry anywhere. The bustle and the pace of modern life remained outside the room. The motto of this composition: "Arte De Vivre" ("Art of Living"), that is, the ability to enjoy and appreciate every moment.

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Anything, but not boredom

Such is the motto of our time

Holiday as art

The holiday is our communication, a sense of involvement in society, it is simply necessary. Beautiful table-minded part of the holiday. Composition with pine branches - table setting in a rustic house. The authors called the "Eco for Millionaires" or "time- money" table. People who are going to this table will appreciate the refinement and exclusivity of the decor. A piece of golden skin as a tablecloth, fir branches, freely bandaged, just lie on the table, and in a vase ... Candles. Pillows, playfully tied to the backs of chairs - everything is for convenience. The dishes combines the basic colors of this serving. Gold in sophisticated devices, greens in plates. Here decorators wanted to achieve the maximum visual effect by the minimum number of objects. Each subject is significant. They all talk about their uniqueness and unusualness. Favorite accessory, such as this iron aircraft, is suitable for such a decor. Abol candles in the tree cortex bring the spirit of the forest. It remains to fill the glass glasses and see each other in the eyes ...

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Dinner in a wild forest

Imagine that you are lost in the forest and wandered into a pretty hut. Overlooked the door - and on the threshold you are met by real Baba Yaga. Offers login. Of course, you agree, unable to resist the charm of the hostess. Little hunting house is waiting for guests. Mysteriously smiling, the hostess serves the table. You no longer surprise the big round clock in the center of the table. When everyone gather, you can, turning the arrows, traveling in time, returning to where the most pleasant moments of life remained. Today you are allowed to take them with you or share with those present.

Remember, you have loved sweets as a child, and even more rejoiced by beautiful candy candy, which were carefully kept in a special box? Transparent candlers in the center of the table is filled with golden balls of crispy waffles and chocolate with nuts. So that you do not forget that you are in a wild forest, the hostess instead of a tablecloth tapers on the table, and from above puts large transparent plates so that you will not leave the feeling of the unreality of what is happening.

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Nice duck found himself on the table as a glass decanter with silver decoration. There are many silver here, because it is perfectly combined with purple - the color of luxury and mysticism. You do not want to leave here at all. Do not need. Sat yourself! All the most interesting only begins ...

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Romantic table

The decoration of the table is like writing the painting, only instead of paints and paper tablecloths and plates. AB of any copyright work should be accent- highlight! In this case, such a highlight is a clutter: a box in the shape of a cube, delivered by a dress up. On the right and left are two round holes for the napkin, and in the bottom - a square recess for the clock. This table is served for a romantic dinner. Psychologists argue that joint meal brings together people. Fur tablecloth, embroidered along the edges of metal beads, gives the moment solemnity; Snow-white Japanese porcelain personifies impossibility; The family table silver emphasizes respectability, and gentle translucent angels help to bring some humor, frivolity and playfulness. If you add a cheerful alarm melody to the most exciting moment, then consider that the evening was a meant to glory!

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

Holiday as art

The editors thanks the Gallery of Furniture and Design Soft Loft for Help in Holding.

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