Window in the underwater world


Marine Aquarium in the apartment: Vascular categories, equipment, inhabitants, typical models, design, accommodation options, installation, care subtleties

Window in the underwater world 13082_1

Window in the underwater world
"Aqua Logo"

Designer V. Demkin

The reef aquarium created in 150-liter containers

Window in the underwater world
Architect N.Mikhenko

Photo Garshblovsky

Aquarium with Radius Frontal Glass

Window in the underwater world
Architect V.Shefer

Photo. Babayev

Aquarium with Radius Frontal Glass

Window in the underwater world
Marine aquariums with rhythic sharks make round, while reefs are located in the center
Window in the underwater world
Diverse invertebrates- Basis of "Marine" design
Window in the underwater world
Fish Surgeon.
Window in the underwater world
"Aqua Logo"

Aquarium in the style of techno, built in the bar counter. Thanks to the plastic finishing (coating polycarbonate), the colors "gray solo" The rack in the afternoon as if dissolved in the air, and in the evening brightly glows

Window in the underwater world

Aquarium of a mixed type of 1 thousand liters (model "Classic") from the Studio "Marindizin". Looking banks and cabinets used golden Italian plastic

Window in the underwater world
Reef Panoramic Aquarium with Trim Spone Wenge
Window in the underwater world
"Aqua Logo"

Arc aquarium by 600l. Facing - veneer cherry

Window in the underwater world
Red Cover
Window in the underwater world

For the "sea" embedded in a niche or partition, it is easier to care if the height of the bank does not exceed 40cm. It is better to leave the free space over half of the height. Narrow tank is suitable for small fish

Window in the underwater world
"Aqua Logo"

Live corals and spotted Arotron

Window in the underwater world

Live corals and spotted Arotron

Window in the underwater world
"Aqua Logo"

Different Ipostasi Sea Cabbage

Window in the underwater world

Different Ipostasi Sea Cabbage

Window in the underwater world

As an element of decor you can use a chest with "pirate treasures" made of material that does not enter into a reaction with sea water

Window in the underwater world

Live stones help to form the desired environment

Window in the underwater world

This landscape leads pink robes acting

Window in the underwater world
Photo R.Shelomentsev

To the fifters of the canister type, the supply hoses should be laid without inflection

Window in the underwater world
"Aqua Logo"

Calcium reactor reef and refrigeration unit for absorbing excess heat from instrument-operating in the aquarium. Autodoliv system for filling losses due to water evaporation

Window in the underwater world
Microelements and vitamins for coral and fish feed dispenser
Window in the underwater world
CO2-dispenser with a cylinder and gearbox
Window in the underwater world
Computer with sensor block
Window in the underwater world
Photo V. Polukhina

Canister Filter and Eheim Sterilizer

To admire fantasticly beautiful underwater landscapes, it is not necessary to go for the thirty lands and dive into the bay somewhere away from the coast of Bali. The problem can be solved and "from the inside", finding a place in the house for a corner of the marine kingdom with its traditional inhabitants. But it is also important to understand the features of the designs and intricacies of care.

Seaquarium is a very exotic element of the interior. There are no such bright, unusual reefs and algae in a freshwater analogue. But it will cost this miracle much more expensive and will require constant, and very difficult care. Even the most unpretentious marine fish is much more demanding to habitat than their freshwater beans, not to mention the invertebrates that may die at the slightest changes in the environmental parameters.

Categories of complexity

Depending on the complexity of the content, marine aquariums are divided into four categories, differing in the composition of the inhabitants, equipment and design.

one. "Sea Rybnik" For small individuals (chriviparters, clowns, dascilles, abbulafdufu, Thalala Odr.), which are peacefully coexist in one container. The most affordable and simple aquarium.

2. "Water" For large predators (groups, winrs, spinorogs, proteins, karaba, moray). They are more complicated, as they create a greater load on the biosystem.

3. Mixed type aquarium. Thirdly needed fish-angels and butterfly fish. Equally sensitive to organic pollution of actsia, sarcoofitons, disktinia, shrimp, starfish, racks.

four. Reef aquarium. The product, recreation of a coral reef picture, is the most beautiful, but also the most complex biosystem. Its base make up living corals and a variety of invertebrates. Large fish in the reef aquarium usually do not pick up. Many of them not only strongly pollute water, but also eat small invertebrates. The best options are bright varieties that live among corals in natural conditions.

Window in the underwater world
Rybka-clown among the petals of acti
Window in the underwater world
Yellow Zebrasoma
Window in the underwater world
Leopard Muren
Window in the underwater world
Wolf zebra (fins of poisonous!)
Window in the underwater world
Window in the underwater world
"Usato-tailed" shrimp

Traditional dwellers of the home seas: Fish-clown among actsine petals (1); Yellow Zebrasom (2); Leopard Muren (3); Wolf zebra (fins of poisonous!) (4); starfish (5); "Usato-tailed" shrimp (6)

It turns out that the larger the vessel, the more opportunities to recreate the real picture of the underwater world, more diverse and more interesting residents, more stable their habitat. The density of the settlement of the home "sea" is approximately determined, based on the calculation of no more than 2,5 cm of fish for 9l water. Add to this corals, other invertebrates, as well as design elements, including sea soil and pieces of reefs (at least 3-5kg for every 30 liter of water) - and you will become clear why the reef aquarium is seriously starting to speak at the volume of capacity (or banks, As the specialists call it), starting with the value of 200-300l. In the early time, low-volume tanks were popular (20-150l). However, such systems are usually short-lived. The same composition and population density in them are very limited. Usually these are two or three clown fish living in the fitness shelter, as well as small mollusks that come here with the debris of reefs. Perhaps the only advantage of the mini-sea is a low price, since it uses less complex and cheaper equipment for it.

Opinion of a specialist

About design

In my opinion, the main thing is not to oppose the needs of marine inhabitants and designer ideas. Only with an equivalent attention to these two aspects, the aquarium will be comfortable for its inhabitants and at the same time will become an exquisite decoration of the interior. Purity aquarium, biosystem health, working equipment, convenient access for servicing is equally important than a harmonious composition, aged style and color gamut, compliance with the design of psychology and customer ideas. Marine aquariums are universal. Soda side, they are natural, natural, on the other, bright, exotic. Shifting accents of registration in one direction or another, you can perfectly enter them into the classic interior, and in minimalist, and in the avant-garde. Aquadizainers will take into account the features of the interior when creating a composition in aquarium.

Elvira Stankevich, art director of the salon "Aqua Logo"

What manufacturers are offered

When choosing an aquarium, first should be familiar with the finished products. In the Russian market, Aquael (Poland), Aquastabil (Denmark), Aqua Medic and Juwel (Vale Germany), JEBO (China), Nisso (Japan), and Aqua Logo, Aqua-Nara, Arg , Biodizen (all- Russia) and a number of others. Prices for standard models range from 8 thousand rubles. (90l) up to 90 thousand rubles. (1 thousand L) depending on the litter and shape of the can, the material from which it is made, as well as the size and finishing of the cabinet. Most often these are outdoor aquariums with a table on a metal frame, the dimensions of which allow you to accommodate everything you need there. The frame is usually trimmed with dyspeaminated or lined plastic. The cabinets in accordance with the tastes of the buyer can make from MDF, a wood array, separated by a natural veneer, a mirror blade, metal, etc. Possible and such an option: a specialized firm carries out a glass container on the metal frame, and the design of the stand is a designer, selecting it in accordance with With the common interior style.

By the way, about glass ...

The most common material for aquariums is a high-quality monolithic silicate glass. Triplex are not used, since over time it is stratified. The best option is borosilicate float glass. Glaverbel (Belgium), Pilkington (United Kingdom), Saint-Gobain (France) are most popular. Quality sheets also produce boric, Saratov and Salavatovsky factories. The glass thickness is selected depending on the height of the can (approximately 1mm per every 70mm), taking into account its length and width. So, for aquarium with a length of 1000-1500mm. The calculated thickness of the glass is 10mm with an height of the tank 500mm and 15mm, with a height of 900 mm. Glass glue one-component 100% silicone glue. For acrylic glass, the most durable compounds are obtained using the polymerization of monomers.

Among typical aquarium is almost impossible to find more than 1 thousand l. Most of them make up 100-600l. But at the request of the client, the capacity of the vessel can be brought to 10 thousand liters and more. The only question is whether the load in 10 tons of intergenerational floors will withstand. Such an option is perhaps only for a country house, where, if necessary, the floor under such a capacity is further strengthened. For the urban apartment, the size of the aquarium and the supporting structure should be determined, based on the allowable payload: 800-1000 kgf / m2 in new monolithic houses and 200-300 kgf / m2 in homes that were built in the 70s. Xxv. Typically, the length of typical models is about 2m, the width is 0.5 m, the height does not exceed 60-85 cm. Such dimensions are optimal for the content of marine inhabitants and maintenance. Agree, it is not so easy to care for aquarium, the depth of which is greater than the length of the hand. But most importantly, in banks with a large water column height of the biosystem is unstable, since the water in them is badly mixed. It is difficult to hurt and too narrow tank (15-20cm). The same fish there lacks the living space to move freely, and the area of ​​the water surface is not enough for active gas exchange with air. All these nuances should be taken into account when you are offered to order something original like aquarium column, partitions, live paintings, etc.

Window in the underwater world
Window in the underwater world
Window in the underwater world
Architects I. Danilov, V. Lezhakin "Lad and F" Photo K. Manko

The sea aquarium is placed in the living room and in the kitchen, and in the dining room. There are practically no restrictions

Even in the typical version of the shape of the cans are quite diverse. In addition to the traditional rectangular aquarium, there are parallelepiped with rounded or bevelled angles, with a convex or slightly concave front wall, as well as angular models with arc or trigger glazing, indispensable in small rooms. You can book aquarium cylinder, and oval, and with a wavy glass. Especially great opportunities for molding opens acrylic glass. However, for marine aquariums it is bad. Under the influence of algae and salt water on the walls, growths are formed, and after attempts to remove them with an ordinary scraper remain scratches.

Opinion of a specialist

What affects the cost of the marine aquarium? Let's start with the fact that all living things are caught in habitats and are taken from afar, mainly from Indonesia. Therefore, it is not cheaper. For the price, one relatively inexpensive butterfly fish is equal to 20 freshwater neo. The same can be said about living stones that make up a considerable share in expenditures. A truious aquarium on equipment accounts for about 60% of its cost. The initial costs can be minimized if at the first stage limit the most unpretentious animals. Gradually, complementing the equipment, press more demanding residents. Prices depend on the size of the container. In the very simple performance, costs will be 3 thousand rubles. for every 10l. The top limit does not exist. The order will cost cheaper if the owner takes all the concerns about the aquarium on himself. However, the inevitable mistakes and losses will turn into serious spending. It is possible to facilitate my life, equipping aquarium with a complex automation system. But the cost will grow almost an order of magnitude. Another option is to charge a specialized company. The weekly service of the device with a volume of 400l with a guarantee for all living creatures costs about 9 thousand rubles. instez, without a guarantee - 20% cheaper. But in the latter case, all the costs of replenishing losses bears the customer. In addition, if there is a contract, the company will solve the problems associated with the equipment breakdown. In contrast, the device failed to dismantle and deliver to the enterprise.

Andrei Gvozdev, Executive Director of the Studio "Marindizin"

Window in the underwater world
Typical patterns of aquariums:

"Classic" (a); "Cariba" (B);

"Crystal" (e); "Panorama" (e)

Companies "Biodizen";

Rio (b); Trigon (d) firm JUVEL

Place in Shady

Modern aquarium can be installed in any room, with the exception of the sauna. There are many different options for its location. Some architects believe that it is not interesting to place the "mini-sea" along the wall, in a niche or an empty corner, because it can be embedded in a partition or furniture, hang to the ceiling, implanted into the floor and even mow in the bath. However, not every original idea is compatible with a live ecosystem. Therefore, a number of options just imitate marine life with the help of decorations. Choosing a place, it should be borne in mind that under the influence of direct sunlight, the aquarium will quickly tarnish, and the desired light mode in it is harder. So that the water temperature remains optimal, the container with the marine inhabitants is better to set away from heating instruments, and the room temperature should not be above 24 C. Since many fishes are a buggy, undesirable closeness with high-profile sound sources. Above the tank, it is necessary to leave a large enough space, not less than half the height of the jar. Then there will be no problems with the mounting of lighting devices and the maintenance of the home "Sea".

Window in the underwater world
Photo V. Polukhina
Window in the underwater world
Window in the underwater world

For the lighting of marine aquariums, lamps with metal-shaped lamps are more often used

Its wishes for installing aquarium are also among interior designers. It must be at the level of the viewer's eye. Capacities with large inhabitants are better perceived from a distance of 3-4m, with small-s-1-2m. Accordingly, there are sofas and chairs, from where it is convenient to admire the underwater scenery. It is important to choose the form and dimensions of the model so that it is not lost in space or did not suppress the environment. A bright composition with a coral reef, rather, excites the imagination, rather than promotes relaxation, and therefore is more suitable for the public zone. The same aquarium equipment even the best manufacturers creates a noise background that can prevent rest.


Marine aquariums from 500l usually manufactured by an individual project. Problems related to the installation of the product are easier to decide if the place for it is determined on a zero cycle of building a house or at the stage of compiling an apartment design project. To align the surface and evenly distribute the load, under the device, as a rule, make a cement screed. For reliable operation of the filtering system, the power supply is supplied through a separate automatic. Kyvarum also wind water and sewage. So fashionable now in water supply systems copper pipes are not the best option to provide water of the artificial sea. For this, more suitable polypropylene and polyethylene pipes and hoses.

Large containers glue on the spot when "dusty" work is completed in the room. The process takes about three weeks. Another 10 days will go to the fact that the tank is drying, after which he is ready to settle. For normal existence, the biosystem is primarily needed by living stones; stirring pump; A sufficient amount of calcium, which is enriched with water, passing through a calcium reactor; a fooster that removes from water to 80% of dirt; And a living, close to the sunlight of a special metal halochemical spotlight, as well as a system of thermoregulation and water filtration.

How to build reefs

When the aquarium is set, proceed to the creation of the underwater world. The picture of natural reef is recreated with the help of so-called living stones. These are fragments of real sea corals, in which various microorganisms, bacteria, as well as worms, shrimps and other useful livestock biosystem. They are transported in a wet state, which helps to keep the "filling". One of the signs of good quality on the surface of calcium algae purple color. Live stones play the role of a natural biofilter. They supply many inhabitants of natural food, serve as a support for animals leading an attached lifestyle, and the hosts of the home "sea" are periodically pleasing to the appearance of new inhabitants in the aquarium.

Complete set of aquariums of different categories *

Category Equipment
1 (with small fish) Two remote filters (coal, bio filter), luminescent lighting
2 (with large fish) Two remote filters (coal, bio filter), UV sterilizer, compressor or foam separator, fluorescent lighting
3 (mixed) Fooser, ozonizer, internal circulation pump, carbon filter, UV sterilizer (system internal or submitted in samp), fluorescent lighting
4 (reef) Foam separator, ozonizer, internal circulation pump, carbon filter (system made in samp), calcium reactor, nitrate concrete, refrigerator, ventilation system, metal halide lamp
* - According to the company "Marindizin"

Another element involved in the decor, and in the biofiltration system, is sea soil (coral sand and coral crumb). Only these natural materials provide a stable environment necessary by the inhabitants of the reef. Quartz soil due to the silicates contained in it only in "fish", as well as a volcanic tuff, which highlights metal oxides into water, and artificial decorations from plastic. Invertebrates on some alien elements react painfully. Therefore, in reef aquariums, artificial background is often installed outside as a natural sequel, created inside. The main construction element in mixed aquariums is the white Kenyan stone-calcined breed with large cavities and holes. Live stones, coral sand, rigid coral skeletons, sinks, and from artificial materials, only proven plastic practices are also involved.

Main water quality indicators

Water parameters Indicators
Temperature, C. 25 1.
Density, g / cm3 1,020-1,026.
RN level 8.1-8.3
Saltness,% 30-35
Oxygen content, mg / l 5-15

Window in the underwater world
Scheme of engineering systems to ensure life activity of the inhabitants of the marine aquarium

Light, water and miracles of technology

Since most of the fish and other maritime residents in aquariums do not multiply, they are brought from natural habitats. Also come with alive stones and soil. Sea water is prepared by separating the special dry mixes of Redsea (Israel), Coralife, Instant Ocean (usual) IDR. In distilled or purified in the installation of reverse osmosis water. Bottled use is not recommended, since it is additionally mineralized. It is from the quality of water first depend on whether to live and normally develop the biosystem created in the aquarium. Density, salinity, pH level, as well as the content of nitrates, nitrites, phosphates, calcium and a number of other substances are measured using those intended for this instruments and tests. The required temperature ensures special heaters, the power of which is determined at the rate of 1W / l. Computer or household fans are served for cooling, as well as aquarium refrigerators. At a given level, the temperature is supported using electronic thermostators. It is very important that water can constantly circulate in the closed space of cans, enriched with oxygen and delivering food to all inhabitants. Natural flows mimic the streams from the pump centrifugal type, the hourly capacity of which should be 3-4 times higher than the volume of the aquarium.

The organic waste for the population of the artificial seven, the organic waste in small vessels is successfully fighting for regular water replacement (at least 25% per week). Relicious reefs can not do without a powerful filtration and regeneration system. Such devices, depending on the composition of the inhabitants, can include a remote carbon filter, an aerobic filter of biological purification, a foam separator, cleansing water from an organic suspension, a nitrate concrete for the reproduction of anaerobic bacteria and an injector enriched upper layers. Ozonizers and UV sterilizers, disinfecting water, applied with caution: when entering the ozone aquarium, it is capable of harming the sea animals, and the UV rays, eliminating the water from microbes, destroy zooplankton, which is the main food of corals. Aqua Medic, Eheim, Hagen, H S, J.A.ger, JBL, JUWEL, SCHEGO, TETRA, TUNZE (all Germany) produce aquarium equipment. ATMAN, JEBO, RESUN (all-China), Hydor, Teco (Oba), Redsea (Israel), Rena (France) Idre work actively.


Window in the underwater world
Angel Imperial So, in the aquarium among bizarre decorations, salted water already spars, and the equipment works fine. So it's time to settle your "sea". However, experts will definitely learn a few days so that the biosystem is the initial stabilization stage. The first to launch several small fish. The population density increases gradually, adding two fish per week. The queue of soft corals and other demanding into the quality of the environment invertebrates will come through parties.

Window in the underwater world
Moorena To ensure equilibrium in the created community, the experts are trying not to overcooot an aquarium, and in order to avoid losses, the species composition of the inhabitants are carefully selected. Many fish, in particular angels, are especially aggressive in relation to representatives of their own species. Therefore, most often acquired by one individual from several families and childbirth. Slender fish usually do not plant small, not to turn it into live food. Allowed reservoirs necessarily take into account the emergence in the process of communication. The most striking example is the symbiosis of fish clowns and acts. The first feel in complete safety among her poisonous tentacles, the second feed on the remnants of their feed. The ripening process of the aquarium ecosystem usually lasts about six months. The biosystem in which everything is organized correctly, with time it is good like a young garden. "Wrong", on the contrary, first look perfectly, but gradually lose beauty.

Window in the underwater world

The sailing zebrasomsmatic of the distraction residents will not end. Alas, other problems will be replaced. Accome, marine inhabitants need to be fed correctly. Actinium, for example, is enough to treat once a week, and most of the fish need daily trapes. The main thing is not to overdo it: the feed must be exactly so much so that it is eaten without a residue for 5 minutes. In addition, it is required to regularly make water substitution, maintain equipment, clean the walls in working condition. It is imparted to follow the well-being of animals and water quality.

Window in the underwater world

Sea Star The compositions are controlled weekly in many respects, for which it is hardly used by the entire biochemical laboratory. All this requires knowledge, effort and availability of free time. In other words, you will have to choose again: either seriously take up the comprehension of the secrets of marine aquaries (which in itself is very exciting), or entrust the care of the personal "Sea" a specialized company.

For the reef aquarium, powerful and bright light is no less important than water quality. If for fish and unpretentious invertebrates sufficiently fluorescent lamps, then for living corals requires special metal-halide spotlights, the capacity of which is selected at the rate of 1W on 1 cm2 of the water mirror area. The duration of the daytime should be 10h. "Night" is obligatory, since many marine animals feed in the dark.

Monitor processes occurring among reefs, and not just regulate them. VNU most advanced aquarium systems management is automated.

The editorial board thanks the company "Aqua Logo", "Marindizin", "Biomir", "Exoakva" for help in the preparation of material, the company "Marine Aquarium-Oceanarium on clean ponds" for help in organizing shooting.

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