A life


"Landscaping" of the interior with details, knitted crochet: master class of decorator for the manufacture of flowers, pickup for curtains, bracelet and design rings

A life 13094_1

Finally, the long-awaited summer came! The most frivolous and pleasant time, full of joy and sun. Fresh grass, new foliage and first timid flowers ... June-month of birth of most of them. Internet is nothing more pleasant than walking through the woods, to get sink and collect a bouquet. A desire to decorate the house by plants visit everyone. Why not do so that your housing is filled with bright summer paints, flowers that never fade?

Life in flower

Let's see how our decorator Natasha Lenzi landslides "his interior. A little bright yarn, hook, knitting needles, scissors, beads and material to create "eternal" colors already exist. First, armed with a crochet, she knits several flowers and decorates them as beads and beads (color gamut and style chooses in accordance with the decoration of the house). Then, when a sufficient number of colors are scored, it thinks over how to create summer entourage in the best possible way. Flowers can be used in a different way in different ways, and Natasha comes up with solutions, following its own taste.

Life in flower

Life in flower

Life in flower

Life in flower

The design of the summer table should be ease, you can even say, frivolous. And the summer serving without flowers is simply inconceivable! Knitted flowers, sewn along the edges of napkins, will bring bright accents. Asimes these accessories will remind of picnics and country sites in the evenings

Council of Decorator

Life in flower

By the summer, everyone wants something new. It is also desirable that the updates can be carried out quickly and inexpensively. ISP, IS a very simple design option: Elements for it must be bound by crochet. First of all these are flowers. Made by simple technology knitted flowers will decorate pillows, curtains, bedspreads and even shoes. As you know, using a color you can change your mood, adjust the unsuccessful form of an IT room., And a small contrasting item can revive the everyday interior.

Decorator Natasha Lenzi

How to tie a flower

Knit a "pigtail": they type 4 loops, the fourth fastened the first, thereby closing the "pigtail" in the circle and fit further in a circle. It will be the base of the flower; When it reaches a diameter 5cm (the size can be arbitrary: 3, 7, 10 cm), they begin to encourage the petals.

After that, 5-7 air loops are recruited and the column with Nakud is attached to the resulting "pigtail" to a circle. Next, tied the petals with columns with an attachment for thickening.

Then the spirals lay the petals. They may be the same or different in size, the core is often attached separately over the base of the flower.

For the decoration of the flower, they work in more detail the core, sewing multicolored beads to it.

Life in flower

Life in flower

For the manufacture of the flower, you will need threads (they can be any: wool, cotton, threads with a pile, etc. - than a variety of texture, the more means of expression), thin hook (№2-3), beads of different sizes and shapes, needles and fishing line For sewing beads.

Life in flower

Life in flower

Life in flower

Life in flower

Life in flower

Life in flower

Life in flower

Life in flower

Have you wanted to change the look of your favorite sofa? And why, in honor of the summer, do not turn the sofa in the flowering meadow? To do this, it is not necessary to buy new sofa pillows - you can simply sew knitted flowers to them, and a comfortable stay among colors in a pleasant sunny day will be provided!

Magic flower

Life in flower

Life in flower

Flowers always create a festive, raised mood, cause memories of a romantic walk or represent a sign of attention. The peoples of different countries associated flower, personifying the processes of creativity, birth, with the sun source. For example, the lotus-sacred flower of ancient Egyptian is a symbol of beauty, purity and desire for light. This image permeates all Egyptian art, ranging from the lotus appliance capitals of the temple columns and ending with miniature vessels for perfumery and jewelry. The enforcement traditions of the allegory of the realization of potential opportunities is a blooming flower on the surface of the water; In the West, this is a lily, in the east-lotus.

Life in flower

Life in flower

Life in flower

Life in flower

Color mood

Colors can be issued absolutely any interior: they will revive the dwelling, help create a solemn or romantic atmosphere. In addition, they are included in a wide variety of compositions, which is only able to prompt fantasy - this is, let's say, the vase or colorful shawl decorated with buds or colorful shawls is particularly relevant. Other clothes, also will play new colors! If you collect branches in the park or outside the city and paint them with multi-colored acrylic paints, preferably pastel tones, and then crochet, from the wrong side of our knitted colors woolen thread and bind these products to branches, it will turn out a very original improvised bouquet.

Life in flower
Photo 1.
Life in flower
Photo 2.
Life in flower
Photo 3.

1. Intily embroidered with beaded knitted flower attached to the summer handbag, adds its originality and transparently hints at ease of character and cheerful temper of its owners

2. If not afraid to glue flowers to slippers, the latter will undoubtedly become summer. This is a very good accessory, rushing enough, but suitable for any along

3. To the thick wool thread, the decorator attached with a knitted hook different in size and color knitted flowers - and the amazing summer pickup for curtains is ready. Everything is very simple and easy! After all, in summer and impossible otherwise

Basis for bracelet.

On the spokes (№4-5), 10-12 loops are gaining depending on the desired base thickness. The handling knit (all loops facial and one, and on the other side) liabl the loops to the desired length of the inner volume of the ring and closed the loops. Get a rectangle. Make a cylinder from it: bind two sides with crochet. On the resulting base from above attach the main detail decorated with beads.

How to knit detail. The crochet is symployed with four air loops, closed into the ring and then tied up on the spirals by columns. It turns out a circle - "pancake". If you link two circles of the same diameter and connect them by paving syntheps, it turns out a bulk part.

Life in flower

Life in flower

Life in flower

Designer Ring

Life in flower

Thread must be thick: the thread thread, the better the ball holds the shape. The crochet is tied up four air loops and closed them into a circle. Knit in a circle until the middle, adding the loop (but not too often) so that the circle expands. Then they begin to subsoine, reducing their number to not, so that the hole becomes less and less. Before close it, is embedded inside the product of a synthetic and trimming of thick wool threads so that it holds the form.

The editors thanks the shopping center "Stockmann" for the accessories provided.

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