Merry playground


Overview of game children's complexes: choose equipment depending on the age of the child. Options for placing the site in the country area.

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Merry playground
Merry playground
In the "gardener's house" (Smoby) you can feel yourself a master of "Garden Affairs". There are racks for seedlings, rakes, shovels, car, lawn mower
Merry playground
Merry playground
SMOBY lawn mower for sale and separately (325 rubles)
Merry playground

Merry playground

Merry playground
Almost every boy dreams to drive. Kompan and Lappset trucks there are space not only for the driver, but also for passengers
Merry playground
"Ladybug" ("My City") is a soft pouf, which is interesting to boil the crumble for 2-3 years
Merry playground
Merry playground
Merry playground
"My city"
Merry playground
"My city"

"Swimming" in a dry pool is a good massage for the whole body and just gives children joy and pleasure

Merry playground
Sandbox with a house "Peel" ("Pix") expands the circle of familiar "sandy" games

Merry playground

Merry playground
Kettler sandbox easy to assemble from multicolored plastic planks in just a couple of minutes
Merry playground
"Town of adventure"


270200180cm) Includes swing, cable mesh and cliff for lasagna

Merry playground

Two ways to install support for swing:

A- concreting pillars to the ground;

B- mount to the concrete base anchors

Merry playground
Double Rocking "Horses"


Merry playground

Balances help develop a sense of equilibrium

Merry playground

Around each projectile on the site leave free space is the so-called security zone: at least about 2m in each direction

Merry playground
"Ship" ("Aven")
Merry playground
"Ship" ("Aven") invites you to play in pirates-thunderstorms of the seas. There is a hill and shells
Merry playground
The project "Music Platus" was developed by the Architectural Bureau "K2 Group". The walls of the slides are made in the form of double bass, and the fencing of the upper observation deck - in the form of a ton
Merry playground
Photo A.Kosorukova
Merry playground
Merry playground

Lazay on rope complexes, children develop dexterity, flexibility and strength, learn to keep equilibrium in various positions

Merry playground
"Pyramid", built from balls and similar to a model of a molecule from Chemistry Tutorial (LAPPSET), designed for games of children from 4 years
Merry playground
Photo Vikovaleva
Merry playground
"My city"

For children's complexes choose bright, juicy colors

Merry playground
Berg Toys.

Traveling - good training for the vestibular apparatus. To avoid falling on the ground, it is better to protect the protective nets, such as in the catalogs of almost all manufacturers

Merry playground
The field of electronic darts is equipped with microprocession

Rami. Glasses are calculated automatically, the rules of the game are programmed. There are dozens of game options.

Merry playground

Wooden labyrinth-game simple, but to spend the ball to the center, you need a dexterity of hands

Merry playground
Smartus- Intelligent Complex with Internet Output (LAPPSET). Four basic games can optionally add other
Merry playground

A simple house, supplemented by accounts, will become "smart"

Play outside the walls of the house - in the yard, on the lawn lawn, in the garden, children begin early, barely learned to walk. First, for fun can be sufficiently brought from the house toys or a sheet that fell from the tree. But it takes time, and the games are complicated. Already at 2-3, the guys needed sandboxes, swings, sports shells, houses, slides and separated from other areas the territory for the game - its children's playground.

It is necessary to equip the playground so that the child can play here and alone, and together with adults, and in the company of other children and sisters, guests. It is only to play, but to actively move: climb, pull up, tumbling. There is a more or less standard set of equipment for playgrounds: a slide, swing, a house with benches, sandbox. However, even such a "classic" platform will be the original, if you turn it, for example, in a pirate island or Berendevo Kingdom. It is possible to move away from the canons and independently choose the equipment - the fact that more corresponds to your daughter or son's hobbies. The area of ​​the kindergarten can be different: and 4-5m2, and 20-30m2, and more. It should always be remembered that the game for a child is not only fun and pleasure, and also knowledge. Playing, he learns to use various items, communicate with other people, produces certain skills, experiencing emotional experiences. Playing the symbolic language of self-expression. Manipulating toys, the baby shows his attitude towards people near him, to the events of their own life, to itself. Ocher in the game it is easier to do so with the help of words. It is important that adult "read" these messages.

Play everything!

Up to 3 years, the child usually plays under the guidance of adults: Mom or teacher sets the game script and leads it. There is an acquaintance with the form, invoice and appointment of surrounding things, as well as the development of a variety of movements: the baby learns to jump, run, hang, keep equilibrium. In combination with peers, he still needs little: psychologists believe that the duration of the joint game with another child at this age is usually about 3-5 minutes, after which the attention switches to another little comrade. K5-6 years this time is extended to 40-50 minutes.

The main type of game for children with 3-4 years old to school is role-playing. Day after day, the child is gaining in a variety of roles, reincarnated from Carlson to a tigerka or elephant, from an iron woodcutter - in a knight or pirate, from a bus driver - in a hairdresser or cook. Mother's daughters, the seller and the buyer, the driver and passengers of the train, the doctor and the patient - with all the variety of plots the topic remains the same: human activity and the relationship of people in society or the relationship between animals or fabulous characters. "Alchemy" of children's fantasy turns ropes into a liana, a knuckle, a horse or a rifle. Very important willingness to the senior support role-playing game. After all, when the girl cooks from the sand of a semolina porridge for dolls and a bear, and the boy from bricks builds the castle - this is a game. Inland adults, almost the same, but these actions are both will perceive and act as work. It is in modeling future adult life and is one of the meanings of the role-playing game.

The necessary tools will help to stimulate the child to this pastime. SMOBY (France) produces a set of gardener: in it includes a garden car, rake, lawn mower and a shovel - they all, of course, toy. Cost- 500 rubles. Schfer (Germany) offers an excavator on wheels with two control levers (the housing is made of the beech array). Plastic bucket rotates as well as in the present: it can be raised and lowered. There is such a machine about 4.5 thousand rubles. Many manufacturers produce houses for role-playing games: "Kitchen Snow Whole" and "Gardening House" - Smoby (2; 4; 11.5 thousand rubles); "Cuisine Grill" - STEP 2 Company (USA), 10.9 thousand rubles; "House with a paneliary" and "Spring House with Calling" - Feber (Spain), 15 and 18 thousand rubles. All these houses have a similar case design: they are easy to assemble and disassemble (parts made of plastic), you can move in the garden, and for the winter it is possible to drive from the street to the house. Height - 120-160cm.

Focusing on the role-playing character of games, the basis of architectural solutions of children's street complexes of the company Quite often laid fabulous motifs - "Robin Hood" and "Lancelota Castle" ("Odadoy", Russia), houses and arbors "Live Lukomorye", "Teremok", " Dragon's dream "(" Svidel ", Russia). Prototypes serve Karavella Columbus, a pirates vessel or fire truck-complexes of AVEN (Russia). The area of ​​complexes may be small, 5-10m2.

C6-7 years old are becoming more complex and prolonged, with pre-established rules. At the same time, physical education (motor games) deliver to the child no less pleasure. The complex can be supplemented with new elements, such as complex rope shells. Higher horizontal barns and slides will be required. If the slide height is for 2-3-year-old, 1m, for 3-4-year-old, 1.5m, then after 6 years, children easily conquer two-meter structures; The maximum allowable height is 2.7m.

A house on a tree

Merry playground

To build a house Mowgli, choose one or more reliable trees, their trunks and branches will serve as supports. Not all breeds are equally good for this. The most appropriate, oak, pine, maple is ostrooty and red, Kashtin Konsky ordinary, larch, that is, long-lived, with durable wood and a powerful root system. It is necessary to use developed, healthy, mature specimens, on which there are no traces of damage to disease and pests. It is important that in the root spread zone (in diameter, it is 2-3 times higher than the diameter of the crown), no construction or landscape works were carried out. It is better to cover this zone with wooden pavements or shock with sandstone-tumor to protect the roots. It is not recommended to build houses on short-lived birch and wow, brittle poplands subject to stem rotting, as well as on linden and knitting, they often affect fungal diseases.

If the carcass of the house is fixed directly to the trunk and branches, use thick, soft and durable ropes, nails or special fasteners, not damaging wood. In one case, when the building relies on several neighboring trees, you can build an intermediate platform and put a house on it. On the perimeter of the security platform, it is recommended to equip the enclosing handrails with a height of 80-100 cm. If there is no durable tree on the plot, the platform is not installed on the trunk and branches, but on stationary supports fixed in the concrete foundation. Such a house is also placed next to the tree, and a small space is left for the free growth of the branches between the house and the platform: after some time the feeling appears that the house "sits" on the tree. Thinking the system of lifting into a house or rope staircase, even a lift with a basket, - you need to provide reliable mounting. In the whole structure should be as few sharp corners as possible. Well, internally, invent with children, using for decorating dry branches, multicolored textiles. If outside and inside organize lighting, you can be in the house and in the evening.

Abroad, such structures have long been upset not only for children: adults with enthusiasm build small mansions and whole high-rise locks in crowns of trees. Perhaps the reason for the desire to "climb higher" is that the house on the tree is the embodiment of the idea of ​​unity with nature, environmentally friendly housing, return to the origins.

Maxim Ardatov, Landscape Architect of Arteza

Sandy country

Sand-comfortable building material. It is bulk, and if you welt it, it becomes more supplied and convenient for "construction". Games in the sandbox not only develop tactile skills, fine motility of hands, but also train the spatial imagination: in the sandbox, the child becomes the Creator of his own world. The sandbox is the simplest: four boards bonded with each other. Such a frame simply limits the platform. The boards must be smooth, carefully polished so that during the game accidentally did not stick to the zanoz. Selectable designs have plastic collapsible sandboxes (square, five and hexagonal), which are collected from bright multi-colored slats. Planks are universal: with their help build models of various configurations. Manufacturers: 2KIDS (Russia), Kettler (Germany). The cost of one element of the company 2kids is 1250rub. This sandbox does not necessarily fill the sand - from it you can make a dry pool, for which special balls fall asleep.

Plastic options in the form of God's cow, crab, frogs produce Step 2 Company, in the form of hippopotamus and apple- Starplast (Israel). All of them are small, designed for one or two small children aged 1-4 years. The dimensions of the "ladybug" (STEP 2 Company) are 928831cm, the model accommodates 45kg sand. Cost- 3150rub. At the time of the rain, all these structures are closed with covers. The folding SMOBY sandbox in the shape of a butterfly consists of two small tanks interconnected by a bench. Water from them is recommended to pour sand, and to another water. The size of this structure in the unfolded form-2111811113cm, in the folded - 11611336 cm, mass is 5.5kg. A wooden sandbox with two sections (also for sand and for water) manufactures Schfer. Section for water-retractable. There is a protective canopy of polyethylene. Sandboxes - tables produce Smoby, Starplast, Step 2 Company; Sandboxes with small houses - "Pix" (Russia), Schfer; Sand towns - "Teremok" (Russia).

Buckling above a her

Fly, cutting air, and catch wind-faster, faster! It seems that one of the most magical states. To swing the child got used from infancy - on the hands of mom, in the cradle and stroller. To set the swing in the country, there are not so many places: it is believed that the zone of a non-danger is equal to the length of the suspension plus 2m in the direction of movement. Country swings can be different. For kids, they usually put a low P-shaped support, and the seat with armrests, the back, front protective bar and the footnote, are attached to it on metal rods. There are models with double seats - "gondolas" (for example, in the assortment of Kettler). Frames for swing are on one leg, two, on four. Supports are installed in one of two ways: either concrete pillars into the ground to depth 60cm, or they are attached to their anchors to an existing concrete base. The seats for older children are manufactured without a protective plank and footboard; Material plastic or rubber. The latest is the safest: they are softer than, say, the seats are made of wooden board, and in the event of a fall, it is not so much. Can be flat or "anatomical"; Also they are made from the usual car tire. Seats suspend on chains or ropes. Such a free suspension makes it stronger to swing and change the trajectory of movement: swing "by oblique", spin. Madetteels "Boat" (LAPPSET, Finland) The seat is a braided circle in a rigid frame (diameter-140cm) - on it can simultaneously accommodate two or three. Costs - from 32 thousand rubles.

The pleasure is delivered not only swing, but also the so-called rocking schools. A similar device consists of a seat (in the form of a horse, giraffe, dogs or aircraft, machine), fixed on a spring support. Sitting on a rocking chair, the child swings to the right and left, back and forth- Like rides on a donkey or pony. Almost all companies producing equipment for playgrounds, produce rocking hours: Kompan (Denmark) is single Crazy Nellie, Crazy Horse and Crazy Dragon (elephant, horse and dragon), double you and me. Models lappset- in the form of a horse, dogs, camel and motorcycle; "Ladybug" is represented in several versions: for one, two or eight people. Rockingings have a limit on the weight of the "rider" - usually no more than 50 kg. Avot Rock`n`roll (Lappset) - entertainment already for teenagers. The powerful vertical pole 2.3m height rotates and leans from the side to the side. The diameter of the installation site is 4m.

Two more types of devices - Balancer and Carousel. Both are intended for group games, teach interaction with other children: its own movements here always depend on the actions of the partner. Balancing board with seats at the ends and support column in the middle. Each swing alternately turns out to be at the top, then below. Spatial movement for the baby is fascinating in itself, and the older children cause competitive excitement. The lower position, with a support, is considered strong: it is sitting below that the partner controls the partner. The same who hovers upstairs with chatting legs is dependent. For a successful swing, the length of the lever of the swing, weight and dexterity, the ability of the child to own their body is important. However, it should be remembered that larger children can use (sometimes even unconsciously) this game in order to approve their seniority or superiority. IO price: For example, the Swing Balancir "Bear" ("Pix") cost 10.5 thousand rubles.

When riding a carousel, the vestibular apparatus of the child is experiencing an even more intensive load than on the swing. However, almost all children have such workouts that sometimes reach dizziness are even useful. From the ability to interact with comrades, the speed and the duration of rotation are also dependent. Polka Quadruple Carousel (LAPPSET) is designed for children from 3 years. Its departures are directed up at an angle, metallic arcuate seats are installed at the ends. The height of the carousel - 1m, diameter - 1.4 m, the diameter of the installation site is 5.4 m. On the Carousel Waltz (Lappset) you can rotate and balance on opposite seats. It is designed for children over 6 years old. Four departures are fixed on a central post 2.3m high and aimed down. The diameter of the carousel - 3,1m, the diameter of the installation site is 7.2m.

Ground Barcas

Merry playground
Photo O. Voronina This ship appeared on the plot when all construction and landscape work was approaching completion. At the place where he now stands, there was a 62.5 m carriage, with walls made of metal sheet, "workers lived in it. After the end of construction with the trailer, it was a pity to part, and decided to turn it into the ship. The prototype was marine barkas. But according to the design, this ship is not an exact copy of Barcas, and it is really unique.

Merry playground

The walls of the trailer were trimmed with a tree. The gearly partly laid the bars painted in the dark walnut color, and "pulled out" them from the car, leaving a narrow pass to two boards. Upper part of the bars toned in the color of pine, located vertically, close to the car. All wooden surfaces were processed by protective compositions. Boards were used to the roof of the car, and the fence was built around the perimeter: on the "stern" and on the "nose" - a solid wooden, and on the sides of the ropes. On this "top deck" there is a wooden bed with two headings - sunbathing comfortably at any time of the day. The staircase is located on the side of the fence. The highway is the sole window of the trailer, which now serves as a storage room and summer room. Three windows on the other side of the ship, only imitation. For the construction of masts in the ravine, three olhy - it is important that they turned out to be quite smooth and straight. For vertical support, a barrel was used with a length of 6m and diameter at a base of 15 cm. The diameter of the rays about 8cm, length, 4-5m. Rei attached to mast nails and ropes. The mast always raise the flag: Andreevsky or Pirate. (When one, the second is omitted.) Ropes and all other professional attributes, spooling, rind, anchor and rescue circle-purchased in a yacht store. On Earth, there was a "torn" plate next to the ship, the gaps fell asleep with small gravel.

Merry playground

But the site turned out to be bare and ugly, and she was revived by stone groups of limestone, swirling moss. It turned out such a semi-closed ship. Acrief children come for the city, it comes to life. Next to the site there is a ravine where the stream flows, and nearby-river. Ima came up with the legend that once this river was full, and then he dried, and a small one-in-one ship thrown away to land.

Marina Selezneva, project author

Joy of movement

Physical exercises - pull-ups, climbing on a rope, movement with the help of hands alone, all this for children is not so much sports activities, how much game activity. They conquer the cable labyrinths and imitate rocks on wooden walls, with excitement and for the sake of pleasure that you get when moving, drive your body. These games are called motor.

Children 5-6 years old and older are eagerly engaged in such sports shells, like a log, horizontal bar, stairs, knots (with straps or rings), balancing. The latter can also be different: it is either a mobile strap on the "feet" - for example Argo (kompan), or a log, suspended on the pillars - "Rouh" ("Palisad", Russia). Corocord (Germany) manufactures gaming nets from reinforced ropes connected by steel fasteners. Figures from nets are different. "Sunny" resembles a web with a circle in the center and threads diverging from it (diameter-5m, for children from 3 years). "Malaya Pyramid" and "Big Pyramid" are rope pyramids built around the vertical supports. They are intended for lasagna, training coordination of movements and the vestibular apparatus. The diameter of the rope-19-23mm, children's hand is comfortable to capture them. The design of all structures is such that at any level the child will always find a point of support for hands and legs.

Training coordination will also help trampolines. For kids, inflatable shells are released (manufacturers "otda" IDR.). Trampolines for school children are an elastic cloth stretched into the frame. Diameter cannons - 1-4m. These are products of Berg Toys (Netherlands), Jumpking (CDR) IDR.

"I also want to play"

Merry playground
"New horizons" when designing platforms for children with disabilities, take into account the special needs of each child. For those who suffer from the lesions of the musculoskeletal system, build special entry podiums, additional railing and handrails so that movement in the wheelchair through the territory of the playground, filled with a variety of elements, was convenient. Children with impaired vision need a special color environment that will signal possible dangers. Use contrasting colors, for example, for staining the slides and its sides. A combination of various textures also helps children with weakened vision easier to navigate, which means, to receive joy from the game, movement and communication. Each such platform is unique and designed to order.

Yulia Mikhailova, new horizon advertising manager

Street puzzles

Games contributing to the mental development of children are called intellectual, these are tasks for the development of logic, memory, imagination. Equipment manufacturers for playgrounds usually offer individual "intelligent" elements, they can be brought to the game zone. For example, Tick-Tock and Daffodil (KOMPAN) are designed for children of very small, aged 1-3 years. They are equipped with a multitude of handles and buttons (which rotate and pressed), holes, through which curious to look, and a daffodil-toy pylon pipe. For children of 3-4 years and older, Lappset complexes are complemented by the games "Cross-Noliki", "Sea battle", "Labyrinth". Rules of the game in "Cross-Noliki" and "Sea battle" are the same as in the paper version. That's just the gaming space is not drawn, and volumetric - from plastic and wood. In the "noliki cross" these are three rows of cubes or pyramids rotating on hinges. Three Cubes are located in a row, on their grafs, crosses and zealics. The panel for the "sea battle" is two-way, a classic markup is made on both sides. Participants install special flags on the fields, denoting the location of the ships. "Sted" ships flags from the field removed. In the "labyrinth", the ball is placed in the labyrinth field. Tilting and rotating the pad in different directions, you need to overtake the ball from the end of the field to the center.

Smartus (Lappset) is an interactive game complex. It includes a touch pad drawn for several games (Igrid) and reacting to the movements of the legs placed on the playing device (IPOST) and the central control panel with the monitor (ISTATION). The inventory set includes four games: Conquistador, Point Collection, Speedgame and Animalpuzzle. According to the rules of Conquistador, moving through the cells, the participant must capture "his country", as the conquistadors did. Speedgame- game for the rate of reaction, developing and sense of rhythm. Alphabet letters are alternately displayed on the monitor in different order. The child must come on the cell, where, in turn, the same letter was highlighted as on the monitor. WanimalPuzzle, jumping from the cell on the igrid platform cage, children create funny characters from the world of animals. Putting the player has a personal card with a built-in antenna (ICARD), on which it is electronically in the IPOST items writes information about its achievements in the game. All SMARTUS sites are connected to the Internet: each child can see its own results on the home computer and compare them with the results of other participants from all countries where there is a Smartus, as well as download new games.

"Adults" Care

The issue of placing the playground is one of the most important. There are two opposing solutions inherently. The first option is to place the platform next to the house, for example, opposite the kitchen window or another room, where the hostess spends a lot of time. Thanks to this, everything that happens will be under the control of adults. The second option is the opposite, away from the residential building. So they argue those who believe that in the house and next to the nymine silence, and the place for noisy games - somewhere in the depths of the garden. Whatever position you occupy, remember that in any case the area for games should be removed from a potentially dangerous zone, well, an IDR access road.

To the fun not turning the trouble, take care of security. All structures - without protruding sharp corners. Places of seams and compounds are carefully cleaned and ground. Slides, swings, carousels and other devices should be periodically checked for strength and stability, ensure that burrs do not appear or different irregularities that can be broken. If rust is formed, urgently paint the surface of fresh paint.

Planting playgrounds should not be asphalt or concreted. Any smooth and soft surface is suitable. This may be the usual lawn grass, in the other rubber coating or bulk, from the gravel of the shallow fraction.

The editors thanks the company AVEN, Vivan, "K2 Group", "Game World", "My City", "New Horizons", "Pix", Arteza, Kettler for help in the preparation of material.

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