House for beloved mom


The history of the construction of the house with a total area of ​​163 m2 using a glued timber for imitation of log walls. Properties of material and assembly technology.

House for beloved mom 13218_1

House for beloved mom

House for beloved mom
The glued timber enters the construction site with a length of 9m long, which are already on the spot as needed

Cut in size

House for beloved mom
Drinking billets are tightened into the "package", on the side of which the elements of connecting locks are cut into the side faces.
House for beloved mom
The finished elements laid out on the foundation and started creating a first-stranded crown
House for beloved mom
Bar of the strapping crown laid on the lining boards
House for beloved mom
Brux in length is joined in a connecting bowl
House for beloved mom
Under the assembled strapping crown of Ruberoid
House for beloved mom
Two rages folded together form "log"

House for beloved mom

House for beloved mom
Castles for connecting at an angle different from 90 (Erker) are made directly on the wall. The removed section of the bar of the propuls is divided into fragments that are cleaned, and then the contact surface "milling"
House for beloved mom
If the styling of the strapping crown of builders did almost two working days (on how accurately it is laid, it depends so much), then in the future the walls of the church began to rise literally as on yeast
House for beloved mom
On the beams of overlapping, the flooring arranged from the Unedged Board, after which the walls continued
House for beloved mom
In the process of assembling the walls, they created through holes in which the thick and durable cable were placed - it will help to pull the metal corrugation with the electric cable
House for beloved mom
The top of the rectangular erker was decorated with the releases of "logs"

House for beloved mom

House for beloved mom
Vertical walls are tightened with durable steel studs. They are installed in through holes created by builders when assembling walls. Nuts are tightened with a certain force, which is regulated by a special wrench
House for beloved mom
After assembling, the jumps of the frontones were cut by chainsaw

House for beloved mom

House for beloved mom
The rafter system was created from the edged board with a cross section of 15050mm. Step rafted - 600mm, which coincides with the width of the plates of the insulation stacked between them

House for beloved mom

House for beloved mom
In endowes, places with higher loads, installed reinforced elements from dual boards.
House for beloved mom
Flooring from OSP-plates and opening windows temporarily closed with a film, which allowed the end of the installation of windows and roofs to start an internal finish

House for beloved mom

House for beloved mom
Soft bituminous tile was able to mount only in December, since it was quite warm in the past year. Eude in January - February, it was subjected to the most severe trials, which, to the credit of the builders, was fully successful

House for beloved mom

House for beloved mom
What modern country house costs without an open veranda, on which you can relax, and tea from the samovar with the whole family to drink? For a device such adjacent to the house, the builders cast a concrete slab. From the sun and the rain, the platform was protected by a canopy with a rather powerful rafter design.

House for beloved mom

House for beloved mom
How to arrange the ends of the bar, the owners were determined right on the spot. After the end of one of the bars was polished, the wood texture was manifested in all its glory, and they decided to retain her. The ends simply covered with a protective composition, darker than used for wall planes
House for beloved mom
On the ground end it clearly seen that the timber is glued from different types of wood: layers overlooking the room - from cedar, and internal (intermediate) and emerging on the street - from Altai larch

House for beloved mom

House for beloved mom
The "heart" of the heating and hot water supply system of the house is the Buderus universal boiler while working on diesel. Later, gas will appear in the village, and then the owners will simply replace the burner of the boiler. The premises are heated by Kermi convectors. Metal-polymer pipes are hidden in the floor
House for beloved mom
Floor plan
House for beloved mom
Plan of the second floor

Probably, many of us in the depths of the soul lives a dream of a small village house - a log and without fail. Is it possible to embody such a fantasy into reality using the most modern technologies? Answer to the question you will find in this article

Tale of wanderings

He lived on white light Ivan-Tsarevich. Not young, not old, and most of the most mature age. He managed to get a man and his wife-beautiful, and three kids. Asseta with them lived Mom Ivan-Tsarevich, in which he himself, and his homemade souls did not care. Balleling grandmother all seven pieces and pancakes, as well as dishes different, both dietary and not very. He taught (and taught) she prepare and Ivan-Tsarevich, and he loved this thing is hot and passionately. Asseta grandmother walked and engaged in grandchildren, told them the stories of various vital. They show her kids with mutual love, and were ready to go with her to the edge of the world, if only on the way the fairy tale said.

In general, they lived well and friendly. Only one thing was not evolving, did not have the dacha family. That houses in the village, where carrots and repka grow on the beds. Where is the beautiful nature, fresh and clean air, and not nasty gases, sprayed from the Nutra of the evil mandes named the car. Where you can safely release a walk, without fear that they, having won, inadvertently fall under the wheels of this monster. For a long time, a family could only dream about such a summer cottage.

House for beloved mom

House for beloved mom

House for beloved mom

Foundation home-combined. For its device, testers tear down the depth below the drainage point in which they made sandy and then the gravel pillow. Over the trenches set a milking formwork, put the reinforced frame, poured concrete, thus created the tape of the foundation. In the entire area of ​​the house, a non-removable formwork was mounted and the monolithic reinforced concrete plate was cast over the foundation ribbons (1). A collaborated place in the stove was placed by an electric cable and a tube coupling, through which water and sewer (2) -trubs will be put into the house for them in the trench (3) later

But the fate decided to smile to our Ivan-Tsarevich. Whether the treasure he found, or in business, he became interested in Tom unknown, and there is no relation to our fairy tale. It's at least I came home, I gathered a family in the biggest hill and announced: "Scream" Hurray ", Favorite Chad and Households! I bought a little from Moscow, in a picturesque place" Meshcherskaya Polesie "a bit of land. Ibud. We are building a cottage! Spacious and Light. From a new material called Foam concrete .- "Hurray!" - shouted everything. One wise grandmother for some reason he sirred. "Well, Ivan-Tsarevich turned to her?" Is it really not happy to news? "-" What are you, Ivanushka, "Mom answered," as not happy! Only, you already sorry, I'm afraid, I will be hard in a new house. On the floors, they are running. We have dreamed about what house? About a little, log. Spidder - so that there is a pancake yes pies for you, your spouses and kids oven. Yes, you and the guests are not averse to me to pamper Furnaces are awesome. Attut immediately on the foam concrete palace, you wake up. Is it in him a stove? Let's start with a small house, and you will build a palace for yourself. "The children and wife the grandmother came to taste, and they got up on her side.

Listened by Ivan everyone and Mili: "Well, if you think!" And the chibanko himself thought. Log house building is not a problem. Although from pine, at least from larch or even from cedar. Only the soul lies with modern technologies, in particular, to glued brustees. After all, it seems too, a tree, and build a house completely different from it. Avdrug there is a new miracle material on white light, in which the resistance of larch and the healing properties of the cedar are combined, and build from it just as simple as from the glued bar, and the house looks like a log?

Yes, Ivan-Tsarevich set himself a difficult task. I was looking for where I could have everly traveled for a thirty lands, flew over the thieves of the seas. Own! Not outside the sea, not in foreign states, but in the glorious Russian city of Biysk, which in the Altai Territory. Found a firm called "Kadrin", which produces the desired material. "Thank you, kind well done, for the trust and for what I turned to us, and not to someone else!" Said Ivan the director of the company. "We will find you the project, and build a house. But I mean. Although the glued bar we are. We release, and long, but it was exactly the one that you failed to taste, we started to produce only a day. Ascertaining my own at home and never tried. First you will be. But you, dove, do not be afraid! Building brigades will find the best . Bar to you directly from the plant with powerful trailers to deliver. " Satimi said the director before Ivan-Tsarevich the first project. As he saw a future house (and by that time he was a construction certificate trained, this is another useful side of his wanderings) and measurement. It seems like a small (only 169m2), and the roomy- all children and households on the room will receive. Akaka Hall for receptions of expensive guests, combined with the dining room and kitchen, is at least dances!

In general, Ivan did not even watch other projects. They hit the director of hand, made Ivan a copy of the project - and for a while they broke up. Tsarevich finally home went home to please and start the foundation for future choirs to erect. Director - Production: Give the team to preparing a new miracle material for an expensive customer. Well, we are with you, dear reader, it's time to move from the fabulous presentation to prose. Prose construction.

Miracle Bar

Wooden house- special. We make a special smell, special energy. You feel in such a house completely different: and the strength he helps to restore, and the mental balance to save. It is not by chance that in our days, the volume of construction of wooden houses grows simply with mad pace. Iodine from the reasons for this is the active use of glued profiled timber.

House for beloved mom

House for beloved mom

House for beloved mom

1. Equally made connecting bowls in additional seal elements do not need.

2, 3. Sounds "Schip-PAZ" condensed with narrow ribbons of foamed polypropylene 2mm thick. Under the load, this material is compressed to 0.2-0.3 mm.

In detail about the process of making glued timber, we were told quite recently (see article "Oh, the crowns glued!", "IVD" N 5 for 2007). Recall that this material produced according to a special technology, firstly, is more durable than the usual tree, secondly, with a reduced level of internal stresses (it means less likely to appear cracks and other defects, as well as deformations, as separate parts, So the design as a whole). Thirdly, a special profile allows you to customize bars sufficiently tightly, the wall is obtained as close as possible by heat insulating properties to a solid wooden. But the most important vertical shrinkage of the glued bar design does not exceed 1-3% (the shrinkage of the house from the tree of natural humidity is 3-10 times higher). Consequently, there is no need to wait for the end of the shrinkage of a cut, and his finish can be done immediately.

House for beloved mom

House for beloved mom

House for beloved mom

For the ceiling device, glued beams were used with a cross section of 220160mm, the ends of which were inserted into special grooves in the wall timber. Wrestling beam spans have intermediate supports

Machine bar is produced mainly from pine and ate, and only a few firms make it from larch. Cadrine's bar of the company, from which the house we have built, gloves from larch and cedar lamellae. Moreover, the external ("street") side is made of larch bars as radial cut (without defects) and tangential (tobacco bitchs that have franticed the bitch with a diameter of no more than 3 cm, resin "pockets", no longer powder less than 5 cm). The inner side (facing room) is collected from cedar radial or tangential lamellas. (It is necessary that neither on that nor on another front surface there was no obol, crook, rot, blue, etc.) Thus, a person who is in the house, sees the walls of a cedar beam, and the one who is outside, from larch.

But this is not the only feature of the bar. Its height does not exceed 135mm, while the height of the glued bar from the pine may well reach 180mm. Why so few? To answer this question, we will deal with some properties of larch wood. Let's start with the fact that in structure it is more dense, and the pores in it, than pine. This determines the specificity of the drying process: it should be very soft (low-temperature) and long (the material dries 3 times longer than pine). It is worth trying to intensify the process, and the bounded resin "seals" the pores, after which the rate of evaporation of moisture from the board will become much lower and the drying period will increase.

But this is if we consider the differences of larch from pine in general terms. There are also a lot of growing conditions. So, the larch from the Krasnoyarsk Territory the density of the annual rings is almost 2 times lower than that of larch from the Altai Territory, where it grows in more severe conditions and therefore 2 times slower. As a result, if the density dried to 8% moisture content of the Krasnoyarsk larch is 650kg / m3, then Altai- 720kg / m3 (for comparison: the density of the pine of the same humidity is 500kg / m3, oak-750-800kg / m3).

Looking at the Altai larch even longer than Krasnoyarskaya. Judge in the dried state, the first behaves not as the second, and even more so, not as pine. The lobster lobs (160-180mm) needed to obtain a bar of the same height, after drying, quite significant internal stresses are formed, which can lead to cracking of the already glued bar. Output one: Sew a plate width no more than 135 mm and glue them into a bar. Well, to make a built of such a bar, the house did not look like a clapped, the Kadrin officers applied the original reception: they gave the outer surface of the bar the shape of a quarter of the cylinder. If, when assembling at home, lay a timber in the wall so that the "cylindrical" surfaces are directed towards each other, it creates a complete impression that the wall is assembled from a diameter of 220mm (timing width - also 220mm). From the inside the wall "flat". The original appearance is primarily attracted to Brusa, not only our fabulous Ivan Tsarevich, but also the author of these lines. I must say, the price of such an unusual timber is sufficiently high: 1 m3-18.5-23.5 thousand rubles.

It is clear that only outer walls are collected from the "rounded" bar. For the inner walls there is a bar of the same height, but less width (160 or 200mm) and with flat side faces.

Fundamental basis

Long before the start of the assembly of the house made its foundation: it is a monolithic reinforced concrete plate with a thickness of 200mm (inside the two layers of the reinforcing lattice from the rods with a diameter of 12mm). The slab was put on concrete tapes, the lower point of which is below the drainage depth. From the construction of a "full-lifted" basement, the basement was abandoned due to the fact that on the construction site, the groundwater is fitted close to the surface, which means that the basement of the house constantly remained dry, it would have to invest a lot of money. "Nothing," the future owners decided, "so far, and then build a cellar near the house, if, of course, there is something to hide in it." In general, to the beginning of the assembly of the walls concrete foundation managed to dial full strength.

Mainly, start!

And then the day came when a brigade of builders arrived at the site and the first trailer came with a miracle timber. Unloaded manually: Since the bar is thin, it is relatively light. They brought him to the construction site in the form of blanks with a length of 9m. Already on the spot they were cut in size, fastened in packs, and then on side surfaces, using a special compact manual machine, cut the connecting bowls. This builders devoted the first four days, laying ready-made elements with stacks opposite those places where they will be installed. When accumulated about half the height of the first floor, started assembling.

Started from a strapping crown: it was placed on a lining larch board treated with antiseptic composition. The process took almost two working days of laying geometry checked very carefully. When the strapping crown was assembled, its parts were lifted and placed under a lining board as waterproofing ruberoids, before the start of the assembly did not do this, fearing to damage the material.

House for beloved mom

House for beloved mom

House for beloved mom

1. With the bottom side to the rafters, Brukes 5050mm were knocked out, to which a layer of vaporizolation was pressed using a edged board.

2. The insulation was covered between the rafters, the insulation was covered with a layer of moisture insulation, which pressed the counterclaim, the boards of the crate was attached to it.

3. The river "pie" covered the solid flooring.

Reliable walls

Vertical bars are connected by means of grooves and ridges. Moreover, on each bar, it is not one such compound, and three, as a result of which the horizontal seam is not blown in principle. WHATS These joints additionally constructed using a foamed polypropylene 2mm thick, sliced ​​on thin tapes. Two such tapes were laid in extreme grooves.

Vertically the crowns were pulled by steel studs with a diameter of 18mm and a length of 80cm, located in the corner releases of the bar (outside), in technological rearrangements (outside and inside), on the sides of the window and doorways, in front of the IT.D., - we described in detail In the "IVD" N 5 for 2007. The student was that the studs did not interfere with the threaded bushings (as a result, the rod would be obtained, as it were, perpetrating the wall to the bottom), and installed each heel separately, tightened "package" from eight The bars forming four "logs" in the outer wall. Each subsequent stud was inserted not strictly over the previous one, but with a shift of 15-20 cm, and its installation began simultaneously with the laying of the last two bars of the previous "package". In other words, before collecting and pulling in the "package" of the two top timber, at a distance of 15 cm from the already existing studs in them drilled a hole in which a new stilette was inserted, having a fixed nut with a washer under the lower plane of the penultimate timber. The collected "package" of eight Bruusyev was tightened, and another six bars were sitting on a new stud. Next, the process repeated. Thus, the wall turned out to be pulled by the studs to the bottom.

The intergenerational overlap with the help of glued beams, on top of which the boards immediately put, creating a solid flooring, significantly simplifying the construction of the walls of the second floor.

House for beloved mom

Usually, when finished, the vessels visible on the side of the room, the veins of the spill wall along with nuts and the washers are trying to disguise, for example, with the help of wooden "plugs". In the case, from such a reception refused, why to hide what is natural. By the way, in the famous his wooden houses, Finland arrive the same way, only use more aesthetic nuts with caps

Roof of my house

The rafters were made using the edged boards with a cross section of 15050mm. The cubous walls were attached to metal corners and self-drawing. The reduced side to the rafters perpendicular to them, knocked wooden bars, and they recorded a layer of vapor barrier, held below the unedged boards (so as not to provis). Why do you need transverse bars? They allowed to increase the thickness of the insulation between the rafters from 150 mm (the height of the rafter feet) to 200mm. Naturally, the "solid" is only the top layer of 150mm, which is the 50-millimeter layer under it under it, only between the transverse bars, such ruptures will not be very little on the heat-saving characteristics of the roof as a whole.

The underlined insulation was covered with a layer of vapor-permeable moisture insulation, pressing it to the rafters of the counter tests (5050mm), which determined the magnitude of the future ventilation gap. Perpendicular to the counterclaim, crossed the edged plates with a cross section of 8020mm, and they were attached oriented inlet stoves, creating solid flooring. On him, with compliance with all the recommendations of the manufacturer, a soft bitumen tile was placed.

House for beloved mom

House for beloved mom

House for beloved mom

Rustic house without stoves- like an airplane without wings. It was put on all the rules - using cast-iron mortgage elements, "accurate" bricks IT.P. The stove on a powerful concrete base, made simultaneously with the fill of the floor screed in the kitchen zone. This furnace and heated the whole house in winter, allowing to lead finishing work

Final stage: outside and inside

Floor floors are on top of a solid reinforced concrete plate. Discovered as follows. A layer of claymps was poured on the plate, then poured a concrete tie. In all rooms, except for the kitchen, bathroom and boiler room, laugs were recorded on the screed, while the plates of extruded polystyrene foam 50mm were laid between them. Then the flooring was created from the trooped firboard, it was polished and covered with varnish. Wook, the bathroom and the boiler room on the concrete tie sticked a porcelain tile.

Insulated ceilings of both floors and sites of the attic of the attic was triggered, after that it, together with the brusched walls, was covered with decorative and protective composition: Light planes, ends with a bruck. Town openings were installed windows with frames and flaps from glued larch bars (he also produces Cadrine, painted in the same color as the ends of the wall timber.

House for beloved mom

House for beloved mom

Interior design is distinguished by almost Spartan simplicity and conciseness. In the whole house, the floor is covered with a polished fir-tipped board, and only in the kitchen it replaces a more suitable ceramic tile for this case. The ceilings and walls of the attic are covered with a clapboard, processed by the same protective and decorative composition as the brusade walls. An undoubted decoration, the highlight of the interior was forged lattices, in the openwork drawing of which fabulous plots are read. Installed in a single, almost studio space of the first floor, the stove not only serves to cook, but also breaks this space on the conditional zones of the living room, dining room and kitchen

The short side of the ends of the bar was closed by gearboxes, thus providing protection against atmospheric influences, and then the walls were also treated with a decorative protective composition that emphasized the larch texture.

That's, perhaps, all that we wanted to tell about an unusual house built by a loving father, husband and son for expensive households, and first of all for Mom. Akak also a fairy tale? Perhaps we can finish it with you. Well, for Ivan Tsarevich, she continues, his family is just beginning to make a built house.

The enlarged calculation of the cost * construction of the house with a total area of ​​163m2, similar to the submitted

Name of works Number of price, rub. Cost, rub.
Foundation work
Handling axes, planning, soil removal 76m3 700. 53 200.
Sand base device, rubble 30m3. 220. 6600.
The device R / B foundation tapes and plates 78m3 2830. 220 740.
Waterproofing horizontal and lateral 250m2. 170. 42 500.
Cargo removal by road 50m3. 520. 26 000
TOTAL 349 040.
Applied materials on the section
Concrete heavy 78m3 3100. 241 800.
Crushed stone granite, sand 30m3. 1100. 33,000
Hydrosteclozol, Bituminous Mastic 250m2. - 17 600.
Armature, Formwork Shields and Other Materials set - 90 700.
TOTAL 383 100.
Walls, partitions, overlap, roofing
Preparatory work, installation of forests set - 10 300.
Build the walls and partitions from a bar 104m3. 6000. 624,000
Assembling overlaps with a stitching of rough floors 163m2 490. 79 870.
Assembling roof elements with crate device 180m2. 680. 122 400.
Hearth roofing and overlap 342m2. 80. 27 360.
Hydro and vaporizoation device 342m2. fifty 17 100.
Bitumen Tiles Coating Device 180m2. 390. 70 200.
Eaves Bearing, Svezov 45m2. 400. 18 000
Installing window and door blocks set - 40 500.
Device of finishing floors, ceiling liner 300m2. - 117 600.
Grinding of walls, protective composition 800m2. 420. 336,000
TOTAL 1 463 330.
Applied materials on the section
Cleaning ram 104m3 18 500. 1 924,000
Sawn timber 20m3 4500. 90,000
Paro and waterproof films, insulation 342m2. - 55 600.
OSB-3 stove 180m2. 195. 35 100.
Bituminous tile, components 180m2. - 50 400.
Wooden window blocks, window sills set - 480,000
Neck-protecting compositions set - 29 000
Floor board (spruce), lining (larch) 300m2. - 183,000
Ceramic tile, staircase, dry mixtures IT.P. set - 140,000
TOTAL 2 987 100.
Engineering systems
Installation of boiler room, plumbing and electrical equipment, including its cost set - 731,000
TOTAL 731,000

* - The calculation is made without accounting of overhead, transport and other expenses, as well as profit firms.

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