Oh, the crowns glued!


The construction of the house with a total area of ​​280 m2 from glued profiled timber: material manufacturing technologies, a description of construction stages, estimates.

Oh, the crowns glued! 13262_1

Oh, the crowns glued!

Oh, the crowns glued!
Deliver a bar with a length of 12m from the temporary storage to the place of laying is not easy. His homemade crane-beam (a) helps him on the wall, but further movement is possible solely manually (b)

Oh, the crowns glued!

Oh, the crowns glued!
Window openings:

A- stiffness to a wide impeller will give 1-2 whole timber;

Baspads for the installation of a casing

Oh, the crowns glued!
Big spans blocked using a wall timber. It looks like overlapping powerful
Oh, the crowns glued!
Lower sizes overlapped, applying edged boards. On the ends, they are attached to the walls of steel elements

Oh, the crowns glued!

Oh, the crowns glued!
The rafter system is made of a cutting board of 18040mm. Step rafted - 600mm
Oh, the crowns glued!
Releases and sinks roofs were laid on white siding. It will be well combined with the color of the walls of the house
Oh, the crowns glued!
The cutting of the roof should be of such a magnitude so that it closes at least a third of the facade with the oblique rain

Oh, the crowns glued!

Oh, the crowns glued!
The top of the window openings neatly cut down, and then installed modern windows with wooden glued rams in them.

Oh, the crowns glued!

Oh, the crowns glued!

Oh, the crowns glued!
Created a concrete break around the house

Oh, the crowns glued!

Oh, the crowns glued!
The base of the house, the side and working surfaces of the summer veranda and stairs separated by porcelain
Oh, the crowns glued!
Paul on adjustable lags
Oh, the crowns glued!
Between the lags of the floor laid the insulation, covering it on top of a vapor insulation and waterproof plywood
Oh, the crowns glued!
Collector water floors

Oh, the crowns glued!

Oh, the crowns glued!
Installation of water warm floors over plywood flooring on adjustable lags was performed using special heat-reflecting metal plates
Oh, the crowns glued!
The loop of the pipes of the warm floors laid on the principle of the spiral. Separate outlines paved near outdoor walls
Oh, the crowns glued!
"Pattern" of pipes in all rooms, except for kitchen and bathrooms, hid under laminate
Oh, the crowns glued!
In the kitchen and living room under the windows installed embedded in the floor convectors
Oh, the crowns glued!
Pipes of a warm floor in the kitchen covered GVVV plates

Oh, the crowns glued!

Oh, the crowns glued!
The roof rates were insulated with extruded polystyrene foam and chosen by clapboard. It was covered with the same composition as the walls inside the house

Oh, the crowns glued!

Oh, the crowns glued!
The living room decoration has become a large fireplace with a closed firebox. It is connected to the Ceramic Chimney Uni (Schiedel). The portal of the fireplace is not accidental so great inside it hidden chimney of impressive sizes
Oh, the crowns glued!
Near the channel cutter cut the required number of holes for the outlet

Oh, the crowns glued!

Oh, the crowns glued!
Inside the channel cables in accordance with regulatory requirements are in flexible metalworking
Oh, the crowns glued!
Sketch project of the house obtained as a result of computer stake
Oh, the crowns glued!
The garage rafters are attached to the wall at home, and the second end lies on the cutting of the frame
Oh, the crowns glued!
Floor plan
Oh, the crowns glued!
Plan of the second floor

According to the statistics of the construction market, more than 40% of low-rise residential buildings are built from wood. The leader's leaders are the ones that are erected from glued timber. The disadvantage of one of them will tell our article.

Oh, the crowns glued!

In the last decade, the technology of construction of individual housing from glued profiled timber is becoming increasingly used in Russia. Ito is quite understandable. It is believed that houses from this material are environmentally friendly, just like construction of solid wood, but their technology is more progressive. True, the glued bar is not at all cheaply 16-22 thousand rubles. For 1m3. The cost depends on the quality of raw materials (wood and glue), as well as from the size of the bar, which are varied: height - 76-202mm, width - 88-210mm. Bloom the timing of a minimum of three, the maximum of six parts lamellae.

Oh, the crowns glued!
The nut with the washer is interpreted in the body of the bar if another 10 years ago, the glued bar was covered in the country mainly from abroad (mainly from Finland), now it offers many domestic manufacturers, including the company "Russian West". So, we build a house with a total area of ​​280m2 from the bar of this company in size of 200177mm.

Pluses of glued bar

Oh, the crowns glued!
Sealant on the surface of the glued bar The technology of creating a glued timber looks as follows. First, pine or fir logs are "dismissed" on the boards (many manufacturers will permeasiate this stage, buying no logs, but ready-made boards). Then they produce their sample (disorder). The selected material is dried in thermochemers (with mild drying modes) to a relative humidity of 122%, after which it is shifted from four sides to obtain accurate geometry. Next cut out defective places (drop-down knots of IT.P.). The result of all this process is relatively short powder, which spliced ​​in length with the help of so-called mini-spikes, resulting in boards-slave. They are once again placed, and then on special presses glue into a bar, having both one stop (in this case, the maximum number of lamellae glued to five) and two (then lamellae is six, which is mainly found at the Finnish manufacturers). But regardless of the gluing method, adjacent lamellas are located so that the directions of wood fibers (annual rings) are opposite to, then one board compensates for the deformation of the bend arising in another. For gluing, special high-strength, waterproof and, according to manufacturers, environmentally friendly adhesives, not disturbing the ability of wood "breathe" (the quality of gluing must comply with the International Standard DIN EN 204, the water resistance class is not less than D4).

Oh, the crowns glued!
The bar in length is joined under the bowl further, the glued bar is profiled at a four-sided machine, while on its upper and lower surfaces (and sometimes only on one of them) the grooves are milling (bottom) and ridges (from above), the number of which may vary from one to one to four. Then make parts from the bar for a specific project: on the programmable machine it is cut on the workpiece of the desired size, in which the connecting bowls are for milling and drill the necessary holes.

Oh, the crowns glued!
The bars in the wall are tightened by threaded studs, increasing them with the help of sleeves. This manufacturing technology provides glued brus. Specific advantages compared to solid timber: first, bo / low strength, secondly, reduced level of internal stresses, and therefore less likelihood. The appearance of cracks and other defects, as well as deformations of both individual parts and the design as a whole during seasonal and other changes in the temperature and humidity regime. Thirdly, a special profile allows you to customize the bars very densely, the wall is obtained as close as possible by heat insulating properties to a solid wooden. But the most important vertical shrinkage of the glued bar design does not exceed 1% (shrinkage of the house from the material with natural humidity is much more). Consequently, there is no need to wait for the end of the shrinkage of the cut-and external, and the inner finish can be started immediately after it is assembled. As a result, the total construction period is significantly reduced (about 1 month goes to the production of a projected set of parts and from 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the size of the house- on the assembly). I am a single advantage. Those who wish to preserve the natural color and drawing of a tree during decoration may limit themselves to the walls (from the inside and outside the building) of a colorless or weak decorative and protective composition. So much will save time and money.

Oh, the crowns glued!
From the rain and snow, the upper bars of the walls are covered with a plastic film. So that it does not break the wind, they apply special "clothespins" to the conclusion of this subsection, several distinctive features of the glued bar of the company "Russian West". It is glued out of five lamellas (apply the glue of production of the international concern Akzo Nobel). Now this bar is one of the largest in the Russian market. Its width is 200mm, height - 177mm. The maximum length reaches 12m, which allows you to build houses with internal rooms of significant sizes, minimizing the amount of so-called samples (they are needed, since they give the walls the required rigidity). Longs use, as a rule, on the lower and upper crowns, forming a kind of rigid frame.

According to the profile, the timber is more complicated than the production of most manufacturers: on its upper and lower surfaces, not one groove and the comb, and four at once. Of course, this markedly complicates both production and the assembly process, but, according to the creators of the bar, it can significantly reduce the "purgeness" of the walls. Material moisture- 10-12%.

Oh, the crowns glued!

Glued bar 200177mm in detail:

The lamellas are spliced ​​on mini-spike;

Breaker glued out of five lamellas (complex profile allows you to get an unproduced connection without seals);

Wall part 12m long;

The part number is applied to the surface of the connecting bowl.

Oh, the crowns glued!

Oh, the crowns glued!

Oh, the crowns glued!

Is it warm in the house?

In our journal, somehow was printed as a phrase: "He's a heat transfer resistance (glued timber) is twice as high as massive wood, since there are no cracks in its structure," (article "in which the walls help"). At the time the manufacturers repeat it without showing real numbers.

We finally managed to get this real figures, which characterize the level of resistance of heat transfer (RO) of the walls of the glued timber (immediately in several firms, and the data is converged). So, for the wall in 192mm RO = 2.01M2OC / W, in 230mm RO = 2.25M2OC / W. For comparison: a solid timber in 250mm has RO = 1.88M2OC / W.

As follows from the given data, the heat-saving capacity of the glued bar is indeed somewhat higher (but not twice) than full, - its contribution to the increase, apparently, the layers of glue connecting the lamella. A toe from a bar with a thickness of 200mm (or more) to live is quite possible in winter. But to the requirements of SNIP 23.02- 2003, "thermal protection ..." It does not reach (for the middle strip RO = 3.49 m2oc / W).

How to get a project?

Oh, the crowns glued!
The structure of the forests is consumed up to 1,5m3 lumber to a person who decided to build a house from the glued bar, you should not go with the standard way: first to the architect, and from it with the ready-made project - to builders. It makes sense to do the same way with accuracy to the opposite: first to find a construction company, and only then (if such a need arises) to visit the architect. Why? The fact is that the construction company specialists will be forced to fully recycle the brought project to obtain a specific solution for a certain size bar. It is clear that in this case the work of the architect and construction engineers will have to pay (approximately 340 rubles. For 1m2) twice.

Oh, the crowns glued!
Winter is not a reason to stop assembling at home. But she adds care. Before putting the next crown in place, it is necessary to carefully clean the already installed if it is recommended, as recommended, the same builder engineers, focusing on the outline or previously implemented projects, will create a sketch project on the computer already adapted to glued material (when used The existing project is minimal for the existing project). There will be shown all the facades, windows, plans for floors of IT.P. On this sketch, you calculate the approximate cost of a set of details for the house, though excluding shipping and assembly. Now, if you want to improve the project, you can go to the architect. Eudorbote this specialist of the finished project will cost cheaper than the development of the same project from scratch. It should be noted that when making changes, the architect should consult with the builders.

We launch production

Oh, the crowns glued!
The inner hanging balcony will be based on the releases of the first floor overlapping beams. To give the design of reliability, they are dwined and even built. Miscellaneous, on the part of their rather complicated interweaving, it looks very spectacular after the sketch project will be created and you will put your signature on each of its sheet (!), Builders will launch him into production. From several sheets, it will turn into a weighty folder of the technical documentation (three such folders will be created), where they will sing and paint each wooden part. According to this documentation, they will be manufactured. But the builders will collect your home. After the documentation is sent to the factory, it is no longer possible to change anything in the project.

Marking. In the manufacture of each part, a personal alphanumeric number indicates the type of timber, axis, a number and sequence number of the part in it are assigned. The marking is applied to the surface of the bowl, and after the assembly it is not visible. Why is it necessary? First, that the builders know exactly where they should install one or another item. Secondly, imagine that when transporting or unloading one of the details ... lost. Computer assistance The manufacturer will easily find a similar one from another wall (if there is such), which will allow to replace the lost and exclude a simple brigade of the builders, well, and then perform a new one and urgently send it to the construction site.

Oh, the crowns glued!
Option of the so-called fiction. Between the close-up windows did not create "pyramids" from short segments of timber, they were replaced by vertical racks. At low height, the shrinkage can be neglected before shipping the entire bar is treated with a water-soluble antiseptic, the action of which is calculated at least half a year (this is enough to ensure and transportation, and the assembly). The solution not only protects the tree from diseases, but also creates a protective film on its surface, and as a result, water and dirt falling on wood is easier to remove. After antiseptation, the timber is collected in the packet (on Palet) and packaged in a polyethylene film that protects it not only from rain moisture, but also from dirty splashes during transportation.

Delivery and assembly. Options are possible here. Delivery options are two: the manufacturer's transport (10- 11 thousand rubles. For every 20m3 timber) or its own (if any). After delivery and unloading on the object, you or your representative must receive brought material on receipt. At the same time, as a rule, the question arises: what is marriage? Builders are required (!) To give you an application to the contract, where the criteria of rejection are formulated by dry stationery. We will try to explain it easier. It is clear that in the production of glued bars, only the perfect tree cannot be used. The tree is better in external lamellas, with bitch and similar defects - on the internal, because the knots on the surface of the internal lamellae do not affect quality. An unambiguous marriage is considered to be the loss of bitch and a semi-leather cracking (splitting) of a bar.

Oh, the crowns glued!
Window openings both simple and complex shape designs a computer. When drawing triangular openings, he brings the end of the bar until the line contour and moves to the next crown. Vitoga top of the opening reminds the saw of the assembly options somewhat more - three. The first: the assembly is carried out by the manufacturer's assembly brigade led by a forever. Such a service will cost approximately 25-30% of the value of the material, but will save from the headache and the references mentioned for receiving each brute batch. Second: the house gathers the builder's brigade hired by you, to help which in the first day or two, and also to learn to be sent from the foreman. True, after this period, he will leave the object, and the command of the construction will fall on your shoulders. The third option: the conclusion of a contract for the so-called chef installation - then the foreman will periodically come to the object and control the process (3 thousand rubles for 1 day).

Now, when we stipulated all the details, it's time to name the real value of 1m2 of the house: 26-31 thousand rubles. For 1m2 (at the price of a set of brusade parts 20 thousand rubles. for 1m3). But be prepared for the fact that during the construction of this amount may increase by another 30%, - remember how prices for building materials in 2006 have rapidly soared!

Temporary storage

Oh, the crowns glued!
The bar on the site should be in the shelter, reliably protecting it from the rain glued bar-material, let's say, gentle, and just throw it on the street in the rain, and even more so in the pool, it is impossible. The ends will raise moisture very quickly (wood literally sucks water along the fibers), and the wet bar, already being collected in the design, under the influence of intensive solar irradiation (read-heating) can crack. Especially often cracks arise at the ends of the bar - in the releases. They may appear and later - at the stage of passing the object, for example, due to the sharp translation of the heating system to the intensive mode of operation. However, in any case, only individual fragments of the lamella crack, but not the entire timber. There should be no dependency depending on the conditions of their exploration. By the way, a small amount of cracks is always formed in the construction of a glued bar in the lamella, even if there were no sharp changes in the temperature and humidity regime. The reason is simple: internal stresses in wood.


Oh, the crowns glued!
Lighting cables veranda before

How to hide in a concrete screed, "dressed" in the PVC-envelope based on the results of engineering and geological surveys, a monolithic ribbon foundation was chosen from depth of laying below the ground freezing point (in this case, about 1.7 m). It was also decided to make small basements for the boiler room and cellar. This type of foundation was described in detail quite recently (the article "Give a housewarming right away!"), Therefore, I will not repeat. Let us dwell only in contrast, which was that the monolithic reinforced concrete slab was blocked not only the facilities of the boiler room and cellar, and the whole area under the house. The walls of basements outside and the surface of the base overlap was waterproof using bitumen weapons.

First Crown

Oh, the crowns glued!
The zone of transition from the living room into the kitchen.

The GVLV-slabs in the kitchen pasted the original ceramic tiles. Gender of the living room, as, however, and the rest of the houses, will cover the laminate so that the glued bar did not contact concrete, albeit with a coated layer of waterproofing, under the lower crown every 1-1,5m were placed with an antiseptic segment of a larch board with a thickness of 40mm (for each They laid the runneroid so that when working would not damage waterproofing). When the first crown was assembled, the horizontalization of its installation was tested by a water level (if necessary, the cuts of the boards were peredrate or replaced thicker). Making sure that the crown is smooth, the bars attached to the foundation with powerful anchor bolts.

With such a technology, "malfunctions" between the bars are left open until the end of construction - the rain moisture is freely outgoing. When the house is assembled, the bottom timber is treated with an antiseptic, "Dogs" are laid by segments of the same larch board, and the gaps are fought. Excess the frozen foam is cut, apply a layer of moisture insulating mastic, and then set the sump. Kbruus it is fastened with self-draws so that in the future it is possible to check the state of the lower bar.

Build Srub

Oh, the crowns glued!
If during the construction, it turns out the need to manufacture an additional channel or an increase in the diameter of the drilled still at the channel of the channel under the electric cable is performed on the spot. After the assembly, nothing can not be assembly is extremely simple: you just need to find the necessary part in the temporary storage, bring to the assembly site and install the connecting locks-bowls in the place, "shut". Consider more key points.

Horizontal seams. Recall that the timber has a rather complicated profile, so with a vertical connection of two bars, a sufficiently tight castle is already obtained. In order to further enhance the ability of the connection, the silicone sealant (transparent or white) is applied to the extreme "grooves" along the entire length of the underlying bar, and the timber stacked above, "crushes" it in the groove site. After 30-40 min, the composition is polymerized, but it remains rather elastic and therefore stable to minor deformations accompanying the process of shrinkage of the house.

From application when assembling any soft seals, the company refused to consciously: they all take the final form (crushed) throughout the period, thereby giving the moment the end of the shrinkage of the house as a whole.

Oh, the crowns glued!
Garage. For economy of glued timber, only its frame-horizontal beams and angular racks were made. The walls were trimmed by a block chamoque, which from the outside repeats the shape of the bar to give the rigidity to the window openings of a large size, left in them one or two whole timber, which drank only before the installation itself in the openings. The windows attached to the casing bars embedded in the grooves on the ends of the BRUSEV.

Vertical screed. The shrinkage of the shrinkage contributes to the compulsory screed of the design with studs from galvanized steel (length - 1m, diameter-12mm). Such ties are mandatory installed in the extraction of the bar (outside), in technological rearries (outside and inside), on the sides of the window and doorways and in the front. The locations of their installation are specified in the working documentation, and the installation holes are drilled at the factory.

Oh, the crowns glued!
The roof and walls of the garage were insulated from the inside by extruded polystyrene foam and weathered the flooring of the rod starts at the installation stage of the lower crown. At the end of the first segment, the hairpins screw the nut with the washer, and then insert it into the available hole. At the same time, the nut with the washer is under the bar. By the way, this location allows you to make a suspender of the design after its complete shrinkage occurs: there are relatively free access to nuts. Next, they collect another one or two crowns, after which they are tightened with their nut with a washer.

Oh, the crowns glued!
To give the garage wall even greater similarity with the wall of the house, the short segments of the glued bar were attached, simulating the releases thus. The leveling gap between the foundation and the broom was filled with foam. Later, the surplus foam will be cut, they will apply a layer of mastic, and then they will install a cast. In the same way, the gaps around the perimeter of the house during the tightening the washer lies not to the surface of the bar, and at the bottom of the recess in it, the milling already in place (its diameter is somewhat more than the washers, and the depth is not less than two heights of the nut). A results of a nut turns out to be recessed in a bar. Judge If the shrink value exceeds the planned, the lowered the upper bar does not hide on the nut.

Alsome one important point. Often in winter, the dew point accurately falls on the metal heel in the center of the wall. If the channel through which it is passed, has a sufficient volume (all channels - one diameter, therefore the volume is due to the length of the channel), the moisture will be condensed on the heel and dragged with it. It is clear that the lower bar will begin to refuse. However, in the case under consideration, this is not happening, first of all, because the channel is divided in length into small sections of nuts and washers. To improve the insulation of these segments from each other, the compound is poured with a sealant. Condensate, formed in small volumes, does not represent much danger.

What happened next?

And then there were ceiling, which were created over large spans from the same wall timber, and above the small-cutting board. There was a rafter system from the same edged board and an insulated roof mounted on its basis covered with MetroBond metal tile (Belgium). Inside the house of the wall was covered with a transparent protective composition, outside opaque white. Asseta had floors on adjustable lags and lags laid on top of them, as well as much more, what photos will tell about anything better than any words.

The enlarged calculation of the cost * construction of the house with a total area of ​​280m2, similar to the submitted

Name of works Number of price, rub. Cost, rub.
Foundation work
Takes up axes, layout, development and recess 230m3 450. 103 500.
Sand base device, rubble 42m3. 220. 9240.
Device of the foundations of ribbon reinforced concrete 49m3 2400. 117 600.
Device plates of reinforced concrete 35m3 2350. 82 250.
The device of walls of reinforced concrete basements 14m3 2700. 37 800.
Waterproofing horizontal and lateral 450m2. 112. 50 400.
Loading and transportation of soil dump trucks 220m3. 520. 114 400.
TOTAL 515200.
Applied materials on the section
Concrete heavy 98m3. 3100. 303 800.
Crushed stone granite, sand 42m3. 950. 39 900.
Hydrosteclozol, Bituminous Mastic 450m2. - 24 300.
Armature, Formwork Shields and Other Materials set - 183 600.
TOTAL 551600.
Walls, partitions, overlap, roofing
Preparatory work, installation and dismantling of scaffolding set - 12 500.
Assembling walls and partitions from BRUSEV 40m3 2600. 104,000
Assembling overlaps with laying beams, with floors 140m2. 510. 71 400.
Assembling roof elements with crate device 190m2. 540. 102 600.
Isolation of overlaps and coatings insulation 470m2. 54. 25 380.
Hydro, vaporizolation device 470m2. fifty 23 500.
Metal coating device, drainage system 190m2. - 143,000
Eaves Bearing, Svezov 38m2. 390. 14 820.
Filling opening windows and door blocks set - 36 700.
Stitching ceilings, finishing works set - 564 200.
Other works set - 50 800.
TOTAL 1148900.
Applied materials on the section
Bar glued, sawn timber set - 1,655,000
Consumables for assembly set - 115 860.
Composite tile MetroBond, drainage system set - 305 100.
Window and Door Blocks set - 285 400.
Decoration Materials set - 1,058,000
TOTAL 3419400.
* - the calculation is made without accounting of overhead, transport and other expenses, as well as profit firms

The editors thanks the company "Russian West" for help in preparing the material.

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