In a soft harbor


Market overview of upholstered furniture for living rooms: varieties of sofas and chairs, uphony and frame materials, filler types, price range.

In a soft harbor 13301_1

In a soft harbor
"Good Style"
In a soft harbor
In a soft harbor
In a soft harbor
"Clippan" with a removable case (IKEA)
In a soft harbor
Kmebeli for the Seating "Musing" additionally offer tables for remote or books (IKEA)

In a soft harbor

In a soft harbor

Youth will surely attract the chairs, "dressed" in a bright tissue upholstery. Loveseat (a) and Carneby (b)

In a soft harbor
In addition to the amount of modules of them, you can make a semicircle or circle (W. Schillig)
In a soft harbor
Couch Rot with moving pillows backs, employees and as armrests (Machalke)

In a soft harbor

In a soft harbor
Built-in folding tables allow convenient to place plates with fruit and even laptop (MBEL ZEIT)
In a soft harbor
The modular angular sofa "Tornado", whose name itself involves large sizes, can be achieved in length 320cm ("Mickmar")

In a soft harbor

In a soft harbor

In a soft harbor
Chair with a transformation system controlled by the remote control. Model 28 ("Kalinka")
In a soft harbor
This goat will make any corner cozy (IKEA)
In a soft harbor
Sofa SENSO with a ottoman in which a roomy storage box is hidden (MBEL ZEIT)
In a soft harbor
"Furniture factory March 8"

Model "Montreal" with Canape

In a soft harbor
In a soft harbor

Sofa armrests can be equipped with shelves for books, touch illumination or built-in bar (model 35)

In a soft harbor
What material to hamper the sofa and which degree of stiffness of the pillows is selected by the consumer. Model Segovia.

(KA International)

In a soft harbor
"Nice" with a spacious Ottoman, the depth of which is 200cm, and the width is 135cm (MBEL ZEIT)
In a soft harbor
In a soft harbor
In a soft harbor

Models of upholstered furniture, upholstery material for which high-quality leather of different colors. Diego (a), Negresco (b), Arnage (B)

In a soft harbor

Louvre can additionally offer covers, pillows, backdrops, wooden table and shelf

In a soft harbor
MBEL Zeit.

CLUB sofa with adjustable seat

In a soft harbor
In a soft harbor

The armrest can hide the box for linen or newsmeal

In a soft harbor
Graf Gagarin.
In a soft harbor
Graf Gagarin.

Thanks to the modules, the Narciss sofa is transformed into a square with a side of 385cm (a) or 280cm (b)

In a soft harbor
Three folding chairs composition (Record Bedding)

All furniture items are in their own way in the interior. Some are the main "acting persons", others perform the role of the second plan, are third participating in the crowd. If we talk about the living rooms, then, undoubtedly, a sofa speaks in the role of the leader here, and soft chairs can play it. These "stars" simply can not be bypass. We dedicate the article.

By visiting at least one furniture exhibition, clearly understand how saturated today is the market for upholstered furniture. Only in Russia you can count several dozen factories specializing in the production of sofas and chairs and have already proven themselves as large and competitive enterprises. The welfare of citizens is growing simultaneously with the intensity of their activities. Alleged this increases the popularity of objects that contribute to the rest with the greatest comfort. A diverse model range, a rich selection of upholsters and additional options help get furniture, which indicates both taste and about the status of their owners.

The sofa, like a chair, consists of a frame, filler and covers. Sometimes it is supplemented with accessories (for example, legs, table) and all sorts of mechanisms.

In a soft harbor
Modular furniture "Forum" is suitable for the design of the home theater zone ("Allegro-Classic") of the diligent furniture salons are a large variety of not only traditional sofas, but also models that combine the sofa and the ottoman on which you can relax, stretching your legs. There are also modular options - they are offered by Allegro-Classic, "Kalinka", "Yukon", MBEL Zeit (Russia), - consisting of elements of different shapes and sizes. Based on your needs and features of housing, you can collect the sofa of the desired length and configuration from these modules. Akonstruation of some modular models (for example, 26, 35, 46 "Kalinka" factories) allows you to change elements in places or completely disconnect, turning them into puffs or coffee tables. In order for many years to enjoy recreation in this soft harbor, specialists are recommended on time Pay attention to several important points.

Not small, not great

In a soft harbor
"Camilla" with a spring block ("Allegro-Classic") first of all determine what size the sofa you need: two-, triple or such on which five people will easily place. If the living room is spacious enough, let yourself an angular model. It has a greater capacity and can also zonate space, separating, say, home theater from the dining room. Now many manufacturers manufacture upgrass furniture, which is aesthetically looks from all sides. On the perimeter of the sofa, with the exception of the front part, the shelves are mounted for books, colors and decorative items. A vodogl-section, in a wide armrest and the pillow of the back can be hidden bar, sometimes with backlit (MBEL ZEIT). The Factory "Kalinka" offers to embed a mini-refrigerator in one of the armrests, and in the backshadow system.

Often, you can buy armchairs and puffs to the sofa and create space to communicate with them. After all, it is no secret that today, when there is no time for any time, talking in a family circle is sometimes moved to the second, third or even tenth plan. Ikak Consequence, less understanding remains even between the most close relatives, and an increasing number of people live with a feeling of loneliness. Perhaps if there is a corner in the house, equipped specifically for private conversations, without the "participation" of the TV, and the family will become stronger, and the culture of communication will increase.

Sofa Comfort

In a soft harbor
All All Olympics options. Finishing can be made of decorative skin (MBEL ZEIT) is equally important to understand how comfortable you can sit on the sofa. I just sit, but also rest. Here you can not give any tough recommendations, it all depends on your personal preferences. One like literally drowning in the pillows, others prefer more ascetic conditions, helping to always be in the tone. In an effort to meet the requests of consumers, some companies (for example, "Furniture Furniture March 8," Russia) for the same model offer different fillers: hard, medium stiffness and soft, like a fluff perina. As for the "filling", today manufacturers prefer the combination of layers, that is, the base of the mattress makes elastic, and upstairs. But it must be borne in mind that for the elderly, the furniture with a filler is more suitable and not too deep landing space so that from the seat it is easy to raise.

In a soft harbor
Wheels on the front legs allow you to easily move the chair from place to place

(Ka International) Seeing the appropriate sofa in the furniture salon, do not hesitate to sit on it more comfortably, and not on the edge, but deep, and not for a second, but for a few minutes. Relax, you can even close your eyes. If you intend to spend a long time, sitting on the sofa or in a chair, most likely you will like the model with a high back and headrest, to conveniently lean your head, relax the neck muscles. Despite the fact that the sofas and low-back chairs are still in fashion, the latest trends indicate the back of the back, which changes its height. This effect is achieved through its extension and increase the depth of the seat. Apoth of the back can be twice again. Models with a unimportible low back are more suitable for cases when the sofa plan to put not at the wall, but in the middle of the room.

In a soft harbor
Model 28 with adjustable pillow position of the back and the built-in bar ("Kalinka") in the depth of the seat of the model of one manufacturer may differ quite significantly. For example, in Monica's sofa ("Allegro-Classic") it is 55 cm, and the Safari from the same company is 91cm. If you prefer to sit, not head the sofa, select the models with a shallow seat and a pillow or roller under the lower back. Well, if you like to pick up, pay attention to the deep sofas with soft pillows. There are models in which the depth of the seat is adjusted using the control panel, that is, it smoothly leaves forward smoothly as much as you want (MBEL Zeit, Kalinka IT.P.). You can also change the geometry of the chair or sofa: the back is thrown back, and send it to lift, which will allow you to be in the so-called "Relax" position. The drive mechanism, which is equipped with a fuse, works from a network or on batteries. If you plan to put a sofa into the center of the room, it is better to prefer the second option (so that the wires from the outlet are not confused under your feet). Rechargeable drive of about 3 thousand rubles. More expensive network and costs about 9 thousand rubles.

In a soft harbor
"Furniture factory March 8"

Additional pillows and high legs of sofas and chairs provide greater comfort. Keep in mind that the sofa you ordered can be made even more functional if you equip the armrests with the tables or replace the usual armrest wide, with a folding lid. Under it, a box for bed linen, a newspaper or minibar is usually placed. With a different design, it can be folded, forming a wide surface that successfully replaces the desktop. So the concept of "multifunctionality" today can be safely attributed not only to electronic and household appliances, but also to upholstered furniture.

Question quality

Durability of the sofa depends on the quality of the materials from which it is manufactured. If wood is used in furniture, it must be pre-succeeded to a humidity of 6-8%. If decorative carved elements are made of wood, please note that technological washed to be present to them, otherwise the tree will behave over time.

In a soft harbor
Pillows backs are put forward and rejected. Time (Cinova) Now let's say a few words about the filler. Today, the backbone and seats are practically not used for pillows, since it is short-lived (serves 1.5-2 gods) and quickly loses the form. This material can be found perhaps in armrests and decorative elements. Modern alternatives - polyurethane foam (PPU) or spring block. Moreover, if the springs in the upholstered furniture were not protected before and over time they could jump out, sneaking up the upholstery, then now they are necessarily closed with a layer of a thermal plate and a thin sheet of polyurethane foam (1.5-2 cm thick). This coating simultaneously makes the seat cushions softer. The spring unit is certainly protected and below, from the side facing the base of the sofa.

It is better to buy upgrade well-known manufacturers. Incase sofa there are no details of nothing treated chipboard and foam rubber. All seams are neatly decorated; Staples, attaching the upholstery, are located exactly. Be sure to check how the seat cushions are fitted to each other (as well as pillows backs). Between them should not be height drops, as well as noticeable cracks.

"Furniture factory March 8"

Model "Montreal" with Canape Competition among manufacturers is so high that the company's current reputation does not allow themselves to use poor-quality materials or not to comply with production technology. Consequence of this- standard warranty period of 18 months. This time is enough to identify all possible defects of production (suture seams, I asked the IT pillow.). The mechanisms can be set a longer warranty period (18-36 months). This period, the manufacturer's company undertakes to eliminate malfunctions for free, subject to users of the working conditions of the product. You just need to contact the store, where furniture was purchased, and write a complaint letter to the factory. Yes, save checks.

We do not recommend that you buy upholstered furniture in the open-air market, since this product must be contained with a certain temperature and humidity mode. If you do not adhere to the specified conditions, the furniture will fool a quickly or, on the contrary, it will begin to hide and creams over time.

We select color

In a soft harbor
All-Easterns Company specialists create a new collection of fabrics intended for the upholstery of furniture and interior design as a whole.

Ka International in fashion is still brown, beige, ocher color, all shades of white. Each factory offers several dozen color options for its models and recommends certain combinations of materials. All variety will demonstrate the seller-consultant consultant on real samples or with the help of a special computer program, "dresses" the same product in various "outfits". Popularly use models with removable covers that can be erased (in dry cleaning this service costs from 300 rubles.), And after a long-term operation or update of the interior - replace.

If you are planning to buy a set of upholstered furniture, upholstered with a monophonic material, we advise you to buy it all right away, without postponing the purchase, say, seats before the next salary. The fact is that in color the fabric or skin of the same article can be somewhat different in different supplies.

An animals with sharp teeth and tenacious claws are inhabited by the house of the house or grow up, masterful painting? Complete this to the seller-consultant. It will recommend materials with special impregnations, which are not scary either scratches, no dyes. Also, the upholstery can be processed by the composition preventing its fire. Ask to give you complete information on the care of the material that your sofa will affect. For each tissue or variety of skin care is individual.

Dear, even more expensive ...

In a soft harbor
"Maximus" with a bent back (Valerio Salotti) If you want to purchase upholstered furniture, which will serve you at least 10 years, do not agree on the sofa worth less than 10 thousand rubles. And the chair is cheaper than 5 thousand rubles. As experts explained to us, the price of models from high-quality materials should not be below. We are talking about the simplest samples with a frame of a casced chipboard and a filler from polyurethane foam, laid on the base in the form of a metal "snake". Conditionally call them basic. These models are covered with the fabric of the first category and are not equipped with additional mechanisms. Now let's try to trace, as a result of the use of which elements and materials prices for furniture can change.

First of all, the material is influenced by the material from which the framework is made. A more expensive design is made of multilayer plywood or metal profile. This option is much stronger basic. Metal frame is often used in non-standard form samples when it is difficult to obtain analogue from the bar. Domestic manufacturers for carrier elements often choose a pine timber. But the best is considered the frame from the solid wood solid solid. As a rule, the beech is used for these purposes. Ideal if the frame is all-column, without metal fasteners. To reduce the cost of production, in the Russian industry, beech is used only for the power elements of the frame, such as, for example, as guides for roll-out sections.

In a soft harbor
The mixture of the pen and elastic polyurethane foam in the pillows allows them to keep the form in any ages. "EKTORP" (IKEA) The following factor capable of improving the cost of upholstered furniture (sofas and seats) is the composition of the filler. PPU uses very popularity, and not cut in pillows into pieces, but a solid or even molded, with different stiffness indicators. The most dense and durable PPU This parameter is higher (for pillows backs and seats usually use polyurethane foam density 30-60kg / m3; PPU is density less than 30kg / m3 quickly settles, with an indicator more than 60 kg / m3 turns out to be too tough). Dear models contain spring seats pillows. But not horizontal, as at the time of our grandparents, and vertical. The greater the springs on 1m2, the sofa is more expensive. Some companies are, for example, "Concepts" (Russia) - used in the seats of the springs, each of which is packed in its bag. Such elements are independent of each other and react more flexibly to the degree of load, not allowing the "hammock effect". It is believed that this positively affects the sitting: the vessels are cleaned less, the body is held in the most natural position. It is not by chance that the seats with such a filler are recommended for children. The price of a sofa with springs by 1.5-2rd. higher than with the filler from the PPU, although they are approximately the same - about 20 years. The resource of the block with independent springs is even more-50-70 years.

The elastic filler can be supplemented on top of a softer or natural (winch fluff, feather), or artificial (holofiber, foam and synthetic babber), but the first option is preferable, since the material does not lose the form and does not fit). However, now they often use "fillings", resembling puff pie, among the ingredients of which hollofiber, and polyurethane, and springs. They create a so-called immeasitance effect when under your weight springs first the upper soft layer, then polyurethane foam and only then a spring block. At the same time, holofiber- although synthetic, but the "breathable" material through which air passes, so for a long time you will be comfortable to sit. Hollofiber pillows are not necessary to beat like a dying. The suspension of this material has balls that do not allow him to look. The presence of a fluff or hollofiber in the sofa pillows can increase the cost of the model by 20%.

The seat cushions are placed either on a metal "snake" or on the phaneer, or on the base of the intertwined elastic belts. But from the point of view of ergonomics and human anatomy, it is best latter-slightly curved wooden planks. It is easier for them to replace them in case of damage.

In a soft harbor
Adores, covered skin (PUSHE) An important role is played by the upholstery material. All upholsters are divided according to the cost of several categories (the cheapest one or in some cases zero). But it is not necessary to think that the materials of the first and second categories are inferior in quality and wear resistance to the upholstery, say, the fifth category. The price of natural fibers present in the structure of fabric structure (such as cotton, flax), additional processing (for example, the Teflon coating) added to the material that improves some properties (for example, the scotchgard makes the upholstery more elastic, prevents it from stretching). In addition to the category of the category, the price of the sofa model or chairs can change 2 or more. For an additional set of removable covers (for some models, this addition is possible) will have to pay 30-50% of the value of the sofa itself.

Decorative wooden elements of handmade, original designer ideas and finds also affect the price of furniture. At the same time, they give it a pronounced personality.

The latter, which determines the final value of the subject you purchased, the additional functions provided in it. This is a folding mechanism, all sorts of illumination bars (manually opening or using the remote control), electromassagers ...

The built-in "French clamshell", designed to use 2-3rds per week and not strongly driving a sofa, adds 3-4.5 thousand rubles to its value. Options operating from the console make a purchase more than another 12-30 thousand rubles. Each depending on the degree of its complexity.

Thus, the price of a three-bed sofa is 15-25 thousand rubles. (Close skin-30-50 thousand rubles.), Corner model-20-50 thousand rubles. (in leather version-50 thousand rubles. and more). Prices for armchairs start with a mark of 5 thousand rubles., The leather chair will cost no cheaper than in 12 thousand rubles. In order to save about 20% of the cost of the sofa of the skin, you can "non-working" its parts (Tsargi, the outside of armrests) to separate the leatherette of the same color. Upholstered furniture Italian, German, Finnish producers at least twice as expensive.

In a soft harbor
Oscar with independent folding seats. The head restraint helps to relax the muscles of the neck (Busnelli). Finally, we list some of the manufacturers of upholstered furniture offering their products in the domestic market. These are the company "Allegro-Classic", "Good Style", "Kalinka", "Conceptual", "Mikmar", "Modern", "Prestige-Furniture", "Sil-M", "Furniture Furniture March 8", "Factory Nick, Anderssen, MBEL Zeit, Pushe, Record Bedding, Rival (Russia). There are joint production: L-Style (Russia-Italy), Valerio Salotti (Ukraine-Italy). Among foreign firms, let's call Bonaldo, Busnelli, Casanova, Creazioni, Nieri, Valmori (Italy), Franz Fertig, Hukla, HLSTA, MACHALKE, W. Schillig (Germany), Adea, Asko, Isku, Relax (Finland), Justluka, Softimus ( Lithuania), IKEA (Sweden). The list can be continued.

As you can see, the price policy in the field of upholstered furniture is flexible. It allows, depending on your tastes and opportunities to acquire an elegant sofa without any excesses or a model that will serve not only for recreation sitting and midstings, but also as a place where you can eat and work with the papers. Modern manufacturers make everything to make furniture with which its owners will not want to part.

The editors thanks the company "Academy of the Interior", "Allegro-Classic", "Sofa Divanich", "Good Style", IMBM, "Mickmar", "Sil-M", "Furniture Furniture Furniture", "Flat", IKEA, MBEL Zeit, Pushe, Record Bedding, Natif Salon for help in preparing the material.

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