Without excess costs


Energy-efficient ventilation: technical characteristics of supply and exhaust plants with lamellar and rotary heat exchanger.

Without excess costs 13445_1

Without excess costs
Photo A.EListratova
Without excess costs
Pm Vent.


Soft-exhaust installation programmable control panel

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Photo P.Nikolaev
Without excess costs

Separating and intake devices can be located on the ceiling, walls or elsewhere

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Among the ventilation grids presented in the market, you can find color models, contrasting or combined with room decoration
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Without excess costs
Without excess costs
Heart of energy efficient ventilation - a ventilation unit with a plate recovery (A, B) or rotary heat engineering (b)
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The adhesive installation in the apartment is often mounted in the corridor, behind the tail ceiling. On the networks of air ducts, freshly prepared air is supplied to the room; Hood is made from rooms and corridors
Without excess costs
Architect I. Cholmogorov

Photo V.Nefedova, N.Karacheva

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Ventilation networks in the apartment are often performed from metal ducts of round-section and the corresponding shaped elements
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Without excess costs
Without excess costs
Small ventsieties are built from flexible air ducts - with heat and sound insulation (A, B) or without such (B)
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The plate heat recovery is a package of plates (most often from aluminum), between which air gaps are left
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Heat in the lamellar recovery from the more heated air flow is transmitted to a colder, and they do not mix

Without excess costs

Without excess costs
Without excess costs
For heating of the supply air, a regular electric heater of the juncture (A) and (or) additional channel electrocavorifer (b) is applied
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Installation VAM-F (Daikin) with a plate recuperator provides ventilation of an apartment with minimal heated air heating costs
Without excess costs
In modern apartments, slotted air solutions are often used.

Retired devices

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Without excess costs
Rotary heat excavator from flat and corrugated aluminum ribbons
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For compactness in the coupling settings "Climate-P" (BB Consulting) the rotor is set under the tilt
Without excess costs
The rotary heat excavator of this installation is made of treated cellulose

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Without excess costs
Filter box (A) and insert from activated carbon (b)
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Full filters of annotation
Without excess costs
If the rooms in the apartment are sufficiently large sizes, with high ceilings, then for the organization of air exchange in them sometimes it is sometimes appropriate to use the supply plaffones.
Without excess costs
Internal installation nodes are very compact

By the beginning of 2006, the park of passenger cars of our country amounted to 25,569,700 units. Machines literally burned the streets of cities, and as a result, living in homes located near the transport arteries, it becomes almost impossible. However, to protect against the car chad, being in its own apartment, still real. One way is to equip the dwelling with mechanical supply-exhaust ventilation.

Motability and sealing

Without excess costs
Getty / Fotobank in the exhaust of the car contains more than 200 substances, 2/3 of which are carcinogens. They not only adversely affect human respiration organs, but also cause cancer, diseases of cardiovascular and digestive systems, stomach and leather. To protect your apartment from exhaust gases from the street, people are launched on a variety of tricks. The most radical contribution of the place of residence. However, more often strive to isolate the dwelling from polluted air. For this put plastic windows and doors with a hermetic entrance.

However, sealing is only semi-meter capable of even aggravating the situation. After all, in the impressed premises, it is inevitably slows down so necessary for life natural air exchange. The exhaust air simply stops leave to leave the apartment through the natural exhaust channel ventilation, as air from the street does not come to shift.

Clought, like a bottle of cork, an apartment can be safely called an ecological disaster area. The air in its rooms, according to environmental evaluations, becomes even toxic than street! It is saturated with harmful chemicals (for example, formaldehyde), highlighting construction and finishing materials and furniture, carbon dioxide, measured by the skin and hair of man, excrement of dust ticks IT.D. The result is regular bouts of headaches, irritability, weakness, decrease in the immunity of the body and other ailments.

Already soon after installing hermetic windows, tenants understand that the only effective way to reduce the toxicity of the air filling air is to ventilate. To do this, it is necessary to regularly open the sealed windows, running car exhausts into the house, dust IT.P., and in winter, the health of households, especially children and the elderly, extremely sensitive to drafts and sharp drops of temperature and sharp temperatures ...

How much is fresh inhale?

Without excess costs
Designers J. Kirichek, V. V.

Photo of V.Nepledov Obviously, it is necessary to keep the apartment somehow differently. Hospitality, almost all options that require depressurization of windows overlooking the lively autotrass are usually ineffective. For example, the organization of the inflow of fresh air into each room separately by air valves, albeit even equipped with filters, does not always give the desired result, since part of the contaminated air still seeps into rooms. And the more better to abandon the ventilation with the help of various types of mechanisms governing the opening of the windows of the windows.

One of the few truly effective means of conducting means of mechanical ventilation. She will be able to pick the air in the least polluted place (usually in the apartments only part of the windows goes outside with a lively movement, and the rest are facing a quiet courtyard) and after careful cleaning and heating to direct in all rooms.

It should be noted that the arrangement in the apartment of the mechanical ventilation system requires significant financial costs. We'll have to immediately attend a monoblock or a set supply unit or on the supply and exhaust installation, and even on air ducts, lattices and other additional equipment (a total of $ 2-3 thousand to $ 10-15 thousand). Considerable costs are connected with energy supply. As we live in a cold climate and the trimming air supplied to the room, the wake of the year should be heated, the ventilators are equipped with air flow heater (calorifer). For urban apartments, only electrical heaters of the supply air are suitable, as it is usually impossible to obtain permission to connect the water heater to the WVS network or the heating system in an apartment building is usually impossible.

However, even if you even debug electricity at your disposal, we should not forget that the air heating of the supply air is truly wasteful. It is likely that during the operation of the ventilation system, and this is at least 10-15 years-customer will pay the amount of energy to the supplier at least 2-3rd exceeding the total cost of the ventilation unit, its installation and all maintenance throughout its life cycle. KRYMERA, utility bills for electricity with the equipment of a Moscow apartment with an area of ​​100m2 with mechanical ventilation on the basis of the traditional supply unit with a capacity of 300m3 / h with electric heating of the supply air will be approximately 20 thousand rubles for the year. Ito at today's prices. Age in the near future, deductions will inevitably grow together with increasing prices for energy resources.

In addition to direct costs of buying equipment and its operation, the customer is often waiting for problems in a purely technical nature. To resolve these problems in apartments in places of dense urban development, not to mention the historical part of the city, we require significant (and sometimes astronomical) financial costs. Often, it is not necessary to connect the annotation with a powerful electric heater, lack the power allocated to the apartment. To get 2-5kWs necessary for such equipment, the customer will have to seek (sometimes unsuccessfully) permission of various instances on the extraction of additional power, paying the gasket of expensive power electrocabelle IT.D. A mansion is the problem of increased noise into the premises, low-quality or too simplified in pursuit of a decrease in cost, the installation may be pretty noise.

Economical solution

Without excess costs
Architects E.Velhi, E. Andreev

Photo of V.Nepledova Caring for the health of family members simply obliges a reasonable customer to use the most advanced and economical equipment in the mechanical ventilation system. Aside, such systems are most often created on the basis of energy-efficient monoblock supply-exhaust plants with plate heat recovers or rotary heat excavators. This equipment reduces the costs of heating the supply air within 50-85%, which is especially relevant in the conditions of the deficiency of power supply.

Giving out of the dwelling Air all year round has a temperature of 18-24c. It is used to use its energy at a lower or higher temperature of the air intake air - it means in the literal sense to throw money into the wind. It was this idea that was successfully used by the developers of energy-efficient supply and exhaust installations, which simultaneously provide feeding into the ventilated rooms of filtered and heated fresh air and removal from air polluted. Patch and exhaust streams pass through the installation housing. In this case, the highlight equipment is a heat recovery (plate or rotary) - makes it possible to cool or heat the trim air due to cold (heat) exhaust.

Installation-exhaust installations are usually mounted directly in the apartment - on the mezzanine, in the storage room, in the dressing room, in the Corridor IT.P. Equipment has (depending on the design features) behind the tail ceiling, on the floor or on the wall, in a horizontal or vertical position. Some models in a special configuration (atmospheric coating of the case, thick heat insulation), as well as the most advanced standard installations can be mounted outside the heated zone- on the loggia (at the ceiling) or even on the wall of the building, like external blocks of split systems (such a solution must be coordinated with local self-government). The console is placed in a user-friendly place, for example on the wall of the corridor.

For the organization of air exchange in the apartment, two air duct networks are arranged. So, the fence of fresh air from the street and its delivery from the installation to ventilated premises is carried out on the network of supply air ducts (usually thermally insulated). From the premises, it returns to the supply and exhaust installation and then goes beyond the building on the return air ducts.

In general, the air distribution and air intake network are placed behind a tail ceiling, "eating" 10-15 cm of the room height. Directly to the installation join two duct-collector (mainstones), from which inverse and inverse ducts of smaller diameter stretch into different rooms. If the network is branched, in it sometimes on the inflow and additional "frustrating" fans are used on the hood. However, in most cases there are sufficiently fans of the supply and exhaust installation. The mouths of the supply and inverse air ducts are joined with air distribution devices mounted in a cable ceiling, the choice of which is caused by both designer considerations and optimal characteristics of air distribution. Lattice accommodation schemes: on the ceiling, on the walls, by the floor. The choice of a specific option is carried out taking into account the configuration of the room, the placement of furniture and other factors.

The most responsible in creating the ventilation system is precisely the choice of energy efficient annotation. Outcomes of modern supplies and exhaust plants for apartments We will talk more.

Supply-exhaust plants with a plate cross-flow recuperator and a rotary heat engineer, which can be used in mechanical ventilation systems of modern urban apartments (productivity range- up to 3000m3 / h)

Manufacturer (brand) Country (region) Series Manufacturer-range in the range up to 3000m3 / h Type of heat exchanger Orientation

Alpine price

Stberg. Sweden HERU. 225-750 Rotary 1847-3500
Systemair. Sweden VM / VVX 220-700 Placer 745-2111
Maxi. 1100-3000 Placer 5118-11 385.
Rotovex 2400. 2400. Rotary 10,000
Ventrex. Eastern Europe Risv. 250-3000 Placer 1227-5562.
Daikin. Japan VAM-F. 150-2000. Placer 1740-7100
Mitsubishi Electric Japan "Lossnes" 150-2000. Placer 800-9000
Swegon. Sweden BCEA, GOLD. 400-2000. Rotary From 5700.
Aermec. Great Britain Ur. 770-2060 Placer From 900.
Meptek. Finland Ilto Sahko. 250-3000 Placer 1830-6070
"Akor" France "AKOR" 320. Placer 819.
"Akor turbo" 350. Placer 1050.
Shuft. Norway Caup. 290-3000 Placer 2110-7220
Caur 450-3000 Rotary 3430-10 250.
SChrag. Germany Recovery Deluxe 250. 160-250 Placer N / D.
Recovery 500. 225-500 Placer N / D.
BB Consulting. Russia "Climate-R" 300-750 Rotary 1015-1955
Kentatsu. Japan Kvq 350-1500 Placer 2400-3800.

Plates and swallows

Without excess costs
Architect designer M. Pavlova

Photo V.Nepledov

The air duct to the site of the air intake is laid behind the "step" of the tail ceiling, the supply-exhaust plants with plate recuperators allow you to reduce the cost of heating the supply air by 10-70%. The ozin of such devices lies with a plate cross-flow recuperator-package of thin metal plates, plastic sheets or specially treated cellulose, between which gaps are left. The air removed from the room flows in each second gap between the plates, and the fresh, entering the room goes through the remaining channels. Because the plates are very thin, they easily transmit heat from the heated air flow is colder. Recuperators with cellulose plates have also also to equalize the concentration of water vapor in the supply and exhaust air (the ability to dry or moisturize the trim air). Thanks to this summer, it is possible to promote the time of the air conditioning system.

In addition to the recuperator, there is a trim and exhaust fan, filters that provide air from dust, air heater and other elements. The temperature control is carried out using the automatic power control system, according to the temperature sensor indicated in the stream of air supplied to the air room. In addition, the equipment is equipped with a protection system that practically excludes its breakdown or premature failure.

The greatest energy saving using the supply-exhaust plants with a cross-flow recuperator is achieved with positive and weakly negative temperatures of street air. But when the window is colder than - 3 ...- 8c (this is an approximate temperature, depending on the relative humidity of air flows), ice can form between the plates of the recuperator, which will result in a decrease in the efficiency of the system.

There are some time a few ways to combat the refinement frost are known. The most radical is the pre-heating of the supply air. In short, the electric heater (defroster) is mounted before entering the installation, which brings the incoming flow to the "safe" temperature. This method of preventing the freezing of the recovery is the most expensive. It significantly reduces the efficiency of using the recovery and somewhat increases the cost of the mechanical ventilation system. However, it is precisely it allows the use of aircraft-exhaust plants with lamellar cross-flow recuperators for ventilation of apartments, located not only in the middle lane of Russia, but also in the north, where the air temperature is often lowered below -35С.

There is another way. It is used for melting ice already formed in the exhaust channels of the recuperator. To do this, the supplied installation must be equipped with an electric damper and the bypass channel (bypass). During defrosting (in the frost, 5-10min, only warm air from the premises goes through the heat recovery. The valve at the entrance to the installation during this period is closed, and the trim air enters the room along the bypass aircraft. Condensate is discharged into the sewer. The bypass air canal is used in summer when the outdoor temperature is optimal and the need for recovery disappears.

The least costly method of defrosting the recovery is implemented by stopping the outdoor air supply fan (10-15 per hour). However, this method has a disadvantage: a discharge is created in the ventilated premises (the so-called clapping doors effect).

In the market of subtle-exhaust plants with a plate cross-flow recuperator for apartments (the volume of tributaries to 3000m3) is presented mainly by foreign manufacturers. It makes sense to look at the installations of SYSTEMAIR (Sweden, VVX, Maxi), Shuft (Norway, CAUP), Aermec (United Kingdom, UR series), Ventrex (Eastern Europe, RISV series). Special attention deserves technique with recuperators based on cellulose Japanese companies Daikin (VAM-F) and Mitsubishi Electric ("Lossnes").

Rotation with transformation

Without excess costs
Architects E.Velhi, E. Andreev

Photo V.Nepledov

The supply of fresh air is organized through a ventilation grid located on a plasterboard wall of the room, behind which the heat-insulated air duct is laid supply-exhaust installations with rotary heat exclusants better than the aggregates with a cross-flow recuperator, adapted to the Russian climate, including the most meal cold. This equipment is somewhat more expensive (in 1.5-2rd) than similar in terms of performance and power with cross-flow recuperator. But the total cost of the mechanical ventilation system, including the cost of operation in the case of the application of the rotary unit, often turn out to be lower.

The most important characteristic of such equipment for the use of exhaust heat. With equal flow rate and exhaust air, it can reach 85%! Such a high value of this parameter is due to the use of a rotating rotor-thermal system, which is a short cylinder with a plurality of air channels formed alternately with a flat and corrugated aluminum ribbons. The rotor rotates in streams passing through the installation of the supply and exhaust air, so that through the same cells penetrates it warm, then cold air. Cells, respectively, are heated, then cooled, and the result of heat transfer from one air flow to another. The inhouses of the cities of the central part of the country are most often used by settings with standard rotors designed for comfortable ventilation. Can be ordered from manufacturers a supply and exhaust installation with a so-called hygroscopic rotor. Due to the exhaust flow, it allows you to dry, and in winter - moisturize the fresh air supplied (an analogue of the cellulose recuperator). Inhouses located in the seaside strip, it is better to mount the supply-exhaust ventilation units whose rotors have improved anti-corrosion protection.

Rotary technique sometimes allows you to do without preheating air in a defroster. Moreover, due to the high efficiency of the rotary heat engineer, even a regular electrical heater can often be used in the supply and exhaust installation. The average Russian strip, and even more so in the south, in apartments with a reliable heating system, providing excess heat, additional heating of the supply air may not be required throughout the year. When the outdoor temperature decreases so much that the efficiency of the rotating heat exchanger becomes not enough (the air entering the apartment does not heat up to the desired temperature), the automation completely slightly reduces the flow of supply air, and as a result, the rotor still provides a predetermined air flow temperature at the output from the installation.

The risk of ice appearance in the rotary heat exchanger cells occurs only at an outdoor temperature below -20С. Device defrosting is carried out in two ways. VNA most perfect devices with a frequency regulator decreases the rotation speed of the rotor. If the heat exchanger is not equipped with a speed regulator, then the trim fan stops when defrosting and the suction flap is closed. However, as in the case of a lamellar recuperator, a complete blocking of the inflow has a significant drawback: a tangible vacuum pressure is created in the ventilated premises. Therefore, in order to avoid discomfort, this method is not recommended.

When choosing a supply and exhaust installation with a rotary heat excavator, it is important to pay attention to the degree of perfection of its "brains". The automation of the most "advanced" supply and exhaust installations manages the operation of the rotating heat exchanger and allows with high accuracy to adjust the air temperature in the supply and exhaust air ducts, as well as in the rooms of the apartment, adjust the air flow rate, respond to an increase in concentration in carbon dioxide and smoke. The operation time of the equipment can be painted in seconds using multifunction timers. Some installations with a rotary heat engine can be controlled from a mobile phone that supports the WAP protocol.

It is characteristic that the control function of the supply-exhaust ventilation system using a mobile phone provides the user with the ability to enable and disable the installation, set one or another mode. For example, on the way home, it is possible to "order" the equipment to "order" in order to make the apartment to your arrival, it is thoroughly ventilated by air, heated, for example, up to 28c, and translated into economical mode. It is not scary to leave on vacation and forget to turn off the vesting establishment, if there is a connection, this problem is solved from any city in the world. Moreover, if necessary, the system itself will contact the service service and "reports" at the operation of the equipment, the need to replace the IT filters.

The Russian market of energy-efficient supply and exhaust installations with a rotary heat engineer is actively developing. Imported Equipment Equipment for Residential and Public Rooms The Systemair (Sweden, Rotovex and VR), Stberg (Sweden, Heru model), Shuft (Norway, Caur), Swegon (Sweden, Model Rows Gold, BCEA) and etc. Domestic technology is presented, for example, BBConsulting (compact installations of the Climate-R series).

The editorial board thanks the company AIRVENT, BBConsulting, Impklima, Pmvent, Schrag Idre. For help in organizing filming.

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