In touch with the world


Features of the furniture of a country house: types and technology communications, operators, overview of the telecommunications equipment market.

In touch with the world 13452_1

In touch with the world
MasterFile /

East News.

In touch with the world
Small yes delete. Russified DECT-phone GT-7165 (LG) with AONA function, speakerphone mode (speakerphone) and color LCD displaying 4096 colors
In touch with the world
Phone with support for i-Mode (SGH-S410i, Samsung) is designed for those who are intensively using additional mobile services. MMS, E-Mail, Internet access are initially configured.
In touch with the world
The GigaseTe450 cordless telephone (Siemens) is designed for extreme conditions. The body of the dust tube, moisture and impactable, which allows it not only at home, but also in the country
In touch with the world

Antenna combined with a radio module can be used to organize a wireless communication line.

In touch with the world

The base unit in the KX-TCD586RU model is made as a separate device. Tubes can be registered on multiple blocks, which expands the phone use zone

In touch with the world

Modern communication technology without difficulty can organize a full-fledged workplace in a country house.

In touch with the world

Mobile Mobile Service Zone "Beeline"

In touch with the world
Radio access network "P.M.Textile"
In touch with the world
Equipment installation scheme for telephone communications
In touch with the world
In touch with the world
The Gigaset SL550 device (Siemens) provides not only the support of the speakerphone and Aona, but also the voice dialing function
In touch with the world
DECT6 models (Philips) with full color display guarantee magnificent sound quality
In touch with the world

Internet at the cottage is now available to all

In touch with the world
New series of wireless phones RU-TC2105T (Panasonic)
In touch with the world

With the help of mobile technology, you can transfer not only sound, but also graphic images

In touch with the world
MasterFile /

East News.

In touch with the world
Portable radio stations are characterized by small size and mass, comparable with a mass of a cell phone. As a rule, they are supplied with a flexible antenna, and batteries are used to power them.
In touch with the world
The Basic Station Alan 48plus (CTE International) is designed for mobile multichannel communication in the CB-band. It provides a connection of good quality at a distance of 20km
In touch with the world

The XXI century does not accidentally call the age of information technology. Modern life is difficult to imagine without the phone, this faithful companion of a business person. It is not surprising that the issue of telephonization so worries the owners of country houses.

The phone for many of our fellow citizens is not luxury and not even just a means of communication, but an important element of business activity. If there are telephone communication, they are quite capable of equipping a full-fledged workplace at home or in the country. This feature is especially attractive for rustic cottage owners. After all, a quiet life in nature, away from urban turmoil, traffic jams and poisoned air gazes, looks really paradise.

Today, organize such "paradise life" is quite simple, modern technologies allow. The inhabitant of the city will need half an hour for the design of the contract with the mobile operator. But permanent residence of "Deaf Province" places a number of additional requirements for telephone communication. For example, it is necessary that the technique ensures confident, without interference, receiving the signal. In addition, when connecting to the Internet, the communication channel must have a certain bandwidth that guarantees full data exchange. Finally, it is desirable that the costs of payment for communication services were minimal. Of course, the last requirement is relevant for all subscribers, but especially for those who intensively use both the telephony itself and additional services provided within its framework.

What will be the proposals?

Now, from all methods of telecommunications, two were widely distributed. This is a wired telephony, or, as it is also called, a fixed telephone connection, and data transmission by radio channel. We will tell you more about their advantages and disadvantages.

Wired telephony - A simple and reliable switching method. The user connected to the PBX, as a rule, receives a signal with an acceptable quality level, independent of meteo conditions. The wired communication channels are characterized by high bandwidth, especially when using modern fiber optic cables. This allows you to apply a line not only for voice communication, but also to transfer other information, right up to the video image. Fiber optic lines are most promising from the point of view of data transfer speed and noise immunity. Therefore, it is not by chance that it is such lines that are used in large cottage settlements near Moscow. The existing technologies (for example, XDSL) allow you to organize high-speed Internet access and from a regular phone number. In this case, the line remains free.

Wired communication ceddows include the highest cost of installation and cable laying. For example, in the Moscow region to carry out a fiber-optic line costs several thousand dollars per 1km. A large number of subscribers in the country village can be televised in this way about $ 500-1000. In many same remote areas, the services of wired telecommunications and today remain inaccessible. By the same Moscow region more than 2 thousand. Popular in the countryside is completely deprived of it. Yes, and where it is, her quality sometimes does not withstand any criticism due to outdated equipment installed on analog PBX, and communication lines with the transmission of the signal over a copper two-housing wire.

Transmission of data by radio channel can be carried out in several ways. Forward, it is all a well-known mobile communication. Here, the translating signal of the device is located in order to ensure its reception on a certain territory ("in the coverage area"), without creating each other radio interference (the network of translator in the plan resembles hexagonal cells, from where the other name of this type of communication has come from). Mobile communication is attractive for many customers primarily from an economic point of view, due to the low cost of equipment (mobile phone) and favorable subscription fees. Today, the mobile phone can be purchased for $ 50-100, and the costs of paying the most economical tariff plans are comparable with prices for wired telephony services. At the same time, the services of cellular operators continue to be cheaper - largely due to the rigid market competition (accommodation from the services of a wired communication monopolist).

However, mobile communications and disadvantages. First, the specific value of each bit of information transmitted using a mobile phone still remains several times greater than the cost of data transfer by wired connection. In addition, difficulties arise with the transfer of a large amount of information that may be required for comfortable work on the Internet. Thus, in the framework of the Digital Mobile Communication Standard in Russia, the rate of data exchange between the subscriber and the communication node is only 9.6-14.4kbit / s, therefore, the GSM is not used to access the Internet.

To do this, there are more modern data transmission technologies. For example, the GPRS standard used to send e-mail and watching Internet sites; EDGE (Advanced GPRS), allowing not only text information, but also videos and video images.

AB a more distant future, domestic cellular operators are planning a transition to the UMTS third-generation standard (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System), which provides the data transfer rate from 384kbit / s to 2 Mbps. Reproduction of streaming video, carrying out interactive video conferencing and similar services. It is assumed that this particular standard will be introduced in Russia.

In addition cases, the problem becomes a low quality of communication with a large distance from the translator station (cellular node). For mobile phones, the critical distance is 8-10km. The quality of communication is highly dependent on the presence (density) of the transmitting infrastructure in the call zone, the more potential sources of interference, the connection is worse.

Radio communication using the receiving-transmit antenna It is applied when the cable laying is either too expensive or technically impossible. The advantages of this technology of wireless broadband access are the relatively small cost of installation (from several hundred dollars), the speed of installation of equipment (on average two weeks to organize a communication channel), high throughput of the communication channel and the ability to provide high-quality signal reception at a large distance (up to several dozen kilometers). Kednostats include the fact that the subscriber equipment of the client must be in direct visibility relative to the base (transmitting) station. In addition, the quality of communication can deteriorate with unfavorable meteo conditions (in a thunderstorm).

Another way to device telecommunications Satellite communications (MSS). Punching of the repeater of the signal here is used artificial satellites of Earth located on geostationary orbits. They rotate together with our planet, and therefore constantly turn out to be over the same point of its surface. Satellite communications provides high quality of the signal anywhere in the globe: in the taiga, the ocean, the desert ... Only the same-major areas remain uncooked. Hospital, this type of communication is the most expensive: a minute of conversation "on a satellite" costs $ 1-3, and the prices for satellite phones fluctuate from $ 600-800 to several thousand dollars. Therefore, such communication is used only in cases where other methods are impossible.


XDSL (Digital Subscriber Line) - Digital subscriber lines (ADSL-ASYMMETRIC DIGITAL Subscriber Line; SDSL-Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line). Family of technology for organizing communication using existing telephone cable systems as an environment as a medium. These technologies provide high-speed compound (up to 50 MBIT / s) and allow you to install several phone numbers on the same line without its upgrades.

"Last Mile" - Plot of communication line from the telecommunications station to the terminal subscriber devices.

Bluetooth - Technology wireless data transfer to short distances between phones, computers and other devices.

CB. (Citizens'band) - a band of radio frequencies in a range of 27 MHz, intended for radio amateurs (motorists, dacities, hunters IT.D.).

CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) - the third generation digital standard, more perfect than GSM.

DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications) is a digital standard of "microspheric" wireless telephony. The main European standard for wireless phones used indoors.

Edge. Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution - a new, more advanced data packet data (GPRS), allowing to transmit information at a speed to 110-120 block / s.

Ethernet -Enechnology of batch data over cable networks.

GPS. Global Positioning System - Global Navigation System.

GPRS. GENERAL PACKET RADIO SERVICE - Package technology data. Widely applied in cellular telephony, for example in Moscow. The average data transfer rate is about 40kbbit / s.

GSM. Global System for Mobile Communications is a global mobile communication system, a digital standard. Its varieties are GSM1800 (DCS1800, PCN), GSM900, GSM1900 (PCS).

ISDN. INTEGRATED SERVICES DIGITAL NETWORK) - communication standard for voice and data on digital telephone lines or regular telephone wires.

MDMS. Maintenance Data Management System) is a wireless broadband radio access system. Wireless solutions based on MDMS equipment are an alternative to the main wired and fiber-optic communication lines, as well as traditional radio relay solutions. Provide their users a transport environment for transmitting all types of information - from voice traffic to multimedia services.

MSS. (Mobile Satellite Service) - Mobile Satellite Communication.

PCSS. Personal Communications Satellite Services) - Satellite Personal Communication Services (satellite telephony).

SMS. SHORT MESSAGE SERVICE) - Short message transfer service.

WCDMA. (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access) - third-generation cellular standard. CDMA was created, distributed in the Asian market.

What to choose?

The owner of a country house, going to his television, should clearly define the range of tasks that it plans to solve through communication services. Today, most owners are no longer limited to traditional voice telephones. More and more in demand are such services as cable television, high-speed Internet access (with a data transfer rate from 1 MBIT / C and higher), remote office management, video conferencing, providing conditions for connecting a computer in a cottage with a local network of the company.

At the next stage, it is necessary to choose a company of communication services and a telecommunications method. Equitube, for example, there are many such operators. This is "Comstar", "CenterTelecom", "Corbina Telecom", "Golden Telecom", "R.M. Telecom", as well as dozens of smaller companies. Large "players" have a number of benefits: they offer a wider range of services, flexible tariff plans, a powerful system of service support for their customers. Anebol firms are often unable to even equip fiber optic communication lines. Their main advantage is the low cost of services. But behind the low price sometimes there is a low quality and insufficient level of service.

Depending on what services you want to take advantage of (frequency, duration and geography of calls, Internet connection IT.D.), you will be offered a choice one of several options for communications. It is important to pay attention not only for one-time costs (on the organization of the communication channel and the acquisition of the necessary equipment), but also on the tariff plan and the amount of monthly payments. We will spend the cost of connecting to services using wireless broadband access technology several times lower than on fiber optic communication lines, and in 2-3 times higher than when using XDSL technology. But when there is no appropriate infrastructure (cable network), this technology in the presence of basic wireless broadband access stations may be the only solution to the problem with communication in this area.

Type of Communication Technology Transmission speed Applications available for this technology
Speech, SMS. Email Transferring photography the Internet Video image
Mobile GSM, TDMA, PCS 9.6-14,4kbit / S. +. +/- - - -
GPRS, WCDMA. Up to 115kbit / s +. +. +. +. -
Fixed ISDN. 64kbit / S. +. +. +. +/- -
XDSL Up to 50Mbps +. +. +. +. +.
Fixed fiber optic channel Ethernet 100Mbps and more +. +. +. +. +.
On broadband radio channel MDMS. Up to 100 Mbps +. +. +. +. +.


The equipment installed by the owner of the cottage is divided depending on the type of switching into several categories. When applying a wired line (both with analog and digital ISDN communication standard), a telephone apparatus is required to transmit voice messages. It can be both a regular phone in which the tube and base are connected by a wire and more modern wireless models that use the DECT standard. This standard has a number of advantages; The main thing from these is noise immunity. This is not surprising because the TDMA technology originally applied in it was designed for large industrial premises, taking into account the possible high level of interference and a large density of subscribers. The maximum distance in which the reliable connection of the tube and the base in the room is ensured, is approximately 50m. At the same time, the power of the handset does not exceed 10 MW, which is safe for health. Devices supporting DECT standard are manufactured by many consumer electronics manufacturers. Among them are Sanyo, Panasonic (Japan), Philips (Netherlands), Thomson (France), Gigaset Series (Siemens, Germany), Samsung, LG (Korea). The cost of such a technology is $ 50-150.

Among other things, LG, for example, presented a new Russified GAP-compatible DECT-phone model GT-7165 with the function of the Russian Aona and a color LCD display, which reproduces 4096 colors. Also, the phone has a speakerphone mode (speakerphone), whose regulator provides six volume levels. We will talk in more detail on wireless information devices in the following articles.

To organize within the wired line, not only voice communication, but also a full-fledged home office, you can use the mini-PBX. Such household mini-PBX models like KX-TES824RU (PANASONIC), GDK-16 and GDK-20 (LG) allow you to guarantee the operation of several external and internal telephone lines, support the operation of the intercom and the Internet, faxes and mobile communications, provide their own The holder of a conference call, awakening the intercom and integrated voice mail. You can connect the Caparata and the "smart home" system, which will take control of all the livelihood and dwelling equipment. The cost of such a PBX is $ 200-300.

To connect a computer to the Internet and data exchange, there are modems (signal-demodulating devices). Depending on the signal transmission technology, they are analog and digital (ISDN, XDSL); For each technology, only a modem of a certain type is suitable. Structurally, these devices can be performed in housing and inappropriate variants (external and internal and on the board installed in the computer). The latter are usually cheaper, but less convenient to work. The cost of household modems is an average of $ 15-150. Among the well-known manufacturers are U.S.Robotics (USA), ACORP and ZYXEL (OBTAVAN).

With a significant removal of the cottage from cellular cell, you can recommend users of mobile phones to install a stationary antenna with a built-in amplifier. Such devices are expanding the zone of confident reception at 10-30km (compared to the usual mobile phone). The antenna is placed in the highest point of the area, most often on the roof of the house, and orient to the nearest base station. A set of such equipment will cost the buyer at $ 300-400.

Equipment for MDMS networks, as a rule, also consists of an antenna and a receiving-transmitting module (radio module). Radio module and antenna can be combined, such as in the CANOPY SM (Motorola, USA) series models. Such a model consists of a radio module with an integrated 60-degree directional antenna. Alpox cases internal module and outer directional antenna are performed in a separate version, both in the BreezeAccess models of Alvarion (Israel). Selection and installation of equipment for communication over the radio channel, which is better to solve with the representative of the provider company. The cost of the kit is $ 300-1000 (with installation and configuration).

Communication in the SV-band

Curious switching method can be carried out using radio transmitters operating at 27 MHz (11m). This frequency range was specifically highlighted for radio amateurs, so all over the world, it is also called a civilian range. To use it, the station must be registered in the main radio frequency center of the Russian Federation or its branches. By installing stationary radio stations in the urban apartment and outside the city, in the country, you provide yourself with a permanent link between them. Communication range can reach several tens of kilometers, and between the basic and portable stations - 10km. And for users, such a connection will be almost free, except for the cost of buying equipment. Mobile radio station will cost $ 50-150, base station, antenna and additional equipment - another $ 300-400.

The editors thanks the company "Vector Communication", "Vimpelkom", "Golden Telecom", "Comstar", "R. M.Telecom", "Central Telegraph", representative offices of LG, Philips, Samsung, Siemens for the help of the manufacture of material.

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