Things under supervision


Home Property Insurance Questions: Objects and Rules, Insurance Risks and Tariffs, Treaties Terms of Conclusion, Reimbursement Payment.

Things under supervision 13474_1

In some sense to be richer harder than the poor. When you have an apartment, a house, a car and expensive things, you already have something to lose. The arrow of your well-being does not give rest to the criminal elements. How to be? Imagine to pay for the safety of the proven property: to put the alarm, hire security and, of course, insure something than you own.

Things under supervision
Architect E. Mokievts

Photo of V.Nepledov Over the past two years, several materials devoted to insurance were published in our journal. It was about insurance of apartments and houses, mortgage insurance, insurance of responsibility in the repair and operation of housing. Today we propose to talk about the movement of property. What items cannot be the objects of insurance? What makes sense to insure? Is it possible to insure movable property separately? What time to buy insurance? How much does it cost and what does its price depend on? Will the refund on your insurance occasion be paid? Let's try to answer these questions.

What can not be insured?

If you think about, in our apartments and houses there are quite a lot of more or less valuable things with which I would not want to part. However, some of them cannot be considered as insurance facilities. It:

manuscripts, plans, schemes, drawings and other documents;

information on media of any kinds;

cash (in Russian or foreign currency);

securities (promotions, bills, etc.);

precious metals in nuggets, diamonds without frames;

Indoor plants, seedlings and seeds.

In addition, many insurers are not secretly making mobile phones for insurance. No company will insure the property in emergency buildings, living in which or the use of which is prohibited by state / municipal authorities. Anecute insurers refuse to deal with things stored in dilapidated buildings. In addition, things and items are usually ensured by insurance coverage only on the insurance site, that is, inside a particular house or apartment where their owner lives.

However, rare exceptions are possible from the rules. So, for example, the Alfactory Group will be responsible for cash that you have at home if you acquire the Alpha City Complex insurance policy. And "Rosgosstrakh" in some cases will be able to provide protection of property that you take with you, leaving on vacation or business trip.

Insurance and Insurance Objects

Things under supervision
"Consent" What should I insure? Those subjects and things that have the greatest moral or material value for you. Of course, no one will hurt to insure all the movable property existing in the house, but in any case you will have to form inventory. It will become an integral part of the insurance contract. You should not forget that the larger number of items you turn on the inventory, the higher the cost of insurance.

All property should belong to the insured or members of his family. Iwam will have to prove that you own them. For this you need to present appropriate documents, such as checks from stores,

Things under supervision

Dear agreement or certificate of inheritance.

Home furnishings, consumption, consumption, intended to meet household and cultural needs are accepted: Furniture, audio, video and photographic equipment, electronics and household appliances, musical instruments, clothing, linen, shoes, dishes, optical devices, eaves, Blinds, carpets, books, bicycles, baby carriages, toys IT.D. Separate product products from precious metals and diamonds, collections, paintings, antiques and other things that have a total cultural value or expensive personally for you. In principle, you can insure and hunting firearms (in the presence of permission for its storage and wearing), spare parts for vehicles, building materials, economic, garden and other equipment, carpentry and plumbing machines, pumps, lawn mowers IT.P., tombstones (monuments , fences, canopies) and much more.

What property do people insure most often? The majority of the insurers surveyed by us agreed that it is expensive audio and video equipment, furniture and fur products.

Speaking about the choice of insurance objects, all experts indicated the importance of the correct definition of their value and, accordingly, the sum insured. "If it is overestimated, the client will be forced to pay a too high insurance premium (contribution), but compensation will only receive in the amount not exceeding the actual value of the property, - explains Maryan Protasova, Deputy Head of the Studyer's Risk Insurance Department from fire and the accompanying hazards of the company" Capital Insurance ".- If the insurance amount is understated, the client will receive insurance payments in a proportional amount, determined as the ratio of the insurance amount specified in the insurance contract, to the actual value of the insured property established taking into account the wear of things. For example, if the client insured the deceiving property for $ 30 Common, and its actual value is $ 60 thousand, it will receive a refund of about $ 25 thousand. (50% of $ 60 thousand taking into account wear) ".

Colleague's thought continues Lyudmila Shukalabovich, Head of the Development Department of the Insurance Company "MRSS": "Missevelops to forget that when determining the sum insured, and then the size of the insurance compensation is calculated to wear property and money is paid on the basis of the purchase price of a similar subject on the day of the insurance certificate . Especially said applies to personal computers that are very quickly depreciated. "

In general, the insurance amount is established by the Agreement of the Parties (insurer and the insured) and cannot exceed the real value of the insurance (or objects) of insurance. The newly determined at the time of the conclusion of the insurance contract, "on the basis of the amount necessary for the acquisition of the subject, a fully similar to the insurance, less depreciation ...", as recorded, for example, in the rules for insurance of the company "Consent". It is clear that during the account of the insurance contract, the value of the property may decrease or increase. Checks will be made taking into account the price change.

All insurers are developing their techniques for determining the physical wear of the property. Here are some examples from Rosgosstrakh property insurance rules. Rooming rigid furniture (cabinets, tables, stands IT.P.), made of valuable wood, over the year of operation wear 2%, and made from chipboard or fiberboard and lined with veneer wood, painted IT.D.- by 3%. Stationary TVs and acoustic systems are "aging" per year by 6%, and, for example, computers, kitchen combines, dishwashers, coats and leather jackets - 10%. Women's dresses, blouses and skirts, as well as men's shirts and T-shirts wear out for 12 months by 20%, children's outerwear- by 30%.

Let's say if you decide to insure a fur coat purchased in the year before last, its market value will be determined today, and not at the time of acquisition (for two years this outerwear could rise in price by 30 percent), taking into account the wear - about 7% per year . It turns out that you purchased then for $ 2 thousand. The fur coat can now be estimated at $ 35. Minus 27 = 14%, that is, at about $ 2600.

This applies only to ordinary everyday things that the insured and its household use. The conditions of insurance of antiques, sculptures, paintings and other works of art are usually individual. Expert experts are involved in determining the actual value of this specific property, including independent appraisers. The fact is that now the market is flooded with high-quality fakes, and to distinguish them from originals for only a few professionals.

When buying insurance, it is important to correctly determine the insurance amount. It is established by agreement of the parties and cannot exceed the actual value of the property at its location on the day of the investigation contract. To calculate the amount required to purchase a fully similar subject, less depreciation.

Together or separately?

Things under supervision
Architect V. Gerasimova

Photo of V.Nepledov Movable property can be insured both separately, in itself, and together with decoration and equipment. When it comes to country houses, dachas and other buildings, a constructive is also added as an insurance object, that is, carrying elements of buildings. Here it is necessary to note that the greater the number of objects you choose (for example, constructive ++ finish + movable property), the lower the insurance rate for each of them.

"A person may insure only what he deems necessary, at least one fur coat in the closet," says Lyudmila Shukovich from MRSS. Another question is as appropriate. "Often, movable property separately insure people who take apartments and acquire household equipment, equipment, and sometimes furniture, - adds Artem Carpenters, Deputy Head of the Department of Property Insurance Department" Consent ". - In addition, some customers do not fear that Their apartment or house will suffer from a fire or bay, but they are afraid of thefts of jewelry, antiques IT.P. Then insure individual items from specific risks. "

"Most policyholders prefer to acquire an integrated insurance guardianship, its finishes and domestic property, - shares the experience of Dmitry Maslov, head of the Department of Property Insurance, Vice-President of Rosgosstrakh." But this does not mean that property cannot be insured separately. , not only on a complete package, but also for some one risk, say fire or theft. Everything will depend on the wishes of the client and the conditions of the insurance product. " In general, according to Maryanov Protasovoy from the company "Capital Insurance", comprehensive programs allow the owner of the property to choose between several possibilities: to insure structural elements with interior decoration and property or to all of each other add civil liability (risk of damage to neighbors). Intell, integrated insurance programs should be recognized most beneficial to customers.

In principle, you can insure anything, at least one fur coat in the closet. Another situation is paid for this. So comprehensive programs to insure simultaneously design elements of the house, its finishing and movable property inside are the most profitable.

For a year or nastyar?

Usually the property insurance contract is per year. It is about the cost of the policy at 12mes traditionally and speak. But will not be blocked by an apartment left unattended if you leave all the nasheyz? Will the cottage, abandoned by the inhabitants for the winter? Annual insurance is expensive, but for things scary ...

In all companies you can insure property for a period of up to the year. But the less period, the more expensive the policy will cost. That is, the tariffs are not directly proportional to the term of insurance. The conclusion of an insurance contract for 1mes will cost in different companies 15-25% of the annual tariff (and not 8%, as it would have happened, if divided by 12), 2 months - 30-35% (instead of 16%), for 3 months 40-50% IT.D. Investing the property for the period from 6 to 12 months in general is inappropriate - it is easier to acquire a normal annual policy.

Some companies offer special short-term insurance programs. For example, in Alpha Country Wekend, which allows you to protect the country house. At the same time, the insurer is responsible for the risks of death and damage to the property located in the client's apartment, on holidays and weekends. Moreover, regardless of whether there is no insured or is home. And Rosno offers the "Your Home and Leisure" policy, purchasing which you can secure your apartment and movable property at the time of vacation.

Risks and tariffs

Things under supervision

Movable property is insured either by a complete risk package, or from individual hazards. The full package usually includes a fire (arising from the lightning strike, an explosion of gas, arson or an accident in the electrical wiring), the bay (occurred due to flooding, lifting the level of the underwater waters, the accident of water supply, sewer, heating and fireproof networks, damage as a result of fire extinguishing, Penetration of water is
Things under supervision
"Alpha Insurance" of the adjacent premises), mechanical impact (from storm, hurricane, tidy, typhoon, earthquake, soil drawdowns, falling trees, including their branches, explosion of steam boilers, fuel storage facilities, machinery and apparatuses, vehicles. Falling aircraft), unlawful actions of third parties (theft in the presence of traces of hacking, robbery, robbery, hooliganism, vandalism). Extract companies can also insure the risk of "terrorism". For different things and items are relevant to their risks. For furniture and large-sized equipment - fire and bay, for coats and jewelry, robbery and theft.

In a complete risk package, movable property is beneficial to insure, since each risk will be calculated at the minimum rate. Here is the data on the Company "Consent": the basic tariff for a complete risk package will be equal to 0.66%, and if you choose individual risk groups listed above, and folded tariffs on them, in the amount it turns out 1.09%.

When determining the insurance tariff, it becomes very important where things are stored: inside apartments, country houses or cottages. At the incipation of "Capital Insurance" during insurance at a complete risk package there are tariffs 0.5-1.2% for movable property located in separate buildings, and 0.4-0.9% in apartments.

The value of the insurance premium (contribution), or the cost of the policy, is calculated as a work of the sum insured and the insurance tariff, expressed as a percentage. For example, if you want to insure movable property worth $ 30 thousand, located in the apartment, on a complete risk package, for annual insurance will have to pay $ 261-330 (tariff 0.87-1.1%), only from the abduction- $ 105-135 ( Tariff 0.35-0.45%), and, let's say, from damage to water- $ 45-60 (tariff 0.15-0.2%). The data are given by MDS.

The cost of the insurance policy depends on the number of risks you have chosen: fire, bay, unlawful actions of third parties IDR. What they are more, the lower the tariff for each. For example, when insuring a complete risk package, a total tariff may amount to 0.9%, and summing up tariffs separately, we will get about 1.5%.

Payment of compensation

Things under supervision
Designer-architect E.Romanova

Photo by E. and S. Morgunovy If you have an insured event, try to touch anything and not shift from the place (except for your inaction causing even more damage or create a threat to life or health surrounding). Call the police, firefighters, emergency or other services, depending on circumstances, and be sure to inform about what happened to the insurance company. Remember that without reference from the relevant state authorities, the insurer compensation will not pay you. The fact of what happened must be confirmed documented in writing.

Experts from the payment department of the insurance company are coming to the scene (everything is both in classical American detectives), and it is difficult to drag something from them. They are armed with cameras and have extensive experience in their shoulders. Ito is quite natural, because we are talking about money.

Not all companies quickly and with hunt pay insurance compensation. This is also spoken by the market participants themselves, and people who had to face an insured event. But what exactly is better not to do it to deceive the insurer (in terms of increasing the amount of damage, insulating the insured event, etc.). The input of the investigation of the details will certainly float out, and you can "make it up" to a criminal case ...

How to act in a fire or bay, everything is more or less clear. Avota applied to movable property the most acute and sick question. Going to insure your property from this risk, keep in mind that the absolute majority of companies insure movable property only from theft with hacking. If the door simply opened the key (you yourself, members of your family or attackers) and carried valuable things, there will be no insurance compensation. The fact of illegal actions of third parties must be confirmed by a certificate from the police that a criminal case was made on it and on its basis a criminal case was initiated. In the opposite, it is not for what.

The editors thanks Rosgosstrakh, AlfaStrakhovanie, "Consent", "Capital Insurance", "MDS" and "Interregional" for help in the preparation of material.

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