Correct installation


Air conditioners in urban apartments: installation of split systems according to the new rules of the LCD RF, the basics of the proper installation of climatic equipment.

Correct installation 13485_1

For air conditioning in apartments today, compact, low noise and inexpensive split systems are used. The popularity of these devices is very high. Hospital, their unsystematic and non-controlled installation for decades has led to a significant deterioration in the architectural appearance of many buildings in the cities of our country.

Correct installation

The external blocks of split-systems are attached, like warts, the facades of many buildings, and even architectural monuments are not insured. Often, for a person is not quite safe to stand nearby due to the threat of falling poorly fixed equipment. Obviously, soon the situation will change. Starting from 1Mart2005, when a new housing code was adopted (hereinafter referred to as the WHCRF), to install Split-systems and other stationary air conditioners in apartments, it is necessary to obtain permission to reorganize. Ot, how sisov this law is, so far not all citizens guess. Many even dare to mount the technique of unimpressive, counting on the condescension from the authorities and the ability to coordinate the already existing split system subsequently. However, this path is fraught with significant financial losses and serious (up to criminal) responsibility, especially if the technology of installing equipment is rudely broken.

Correct installation
Poor air conditioners: in such cramped conditions, they are clearly no longer extended ... We recommend that you strictly follow the requirements of the LCD of the Russian Federation. Before buying air conditioning, it is necessary to obtain permission of state authorities on its installation. Indeed, according to Article.25SKRF, installation of electrical equipment, including air conditioning (washing machine, boiler IT.P.), refers to the reorganization of the apartment. In accordance with Article.26SKRF should be carried out exclusively in coordination with the local authority (prefecture, administration of the district or city, but not with JVEC or Dz. Mount the air conditioner has the right only a licensed firm. But that's not all. According to the new rules, after installing the equipment, the Acceptance Commission consists of representatives of the exposure and local authority, as well as the manager and representative of the installer should be deposited. The Commission first estimates how the work was performed, and then the act confirming the correctness of the installation or the fixing flaws. In the early case, it will have to redo everything, after which re-cause the commission. The act of correctly completed installation of the air conditioner (reorganization) is sent to the organization that takes accounting objects of real estate of your city (that is, in BTI).

For example, in the capital, the installation of the air conditioner must be coordinated in the State Housing Inspection of Moscow (Moszhilospects). It is for her by a decree of the Government of Moscow No. 73-PP of 08.02.2005. The functions of the authorized body in coordinating reorganization and redevelopment are assigned.

According to paragraph 3 of Annex1 of this Regulation, today it is adopted such a multi-stage order of obtaining air conditioning permits in residential buildings.

At the first stage, you need to book the design of the installation of the air conditioner in a specialized organization that has a license for this kind of activity. The finished project is subject to coordination at the district level, as a rule, in the following instances:

architectural and planning management;

fire fighting service;

Sanitary and epidemiological service;

Balancer Building.

Correct installation
The architect of this building would certainly be delighted with such a "finalization" of the facade Prepare all the necessary applications and the project, you submit them to the "service of one window", which is truly one in every district, and a maximum after 45 years of days from the same "windows "There should be either a positive decision of the Moszhiliuspect on the possibility of installing the air conditioner, or a motivated failure. For the first case, you can proceed to mutual settlements with the installer company, secondly, or refuse to buy, or make it on your own risk.

Hospitaling, for those who have already installed air conditioning before the entry into force of the ZhCRF (up to 1mart 2005), amnesty "over the prescription" is not supposed to be a solution to this problem to the discretion of local authorities. For example, in the capital, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 883-PP dated 15.11.2005. Moskiline-Spectacles are provided with the right to agree on the reorganization previously performed in residential buildings, if they do not violate the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and do not create a threat to their lives and health . If the installation committed once does not succeed, the air conditioner will have to be dismantled. However, it is not necessary to despair even in this case. If you do not want to stay without a climate system, there is an option to purchase air conditioners of another design, to obtain permission to install which may be easier. You can also use the technique to which no permission at all (for example, mobile air conditioners).

Unauthorized reorganization of residential premises (installation of the split system) can lead to a violation of the legitimate rights of your neighbors or foreign citizens or the threat of their lives and health. Then you will have to be responsible in accordance with the legislation.

Risk and its consequences

Correct installation
Installation of air conditioners in the spirit of "wild" assembly brigades: tasteless, vandal and extremely unsafe

Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. If you fulfill the reorganization of the residential premises, as a result of which the rights and interests of your neighbors or foreign citizens will be broken or, which is even worse, the threat of their lives and health will arise, - then be prepared to bring punishment throughout the rigor of the law. In this case, you are waiting for criminal liability (let's say if the external block falls on the head of passersby, which will lead to grave consequences). Or financial losses, which, however, may be less significant than the cost of coordinating the reorganization, which will help you to make any particular law firm (in Moscow, such services are cost from 18 thousand rubles.). Meanwhile, in other places for the entire period of technical operation of the air conditioner, even extremely ugly and illiterately installed, for you with claims, no one can contact. Alas, these are the realities of Russian reality ...

According to Article.25SKRF, installation of the air conditioner is a reorganization of the apartment. In accordance with Article.26Whkrf, it should be carried out in coordination with the local authority of the self-government (with the prefecture or the administration of the district or city, but not with the JVEC or DEZ).

Technological Likbez

Correct installation
This house was built quite recently, but his "face" is already ulcerated by outer blocks of air conditioners. If you, contrary to our warnings, you still decided to install air conditioning, setting out the coordination of the redevelopment to better times, at least we take as carefully as possible to the question of choosing the installer . After all, now there are quite a few charlatans on the market that do not even know the basics of the proper installation of climatic equipment. Especially neatly need to act in the "high season", namely, in the heat, when there are tens of ads from "wild" (that is, not related to any firm working illegally) brigades, ready to install the air conditioner for half a power. Many of those who risked contact with such employees, Gorky regretted it. If possible, give preference to companies that are licensed to install air conditioners.

We will not familiarize yourself with the technology of installation of modern split systems. Please note that even competent specialists, saving time, strength or materials, sometimes violate the correctness of the technological process, which may well reflect on the quality of the installation of your air conditioner.

Recall (and for those who did not know, let's notify) that the split system consists of two blocks. One of them is mounted in the apartment openly or hidden, behind the tail ceiling. The second one is concluded the most noisy equipment (in appearance it resembles a suitcase) - located outside the apartment. Blocks are connected to each other tubes, which circulates freon, as well as electrical communications. To control the air conditioner, as a rule, the bullet is used almost the same as the TV. To determine the place of installation of the internal and external blocks of the Split system should be a qualified specialist (as a rule, this is a designer manager in which you made a purchase).

If there is no other place to install the split system, except on the facade of your home, try to get out of the position with maximum correctness. For example, color the outer block in the color of the building wall. Properly selected atmospheric paint will make the device almost inconspicuous.

Correct installation
Anti-vandal cells for air conditioners Place for the inner block Choose taking into account the functional requirements and features of the geometry of the room. It should be done so that the block is not subjected to direct exposure to moisture, sunlight and other sources of heat so that the air fill in the evaporator can easily undergo the air, and the service engineers it was convenient to adjust the conditioner and maintenance of the air conditioner. It is equally important that the condensate can be removed from the indoor unit to be best in the house sewage network.

Outdoor block In such a way that during the work he did not disturb the neighbors, and the warmly derived from the room is unhindered "reset" into the environment. The main thing is that the technique has harmonized with the architectural appearance of the building and no indicators were exceeded as the maximum allowable length of the refrigerant pipelines, the height difference between the outer and internal blocks.

In order not to post the equipment on the facade of an apartment building, in some cases it is logical to establish an outdoor unit on the floor of the loggia. Here he will not attract extraneous views to himself, and will acquire the most winning conditions of existence. Avot on a closed loggia The air conditioner will be in the extremely unfavorable situation: as a result of slow heat exchange with the ambient temperature, the temperature there will be very high, which can lead to a disruption of the refrigeration cycle, malfunctions in the operation of equipment and discomfort. Special technological niches and technical balconies are recently built for air conditioners. It is here that the operating building organization allows the external blocks of split systems.

Correct installation
Today, before installing the split system, a satellite antenna or just glazed the balcony, it is necessary to obtain permission from state authorities if there is no other place to install the air conditioner, except on the facade of the house, then it is better to get out of the position with maximum correctness. Let's say, take and paint the outdoor unit in the color of the building wall. Properly chosen atmospheric paint allows you to make the device on the facade almost indistinguishable. The color of external blocks in the required color carries out a number of climatic companies operating in the Moscow market. However, there is nothing complicated in this procedure, people who do not have such experience will completely cope with it. The estimated cost of the color of the air conditioner body in the color of the facade - $ 100.

The hardware of the equipment is better not to mount the outdoor unit where the predominant wind is directed to the air conditioner (the normal operation of the fan), as well as on the sunny side (the straight rays of the sun can provoke a protective disabling device due to overheating) and near the trees (foliage litters heat exchanger ). It is forbidden to install outdoor blocks directly on Earth and in those places where they can be covered with snow, stained, flooded with rain or wastewater, where there is a possibility of leakage of explosive gases (in particular, near the gas pipes laid at the second floor level on the walls of gasified buildings. ).

In no case should not be mounted an outdoor unit on a fragile base, for example on a wall of hollow brick or thin metal. The harness of the support structure almost always becomes the cause of excessive noise, which takes a lot of strength and means to eliminate. There are cases when heavy (up to 80kg) external block fell on the roadway or on the sidewalk. To avoid similar troubles, it is recommended to abandon the use of fragile mounting surfaces, as well as homemade brackets that do not correspond to the actual load of anchors.

There is an alternative!

Correct installation

Correct installation

Suppose it is impossible to install the split system in the apartment, because there is no place for the outdoor unit on the facade. However, the lack of coolness in the summer you feel fully. In this case, you can advise other equipment that will absolutely not affect the appearance of the house. Among the most affordable solutions (not distinguished, however, too high comfort) we will call mobile air conditioning-monoblocks.

Correct installation
The mobile air conditioner hose is released in a dialing window (A). It is not economically in terms of the efficiency of cooling or heating air indoors. It is better to cut the neat hole in the glazing and install the air valve (b) on the device they are very similar to the window air conditioners, with the only difference that does not "stick out in the window", and have an air duct up to 5m, which can be connected to the wall in the wall, The window or, in the end, put out the opening window (this is exactly how most of our fellow citizens do). This air duct is not for the fence of the outer air, but to utilize the heat released. Mobile air conditioners themselves are based on complete recycling. They are very comfortable with frequent moving - "Microclimate" travels with you (for example, to the country).

Since in any mobile air conditioner, the compressor is indoors, and its noise characteristics are close to the indicators of the external block of the usual split system, the manufacturers are extremely reluctant to call their exact value. For this reason, when buying, be sure to test the device at the maximum fan speed. Find out the capacity of the condensate collector (at mobile monoblocks). If it is too small, you have to merge water every two or three hours. It is also worth paying attention to the size and mass of the apparatus, since they affect its main advantage of mobility.

Correct installation
Another air conditioned facade Internal and external blocks are connected Through the hole in the wall by means of pipelines with refrigerant and electrical wiring. The hole is drilled by a perforator with a bromide diameter of 45-70mm. At the same time, installers must be taken special caution, since the walls can be placed in the wall, electrical wiring, and gas center highways. The hole is usually performed with a small external bias so that the moisture does not fall into the room during the rain. Works should be done with the help of a professional tool from two sides, towards each other. And "Cleells" from various one-day companies (which, unfortunately, disappear without a trace at the end of the season, along with the hope of the customer for free warranty service) do not comply with this condition. Therefore, a huge chole is often formed at the exit of the borah from the wall.

The resource of the air conditioner depends largely on how well the copper pipelines are mounted. Hospitality, a non-professional is difficult to control the course of the implementation of these actions, besides, marriage manifests itself only after some time.

Correct installation
In the houses with the central air conditioning system, the facade is clean: air conditioners (fan coils) put only in apartments However, some signs can be judged by low quality installation. For example, when installing an air conditioner, seamless copper pipes should be used only than the thickness that is specified in the manufacturer's instructions. For their cutting applied Truborez. Cutting pipes with knife can not be a metal chips that fell to the internal surfaces of freon communications will lead to a breakdown of the compressor when the air conditioner is first. In addition, the hacksaw does not give perfectly smooth cut, which means it does not allow quality to clean the edges and flaw up the tubes at the ends with the help of rolling and rolling. Poor processing of edges and roller leads to the leakage of gas and failures in the operation of the air conditioner. To avoid the chances, it is necessary to use pipe bender for flexing the pipe. Regardless of the air conditioner model, pipelines should be thermally insulated separately. The absence of insulation is fraught with the appearance of condensate on the surface of the pipes and unjustified loss of energy.

When installing the electrocable and drainage pipeline Special problems usually do not occur. Nevertheless, it is worth ensuring that the cross section of the cable and the parameters of the protective automaton located on the electrical panel of the apartment correspond to the air conditioner power, and all electrical equipment is grounded. In addition, the drainage hose must be mounted without chances and breakthroughs. Pipelines, electrical wires and drain hose on both sides of the air-conditioned room are connected, and then wrapped with a reinforcing ribbon in the bottom upward direction. At the facade, this "bundle" is placed in the box, after which the hole in the wall is filled with heat insulator (mounting foam). Spear should be treated very carefully, since with rough cutting and negligent installation, it can worsen the interior or the appearance of outdoor walls.

Installers test equipment before surrender. Determine the voltage in the network, the power consumption of the air conditioner, the refrigerant pressure, measure the temperature at the inlet and outlet from the indoor unit, produce refueling or refrigerant booming.

Testing Equipment in all modes installers are carried out immediately after it starts. At the same time, the voltage in the network, the power consumption of the air conditioner, the refrigerant pressure, the temperature at the input and outlet from the indoor unit are measured. If necessary, make refueling or refrigerant booming. Only after completing all these procedures, the air conditioner is put into operation to the customer.

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