Bath in pleasure


Bath market overview for home "Aquatorium": varieties used materials, installation principles. Additional accessories.

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Bath in pleasure
Bath in pleasure
First, cast iron baths are cast in the oven, after which the powder pour into the hot surface through a special sieve, when the enamel turns into enamel
Bath in pleasure
Under the plexiglass lid in the side of the bath from Svedbergs are hidden mixer and shower
Bath in pleasure
Today, some manufacturers produce models created by world-famous designers, such as Philip Stark. Model Starck1, Duravit (Germany)
Bath in pleasure
The prototype of the modern bath was a wooden barrel, where in the Middle Ages we were closed right in yoggy
Bath in pleasure
The structural legs with adjustable screws will cost several times more expensive
Bath in pleasure
Built-in bath Praga (Jika, Czech Republic)
Bath in pleasure
Miscellaneous on the form of the form is decorated with highly original legs, besides, such models are usually equipped with a side suspension system
Bath in pleasure
Moisture-resistant base of valuable breeds - fashionable today Trend for luxury baths (Moderna from Doctor Jet)
Bath in pleasure
The market contains baths of various forms
Bath in pleasure
Gustavsberg baths around the perimeter are trimmed with wooden panels treated with moisture protection impregnation
Bath in pleasure
Some manufacturers offer baths equipped with a glass "curtain"


Bath in pleasure

Big baths should be selected at the construction stage.

Bath in pleasure
Caluna's bathtub from Keramag (Germany) has a depth 45cm and is equipped with a headrest-polyurethane pillow
Bath in pleasure
Photo by Dmitry Minkina

Socket of semi-automatic node overflow

Bath in pleasure
Photo by Dmitry Minkina

To fill the bath through the hole of the overflow, a device with a combined water connection will be required, while the mixer (without spinning) can be mounted in any convenient location.

Bath in pleasure
Photo by Dmitry Minkina

Ochash, and the side panels of the magnum bath from "astro-forms" are made of painted cast marble

Bath in pleasure
Photo by Dmitry Minkina

Decorative cast marble panels are installed on legs that can be adjusted in height

Bath in pleasure
Corner acrylic bath Swing Neu from Ideal Standard
Bath in pleasure
The portofino series from Duscholux includes detached and built-in acrylic baths, ready for connecting
Bath in pleasure
Classic forms of the Acrylic Series Epura from Villeroy Boch
Bath in pleasure
In the production of its products, Radomir (Russia) takes into account the size of Russian bathrooms and even the width of the doorways. "Antique" bath "Titan"
Bath in pleasure
Japanese motifs from GalaTea (model Gowa3)
Bath in pleasure
Oval Bath Nexus Ambiance with original facing from Villeroy Boch
Bath in pleasure
Photo by Dmitry Minkina

Acrylic baths are supplied with frame frames that can be adjusted in height. This allows you to install the product even on an uneven surface.

The bathroom for the us will not be too big, but the territory deceived from all over the world where purity and comfort rule. Many begin to equip their home "water management" from the main bath. We will tell this article about their varieties, manufacturers, design and price. We will try to dispel some prejudices that have developed around the models of the new generation.

Take a bath - a very ancient tradition, originated in countries with a warm climate. Armenia Egypt, Greece and Rome were standing up in baths carved from a solid piece of marble or cast from copper and even silver. But when Europe captured the barbarians, people wash ... stopped. In general, in the Middle Ages, it was the opinion that water corrosive the skin and spreads the disease. Over time, wooden barrels began to use wooden barrels to be used for rare bathings "On Holidays", where they were closed right in yoggy. Rich beauties preferred to be in fault or, according to the recipe of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra, in milk. But the custom regularly taking the bath did not exist until the XVIII century.

The modern habit of daily ablution we owe the favorite of the French king LouisvikXV Madame Pompadur, thanks to which this procedure has become fashionable and entered everyday life. Portable zinc or copper troughs put for convenience in the boudoons to the toilet table. AK Middle XIX century European houses began to equip a special bathroom with a water supply.

Cast iron baths

The cast-iron enameled baths that appeared in the second half of the XIX century are still very popular. The method of their production has not changed from those distant times, but today modern technologies are used to obtain a better surface. Initially, the cast iron is molded in a given form. To destroy the scale and irregularities, the resulting workpiece is treated with a shot blasting machine. To ensure good enamel enamel with a metal basis, European manufacturers also resort to additional "bombardment" of the surface of the bath with metal prisms.

The quality of the enamel is a very important parameter that determines the timing of the product service. For example, in the domestic production to the composition of the enamel, zirconium salts are introduced, so our models have a "loose", the rust of water is eaten into such a quick, it is easy to scratch it. The fragrance is delivered cheap cast iron baths from Turkey: their enamel often suffers from damage to the packaging, and hidden cracks can occur in the chungy itself.

In addition to Russian and Turkish plants, cast-iron enameled baths produce Roca (Spain), Kaldewei (Germany), Herbeau, Porcher, Jacob Delafon (France), Recor (Portugal). Imported models are made of thinner cast iron (about 5mm thick) and covered high-quality enamel. On a split surface of the bath through a special sieve, a smooth layer is poured powder, when the enamel turns into enamel. For the process of applying enamel, a specialist is watching, and if he notes that the coating is obtained uneven tone (somewhere whiter, somewhere gray), submits to "weak" places an additional portion of the mixture. The total of powder includes Titan's salts, which makes the enamel smooth and wear-resistant. The quality of the coating of European cast iron baths is approximately the same, but the Spaniards have a white enamel a slightly noticeable cream shade. In addition, imported products are characterized by a smaller mass (120-130 kg) and are installed on the lock-screw legs adjustable in height (Russian models are also completed today with legs).

In the future, samples are presented in our market, quite modern and design, and the set of accessories. Let's say the bath 17085cm of the Akiro series (from $ 400) of the Roca factory has a three-layer lacquer coating that makes the inner surface of the bowl of smooth, and is equipped with a headrest, chrome-plated handles, as well as overflow. Volume (18090cm) SUPER REPOS luxury model (from $ 700) from Jacob Delafon, except chrome handles, equipped with comfortable armrests, special recesses under the back and head, and on its end side you can put a mixer for three holes and a shower can with a hidden hose. It is very different from the standard cast iron baths familiar to us for us (from $ 600) from Porchar with a seat and large handrails. The dimensions of Romaine (18086cm) allow you to get in it with enviable comfort. Note: "Dry" weight of such a bath, which contains 215l water, is only 126kg.

As for the cost, then for the domestic model of the production of Kirovsky, Perm or Novokuznetsk plant will have to lay out $ 100-130. The simplest European Economy Bath without equipment and accessories will cost $ 150-200. A semi-automatic drain-overflow to it costs about $ 20-35, internal chrome handles - another $ 50-90, legs-supports - $ 30-60. For a sample of comfort class, you must pay from $ 300 to $ 500. For example, the price of the METROPOLE model (17070cm) from Porcher with internal handles, notches of anti-skid and height-adjustable legs-$ 310. A small (14070cm) SOISSONS bath from Jacob Delafon, equipped with legs, costs $ 240. Products with a more comfortable equipped internal volume are more expensive, because with their production there is a non-standard snap-in. The Antares bath from Jacob Delafon with dimensions 17080cm, postponed armrests and chrome handles will cost $ 500. The price of particularly complex, unusual models of the Delux category can reach $ 2000-3000.

Steel baths

A good alternative to cast-iron baths - steel enameled. They are easier and approximately 40% cheaper. Such models are suitable for installation in old houses, where loads on overlappings are limited; It is very strong and comfortable, their mass on average is 25-30 kg (with a thickness of the walls of 2.5-3mm), and the service life is quite large (25-30 years). Valid dreams from cast-iron, steel baths warming up faster: before climbing inside, it is enough to rinse the bowl of hot water from the shower. From the stainless steel sheet, the method of stamping formulates a variety of bath design - from classic rectangular, with a simple oval trough, to non-standard, calculated on two people. Today in plumbing salons you can buy models of ARISTON (Italy), Kaldewei (Germany), Metaliberica, Gala (Spain), Svedbergs (Sweden), IDO (Finland). Products made of steel also produce Jacob Delafon, Porcher and Roca. The cost of the steel bath directly depends on the thickness of the steel sheet, from which it is made, and the complexity of the form. The approval of the unreliability of enamel (covered by a network of small cracks) is valid only in relation to the economy class models made from the thin steel sheet (1.5-2.5 mm). The walls of the bed of 1.5 mm will be deformed when filling, and over time, the enamel will inevitably begin to crack. If the overall (17070cm) steel bath weighs only 20 kg, it means that its walls have an insufficient thickness and she will last long. High-quality products produce from 3.5-millimeter steel. Quartz enamel is literally literally in the steel sheet and practically does not scratch (in contrast to the cast iron coating and the more acrylic samples). Weight such a bath is about 30-50kg (and pig-iron - 100-120kg). The warranty is given for 30 years.

Concerns about too fast cooling of water in the steel bath are greatly exaggerated. Since the thermal conductivity of steel and cast iron is almost the same, the time of cooling depends only on the thickness of the walls of the product: the difference of 1.5 cm per 1 hour reduces the water temperature in the steel bath for 1C.

Another prejudice, established around steel: water-filled bath terribly rattling. In fact, several elementary ways have long been found to get rid of this shortage immediately when installing the product. Previously, thin-walled steel baths offered to put in a trough with sand. Now for sound insulation and conservation of heat of water in the bath is used by mounting foam. In addition, some manufacturers offer special anti-constructing stands to their models. For example, for steel baths from Kaldewei, you can buy a stand from the styrene-material similar to the foam. The stiropal stand is installed directly to the overlap, has audit windows for a drain set and a mixer liner and is specifically designed for tile lining. Bath itself is located in the stand, getting more and additional stability.

One of the most important components of the quality (and prices) of the steel bath is its working surface, that is, the actual enamelled coating. Student bath enamel, as a rule, is 2-3 times thicker. This is due to the process of their production, in which enamel is applied in 5 receptions. The result of the coating layer is very thick, which in itself is not an advantage: on the contrary, the thicker enamel, the less its impact resistance. In practice, this leads to the fact that the products made of cast iron often have chips on the surface. Kaldewei makes a thin and durable enamel coating on the entire body (the outer side is processed by a special pigmented enamel), not fearing shocks, corrosion and easily purified by ordinary household goods to care for tiles and glass.

Standard steel models of a quadrangular form of production of domestic metallurgical plants (Lipetsk, Verkhnevsky), as well as the Ukrainian enterprise "Luganskemal" will cost $ 50-70. The cost of European samples is from $ 150-200. For products from the category of comfort (190100cm size, with extensions for a shower or large octagonal, detached or angular versions) will have to pay from 500 to 1000. Designer baths are even more expensive - from 1000 to 3000 and higher.

Bath in pleasure
Oleg Petrov, Sales Manager MIRSHNA SALE "Choosing a cast-iron bath, pay attention to the enamel tone, it should be the same throughout the surface. When buying a steel bath, try to move the sample. The model from high-quality steel sheet is not so easy. Good enamel Steel bath does not scratch - in the cabin plumbing can demonstrate it, having conducted a key on the surface. Be sure to knock on metal products and compare the sound: "voice" of a steel bath with rubber gaskets (Kaldewei) even gloach than cast-iron. "

Baths from Acryla

To be accurate, then the common phrase "acrylic bath" is not entirely correct. Usually they say about products made from plumbing polymethyl methacrylate. This is a synthetic polymer, which relates to a category of thermoplastics capable of heating to a certain temperature to soften and make the form specified by it, and when cooled, maintain it. The material is called a plumbing acrylic. Therefore, in order not to get confused in terms, in the following presentation we will use the usual expression "acrylic bath".

Acrylic baths - European passion, although more often this material is used for shower pallets and, in particular, for hot tubs. Europe with great pleasure switched to Acryl, known there for 30 years. Unas acrylic models were widespread in the last 10 years, and now plumbing shops are present both import and domestic samples.

Acryl in itself the material is transparent, but for the baths, a milky white acrylic is used, in which a special powder that gives it a characteristic color and opacity is added during casting acrylic sheet. Therefore, the surface of acrylic products is glossy, the light on it overflows and plays.

The process of manufacturing baths consists of several stages. To create the volume of the desired form, the thermopallium-forming or vacuum extractor is used. The acrylic sheet of 4-5mm thick is heated to 130-160s, which makes it pliable and elastic, and then formulate in the mold, then cooled. The second important stage of production is reinforcing the workpiece. To do this, the bath from the outer side is covered with a mixture of heated epoxy (or polyester) resin and fiberglass (cutting caps). Thoroughly, the mixture gives the product stiffness and strength. To uniformly frozen the mixture and removal of internal and surface stresses, the bath is dried in thermal shock. From domestic manufacturers, this installation is currently used by Akrilan and Doctor Jet. Next, the edges of the acrylic bowl are cut, removing the oblast and thereby forming flights. The more reinforcement layers, the more reliable and the stronger bath. Since each layer requires drying, the whole process of manufacturing a quality product can occupy up to 24 hours. Accordingly, with an increase in the number of reinforcing layers, the price of the bath itself is growing.

To create a complex form models, more plastic acrylic is required, and among acrylics are reliable, those that are tougher, but they are not so easily molding. So here either a fancy design, or a high wear resistance - something one.

Clean leaf acrylic (it is also called molding acrylic) - the material is very expensive, and the baths from the sheets of 4 and 6mm with equal conditions will differ at a price of two or three times. Some manufacturers (TEUCO, Guzzini, Doctor Jet IDR) Along with the traditional acrylic, extruded polymeric materials are used, such as two-layer plumbing plastic sheets with a thickness of 4 to 8 mm. Soak plastic top, the front side acrylic (layer 1-1,5mm), and the lower, carrier, from durable ABS plastic (sufficiently say that it is used for the manufacture of automotive bumpers). However, when the bath molding, the acrylic layer becomes thin, and random mechanical damage can lead to the fact that water will interact with ABS plastic, which, in turn, is not moisture-resistant material.

Thus, the walls of the product are "sandwich" from acrylic (2-4mm) and ABS plastics (4-6mm). The odd side plastic bowl is covered with a layer of polyester resin and finely discharged fiberglass (4mm), followed by a special porous plastic playing the role of heat and sound insulation (characteristics of the material, which is called, is the secret of the company). The carrier layer gives the bath impact resistance and stability, serves as an additional reinforcing layer and allows you to produce models with clear rectangular shapes or roundings with a very small radius (which is problematic if dealing with cast acrylic). Pensionered products Fullies, angles and sides at the time of applying the reinforcing mixture are additionally enhanced by DSV type sheets (bath legs are usually attached to them). Thus, the uniformity of the distribution of loads on the body is ensured, so that neither the bottom, nor the sides have rushed. Models from the ABS + Acryl composite externally do not differ from traditional acrylic and have the same advantages.

The collar bath has some unconditional advantages. The first weight (only 20-45kg, depending on the size), which significantly facilitates its transportation and installation. Secondly deaf sound when filling, because acrylic is a sound-absorbing material. In addition, bacteria are poorly multiplied with acrylic, which is important for the product constantly in contact with water. Isaoy main quality that is pleasing all users (lovers to sit on a side or brought in a dry bath to take a shower), - the acrylic bowl is warm to the touch! The reason for this simple material has low thermal conductivity.

Hospital, acrylic differs not among only positive properties: in such a bath you can not soak underwear, its surface is easy to scratch, and the fallen lit cigarette is able to melt the surface. Asaous is unpleasant, which, despite the assurances of manufacturers (acrylic is high strength, and if a heavy item is to drop into the bath, then nothing happens to it), during operation, a crack can pass on the body. It rarely, but it happens from pressure when overflow of water.

However, the care for an acrylic product involves almost complete restoration of its initial species even in case of serious damage. The valuable quality of the bath is the ability to remove scratches (only for samples from injection acrylic), inevitably appearing over time on the surface, and stains. Professionals use the most "gentle" emery paper for this, carefully pouring a detected defect, and then renewing the brilliance of polishing paste. The most affordable method for self-use is to use a soft cloth with toothpaste. But this does not mean that in an acrylic bath you can wash a dog - from claws will remain traces that are not a decompat. It is not constantly recommended to resort to such a procedure, since the acrylic layer is imperceptibly thinned from each such operation.

The price range for acrylic baths is very wide, and much more companies are presented in the Russian market, producing this type of product than those that act in the discharge of steel or cast iron products. Prosusia Acrylic Models now offer all major manufacturers: Albatros, Guzzini, Teuco, Jacuzzi (Italy), Galatea, Bamberger, Duscholux, Hoesch, Villeroy Boch (Germany), Balteco (Estonia), Pamos (Austria), Doctor Jet, Akrilan ( Russia), Pool-SPA (Factory belongs to Spanish Roca), as well as Svedbergs, IDO, International Concern Ideal Standard Idre. Sanitec baths cost about $ 250; Products of domestic companies "Aquatika", Akrilan and "Promhimassource XXI" - $ 250-400, somewhat more expensive model from Doctor Jet - from $ 500. Cacon-Class include products of the German company Ideal Standard and Austrian Pamos worth about $ 400-500. Bath prices Albatros Factory (Italy) and Villeroy Boch (Germany) fluctuate depending on the category (class) of products from $ 700 to $ 2500. Warranty on acrylic - 1 year.

Bath in pleasure
Roman Potapov, Customer Service Manager "Premier Ceramics" Commercial System "Usually, if the buyer does not need a bath with hydromassage, it chooses not acrylic, and steel or cast iron. Still acrylic scratched. Ana steel baths long warranty. Externally, they look It is better than cast-iron, they have a smoother enamel. It is important to only correct the steel model correctly. The plumbing bath is not necessarily higher than on the market.

There is a notion of the "recommended price", which the manufacturer offers, and shops and large building markets are adhered to. They give a guarantee coupon for the purchase (two weeks) and provide service services. Avot from the purchase of a bath on a cheap small market is better to refuse, often there is no cashier on it, there is nothing to say about quality control. "

Composite materials

In addition to the most common materials described above, the so-called composite materials are used for the manufacture of baths today with the addition of natural filler (stone crumb).

The injection marble (or polymerbeton) looks like a natural stone: the most popular samples are malachite, onyx, marble. The baths from this material are durable, resistant to external influences, the occurrence of spots, bacteria, but, like other polymers, injection marble is afraid of abrasives. It makes products of any color, which concerns the forms, the angular and detached variants, multifaceted bowls or traditional rectangular models are presented. Ktaka Bath You can choose the entire plumbing site from cast marble at once. For example, "new technologies +", "onyx-polymer" offer similar solutions to the interior of the bathroom. Domestic products, subject to their acquisition from the manufacturer (here the choice is wide) cost from $ 250, but foreign copies are significantly more expensive and depending on the model will cost $ 600-1500.

As if striving to reconcile fans of solid steel and warm acrylic baths, Kaldewei designed samples from the material called Starylan (Starilan). The working surface of such products is high quality acrylic, and below is a durable steel form, made of a single sheet steel. Both "shells" are compressed through a special substrate from the composite material at an effort of 500 tons for several hours, and it turns out a silent, perfectly holding heat, a durable housing for those who love soft, warm to the touch acrylic surface and at the same time Appreciates stability and goodness. Bath prices from Starilan are 20-30% higher than the usual steel.

The invention of the Villeroy Boch-Quaril (or a kvaril) can be attributed from the latest developments, which is a mixture of acrylic with a quartz powder, which is molded (the heated mixture is pumped into the steel form polished to the mirror gloss, and the finished product is extracted) . Baths from Quaril are heavier than acrylic, but easier cast iron and made of molded marble, which simplifies their installation and reduces the risk of damage during transportation and installation. Thanks to the addition of quartz, the caryil model does not need reinforcement as acrylic, and in thickness exceeds it. Karil has a very low thermal conductivity coefficient, and therefore warm to the touch (the bath is slowly cooled). Due to the fact that the coaril body itself has increased strength, its walls are permissible to do almost with rigorous, vertical, so that the sloping side planes characteristic of cast-iron and acrylic samples are not required here. This implies a fundamentally different inner volume of the bath. Model dimensions 18080cm will already get to sit down stretching the legs (in the case of an acrylic, it is possible at a bath length of 200cm). That is, with medium outdoor dimensions, the bowl of the Quaril turns out to be significantly more spacious from the inside. There are no less than $ 1000 baths from Quaarila. Copyers supplied to Russia are usually the result of cooperation with well-known designers, so the buyer will have to pay not only for the complex production technology, but also for a loud name. However, the toilet bowls and sinks are not made, and consequently, the selection of the rest of the plumbing suitable in color and design will cause some difficulties.

Big and small

In general, with a standard layout of the bathroom, the place allotted under the bath allows you to install the product with a length or 120cm (sedentary option), or a more common 150 or 170-centimeter "classic". But this does not mean that the search for a meter bath or, on the contrary, a length of 180 or even 190cm will be some difficulty. On the contrary, often the model of the same design is performed immediately in several versions, so that the buyer is easier to choose a suitable "appeal".

Bath width is also an important factor, especially for "big" people. Usually, the longer the product, the more wider: with a length of 100-170 cm width, as a rule, is 70 cm, less often 75 cm, and with a length of 180-190 cm it is 80-90 cm.

Be sure to take into account the ergonomic aspect: you should be comfortable in the bath. Since they do not test it in advance, it is possible to determine it only by the simplest mathematical calculations, selecting the dimensions under their growth and habits. A ridiculous bath (more than 170cm) in the position of half a walk to a comfortable high person, and the winner of medium height will inevitably "crawl" in it with head under water. The half-sidewal position is convenient only if there is stop for the legs (the variant of the short model), however, in such a position it is quite difficult to achieve relaxation. However, not to freeze, the water level in the bowl should be higher, which means that the bath must have a non-standard height (more than 50 cm).

Usually acrylic products are higher (56-60cm) than steel and cast-iron, and they have more volume. Such a bath with a size of 17070cm and a height of 60cm contains up to 250 liters of water, the maximum amount of angular model (154154cm) - 300l. Standard lathery of metal baths with the same amount (17070cm), but less height is about 150l; Instances 17080cm - 200l. However, the case here is not only in the height of the walls, but also in their thickness. Stern all are focused on the external dimensions of the hull (and this is understandable, otherwise how to calculate whether the bath will be in the space allotted for it). But according to the internal parameters, the product is very different from each other. Due to the thickness of the walls, often wide sides and, the main, gentle side surfaces, the volume of the cast iron model is less than the acrylic. After all, as already mentioned above, technologically acrylic allows you to make the walls of the bath with sheer, and borties are narrow, and therefore, it turns out more.

The bottom drain hole can be located both on the side and in the middle of the bath, regardless of its configuration and material. To ensure safety and the proper level of the comfort of the model are often equipped with handles. Shrouded baths for convenience The form bends, forming armrests, like a chair. Headrest is either the same bending bowls in the headboard, or an attached polyurethane pillow kit.

As a whole assortment of baths of unusual forms and sizes in the Russian market is quite large. There are corner (usually inscribed in the square 150150cm), and hexagonal on board, and models for two.

For what?

Such a question often arises from the buyer when the reasons for it are incomprehensible to it similar baths vary in the price of several thousand rubles. If you compare European medium-level samples, their cost increases depending on the material (ascending): steel, cast iron, acrylic.

The highest difference in price is determined by the design model. Of course, the most expensive products made by the designer with a loud name. KRYMERA, the acrylic bath of the German company Duravit, designed by the famous Philip Stark, costs almost $ 30,000.

The size, of course, is also important. The price of the same model having different dimensions may vary in the amount of $ 30 to $ 100. But if the medium size of the bath is very expensive, it means that its value is laid again an unusual nature of the form. The oval cast iron model in retro style Kleo from Jacob Delafon, covered with enamel from the inner and outer side and designed for installation on curly legs in the middle of the bathroom, costs almost 84 thousand rubles. - due to design.

Colored baths (6-7 color options) will also cost more (perhaps per thousand rubles), because manufacturers do not produce them in large parties, and wait until a certain number of orders have been accumulated. Therefore, with the installation of the selected model, you will have to wait (the deadline for completing the order by the European factory can reach 75 days).

The charge per hand is about 1.5 thousand rubles., The difference in the cost is also the type of coating (chromium or gold), and the design, and the fastening method. It is more convenient to operate such a design of the handles, where they are planting the sleeves pressed into the cast iron, tightened with screws and rearranged by plugs. The trace of the use of the handle may lightly break out, in which case the fastener should be tightened.

Fward to the bath

So, you have decided which model is suitable for price, sizes and appearance. Be prepared for the fact that the price, as a rule, includes only the cost of the housing with holes for drain and overflow. All accessories needed for mounting baths (drain fittings, set of legs or installation frame, decorative panels IT.), you will have to buy separately. True, a number of firms (Balteco, Doctor Jet, Roca, Teuco) offers fully equipped products, but this also applies to the main models of economy class or class "Standard". Produces of other companies at best in the cost of the bath includes adjustable leg height.

Forward queue, you need to purchase a overflow system. For baths used systems made of metal, plastic or brass. They have two drain holes - upper and bottom edition, as well as a flexible corrugated pipe. The overflow system can be sold separately, but more often comes complete with a siphon of a knee type with a hydrotherap (it provides insulation of odors rising from the sewer rim). For baths use plastic or metal siphons of small sizes. However, it is believed that the height of the siphon should be at least 35mm, otherwise the sewage smells can be penetrated through the thorough hydroplays.

A simple standard plastic overflow with a plug on a domestic bath chain costs $ 10-25. The European analogue is more expensive. On the market there were overflows, the siphone node of which is equipped with a swivel hinge (for example, HL 555N from Hutterer Lechner). This help the removal nozzle (the vacanted tube of the sewer system is connected to it) can be rotated in the horizontal plane by 280, and to vertical - lean to an angle about 10. This is very convenient, since it is easier to connect to sewage at any position in the bathroom. There is such a "convenience" from $ 50 to $ 80. There are also semi-automatic systems (such as A55 from Alcaplast) when the rosette of the rebel is connected to the bottom valve of the release. In the case, the socket performs two functions: first, it serves as protection against overflow of water from the bath, and secondly, it closes and opens with a cable of a cone valve bottom drain. Manually rotate the sockets in one direction closes the bottom valve, and in another- lifts it, and the water merges. The device can be purchased for $ 50-100, and a model with a rotary hinge - for $ 60-130. If you do not want to install an additional crane for filling the bath, you will need a pouring unit to which the pipe from the mixer (special, without spinning) is connected. The latter is mounted at any convenient location. Filling the bath will be carried out through the hole of the overflow. A device with a combined water connection costs from about $ 120 to $ 200. All necessary drain fittings are produced by Viega, Kludi (Germany), Geberit (Switzerland), Jimten (Spain), Alcaplast (Poland), Wirquin Plastiques (France), Hutterer Lechner (Austria) IDR. The reinforcement makes some bath manufacturers (for example, Ideal Standard, Villeroy Boch), so, buying a bath in branded salons, you can equip it with a set of equipment, which is called from one hand.

The handles are included with the bathroom, if they are provided with the design, but in stores you can purchase any other models to your taste. The structural legs are offered to choose from: for simple it is necessary to pay about $ 3, equipped with adjustable screws will cost about $ 70. For attaching acrylic baths of some types (for example, angular), you will need a frame of rigidity and racks. Their price is almost $ 200.

And it is necessary to purchase a suitable mixer to be purchased for a bathtub with a sink mixer. The size of the device is selected with such a calculation so that the water jet does not fall on the side of the bath.


It is better to deliver a bath when the street is not too cold (-10С is considered to be a critical mark). For more than a year after transportation, you will have to wait another day before installing so that the newcomer has time to "adapt". Installation of the bath should be engaged in the specialist: it correctly adjusts it with the level of its position, give it a light bias towards the plum, mounted the water-filled fittings, ground the metal model (after all, static electricity occurs from the blow of water to the surface). The price of the bath installation is greatly varied. There is a very significant difference between Moscow and the regions. An accommodium dismantling the old bath will cost approximately $ 50, the installation of a new one costs from $ 50 to $ 100 (domestic models) and $ 150-300 (imported). Liegias such services are 2-3 times cheaper.

The editors thanks DOCTOR JET, VILLEROY BOCH, KALDEWEI, OLIVER STOLLEPARTNER, IDEAL STANDARD, "WORLD BAT", as well as the Premier Ceramic Trade System for help in the preparation of the material.

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