And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...


Household meterans: exterior and room devices, installation features, digital weather stations. Recommendations beginner meteorologists.

And he, rebellious, asks the storm ... 13713_1

And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...

And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...
Karl Koch.
And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...
Sea Power
And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...

In addition to the design and technical complexity, meteorics differ in decorative design. The practice of combining pleasant with the useful use of similar dwelling devices

And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...
Sea Power
And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...
Karl Koch.

In everyday life, analog meteorological devices are used to monitor the current state of the weather, find out what kind of street or house temperature, pressure, humidity

And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...

And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...
Karl Koch.

Special category of weather appliances- "for garden and garden". It can be both complex and expensive devices and the simplest devices, such as rainers, with which you can count the amount of precipitation

And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...
The composition of almost all digital meterans is included hours, alarm clock, calendar
And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...
Oregon Scientific

Home monitoring systems for meteorological indicators- Weather stations

And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...
Sea Power
And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...
In the design of souvenir devices is often encountered marine
And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...
Oregon Scientific

The BAR898HG weather station is designed to work both outside and indoors. Valleychychi from analog devices, the digital station console can be transferred from place to place without fear damage the device setting

And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...
In the AWS888N-K model (Oregon Scientific), the weather forecast is displayed in the form of a voiced animation or landscapes with a "climatic plot"
And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...
Oregon Scientific

Station dimensions are comparable to Pocket

And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...
Davis Instruments.

Anemometers are installed on open roofs or hill tip

And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...
Sensors with solar powers are used in many digital weather stations
And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...
Remote humidity sensor and temperature

Few people compare with the Mother-Nature in terms of the number and quality of "surprises", presented per capita. Iikovka Chekhovsky "Case" will not save here. Only knowing about impending cataclysms will help them avoid. As they say, who is warned, it is armed.

In ancient times, people knew well and understood the language of the Nature, the so-called "local signs of the weather", according to which the peasant could definitely predict imposing bad weather. The refined urban resident is usually not understood in such subtleties as the form and nature of the movement of the clouds, the behavior of animals, birds and insects, shades of the sunset, because there is a hydrometeorological center. However, the weather forecast, calculated even by the best scientific luminaires, on the most modern equipment is not always accurate. After all, they constitute it for extensive areas (for example, for Moscow or Moscow region), and "on the spot" the weather may have its shades and features. It is not surprising that people prefer to acquire their own weather prediction devices.

For which there are thermometers and barometers, probably know everything. Less common hygrometers - devices that determine air humidity. Domestic weather stations can also be equipped with anemometers to determine the speed (strength) of the wind and its direction, plviometers (rainers) to measure the amount of precipitation precipitated and some other devices, for example, solar and ultraviolet radiation sensors. We will talk about all these devices today.

Hospitations of a suitable forecast

At first, we will conduct a small "libez for beginners of meteorologists." All weather surveillance devices perform two main functions. First, inform a person about the current state of the weather. Secondly, help draw up by the results of long-term observations of changes in the status of the atmosphere Weather forecast. The second task is much more difficult. To solve it, it is necessary to compare and simultaneously analyze the readings of several devices, such as a barometer, a thermometer, a hygrometer and anemometer. It is even more difficult to draw up medium and long-term weather forecasts. For this, computer simulation of large-scale atmospheric processes is used, which requires a huge amount of data obtained from sensors remote from each other, and using heavy duty computers.

Most devices are released both in "digital" and in a mechanical ("analog) version of the execution. Analog and digital technology have their advantages and applications. For the next case, the technician is characterized by simplicity and reliability. Household analog "thermometers" worth $ 0.5-2 are widespread. Sample window thermometers with a special fastening that simplifies their external installation, the production of companies "Stropribor" (Ukraine), "Thermopor" (Russia), Karlkoch (Germany), as well as thermometers for baths, bathrooms, aquariums, children's IT.D. Along with individual devices, thermohygrometers are produced, barometers with gyggery and clocks, combined in a common case. A special group of analog meterans is souvenir products.

Do not confuse Celsius with Kelvin!

Temperature scale thermometers are different. Fahrenheit (F), Celsius (C) and Kelvin (K), named by the names of their inventors, received the greatest distribution. The Celsius scale was adopted. In the twice points are the melting point of ice (0c) and boiling water at atmospheric pressure of 760 mm of mercury pillar (100c), and the size of the degree is defined as a hundredth part of this interval. Wishkale Kelvin The zero point of reference is "absolute zero", or the minimum possible temperature - its value corresponds to -273 Celsius. Accordingly, 0 Celsius is approximately 273k. The values ​​of degrees in these scales coincide (for example, 100c corresponds to 373k). It is more difficult to deal with the Fahrenheit scale used in the United States. There are tween degrees (0f), the melting point of the mixture of snow and the ammonia corresponds to the melting point, and the 100th temperature of the human body. 0 Celsius is 32 Fahrenheit, 100 Celsius - 212 Fahrenheit IT.D. Such "inconsistencies" significantly makes it difficult to use devices with "not the" scale.

Not only useful, but also beautiful

Choosing household meterans, it is necessary to imagine whether this technique is designed for the outer (street) or room installation. Street and room devices can have a different temperature range. This is especially true for the thermometers for baths and saunas that must withstand strong heating. Street (window) Thermometers can be equipped with different mounting options to the frame. Most often, their housing is equipped with brackets and attached to screws. It is convenient for wooden frames, but not for plastic or aluminum. In the early case, window thermometers on velcro are suitable. Indoor meterans either hang on the wall, or put on the shelf or countertop.

Regardless of the type of instrument, you should pay attention to the convenience of its operation. Mainly it concerns the readability of the scale. The graduation should not be stitched, being a clear and well distinguishable even through the stovered window glass or in the gloom of the steam. Thermometers and other glass devices are rather fragile and should be located outside the access of children. There are also special thermometers for children's housings are performed from durable plastic. For baths and saunas are also available devices with a plastic or wooden case-case. A similar body is not able to warm up and serve the cause of the burn.

Analog meteorological devices are very popular as souvenir products. A variety of variants of thermometers, barometers, hygrometers "in classical performance" offer SEA Power (United Kingdom), Dalvey (Scotland), "Rock" (Russia), Karl Koch, Mingle Instrument (Germany) and other manufacturers. The housings are performed from an oak array, beech, ash, metal parts - copper alloys. The cost of such souvenirs may be different, from $ 20-30 and higher.

Interested in the so-called liquid thermometer of buoyancy, invented by the Italian astronomer Galileo Galileem (1564-1642). This device is a hermetically sealed flask with a liquid, inside which "carries" several multi-colored balls. The balls are alternately plunge when the temperature rises, and pop up again when the fluid in the thermometer is cooled. It looks very impressive. Galileo thermometers are produced by TFA Dostmann (Germany), Viking AB (Sweden), Karl Koch and stand, depending on the size, from $ 10-15 to $ 500-600.

Weather Prediction in Scientific

Digital weather stations used in everyday life, of course, are not able to compete with professional technique with the accuracy of the results obtained, but also cost much cheaper. The most inexpensive models will cost buyers at $ 50-150. Such, for example, products of Oregon Scientific (Hong Kong), TFA Dostmann, Viking AB. The device of this station does not differ in difficulty: the main unit with the processor and the display plus from one to three remote temperature sensors, humidity and pressure.

More expensive and high-quality weather stations are equipped with a large number of sensors, thanks to which the weather forecast is more loyal. So, "serious" models from Oregon Scientific and Davis Instruments (USA) are equipped with anemometers, rainers, solar and ultraviolet measurement sensors. Forecasting is carried out on the basis of atmospheric pressure indicators, wind power, precipitation, temperature, humidity, geographic longitude and latitude. Accordingly, the cost of these stations is noticeably higher and reaches $ 1000-1500. Abroad, such a technique is often used not only by the owners of country cottages, but also at all professional purposes, for example, both equipment of garden and farms.

From each other, weather stations differ not only by the number of sensors and the accuracy of the forecast, but also the appearance of the housing and the display, as well as the presence of additional functions. The housing most often has a strict rectangular shape. More differences in display display. Inserts for visibility are used a variety of pictograms reflecting the nature of weather changes. Be sure to make sure before buying that all pictures are intuitively understandable.

Also evaluate the "readability of" digital information. Among the additional features it is worth named by ultraviolet radiation sensors that can be equipped with BAR933HG weather stations, BAR988HG from Oregon Scientific, Vantage Pro from Davis Instruments, RST-02937 from RST Sweden (Sweden). Such a sensor will be especially useful to sunbathing lovers - with its help, the technique calculates and indicates the display of the time of safe stay in the sun, taking into account the type of skin skin and the sunscreen values ​​of the cream used to them.

Another useful feature is the possibility of connecting to a personal computer - provided, for example, in WMR 928 NX models from Oregon Scientific and Vantage Pro from Davis Instruments. The computer allows you to connect the meteorological stations to the general "meteorological network", analyze the information obtained from the neighbors and compile a more accurate forecast.

And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...
Davis Instruments.

With the help of the ultrasonic "windscreen winder" windscribe "in the field, you can determine the average wind speed, as well as its maximum (with gusts) and the minimum value. The range of measured frequencies is from 0.4 to 150 miles per hour (the device can issue values ​​and in the usual kilometer for Europeans). The main users of this device are athletes (yachtsmen, deltaplaneers IT.D.)

And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...
Photo R. Solomenseva

The well-being of a person depends on the microclimate. So, the most comfortable people are felt at a temperature of 20-26 ° C, relative humidity of 45-65% and a pressure of about 760 mmrt. Heat, low pressure adversely affect the well-being of persons suffering from cardiovascular diseases, increased humidity can cause an aggravation of asthma. For such people, weather stations are just vital

And he, rebellious, asks the storm ...
Davis Instruments.

In the weather station Vantage Pro Plus, the sensor set is made in the form of a single block. For correct operation, temperature and humidity sensors are equipped with overheating protection system equipped with a built-in fan

If the cottage in the sensors ...

The correctness of the meterechikov readings directly depends on how correctly their sensors are located. Please note that in urban environments for the sensors of "serious" weather stations may simply not be suitable. It is not necessary to hang them outside the window, mount an apartment house on the roof, too. Aesley Place sensors incorrectly, weather stations are likely to give obviously incorrect forecasts.

For example, temperature sensors (and conventional street thermometers) cannot be placed under the right rays of the Sun- only in the shade. In any case, it is not recommended to establish them near the heating surfaces, for example, a roof with a frontal coating. The roofs of multi-storey houses are not suitable, because there are powerful convective air flows around the buildings and the daily air temperature will be largely overestimated. It is best to arrange for a temperature sensor Meterechka. This is a small box (approximately 4040 cells) with white, reflecting the light perforated walls, as well as sun and water visor. Meterechka is usually installed at an altitude of 2-2.5 m from the ground, at some distance from all of any significant buildings (the distance to them should not be less than half the elevation of the booth, so that the effect of convection flows is minimized).

Barometers and rainers are also placed close to the surface of the Earth, at a height of about 2m. Avot Anemometers should be raised higher, by 10-20m from the ground. These overheating devices are not afraid, so it is quite logical to fasten them on the ridge of the roof, like ordinary floors. Meteorologists "For the purity of the experiment" establish anemometers on special masts. At the same time, the place for mast should be the most open, without buildings or trees, is better than the hill.

Atmospheric pressure depends on the height above the sea level where the measurement is performed. Therefore, a calibration of an analog barometer is required before using it. It is carried out using an adjusting screw located on the back of the housing. To properly install the device, you must use the readings of another barometer or the weather forecast data. Before removing the testimony to ensure maximum accuracy, you should carefully knock on the glass of the device.

Analog hygrometer must be checked at least once a year. To do this, you need to wrap the device into a wet fabric. After some time, the hygrometer should show 94-96% humidity. If this is not the case, it means that it must be adjusted. Adjustment is carried out by moving the plate fastening plate on the rear wall of the housing.

Most digital weather stations are provided with wireless sensors transmitting information on radio channel. It is convenient, since the owners do not have to break their head where to hide excess wiring. Wireless sensors have different radius of action - from 30 to 100m. As for their service maintenance, it comes down to cleaning the cup of the rainer from randomly hitting her garbage (better, by the way, this device is also located away from trees) and replacing autonomous power batteries. Posnovna sensors are quite economical, the battery is accounted for no more than once a year. But even once a year to climb the roof "On a visit to the anemometer" is not very nice. Therefore, in modern models, anemometers provides for additional power from solar panels. The result of the replacement of the battery is required only once every few years. ABSE The rest of the time you can devote to the study of the mysterious phenomena of nature and the results of your weather station.

The editors thanks the company "Solomon KR", "Laboratory of Home Technologies", LE CADEAU boutique network, Le Futur, Representative Office of Oregon Scientific for help preparing material.

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