Art be stone


Artificial stone in architecture: decorative features of the material and the use of different styles in the interiors.

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Art be stone
Art be stone
Ecolit Trade.
Art be stone
Ecolit Trade.

Facing a fireplace and a fireplace zone- The most traditional scope of application of artificial stone in a modern interior

Art be stone
Art be stone

Artificial stone on the facade externally does not differ from its natural "prototype"

Art be stone
Art be stone
Ecolit Trade.

The combination of a cobblestone and "aged" brick creates a romantic effect

Art be stone
Celsea Group.

In this case, the stone is successfully selected by texture and color.

Art be stone

Walls lined with artificial stone give the modern interior special replicated tattics. In order to emphasize the features of the texture of the stone, the lighting system should be thought out.

Art be stone
Art be stone

Rough or even embossed texture - an excellent way to achieve an underlined expressive expressiveness of the decor

Art be stone
Ecolit Trade.

Large stones masonry combined with refined living room environment

Art be stone
Ecolit Trade.
Art be stone
Art be stone
Villa Da Vinci.

Brick with patina- original contrast with modern furniture

Art be stone
Deco Stone
Art be stone

The effect of "bending" is extremely interesting.

Art be stone
Ecolit Trade.

Another classic reception used by architects and designers: design with artificial stone staircase

Art be stone
Ecolit Trade.

Artificial stone- Comparatively new material, without which it is impossible to imagine modern architecture. It is easy, durable, plastic and at the same time has excellent decorative characteristics.

Repetition passed

Art be stone
Deco StoneFysical and Mechanical Properties and Functional Advantages of Artificial Stone In our magazine, several articles were devoted. This time we decided to turn to his decorative features and concentrate their attention to the interior design. Artificial stone is present in the domestic market over ten years. During this time, a huge practical experience was accumulated, and in the medium of designers and architects, not only traditions were already developed, but also certain stereotypes of using the finishing of this type. In short, it's time to summarize and seriously think about further prospects. Briefly remind of some features of artificial stone manufacturing technology. According to the composition, this material is a type of architectural concrete. Easyness is so valuable when installing installation work (and an artificial stone is about twice as much easier than natural) is achieved by adding special porous fillers (more about this it was stated by the article "The Stone of Your Dream"). Elasticity and strength give materials plasticizers and thermal processing of finished products. Also, artificial stone has a high frost resistance and a fairly low degree of water absorption (some companies handle the surface of their products with hydrophobizers). The cost of the material is 20-50 per 1m2, which is quite acceptable, especially if you compare with the cost of its natural analogue.

Original copy

And yet we admit that the true reason for the popularity of artificial stone is not in its relatively low cost, not in the ease of installation, storage and transportation and not even in good physical and mechanical characteristics. The demanding customer is usually most worried about how accurately the designer managed to realize his wishes and dreams. Artificial stone provides practically unlimited possibilities in this regard. Ikak times because it is artificial.

The pores are known that the concrete keeps the form and with jewelry accuracy copies any texture, whether it is an imprint of a sole or a refined embossed ornament. Thus, the idea to reproduce unique in essence the texture and texture of natural stone did not appear in an empty place. Sleepings made from the most characteristic and expressive samples of one or another breed perform the functions of the forms in which the mixture is poured, after which they are seal by vibration (such technology is called "vibrating"). The result is flat with one and embossed on the other side of the plate, and their thickness, area and configuration are different. Stained concrete in the mass, adding the necessary pigments into the mixture. And, we note, the uniformity of the color is not always included in the number of advantages. Indeed, in nature, the color and texture of the stone are quite rarely homogeneous. Here we, by the way, were touched upon another important important question: any industrial production implies repeatability of products. How then to transfer the unique features inherent in one or another stone: always different motion of marble streaks, layered shale structure, expressive shape of a pebble?

Plates with the same texture and texture are inevitably repeated. Another question, with what frequency it happens. Manufacturers tend to ensure that identical elements are met as less as possible (one repeat by 3-5m2). At the same time, the law of psychological perception is triggered: the look does not exex a single, covering an artistic integer.

Right to independence

When familiarizing with the collections of leading manufacturers, one or another sample with its natural "prototype" can be easily correlated. Hyry and medical limestone, stern gray or iscin-black basalt, polished with water alert ... However, it is not necessary to think that the artificial stone is the material exclusively "imitative". Staining in the mass makes it possible to use pigments of any shades. This, by the way, allows you to abandon the stereotypical presentation, according to which the stone is appropriate only in the interiors weathered in the classic spirit. Bright saturated shades (sometimes even with the effect of phosphoric glow!) They will come up with the supporters of modern styles. In addition, some manufacturers, in addition to staining in the mass, perform additional surface laying of the surface of the finished product. Sometimes with the help of such a reception, the impression of "weathering" stone, noble patina.

We will remind readers that choose the color of the natural stone is extremely difficult, including for quite objective reasons. Blue granite, red Veronian marble, other rare rocks will cost 10-20 times more expensive than successfully coping their concrete.

Overene, about styles!

Describe the features of the use of artificial stone in the interior of a particular style.

Gothizing direction . Gothic in pure form in the modern interior can not be, but the elements of this style are common enough. Fitted stained glass windows, forged screw staircases - all this greatly harmonizes with a decorative design of artificial stone. To finish the base part of the walls and the fireplace zone, samples, imitating a sleek cobblestone, expressive wild stone, grungy limestone, use samples. The necessary "Castle" effect also create door portals and window openings framed by artificial stone. An interesting impression arises as a result of using contrasting colors and textures. The reception is common when part of the wall with "losses" exposes the "ancient" stone masonry.

Classic . Adherents of the classical direction should choose more refined types of finishes, since excessive brutality is not characteristic of the style called exemplary. Facing the walls with an artificial stone in this case is not entirely appropriate (preferably one-photon color plaster). Avot design fireplaces, columns, doors and windows fits perfectly into the style framework. Marble, granite, malachite, onex-noble satellites of this restrained and strict direction.

Modern (AR Nouveau) . An exquisite style with pronounced floral motifs, which is smooth and froomed forms. The more expressive texture of the stone, the more interesting and the nobleness of its texture, the more it is suitable for the interior in the modern style. Traditionally, stone is used for the design of staircases, fireplace portals, as well as to create all sorts of decorative compositions: fountains, podiums, cashpo IT.P.

Country . A cobblestone, sandstone, wild stone will look great in the interior. A tree that is the most important material for this style is perfectly combined with an artificial stone. Moreover, the ease of concrete slabs allows them to be facing with the wooden walls and panels, which is absolutely impossible when using natural stone. Modules are incorrect, desirable rounded form can be placed on plastered walls as decorative inserts. Extremely interesting to the shelves and niches lined with artificial stone.

Modern directions . One of the most fashionable currents "Vintage" - It implies use in the interior of ancient or just old decoration elements. Designers find new techniques, embodying the spirit of charming antiquity in the modern house. Manufacturers offer magnificent samples of brickwork. The wall of the darkened time and even wrapped bricks, places of cracked and, it seems covered with a countercake, is a gift to lovers of romance.

Fusion . "Cocktail" from styles that allows the designer and architect a pleasant liberty. It's time to remember the incredible shades and bold combinations of textures. Allegedly embraced another annoying prejudice, according to which artificial stone is combined only with a certain set of other materials: wood, glass, steel, leather. This is not so! Bright plastic is quite appropriate on the background of masonry fluorescent shades.

Minimalism . A rough, unpolished texture, non-lass natural tones, there must be a stone used to finish the interior in the style of minimalism.

High Tech . Perhaps the most typical example is the use of naked brickwork. Drinking with glass and steel it creates the necessary atmosphere of the factory workshop. Extremely fashionable, stylish, but just as far from the traditional ideas associated with homemade comfort.

MEKHE who knows how to collect stones

We will talk about some collections of the largest domestic manufacturers of artificial stone (firms are alphabetically).

Chelsea Group offers more than twenty collections that differ in both texture and color. Motifs are traditional: laying of medieval castles, limestone, cobblestone, the so-called canyon stone. The models are designed both for external cladding and internal finishing works.

Deco Stone applies double staining: in bulk and surface lescing. Much attention is also paid to the development of curved decorative elements necessary for cladding columns, semicircular walls, shelves of IT.P.

Ecolit Trade introduces in our northern country "architectural traditions of the south of Europe." Inune of Europe, based on the names of individual collections: "Medieval castle. England "," Cobblestone Gray Canyon "," Rustic Booth "," Mountain Gang Wisconsin "," Ohio Limestone ".

EUROKAM is also not afraid to experiment with the color of the samples, while all the shades are sustained in a sufficiently warm gamma. Collections Simbrick, Antibric, Severe, Province IDR. Appropriate both for finishing facades and for interior solutions, especially in the classic spirit.

Foreland (products of this manufacturer was marked in 2004. The platinum medal of the competition "All-Russian Brand. The quality mark of the XXI century") represents a wide range of samples, each of which corresponds to a certain type of natural stone. For example, the River Stone collection reminds us of the historical architecture of the Russian North. From the developments of recent time, we note the exotic series of "PUB" (Puok-elegantly aristocratic architectural style of Indians Maya Peninsula Yucatan, who received spread in about the first millennium to our era). There is no analogues and the "Eastern Limestone" collection. Among other things, it includes samples made by Chinese hieroglyphs, which add up in a beautiful love poem.

Kamrock has developed several original collections: "Booth", "weathered tuff", "rough chill", "dolomite", "ancient layer", "sea breeze", "fairy city", "rocky mountain", "medieval wall", "Old Castle", "Terrai". Two novelties - "Rocky Mountain II" and "Alpine Village". In addition, various types of decorative thin-walled brick are presented. The basis of the classification is taken features of texture and colors (over 430 shades), some "geographical" differences in different rock breeds. B2003g. Products of this manufacturer were marked by a "gold sign of quality".

Rosser offers several types of textures: imitating chip ("torn"), smooth, with furrows - flute, ribrant. Spalitra producers - more than 120 different shades.

Villa Da Vinchi, along with collections that imitate natural stone (such as Talento, Ortiko, "Montebello", "Villazhio", "Castello" IDR.), Represents the original know-how: Slim Brick "Elegant", Modules of which are painted into different intensity of the tone of the same color: from pale and pastel to bright, saturated. Such colored "bricks" can be successfully combined with each other - it will turn out to be multi-colored, but it did not go and the motley panel.

The editorial board thanks Celsea Group, Deco Stone, Ecolit Trade, Eurokam, Foreland, Kamrock, Rosser, Villa Da Vinchi for help preparing material.

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